@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import (
c "github.com/Azareal/Gosora/common"
p "github.com/Azareal/Gosora/common/phrases"
@ -18,25 +18,27 @@ type dashStmts struct {
todaysTopicCount *sql.Stmt
todaysTopicCountByForum *sql.Stmt
todaysNewUserCount *sql.Stmt
weeklyTopicCountByForum *sql.Stmt
// TODO: Stop hard-coding these queries
func dashMySQLStmts() (stmts dashStmts, err error) {
db := qgen.Builder.GetConn()
var prepareStmt = func(table string, ext string) *sql.Stmt {
var prepareStmt = func(table string, ext string, dur string) *sql.Stmt {
if err != nil {
return nil
stmt, ierr := db.Prepare("select count(*) from " + table + " where createdAt BETWEEN (utc_timestamp() - interval 1 day) and utc_timestamp() " + ext)
stmt, ierr := db.Prepare("select count(*) from " + table + " where createdAt BETWEEN (utc_timestamp() - interval 1 "+dur+") and utc_timestamp() " + ext)
err = errors.WithStack(ierr)
return stmt
stmts.todaysPostCount = prepareStmt("replies", "")
stmts.todaysTopicCount = prepareStmt("topics", "")
stmts.todaysNewUserCount = prepareStmt("users", "")
stmts.todaysTopicCountByForum = prepareStmt("topics", " and parentID = ?")
stmts.todaysPostCount = prepareStmt("replies", "","day")
stmts.todaysTopicCount = prepareStmt("topics", "","day")
stmts.todaysNewUserCount = prepareStmt("users", "","day")
stmts.todaysTopicCountByForum = prepareStmt("topics", " and parentID = ?","day")
stmts.weeklyTopicCountByForum = prepareStmt("topics", " and parentID = ?","week")
return stmts, err
@ -45,23 +47,26 @@ func dashMySQLStmts() (stmts dashStmts, err error) {
func dashMSSQLStmts() (stmts dashStmts, err error) {
db := qgen.Builder.GetConn()
var prepareStmt = func(table string, ext string) *sql.Stmt {
var prepareStmt = func(table string, ext string, dur string) *sql.Stmt {
if err != nil {
return nil
stmt, ierr := db.Prepare("select count(*) from " + table + " where createdAt >= DATEADD(DAY, -1, GETUTCDATE())" + ext)
stmt, ierr := db.Prepare("select count(*) from " + table + " where createdAt >= DATEADD("+dur+", -1, GETUTCDATE())" + ext)
err = errors.WithStack(ierr)
return stmt
stmts.todaysPostCount = prepareStmt("replies", "")
stmts.todaysTopicCount = prepareStmt("topics", "")
stmts.todaysNewUserCount = prepareStmt("users", "")
stmts.todaysTopicCountByForum = prepareStmt("topics", " and parentID = ?")
stmts.todaysPostCount = prepareStmt("replies", "","DAY")
stmts.todaysTopicCount = prepareStmt("topics", "","DAY")
stmts.todaysNewUserCount = prepareStmt("users", "","DAY")
stmts.todaysTopicCountByForum = prepareStmt("topics", " and parentID = ?","DAY")
stmts.weeklyTopicCountByForum = prepareStmt("topics", " and parentID = ?","WEEK")
return stmts, err
type GE = c.GridElement
func Dashboard(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user c.User) c.RouteError {
basePage, ferr := buildBasePage(w, r, &user, "dashboard", "dashboard")
if ferr != nil {
@ -143,18 +148,18 @@ func Dashboard(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user c.User) c.RouteError
// TODO: Allow for more complex phrase structures than just suffixes
var postCount = extractStat(stmts.todaysPostCount)
var postInterval = phrases.GetTmplPhrase("panel_dashboard_day_suffix")
var postInterval = p.GetTmplPhrase("panel_dashboard_day_suffix")
var postColour = greaterThanSwitch(postCount, 5, 25)
var topicCount = extractStat(stmts.todaysTopicCount)
var topicInterval = phrases.GetTmplPhrase("panel_dashboard_day_suffix")
var topicInterval = p.GetTmplPhrase("panel_dashboard_day_suffix")
var topicColour = greaterThanSwitch(topicCount, 0, 8)
var reportCount = extractStat(stmts.todaysTopicCountByForum, c.ReportForumID)
var reportInterval = phrases.GetTmplPhrase("panel_dashboard_week_suffix")
var reportCount = extractStat(stmts.weeklyTopicCountByForum, c.ReportForumID)
var reportInterval = p.GetTmplPhrase("panel_dashboard_week_suffix")
var newUserCount = extractStat(stmts.todaysNewUserCount)
var newUserInterval = phrases.GetTmplPhrase("panel_dashboard_week_suffix")
var newUserInterval = p.GetTmplPhrase("panel_dashboard_week_suffix")
// Did any of the extractStats fail?
