
131 lines
4.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

package routes
import (
c "github.com/Azareal/Gosora/common"
type ForumStmts struct {
getTopics *sql.Stmt
var forumStmts ForumStmts
// TODO: Move these DbInits into *Forum as Topics()
func init() {
c.DbInits.Add(func(acc *qgen.Accumulator) error {
forumStmts = ForumStmts{
You can now manage the attachments for an opening post by hitting edit. The update system now uses the database as the source of truth for the last version rather than lastSchema.json Refactored several structs and bits of code, so we can avoid allocations for contexts where we never use a relative time. Clicking on the relative times on the topic list and the forum page should now take you to the post on the last page rather than just the last page. Added the reltime template function. Fixed some obsolete bits of code. Fixed some spelling mistakes. Fixed a bug where MaxBytesReader was capped at the maxFileSize rather than r.ContentLength. All of the client side templates should work again now. Shortened some statement names to save some horizontal space. accUpdateBuilder and SimpleUpdate now use updatePrebuilder behind the scenes to simplify things. Renamed selectItem to builder in AccSelectBuilder. Added a Total() method to accCountBuilder to reduce the amount of boilerplate used for row count queries. The "_builder" strings have been replaced with empty strings to help save memory, to make things slightly faster and to open the door to removing the query name in many contexts down the line. Added the open_edit and close_edit client hooks. Removed many query name checks. Split the attachment logic into separate functions and de-duplicated it between replies and topics. Improved the UI for editing topics in Nox. Used type aliases to reduce the amount of boilerplate in tables.go and patches.go Reduced the amount of boilerplate in the action post logic. Eliminated a map and a slice in the topic page for users who haven't given any likes. E.g. Guests. Fixed some long out-dated parts of the update instructions. Updated the update instructions to remove mention of the obsolete lastSchema.json Fixed a bug in init.js where /api/me was being loaded for guests. Added the MiniTopicGet, GlobalCount and CountInTopic methods to AttachmentStore. Added the MiniAttachment struct. Split the mod floaters out into their own template to reduce duplication. Removed a couple of redundant ParseForms. Added the common.skipUntilIfExistsOrLine function. Added the NotFoundJS and NotFoundJSQ functions. Added the lastReplyID and attachCount columns to the topics table.
2018-12-27 05:42:41 +00:00
getTopics: acc.Select("topics").Columns("tid, title, content, createdBy, is_closed, sticky, createdAt, lastReplyAt, lastReplyBy, lastReplyID, parentID, views, postCount, likeCount").Where("parentID = ?").Orderby("sticky DESC, lastReplyAt DESC, createdBy DESC").Limit("?,?").Prepare(),
return acc.FirstError()
The Search and Filter Widget is now partly implemented. Just Search to go in the basic implementation. Added AJAX Pagination for the Topic List and Forum Page. A new log file pair is now created every-time Gosora starts up. Added proper per-theme template overrides. Added EasyJSON to make JSON serialisation faster. Moved a bit of boilerplate into paginator.html Improved paginator.html with a richer template with first, last and symbols instead of text. Phased out direct access to Templates.ExecuteTemplate across the software. Fixed the Live Topic List so it should work again. Added MicroAvatar to WsJSONUser for topic list JSON requests. An instance of the plugin is now passed to plugin handlers rather than having the plugins manipulate the globals directly. Added the pre_render_panel_forum_edit and pre_render_panel_forum_edit_perms hooks to replace pre_render_panel_edit_forum. Renamed the pre_render_panel_edit_user hook to pre_render_panel_user_edit Reduced the amount of noise from fsnotify. Added RawPrepare() to qgen.Accumulator. Added a temporary phrase whitelist to the phrase endpoint. Moved the location of the zone data assignments in the topic list to reduce the chances of security issues in the future. Changed the signature of routes/panel/renderTemplate() requiring some changes across the panel routes. Removed bits of boilerplate in some of the panel routes with renderTemplate() Added a BenchmarkTopicsGuestJSRouteParallelWithRouter benchmark. Removed a fair bit of boilerplate for each page struct by generating a couple of interface casts for each template file instead. Added the profile_comments_row_alt template. Added the topics_quick_topic template to reuse part of the quick topic logic for both the topic list and forum page. Tweaked the CSS for the Online Users Widget. Tweaked the CSS for Widgets in every theme with a sidebar. Refactored the template initialisers to hopefully reduce the amount of boilerplate and make things easier to maintain and follow. Add genIntTmpl in the template initialiser file to reduce the amount of boilerplate needed for the fallback template bindings. Removed the topics_head phrase. Moved the paginator_ phrases into the paginator. namespace and renamed them accordingly. Added the paginator.first_page phrase. Added the paginator.first_page_aria phrase. Added the paginator.last_page phrase. Added the paginator.last_page_aria phrase. Added the panel_forum_delete_are_you_sure phrase. Fixed a data race in LogWarning()
2019-02-10 05:52:26 +00:00
// TODO: Retire this in favour of an alias for /topics/?
