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2016-12-02 07:38:54 +00:00
{{template "header.html" . }}
Happy 100th commit! For the 100th commit, I've revamped a good portion of the user interface, and we don't plan on stopping! There's more to come! Each theme has more of a distinct feel in the control panel now. I moved a large portion of the inline CSS into global.css, tweaked some core code which didn't line up, and added CSS text insertions to make things more flexible. Revamped the alerts interface. We have more changes coming up! Added screenshots for Tempra Cursive and Tempra Conflux Mobile to the README. Added a .htaccess file, just in case someone plops Gosora in Apache's /www/ folder to stop the contents of config.go from becoming publically visible. Never put Gosora in your /www/ folder, Gosora is a standalone program which does NOT use Apache or any other webserver. Fixed a bug in the inline forum editor. Added a hand-written Markdown parser which is much faster than the previous Regex based one. This is still a work in progress. Added support for strikethrough and underline elements to the Markdown parser. Fixed the missing semicolons in global.js Revamped the form CSS. Author bits on the theme manager now link to the author's website. Improved the profiles a little. The code in the stylesheets now have a more consistent style. Fixed a bug in the Cosmo theme relating to the fact that Gosora doesn't have sidebars yet. There are many more changes which aren't listed here. If weirdness regarding lines or spacing occurs, I'm experimenting with a new text editor. I hope to have this fixed by the next commit.
2017-05-29 14:52:37 +00:00
<form id="edit_topic_form" action='/topic/edit/submit/{{.Topic.ID}}?session={{.CurrentUser.Session}}' method="post"></form>
{{if gt .Page 1}}<link rel="prev" href="/topic/{{.Topic.ID}}?page={{subtract .Page 1}}" />
<div id="prevFloat" class="prev_button"><a class="prev_link" aria-label="Go to the previous page" rel="prev" href="/topic/{{.Topic.ID}}?page={{subtract .Page 1}}">&lt;</a></div>{{end}}
Happy 100th commit! For the 100th commit, I've revamped a good portion of the user interface, and we don't plan on stopping! There's more to come! Each theme has more of a distinct feel in the control panel now. I moved a large portion of the inline CSS into global.css, tweaked some core code which didn't line up, and added CSS text insertions to make things more flexible. Revamped the alerts interface. We have more changes coming up! Added screenshots for Tempra Cursive and Tempra Conflux Mobile to the README. Added a .htaccess file, just in case someone plops Gosora in Apache's /www/ folder to stop the contents of config.go from becoming publically visible. Never put Gosora in your /www/ folder, Gosora is a standalone program which does NOT use Apache or any other webserver. Fixed a bug in the inline forum editor. Added a hand-written Markdown parser which is much faster than the previous Regex based one. This is still a work in progress. Added support for strikethrough and underline elements to the Markdown parser. Fixed the missing semicolons in global.js Revamped the form CSS. Author bits on the theme manager now link to the author's website. Improved the profiles a little. The code in the stylesheets now have a more consistent style. Fixed a bug in the Cosmo theme relating to the fact that Gosora doesn't have sidebars yet. There are many more changes which aren't listed here. If weirdness regarding lines or spacing occurs, I'm experimenting with a new text editor. I hope to have this fixed by the next commit.
2017-05-29 14:52:37 +00:00
{{if ne .LastPage .Page}}<link rel="prerender next" href="/topic/{{.Topic.ID}}?page={{add .Page 1}}" />
Happy 100th commit! For the 100th commit, I've revamped a good portion of the user interface, and we don't plan on stopping! There's more to come! Each theme has more of a distinct feel in the control panel now. I moved a large portion of the inline CSS into global.css, tweaked some core code which didn't line up, and added CSS text insertions to make things more flexible. Revamped the alerts interface. We have more changes coming up! Added screenshots for Tempra Cursive and Tempra Conflux Mobile to the README. Added a .htaccess file, just in case someone plops Gosora in Apache's /www/ folder to stop the contents of config.go from becoming publically visible. Never put Gosora in your /www/ folder, Gosora is a standalone program which does NOT use Apache or any other webserver. Fixed a bug in the inline forum editor. Added a hand-written Markdown parser which is much faster than the previous Regex based one. This is still a work in progress. Added support for strikethrough and underline elements to the Markdown parser. Fixed the missing semicolons in global.js Revamped the form CSS. Author bits on the theme manager now link to the author's website. Improved the profiles a little. The code in the stylesheets now have a more consistent style. Fixed a bug in the Cosmo theme relating to the fact that Gosora doesn't have sidebars yet. There are many more changes which aren't listed here. If weirdness regarding lines or spacing occurs, I'm experimenting with a new text editor. I hope to have this fixed by the next commit.