if intErr != nil {
@ -162,15 +167,15 @@ func Dashboard(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user c.User) c.RouteError
// TODO: Localise these
var gridElements = []c.GridElement{
var gridElements = []GE{
// TODO: Implement a check for new versions of Gosora
//c.GridElement{"dash-version", "v" + version.String(), 0, "grid_istat stat_green", "", "", "Gosora is up-to-date :)"},
c.GridElement{"dash-version", "v" + c.SoftwareVersion.String(), 0, "grid_istat", "", "", ""},
//GE{"dash-version", "v" + version.String(), 0, "grid_istat stat_green", "", "", "Gosora is up-to-date :)"},
GE{"dash-version", "v" + c.SoftwareVersion.String(), 0, "grid_istat", "", "", ""},
c.GridElement{"dash-cpu", "CPU: " + cpustr, 1, "grid_istat " + cpuColour, "", "", "The global CPU usage of this server"},
c.GridElement{"dash-ram", "RAM: " + ramstr, 2, "grid_istat " + ramColour, "", "", "The global RAM usage of this server"},
GE{"dash-cpu", "CPU: " + cpustr, 1, "grid_istat " + cpuColour, "", "", p.GetTmplPhrase("panel_dashboard_cpu_desc")},
GE{"dash-ram", "RAM: " + ramstr, 2, "grid_istat " + ramColour, "", "", p.GetTmplPhrase("panel_dashboard_ram_desc")},
var addElement = func(element c.GridElement) {
var addElement = func(element GE) {
gridElements = append(gridElements, element)
@ -178,7 +183,7 @@ func Dashboard(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user c.User) c.RouteError
uonline := c.WsHub.UserCount()
gonline := c.WsHub.GuestCount()
totonline := uonline + gonline
reqCount := 0
//reqCount := 0
var onlineColour = greaterThanSwitch(totonline, 3, 10)
var onlineGuestsColour = greaterThanSwitch(gonline, 1, 10)
@ -188,26 +193,25 @@ func Dashboard(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user c.User) c.RouteError
uonline, uunit := c.ConvertFriendlyUnit(uonline)
gonline, gunit := c.ConvertFriendlyUnit(gonline)
addElement(c.GridElement{"dash-totonline", phrases.GetTmplPhrasef("panel_dashboard_online", totonline, totunit), 3, "grid_stat " + onlineColour, "", "", "The number of people who are currently online"})
addElement(c.GridElement{"dash-gonline", phrases.GetTmplPhrasef("panel_dashboard_guests_online", gonline, gunit), 4, "grid_stat " + onlineGuestsColour, "", "", "The number of guests who are currently online"})
addElement(c.GridElement{"dash-uonline", phrases.GetTmplPhrasef("panel_dashboard_users_online", uonline, uunit), 5, "grid_stat " + onlineUsersColour, "", "", "The number of logged-in users who are currently online"})
addElement(c.GridElement{"dash-reqs", strconv.Itoa(reqCount) + " reqs / second", 7, "grid_stat grid_end_group " + topicColour, "", "", "The number of requests over the last 24 hours"})
addElement(GE{"dash-totonline", p.GetTmplPhrasef("panel_dashboard_online", totonline, totunit), 3, "grid_stat " + onlineColour, "", "", p.GetTmplPhrase("panel_dashboard_online_desc")})
addElement(GE{"dash-gonline", p.GetTmplPhrasef("panel_dashboard_guests_online", gonline, gunit), 4, "grid_stat " + onlineGuestsColour, "", "", p.GetTmplPhrase("panel_dashboard_guests_online_desc")})
addElement(GE{"dash-uonline", p.GetTmplPhrasef("panel_dashboard_users_online", uonline, uunit), 5, "grid_stat " + onlineUsersColour, "", "", p.GetTmplPhrase("panel_dashboard_users_online_desc")})
//addElement(GE{"dash-reqs", strconv.Itoa(reqCount) + " reqs / second", 7, "grid_stat grid_end_group " + topicColour, "", "", "The number of requests over the last 24 hours"})
addElement(c.GridElement{"dash-postsperday", strconv.Itoa(postCount) + " posts" + postInterval, 6, "grid_stat " + postColour, "", "", "The number of new posts over the last 24 hours"})