func ViewForum(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user c.User, header *c.Header, sfid string) c.RouteError {
page, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue("page"))
_, fid, err := ParseSEOURL(sfid)
if err != nil {
return c.PreError(phrases.GetErrorPhrase("url_id_must_be_integer"), w, r)
ferr := c.ForumUserCheck(header, w, r, &user, fid)
if ferr != nil {
return ferr
if !user.Perms.ViewTopic {
return c.NoPermissions(w, r, user)
header.Path = "/forums/"
// TODO: Fix this double-check
forum, err := c.Forums.Get(fid)
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return c.NotFound(w, r, header)
} else if err != nil {
return c.InternalError(err, w, r)
UNSTABLE: Began work on the Nox Theme. Removed the Tempra Cursive Theme. You can now do bulk moderation actions with Shadow. Added: Argon2 as a dependency. The EmailStore. The ReportStore. The Copy method to *Setting. The AddColumn method to the query builder and adapters. The textarea setting type. More logging to better debug issues. The GetOffset method to the UserStore. Removed: Sortable from Code Climate's Analysis. MemberCheck and memberCheck as they're obsolete now. The obsolete url_tags setting. The BcryptGeneratePasswordNoSalt function. Some redundant fields from some of the page structs. Revamped: The Control Panel Setting List and Editor. Refactored: The password hashing logic to make it more amenable to multiple hashing algorithms. The email portion of the Account Manager. The Control Panel User List. The report system. simplePanelUserCheck and simpleUserCheck to remove the duplicated logic as the two do the exact same thing. Fixed: Missing slugs in the profile links in the User Manager. A few template initialisers potentially reducing the number of odd template edge cases. Some problems with the footer. Custom selection colour not applying to images on Shadow. The avatars of the bottom row of the topic list on Conflux leaking out. Other: Moved the startTime variable into package common and exported it. Moved the password hashing logic from user.go to auth.go Split common/themes.go into common/theme.go and common/theme_list.go Replaced the SettingLabels phrase category with the more generic SettingPhrases category. Moved a load of routes, including panel ones into the routes and panel packages. Hid the notifications link from the Account Menu. Moved more inline CSS into the CSS files and made things a little more flexible here and there. Continued work on PgSQL, still a ways away. Guests now have a default avatar like everyone else. Tweaked some of the font sizes on Cosora to make the text look a little nicer. Partially implemented the theme dock override logic. Partially implemented a "symlink" like feature for theme directories. ... And a bunch of other things I might have missed. You will need to run this update script / patcher for this commit. Warning: This is an "unstable commit", therefore some things may be a little less stable than I'd like. For instance, the Shadow Theme is a little broken in this commit.