2017-05-29 14:52:37 +00:00
<div id="nextFloat" class="next_button">
<a class="next_link" aria-label="Go to the next page" rel="next" href="/topic/{{.Topic.ID}}?page={{add .Page 1}}">&gt;</a>
Happy 100th commit! For the 100th commit, I've revamped a good portion of the user interface, and we don't plan on stopping! There's more to come! Each theme has more of a distinct feel in the control panel now. I moved a large portion of the inline CSS into global.css, tweaked some core code which didn't line up, and added CSS text insertions to make things more flexible. Revamped the alerts interface. We have more changes coming up! Added screenshots for Tempra Cursive and Tempra Conflux Mobile to the README. Added a .htaccess file, just in case someone plops Gosora in Apache's /www/ folder to stop the contents of config.go from becoming publically visible. Never put Gosora in your /www/ folder, Gosora is a standalone program which does NOT use Apache or any other webserver. Fixed a bug in the inline forum editor. Added a hand-written Markdown parser which is much faster than the previous Regex based one. This is still a work in progress. Added support for strikethrough and underline elements to the Markdown parser. Fixed the missing semicolons in global.js Revamped the form CSS. Author bits on the theme manager now link to the author's website. Improved the profiles a little. The code in the stylesheets now have a more consistent style. Fixed a bug in the Cosmo theme relating to the fact that Gosora doesn't have sidebars yet. There are many more changes which aren't listed here. If weirdness regarding lines or spacing occurs, I'm experimenting with a new text editor. I hope to have this fixed by the next commit.
2017-05-29 14:52:37 +00:00
<div class="rowblock rowhead topic_block" aria-label="The opening post of this topic">
<div class="rowitem topic_item{{if .Topic.Sticky}} topic_sticky_head{{else if .Topic.IsClosed}} topic_closed_head{{end}}">
<h1 class='topic_name hide_on_edit'>{{.Topic.Title}}</h1>
{{if .Topic.IsClosed}}<span class='username hide_on_micro topic_status_e topic_status_closed hide_on_edit' title='Status: Closed'>&#x1F512;&#xFE0E</span>{{end}}
{{if .CurrentUser.Perms.EditTopic}}
<input form='edit_topic_form' class='show_on_edit topic_name_input' name="topic_name" value='{{.Topic.Title}}' type="text" />
<button form='edit_topic_form' name="topic-button" class="formbutton show_on_edit submit_edit">Update</button>
2016-12-02 07:38:54 +00:00
<article class="rowblock post_container poll">
<div class="rowitem passive editable_parent post_item poll_item {{.Topic.ClassName}}" style="background-image: url({{.Topic.Avatar}}), url(/static/{{.Header.Theme.Name}}/post-avatar-bg.jpg);background-position: 0px {{if le .Topic.ContentLines 5}}-1{{end}}0px;background-repeat:no-repeat, repeat-y;">
<div class="topic_content user_content" style="margin:0;padding:0;">
{{range .Poll.QuickOptions}}
<div class="poll_option">
<input form="poll_{{$.Poll.ID}}_form" id="poll_option_{{.ID}}" name="poll_option_input" type="checkbox" value="{{.ID}}" />
<label class="poll_option_label" for="poll_option_{{.ID}}">
<div class="sel"></div>
<span id="poll_option_text_{{.ID}}" class="poll_option_text">{{.Value}}</span>
<div class="poll_buttons">
<button form="poll_{{.Poll.ID}}_form" class="poll_vote_button">Vote</button>
<button class="poll_results_button" data-poll-id="{{.Poll.ID}}">Results</button>
<a href="#"><button class="poll_cancel_button">Cancel</button></a>
<div id="poll_results_{{.Poll.ID}}" class="poll_results auto_hide">
<div class="topic_content user_content"></div>
<article itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/CreativeWork" class="rowblock post_container top_post" aria-label="The opening post for this topic">
<div class="rowitem passive editable_parent post_item {{.Topic.ClassName}}" style="background-image: url({{.Topic.Avatar}}), url(/static/{{.Header.Theme.Name}}/post-avatar-bg.jpg);background-position: 0px {{if le .Topic.ContentLines 5}}-1{{end}}0px;background-repeat:no-repeat, repeat-y;">
<p class="hide_on_edit topic_content user_content" itemprop="text" style="margin:0;padding:0;">{{.Topic.ContentHTML}}</p>
<textarea name="topic_content" class="show_on_edit topic_content_input">{{.Topic.Content}}</textarea>
<span class="controls" aria-label="Controls and Author Information">
<a href="{{.Topic.UserLink}}" class="username real_username" rel="author">{{.Topic.CreatedByName}}</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