addElement(c.GridElement{"dash-topicsperday", strconv.Itoa(topicCount) + " topics" + topicInterval, 7, "grid_stat " + topicColour, "", "", "The number of new topics over the last 24 hours"})
addElement(c.GridElement{"dash-totonlineperday", "20 online / day", 8, "grid_stat stat_disabled", "", "", "Coming Soon!" /*, "The people online over the last 24 hours"*/})
addElement(GE{"dash-postsperday", strconv.Itoa(postCount) + " posts" + postInterval, 6, "grid_stat " + postColour, "", "", "The number of new posts over the last 24 hours"})
addElement(GE{"dash-topicsperday", strconv.Itoa(topicCount) + " topics" + topicInterval, 7, "grid_stat " + topicColour, "", "", "The number of new topics over the last 24 hours"})
addElement(GE{"dash-totonlineperday", "?? online / day", 8, "grid_stat stat_disabled", "", "", p.GetTmplPhrase("panel_dashboard_coming_soon") /*, "The people online over the last 24 hours"*/})
addElement(c.GridElement{"dash-searches", "8 searches / week", 9, "grid_stat stat_disabled", "", "", "Coming Soon!" /*"The number of searches over the last 7 days"*/})
addElement(c.GridElement{"dash-newusers", strconv.Itoa(newUserCount) + " new users" + newUserInterval, 10, "grid_stat", "", "", "The number of new users over the last 7 days"})
addElement(c.GridElement{"dash-reports", strconv.Itoa(reportCount) + " reports" + reportInterval, 11, "grid_stat", "", "", "The number of reports over the last 7 days"})
addElement(GE{"dash-searches", "?? searches / week", 9, "grid_stat stat_disabled", "", "", p.GetTmplPhrase("panel_dashboard_coming_soon") /*"The number of searches over the last 7 days"*/})
addElement(GE{"dash-newusers", strconv.Itoa(newUserCount) + " new users" + newUserInterval, 10, "grid_stat", "", "", "The number of new users over the last 7 days"})
addElement(GE{"dash-reports", strconv.Itoa(reportCount) + " reports" + reportInterval, 11, "grid_stat", "", "", "The number of reports over the last 7 days"})
if false {
addElement(c.GridElement{"dash-minperuser", "2 minutes / user / week", 12, "grid_stat stat_disabled", "", "", "Coming Soon!" /*"The average number of number of minutes spent by each active user over the last 7 days"*/})
addElement(c.GridElement{"dash-visitorsperweek", "2 visitors / week", 13, "grid_stat stat_disabled", "", "", "Coming Soon!" /*"The number of unique visitors we've had over the last 7 days"*/})
addElement(c.GridElement{"dash-postsperuser", "5 posts / user / week", 14, "grid_stat stat_disabled", "", "", "Coming Soon!" /*"The average number of posts made by each active user over the past week"*/})
addElement(GE{"dash-minperuser", "2 minutes / user / week", 12, "grid_stat stat_disabled", "", "", p.GetTmplPhrase("panel_dashboard_coming_soon") /*"The average number of number of minutes spent by each active user over the last 7 days"*/})
addElement(GE{"dash-visitorsperweek", "2 visitors / week", 13, "grid_stat stat_disabled", "", "", p.GetTmplPhrase("panel_dashboard_coming_soon") /*"The number of unique visitors we've had over the last 7 days"*/})
addElement(GE{"dash-postsperuser", "5 posts / user / week", 14, "grid_stat stat_disabled", "", "", p.GetTmplPhrase("panel_dashboard_coming_soon") /*"The average number of posts made by each active user over the past week"*/})
pi := c.PanelDashboardPage{basePage, gridElements}
return renderTemplate("panel_dashboard", w, r, basePage.Header, &pi)
return renderTemplate("panel", w, r, basePage.Header, c.Panel{basePage, "panel_dashboard_right","panel_dashboard", gridElements})