2018-05-27 09:36:35 +00:00
header.Title = forum.Name
header.OGDesc = forum.Desc
// TODO: Does forum.TopicCount take the deleted items into consideration for guests? We don't have soft-delete yet, only hard-delete
offset, page, lastPage := c.PageOffset(forum.TopicCount, page, c.Config.ItemsPerPage)
// TODO: Move this to *Forum
rows, err := forumStmts.getTopics.Query(fid, offset, c.Config.ItemsPerPage)
if err != nil {
return c.InternalError(err, w, r)
defer rows.Close()
// TODO: Use something other than TopicsRow as we don't need to store the forum name and link on each and every topic item?
var topicList []*c.TopicsRow
var reqUserList = make(map[int]bool)
for rows.Next() {
var topicItem = c.TopicsRow{ID: 0}
You can now manage the attachments for an opening post by hitting edit. The update system now uses the database as the source of truth for the last version rather than lastSchema.json Refactored several structs and bits of code, so we can avoid allocations for contexts where we never use a relative time. Clicking on the relative times on the topic list and the forum page should now take you to the post on the last page rather than just the last page. Added the reltime template function. Fixed some obsolete bits of code. Fixed some spelling mistakes. Fixed a bug where MaxBytesReader was capped at the maxFileSize rather than r.ContentLength. All of the client side templates should work again now. Shortened some statement names to save some horizontal space. accUpdateBuilder and SimpleUpdate now use updatePrebuilder behind the scenes to simplify things. Renamed selectItem to builder in AccSelectBuilder. Added a Total() method to accCountBuilder to reduce the amount of boilerplate used for row count queries. The "_builder" strings have been replaced with empty strings to help save memory, to make things slightly faster and to open the door to removing the query name in many contexts down the line. Added the open_edit and close_edit client hooks. Removed many query name checks. Split the attachment logic into separate functions and de-duplicated it between replies and topics. Improved the UI for editing topics in Nox. Used type aliases to reduce the amount of boilerplate in tables.go and patches.go Reduced the amount of boilerplate in the action post logic. Eliminated a map and a slice in the topic page for users who haven't given any likes. E.g. Guests. Fixed some long out-dated parts of the update instructions. Updated the update instructions to remove mention of the obsolete lastSchema.json Fixed a bug in init.js where /api/me was being loaded for guests. Added the MiniTopicGet, GlobalCount and CountInTopic methods to AttachmentStore. Added the MiniAttachment struct. Split the mod floaters out into their own template to reduce duplication. Removed a couple of redundant ParseForms. Added the common.skipUntilIfExistsOrLine function. Added the NotFoundJS and NotFoundJSQ functions. Added the lastReplyID and attachCount columns to the topics table.
2018-12-27 05:42:41 +00:00
err := rows.Scan(&topicItem.ID, &topicItem.Title, &topicItem.Content, &topicItem.CreatedBy, &topicItem.IsClosed, &topicItem.Sticky, &topicItem.CreatedAt, &topicItem.LastReplyAt, &topicItem.LastReplyBy, &topicItem.LastReplyID, &topicItem.ParentID, &topicItem.ViewCount, &topicItem.PostCount, &topicItem.LikeCount)
if err != nil {
return c.InternalError(err, w, r)
topicItem.Link = c.BuildTopicURL(c.NameToSlug(topicItem.Title), topicItem.ID)
// TODO: Create a specialised function with a bit less overhead for getting the last page for a post count
_, _, lastPage := c.PageOffset(topicItem.PostCount, 1, c.Config.ItemsPerPage)
topicItem.LastPage = lastPage
header.Hooks.VhookNoRet("forum_trow_assign", &topicItem, &forum)
topicList = append(topicList, &topicItem)
reqUserList[topicItem.CreatedBy] = true
reqUserList[topicItem.LastReplyBy] = true
err = rows.Err()
if err != nil {
return c.InternalError(err, w, r)
// Convert the user ID map to a slice, then bulk load the users
var idSlice = make([]int, len(reqUserList))
var i int
for userID := range reqUserList {
idSlice[i] = userID
// TODO: What if a user is deleted via the Control Panel?