{{if .CurrentUser.Perms.LikeItem}}<a href="/topic/like/submit/{{.Topic.ID}}?session={{.CurrentUser.Session}}" class="mod_button" title="Love it" {{if .Topic.Liked}}aria-label="Unlike this topic"{{else}}aria-label="Like this topic"{{end}} style="color:#202020;">
<button class="username like_label"{{if .Topic.Liked}} style="background-color:#D6FFD6;"{{end}}></button></a>{{end}}
{{if .CurrentUser.Perms.EditTopic}}<a href='/topic/edit/{{.Topic.ID}}' class="mod_button open_edit" style="font-weight:normal;" title="Edit Topic" aria-label="Edit this topic"><button class="username edit_label"></button></a>{{end}}
{{if .CurrentUser.Perms.DeleteTopic}}<a href='/topic/delete/submit/{{.Topic.ID}}?session={{.CurrentUser.Session}}' class="mod_button" style="font-weight:normal;" title="Delete Topic" aria-label="Delete this topic"><button class="username trash_label"></button></a>{{end}}
{{if .CurrentUser.Perms.CloseTopic}}{{if .Topic.IsClosed}}<a class="mod_button" href='/topic/unlock/submit/{{.Topic.ID}}?session={{.CurrentUser.Session}}' style="font-weight:normal;" title="Unlock Topic" aria-label="Unlock this topic"><button class="username unlock_label"></button></a>{{else}}<a href='/topic/lock/submit/{{.Topic.ID}}?session={{.CurrentUser.Session}}' class="mod_button" style="font-weight:normal;" title="Lock Topic" aria-label="Lock this topic"><button class="username lock_label"></button></a>{{end}}{{end}}
{{if .CurrentUser.Perms.PinTopic}}{{if .Topic.Sticky}}<a class="mod_button" href='/topic/unstick/submit/{{.Topic.ID}}?session={{.CurrentUser.Session}}' style="font-weight:normal;" title="Unpin Topic" aria-label="Unpin this topic"><button class="username unpin_label"></button></a>{{else}}<a href='/topic/stick/submit/{{.Topic.ID}}?session={{.CurrentUser.Session}}' class="mod_button" style="font-weight:normal;" title="Pin Topic" aria-label="Pin this topic"><button class="username pin_label"></button></a>{{end}}{{end}}
{{if .CurrentUser.Perms.ViewIPs}}<a class="mod_button" href='/users/ips/?ip={{.Topic.IPAddress}}' style="font-weight:normal;" title="View IP" aria-label="The poster's IP is {{.Topic.IPAddress}}"><button class="username ip_label"></button></a>{{end}}
<a href="/report/submit/{{.Topic.ID}}?session={{.CurrentUser.Session}}&type=topic" class="mod_button report_item" style="font-weight:normal;" title="Flag this topic" aria-label="Flag this topic" rel="nofollow"><button class="username flag_label"></button></a>
{{if .Topic.LikeCount}}<a class="username hide_on_micro like_count" aria-label="The number of likes on this topic">{{.Topic.LikeCount}}</a><a class="username hide_on_micro like_count_label" title="Like Count"></a>{{end}}
{{if .Topic.Tag}}<a class="username hide_on_micro user_tag">{{.Topic.Tag}}</a>{{else}}<a class="username hide_on_micro level" aria-label="The poster's level">{{.Topic.Level}}</a><a class="username hide_on_micro level_label" style="float:right;" title="Level"></a>{{end}}
Happy 100th commit! For the 100th commit, I've revamped a good portion of the user interface, and we don't plan on stopping! There's more to come! Each theme has more of a distinct feel in the control panel now. I moved a large portion of the inline CSS into global.css, tweaked some core code which didn't line up, and added CSS text insertions to make things more flexible. Revamped the alerts interface. We have more changes coming up! Added screenshots for Tempra Cursive and Tempra Conflux Mobile to the README. Added a .htaccess file, just in case someone plops Gosora in Apache's /www/ folder to stop the contents of config.go from becoming publically visible. Never put Gosora in your /www/ folder, Gosora is a standalone program which does NOT use Apache or any other webserver. Fixed a bug in the inline forum editor. Added a hand-written Markdown parser which is much faster than the previous Regex based one. This is still a work in progress. Added support for strikethrough and underline elements to the Markdown parser. Fixed the missing semicolons in global.js Revamped the form CSS. Author bits on the theme manager now link to the author's website. Improved the profiles a little. The code in the stylesheets now have a more consistent style. Fixed a bug in the Cosmo theme relating to the fact that Gosora doesn't have sidebars yet. There are many more changes which aren't listed here. If weirdness regarding lines or spacing occurs, I'm experimenting with a new text editor. I hope to have this fixed by the next commit.
