2021-04-30 20:25:17 +05:30

173 lines
6.9 KiB

* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
import { Location, getLocation, createScanner, SyntaxKind, ScanError, JSONScanner } from 'jsonc-parser';
import { BowerJSONContribution } from './bowerJSONContribution';
import { PackageJSONContribution } from './packageJSONContribution';
import { XHRRequest } from 'request-light';
import {
CompletionItem, CompletionItemProvider, CompletionList, TextDocument, Position, Hover, HoverProvider,
CancellationToken, Range, MarkedString, DocumentSelector, languages, Disposable, Uri
} from 'vscode';
export interface ISuggestionsCollector {
add(suggestion: CompletionItem): void;
error(message: string): void;
log(message: string): void;
setAsIncomplete(): void;
export interface IJSONContribution {
getDocumentSelector(): DocumentSelector;
getInfoContribution(resourceUri: Uri, location: Location): Thenable<MarkedString[] | null> | null;
collectPropertySuggestions(resourceUri: Uri, location: Location, currentWord: string, addValue: boolean, isLast: boolean, result: ISuggestionsCollector): Thenable<any> | null;
collectValueSuggestions(resourceUri: Uri, location: Location, result: ISuggestionsCollector): Thenable<any> | null;
collectDefaultSuggestions(resourceUri: Uri, result: ISuggestionsCollector): Thenable<any>;
resolveSuggestion?(resourceUri: Uri | undefined, item: CompletionItem): Thenable<CompletionItem | null> | null;
export function addJSONProviders(xhr: XHRRequest, npmCommandPath: string | undefined): Disposable {
const contributions = [new PackageJSONContribution(xhr, npmCommandPath), new BowerJSONContribution(xhr)];
const subscriptions: Disposable[] = [];
contributions.forEach(contribution => {
const selector = contribution.getDocumentSelector();
subscriptions.push(languages.registerCompletionItemProvider(selector, new JSONCompletionItemProvider(contribution), '"', ':'));
subscriptions.push(languages.registerHoverProvider(selector, new JSONHoverProvider(contribution)));
return Disposable.from(...subscriptions);
export class JSONHoverProvider implements HoverProvider {
constructor(private jsonContribution: IJSONContribution) {
public provideHover(document: TextDocument, position: Position, _token: CancellationToken): Thenable<Hover> | null {
const offset = document.offsetAt(position);
const location = getLocation(document.getText(), offset);
if (!location.previousNode) {
return null;
const node = location.previousNode;
if (node && node.offset <= offset && offset <= node.offset + node.length) {
const promise = this.jsonContribution.getInfoContribution(document.uri, location);
if (promise) {
return promise.then(htmlContent => {
const range = new Range(document.positionAt(node.offset), document.positionAt(node.offset + node.length));
const result: Hover = {
contents: htmlContent || [],
range: range
return result;
return null;
export class JSONCompletionItemProvider implements CompletionItemProvider {
private lastResource: Uri | undefined;
constructor(private jsonContribution: IJSONContribution) {
public resolveCompletionItem(item: CompletionItem, _token: CancellationToken): Thenable<CompletionItem | null> {
if (this.jsonContribution.resolveSuggestion) {
const resolver = this.jsonContribution.resolveSuggestion(this.lastResource, item);
if (resolver) {
return resolver;
return Promise.resolve(item);
public provideCompletionItems(document: TextDocument, position: Position, _token: CancellationToken): Thenable<CompletionList | null> | null {
this.lastResource = document.uri;
const currentWord = this.getCurrentWord(document, position);
let overwriteRange: Range;
const items: CompletionItem[] = [];
let isIncomplete = false;
const offset = document.offsetAt(position);
const location = getLocation(document.getText(), offset);
const node = location.previousNode;
if (node && node.offset <= offset && offset <= node.offset + node.length && (node.type === 'property' || node.type === 'string' || node.type === 'number' || node.type === 'boolean' || node.type === 'null')) {
overwriteRange = new Range(document.positionAt(node.offset), document.positionAt(node.offset + node.length));
} else {
overwriteRange = new Range(document.positionAt(offset - currentWord.length), position);
const proposed: { [key: string]: boolean } = {};
const collector: ISuggestionsCollector = {
add: (suggestion: CompletionItem) => {
if (!proposed[suggestion.label]) {
proposed[suggestion.label] = true;
suggestion.range = { replacing: overwriteRange, inserting: new Range(overwriteRange.start, overwriteRange.start) };
setAsIncomplete: () => isIncomplete = true,
error: (message: string) => console.error(message),
log: (message: string) => console.log(message)
let collectPromise: Thenable<any> | null = null;
if (location.isAtPropertyKey) {
const scanner = createScanner(document.getText(), true);
const addValue = !location.previousNode || !this.hasColonAfter(scanner, location.previousNode.offset + location.previousNode.length);
const isLast = this.isLast(scanner, document.offsetAt(position));
collectPromise = this.jsonContribution.collectPropertySuggestions(document.uri, location, currentWord, addValue, isLast, collector);
} else {
if (location.path.length === 0) {
collectPromise = this.jsonContribution.collectDefaultSuggestions(document.uri, collector);
} else {
collectPromise = this.jsonContribution.collectValueSuggestions(document.uri, location, collector);
if (collectPromise) {
return collectPromise.then(() => {
if (items.length > 0 || isIncomplete) {
return new CompletionList(items, isIncomplete);
return null;
return null;
private getCurrentWord(document: TextDocument, position: Position) {
let i = position.character - 1;
const text = document.lineAt(position.line).text;
while (i >= 0 && ' \t\n\r\v":{[,'.indexOf(text.charAt(i)) === -1) {
return text.substring(i + 1, position.character);
private isLast(scanner: JSONScanner, offset: number): boolean {
let nextToken = scanner.scan();
if (nextToken === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral && scanner.getTokenError() === ScanError.UnexpectedEndOfString) {
nextToken = scanner.scan();
return nextToken === SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken || nextToken === SyntaxKind.EOF;
private hasColonAfter(scanner: JSONScanner, offset: number): boolean {
return scanner.scan() === SyntaxKind.ColonToken;
export const xhrDisabled = () => Promise.reject({ responseText: 'Use of online resources is disabled.' });