userList, err := c.Users.BulkGetMap(idSlice)
if err != nil {
return c.InternalError(err, w, r)
// Second pass to the add the user data
// TODO: Use a pointer to TopicsRow instead of TopicsRow itself?
for _, topicItem := range topicList {
topicItem.Creator = userList[topicItem.CreatedBy]
topicItem.LastUser = userList[topicItem.LastReplyBy]
The Search and Filter Widget is now partly implemented. Just Search to go in the basic implementation. Added AJAX Pagination for the Topic List and Forum Page. A new log file pair is now created every-time Gosora starts up. Added proper per-theme template overrides. Added EasyJSON to make JSON serialisation faster. Moved a bit of boilerplate into paginator.html Improved paginator.html with a richer template with first, last and symbols instead of text. Phased out direct access to Templates.ExecuteTemplate across the software. Fixed the Live Topic List so it should work again. Added MicroAvatar to WsJSONUser for topic list JSON requests. An instance of the plugin is now passed to plugin handlers rather than having the plugins manipulate the globals directly. Added the pre_render_panel_forum_edit and pre_render_panel_forum_edit_perms hooks to replace pre_render_panel_edit_forum. Renamed the pre_render_panel_edit_user hook to pre_render_panel_user_edit Reduced the amount of noise from fsnotify. Added RawPrepare() to qgen.Accumulator. Added a temporary phrase whitelist to the phrase endpoint. Moved the location of the zone data assignments in the topic list to reduce the chances of security issues in the future. Changed the signature of routes/panel/renderTemplate() requiring some changes across the panel routes. Removed bits of boilerplate in some of the panel routes with renderTemplate() Added a BenchmarkTopicsGuestJSRouteParallelWithRouter benchmark. Removed a fair bit of boilerplate for each page struct by generating a couple of interface casts for each template file instead. Added the profile_comments_row_alt template. Added the topics_quick_topic template to reuse part of the quick topic logic for both the topic list and forum page. Tweaked the CSS for the Online Users Widget. Tweaked the CSS for Widgets in every theme with a sidebar. Refactored the template initialisers to hopefully reduce the amount of boilerplate and make things easier to maintain and follow. Add genIntTmpl in the template initialiser file to reduce the amount of boilerplate needed for the fallback template bindings. Removed the topics_head phrase. Moved the paginator_ phrases into the paginator. namespace and renamed them accordingly. Added the paginator.first_page phrase. Added the paginator.first_page_aria phrase. Added the paginator.last_page phrase. Added the paginator.last_page_aria phrase. Added the panel_forum_delete_are_you_sure phrase. Fixed a data race in LogWarning()
2019-02-10 05:52:26 +00:00
header.Zone = "view_forum"
header.ZoneID = forum.ID
// TODO: Reduce the amount of boilerplate here
if r.FormValue("js") == "1" {
outBytes, err := wsTopicList(topicList, lastPage).MarshalJSON()
The Search and Filter Widget is now partly implemented. Just Search to go in the basic implementation. Added AJAX Pagination for the Topic List and Forum Page. A new log file pair is now created every-time Gosora starts up. Added proper per-theme template overrides. Added EasyJSON to make JSON serialisation faster. Moved a bit of boilerplate into paginator.html Improved paginator.html with a richer template with first, last and symbols instead of text. Phased out direct access to Templates.ExecuteTemplate across the software. Fixed the Live Topic List so it should work again. Added MicroAvatar to WsJSONUser for topic list JSON requests. An instance of the plugin is now passed to plugin handlers rather than having the plugins manipulate the globals directly. Added the pre_render_panel_forum_edit and pre_render_panel_forum_edit_perms hooks to replace pre_render_panel_edit_forum. Renamed the pre_render_panel_edit_user hook to pre_render_panel_user_edit Reduced the amount of noise from fsnotify. Added RawPrepare() to qgen.Accumulator. Added a temporary phrase whitelist to the phrase endpoint. Moved the location of