Update Topic.LastReplyID properly.

This commit is contained in:
Azareal 2021-03-25 06:01:40 +10:00
parent 335c1f96c4
commit c1343136c6
2 changed files with 9 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ func init() {
getReplies2: acc.SimpleLeftJoin("replies AS r", "users AS u", "r.rid, r.content, r.createdBy, r.createdAt, r.lastEdit, r.lastEditBy, u.avatar, u.name, u.group, u.level, r.likeCount, r.attachCount, r.actionType", "r.createdBy=u.uid", "r.tid=?", "r.rid ASC", "?,?"),
getReplies3: acc.Select("replies").Columns("rid, content, createdBy, createdAt, lastEdit, lastEditBy, likeCount, attachCount, actionType").Where("tid=?").Orderby("rid ASC").Limit("?,?").Prepare(),
addReplies: acc.Update(t).Set("postCount=postCount+?, lastReplyBy=?, lastReplyAt=UTC_TIMESTAMP()").Where("tid=?").Prepare(),
updateLastReply: acc.Update(t).Set("lastReplyID=?").Where("lastReplyID > ? AND tid=?").Prepare(),
updateLastReply: acc.Update(t).Set("lastReplyID=?").Where("lastReplyID < ? AND tid=?").Prepare(),
lock: acc.Update(t).Set("is_closed=1").Where("tid=?").Prepare(),
unlock: acc.Update(t).Set("is_closed=0").Where("tid=?").Prepare(),
moveTo: acc.Update(t).Set("parentID=?").Where("tid=?").Prepare(),
@ -766,6 +766,13 @@ func (t *TopicUser) Replies(offset int /*pFrag int, */, user *User) (rlist []*Re
} else {
parseSettings = user.ParseSettings
/*if user.ParseSettings == nil {
parseSettings = DefaultParseSettings.CopyPtr()
parseSettings.NoEmbed = Config.NoEmbed || !postGroup.Perms.AutoEmbed
parseSettings.NoLink = !postGroup.Perms.AutoLink
} else {
parseSettings = user.ParseSettings
var eh bool
r.ContentHtml, eh = ParseMessage2(r.Content, t.ParentID, "forums", parseSettings, user)

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@ -1170,6 +1170,7 @@ func testReplyStore(t *testing.T, newID, newPostCount int, ip string) {
topic, err = c.Topics.Get(1)
expectNilErr(t, err)
exf(topic.PostCount == newPostCount+1, "TID #1's post count should be %d, not %d", newPostCount+1, topic.PostCount)
exf(topic.LastReplyID == rid, "TID #1's LastReplyID should be %d not %d", rid, topic.LastReplyID)
err = topic.CreateActionReply("destroy", ip, 1)
expectNilErr(t, err)