2017-05-29 14:52:37 +00:00
2016-12-02 07:38:54 +00:00
<div class="rowblock post_container" aria-label="The current page for this topic" style="overflow: hidden;">{{range .ItemList}}{{if .ActionType}}
<article itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/CreativeWork" class="rowitem passive deletable_block editable_parent post_item action_item">
<span class="action_icon" style="font-size: 18px;padding-right: 5px;">{{.ActionIcon}}</span>
<span itemprop="text">{{.ActionType}}</span>
<article itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/CreativeWork" class="rowitem passive deletable_block editable_parent post_item {{.ClassName}}" style="background-image: url({{.Avatar}}), url(/static/{{$.Header.Theme.Name}}/post-avatar-bg.jpg);background-position: 0px {{if le .ContentLines 5}}-1{{end}}0px;background-repeat:no-repeat, repeat-y;">
{{/** TODO: We might end up with <br>s in the inline editor, fix this **/}}
<p class="editable_block user_content" itemprop="text" style="margin:0;padding:0;">{{.ContentHtml}}</p>
Happy 100th commit! For the 100th commit, I've revamped a good portion of the user interface, and we don't plan on stopping! There's more to come! Each theme has more of a distinct feel in the control panel now. I moved a large portion of the inline CSS into global.css, tweaked some core code which didn't line up, and added CSS text insertions to make things more flexible. Revamped the alerts interface. We have more changes coming up! Added screenshots for Tempra Cursive and Tempra Conflux Mobile to the README. Added a .htaccess file, just in case someone plops Gosora in Apache's /www/ folder to stop the contents of config.go from becoming publically visible. Never put Gosora in your /www/ folder, Gosora is a standalone program which does NOT use Apache or any other webserver. Fixed a bug in the inline forum editor. Added a hand-written Markdown parser which is much faster than the previous Regex based one. This is still a work in progress. Added support for strikethrough and underline elements to the Markdown parser. Fixed the missing semicolons in global.js Revamped the form CSS. Author bits on the theme manager now link to the author's website. Improved the profiles a little. The code in the stylesheets now have a more consistent style. Fixed a bug in the Cosmo theme relating to the fact that Gosora doesn't have sidebars yet. There are many more changes which aren't listed here. If weirdness regarding lines or spacing occurs, I'm experimenting with a new text editor. I hope to have this fixed by the next commit.
2017-05-29 14:52:37 +00:00
<span class="controls">
<a href="{{.UserLink}}" class="username real_username" rel="author">{{.CreatedByName}}</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
{{if $.CurrentUser.Perms.LikeItem}}<a href="/reply/like/submit/{{.ID}}?session={{$.CurrentUser.Session}}" class="mod_button" title="Love it" style="color:#202020;"><button class="username like_label"{{if .Liked}} style="background-color:#D6FFD6;"{{end}}></button></a>{{end}}
{{if $.CurrentUser.Perms.EditReply}}<a href="/reply/edit/submit/{{.ID}}?session={{$.CurrentUser.Session}}" class="mod_button" title="Edit Reply"><button class="username edit_item edit_label"></button></a>{{end}}
{{if $.CurrentUser.Perms.DeleteReply}}<a href="/reply/delete/submit/{{.ID}}?session={{$.CurrentUser.Session}}" class="mod_button" title="Delete Reply"><button class="username delete_item trash_label"></button></a>{{end}}
{{if $.CurrentUser.Perms.ViewIPs}}<a class="mod_button" href='/users/ips/?ip={{.IPAddress}}' style="font-weight:normal;" title="View IP"><button class="username ip_label"></button></a>{{end}}
<a href="/report/submit/{{.ID}}?session={{$.CurrentUser.Session}}&type=reply" class="mod_button report_item" title="Flag this reply" aria-label="Flag this reply" rel="nofollow"><button class="username report_item flag_label"></button></a>
Happy 100th commit! For the 100th commit, I've revamped a good portion of the user interface, and we don't plan on stopping! There's more to come! Each theme has more of a distinct feel in the control panel now. I moved a large portion of the inline CSS into global.css, tweaked some core code which didn't line up, and added CSS text insertions to make things more flexible. Revamped the alerts interface. We have more changes coming up! Added screenshots for Tempra Cursive and Tempra Conflux Mobile to the README. Added a .htaccess file, just in case someone plops Gosora in Apache's /www/ folder to stop the contents of config.go from becoming publically visible. Never put Gosora in your /www/ folder, Gosora is a standalone program which does NOT use Apache or any other webserver. Fixed a bug in the inline forum editor. Added a hand-written Markdown parser which is much faster than the previous Regex based one. This is still a work in progress. Added support for strikethrough and underline elements to the Markdown parser. Fixed the missing semicolons in global.js Revamped the form CSS. Author bits on the theme manager now link to the author's website. Improved the profiles a little. The code in the stylesheets now have a more consistent style. Fixed a bug in the Cosmo theme relating to the fact that Gosora doesn't have sidebars yet. There are many more changes which aren't listed here. If weirdness regarding lines or spacing occurs, I'm experimenting with a new text editor. I hope to have this fixed by the next commit.