the zone data assignments in the topic list to reduce the chances of security issues in the future. Changed the signature of routes/panel/renderTemplate() requiring some changes across the panel routes. Removed bits of boilerplate in some of the panel routes with renderTemplate() Added a BenchmarkTopicsGuestJSRouteParallelWithRouter benchmark. Removed a fair bit of boilerplate for each page struct by generating a couple of interface casts for each template file instead. Added the profile_comments_row_alt template. Added the topics_quick_topic template to reuse part of the quick topic logic for both the topic list and forum page. Tweaked the CSS for the Online Users Widget. Tweaked the CSS for Widgets in every theme with a sidebar. Refactored the template initialisers to hopefully reduce the amount of boilerplate and make things easier to maintain and follow. Add genIntTmpl in the template initialiser file to reduce the amount of boilerplate needed for the fallback template bindings. Removed the topics_head phrase. Moved the paginator_ phrases into the paginator. namespace and renamed them accordingly. Added the paginator.first_page phrase. Added the paginator.first_page_aria phrase. Added the paginator.last_page phrase. Added the paginator.last_page_aria phrase. Added the panel_forum_delete_are_you_sure phrase. Fixed a data race in LogWarning()
2019-02-10 05:52:26 +00:00
if err != nil {
return c.InternalError(err, w, r)
The Search and Filter Widget is now partly implemented. Just Search to go in the basic implementation. Added AJAX Pagination for the Topic List and Forum Page. A new log file pair is now created every-time Gosora starts up. Added proper per-theme template overrides. Added EasyJSON to make JSON serialisation faster. Moved a bit of boilerplate into paginator.html Improved paginator.html with a richer template with first, last and symbols instead of text. Phased out direct access to Templates.ExecuteTemplate across the software. Fixed the Live Topic List so it should work again. Added MicroAvatar to WsJSONUser for topic list JSON requests. An instance of the plugin is now passed to plugin handlers rather than having the plugins manipulate the globals directly. Added the pre_render_panel_forum_edit and pre_render_panel_forum_edit_perms hooks to replace pre_render_panel_edit_forum. Renamed the pre_render_panel_edit_user hook to pre_render_panel_user_edit Reduced the amount of noise from fsnotify. Added RawPrepare() to qgen.Accumulator. Added a temporary phrase whitelist to the phrase endpoint. Moved the location of the zone data assignments in the topic list to reduce the chances of security issues in the future. Changed the signature of routes/panel/renderTemplate() requiring some changes across the panel routes. Removed bits of boilerplate in some of the panel routes with renderTemplate() Added a BenchmarkTopicsGuestJSRouteParallelWithRouter benchmark. Removed a fair bit of boilerplate for each page struct by generating a couple of interface casts for each template file instead. Added the profile_comments_row_alt template. Added the topics_quick_topic template to reuse part of the quick topic logic for both the topic list and forum page. Tweaked the CSS for the Online Users Widget. Tweaked the CSS for Widgets in every theme with a sidebar. Refactored the template initialisers to hopefully reduce the amount of boilerplate and make things easier to maintain and follow. Add genIntTmpl in the template initialiser file to reduce the amount of boilerplate needed for the fallback template bindings. Removed the topics_head phrase. Moved the paginator_ phrases into the paginator. namespace and renamed them accordingly. Added the paginator.first_page phrase. Added the paginator.first_page_aria phrase. Added the paginator.last_page phrase. Added the paginator.last_page_aria phrase. Added the panel_forum_delete_are_you_sure phrase. Fixed a data race in LogWarning()
2019-02-10 05:52:26 +00:00
return nil
pageList := c.Paginate(forum.TopicCount, c.Config.ItemsPerPage, 5)
pi := c.ForumPage{header, topicList, forum, c.Paginator{pageList, page, lastPage}}
ferr = renderTemplate("forum", w, r, header, pi)
return ferr