2017-05-29 14:52:37 +00:00
{{if .LikeCount}}<a class="username hide_on_micro like_count">{{.LikeCount}}</a><a class="username hide_on_micro like_count_label" title="Like Count"></a>{{end}}
{{if .Tag}}<a class="username hide_on_micro user_tag">{{.Tag}}</a>{{else}}<a class="username hide_on_micro level">{{.Level}}</a><a class="username hide_on_micro level_label" style="float:right;" title="Level"></a>{{end}}
Happy 100th commit! For the 100th commit, I've revamped a good portion of the user interface, and we don't plan on stopping! There's more to come! Each theme has more of a distinct feel in the control panel now. I moved a large portion of the inline CSS into global.css, tweaked some core code which didn't line up, and added CSS text insertions to make things more flexible. Revamped the alerts interface. We have more changes coming up! Added screenshots for Tempra Cursive and Tempra Conflux Mobile to the README. Added a .htaccess file, just in case someone plops Gosora in Apache's /www/ folder to stop the contents of config.go from becoming publically visible. Never put Gosora in your /www/ folder, Gosora is a standalone program which does NOT use Apache or any other webserver. Fixed a bug in the inline forum editor. Added a hand-written Markdown parser which is much faster than the previous Regex based one. This is still a work in progress. Added support for strikethrough and underline elements to the Markdown parser. Fixed the missing semicolons in global.js Revamped the form CSS. Author bits on the theme manager now link to the author's website. Improved the profiles a little. The code in the stylesheets now have a more consistent style. Fixed a bug in the Cosmo theme relating to the fact that Gosora doesn't have sidebars yet. There are many more changes which aren't listed here. If weirdness regarding lines or spacing occurs, I'm experimenting with a new text editor. I hope to have this fixed by the next commit.
2017-05-29 14:52:37 +00:00
{{if .CurrentUser.Perms.CreateReply}}
<div class="rowblock topic_reply_form quick_create_form">
<form id="quick_post_form" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/reply/create/?session={{.CurrentUser.Session}}" method="post"></form>
<input form="quick_post_form" name="tid" value='{{.Topic.ID}}' type="hidden" />
<input form="quick_post_form" id="has_poll_input" name="has_poll" value="0" type="hidden" />
<div class="formrow real_first_child">
<div class="formitem">
<textarea id="input_content" form="quick_post_form" name="reply-content" placeholder="Insert reply here" required></textarea>
<div class="formrow poll_content_row auto_hide">
<div class="formitem">
<div class="pollinput" data-pollinput="0">
<input type="checkbox" disabled />
<label class="pollinputlabel"></label>
<input form="quick_post_form" name="pollinputitem[0]" class="pollinputinput" type="text" placeholder="Add new poll option" />
2016-12-02 07:38:54 +00:00
<div class="formrow quick_button_row">
<div class="formitem">
<button form="quick_post_form" name="reply-button" class="formbutton">Create Reply</button>
<button form="quick_post_form" class="formbutton" id="add_poll_button">Add Poll</button>
{{if .CurrentUser.Perms.UploadFiles}}
<input name="upload_files" form="quick_post_form" id="upload_files" multiple type="file" style="display: none;" />
<label for="upload_files" class="formbutton add_file_button">Add File</label>
<div id="upload_file_dock"></div>{{end}}
2016-12-02 07:38:54 +00:00
2016-12-02 07:38:54 +00:00
{{template "footer.html" . }}