Rewrote the template generator to make it more flexible and easier to debug.
The template generator now has better support for pointers to primitives. Tweaked some CSS.
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,6 +40,11 @@ type CTemplateConfig struct {
PackageName string
type OutBufferFrame struct {
Body string
Type string
// nolint
type CTemplateSet struct {
templateList map[string]*parse.Tree
@ -76,16 +81,16 @@ func NewCTemplateSet() *CTemplateSet {
"and": "&&",
"not": "!",
"or": "||",
"eq": true,
"ge": true,
"gt": true,
"le": true,
"lt": true,
"ne": true,
"add": true,
"subtract": true,
"multiply": true,
"divide": true,
"eq": "==",
"ge": ">=",
"gt": ">",
"le": "<=",
"lt": "<",
"ne": "!=",
"add": "+",
"subtract": "-",
"multiply": "*",
"divide": "/",
"dock": true,
"elapsed": true,
"lang": true,
@ -135,7 +140,6 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) Compile(name string, fileDir string, expects string, expe
c.localDispStructIndex = 0
c.stats = make(map[string]int)
c.expectsInt = expectsInt
holdreflect := reflect.ValueOf(expectsInt)
res, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileDir + "overrides/" + name)
if err != nil {
@ -160,13 +164,13 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) Compile(name string, fileDir string, expects string, expe
fname := strings.TrimSuffix(name, filepath.Ext(name))
var outBuf []OutBufferFrame
con := CContext{VarHolder: "tmpl_" + fname + "_vars", HoldReflect: reflect.ValueOf(expectsInt), TemplateName: fname, OutBuf: &outBuf}
c.templateList = map[string]*parse.Tree{fname: tree}
varholder := "tmpl_" + fname + "_vars"
c.localVars = make(map[string]map[string]VarItemReflect)
c.localVars[fname] = make(map[string]VarItemReflect)
c.localVars[fname]["."] = VarItemReflect{".", varholder, holdreflect}
c.localVars[fname]["."] = VarItemReflect{".", con.VarHolder, con.HoldReflect}
if c.Fragments == nil {
c.Fragments = make(map[string]int)
@ -178,7 +182,7 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) Compile(name string, fileDir string, expects string, expe
c.TemplateFragmentCount = make(map[string]int)
out += c.rootIterate(c.templateList[fname], varholder, holdreflect, fname)
c.rootIterate(c.templateList[fname], con)
c.TemplateFragmentCount[fname] = c.fragmentCursor[fname] + 1
if len(c.langIndexToName) > 0 {
@ -211,7 +215,6 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) Compile(name string, fileDir string, expects string, expe
if !c.config.SkipHandles {
fout += "\tcommon.Template_" + fname + "_handle = Template_" + fname + "\n"
fout += "\tcommon.Ctemplates = append(common.Ctemplates,\"" + fname + "\")\n\tcommon.TmplPtrMap[\"" + fname + "\"] = &common.Template_" + fname + "_handle\n"
@ -232,7 +235,11 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) Compile(name string, fileDir string, expects string, expe
if len(c.langIndexToName) > 0 {
fout += "var plist = phrases.GetTmplPhrasesBytes(" + fname + "_tmpl_phrase_id)\n"
fout += varString + out + "return nil\n}\n"
fout += varString
for _, frame := range outBuf {
fout += frame.Body
fout += "return nil\n}\n"
fout = strings.Replace(fout, `))
w.Write([]byte(`, " + ", -1)
@ -252,7 +259,18 @@ w.Write([]byte(`, " + ", -1)
return fout, nil
func (c *CTemplateSet) rootIterate(tree *parse.Tree, varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, fname string) (out string) {
type CContext struct {
VarHolder string
HoldReflect reflect.Value
TemplateName string
OutBuf *[]OutBufferFrame
func (con *CContext) Push(nType string, body string) {
*con.OutBuf = append(*con.OutBuf, OutBufferFrame{body, nType})
func (c *CTemplateSet) rootIterate(tree *parse.Tree, con CContext) {
treeLength := len(tree.Root.Nodes)
for index, node := range tree.Root.Nodes {
@ -262,13 +280,12 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) rootIterate(tree *parse.Tree, varholder string, holdrefle
if treeLength != (index + 1) {
c.nextNode = tree.Root.Nodes[index+1].Type()
out += c.compileSwitch(varholder, holdreflect, fname, node)
c.compileSwitch(con, node)
return out
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileSwitch(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, templateName string, node parse.Node) (out string) {
c.detail("in compileSwitch")
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileSwitch(con CContext, node parse.Node) {
c.dumpCall("compileSwitch", con, node)
switch node := node.(type) {
case *parse.ActionNode:
c.detail("Action Node")
@ -276,7 +293,7 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) compileSwitch(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value
for _, cmd := range node.Pipe.Cmds {
out += c.compileSubswitch(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, cmd)
c.compileSubSwitch(con, cmd)
case *parse.IfNode:
c.detail("If Node:")
@ -285,110 +302,126 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) compileSwitch(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value
for _, cmd := range node.Pipe.Cmds {
c.detail("If Node Bit:", cmd)
c.detail("Bit Type:", reflect.ValueOf(cmd).Type().Name())
expr += c.compileVarswitch(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, cmd)
c.detail("Expression Step:", c.compileVarswitch(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, cmd))
expr += c.compileExprSwitch(con, cmd)
c.detail("Expression Step:", c.compileExprSwitch(con, cmd))
c.detail("Expression:", expr)
c.previousNode = c.currentNode
c.currentNode = parse.NodeList
c.nextNode = -1
out = "if " + expr + " {\n" + c.compileSwitch(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, node.List) + "}"
con.Push("startif", "if "+expr+" {\n")
c.compileSwitch(con, node.List)
if node.ElseList == nil {
c.detail("Selected Branch 1")
return out + "\n"
con.Push("endif", "}\n")
} else {
c.detail("Selected Branch 2")
return out + " else {\n" + c.compileSwitch(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, node.ElseList) + "}\n"
con.Push("endif", "}")
con.Push("startelse", " else {\n")
c.compileSwitch(con, node.ElseList)
con.Push("endelse", "}\n")
case *parse.ListNode:
c.detail("List Node")
for _, subnode := range node.Nodes {
out += c.compileSwitch(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, subnode)
c.compileSwitch(con, subnode)
case *parse.RangeNode:
return c.compileRangeNode(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, node)
c.compileRangeNode(con, node)
case *parse.TemplateNode:
return c.compileSubtemplate(varholder, holdreflect, node)
c.compileSubTemplate(con, node)
case *parse.TextNode:
c.previousNode = c.currentNode
c.currentNode = node.Type()
c.nextNode = 0
tmpText := bytes.TrimSpace(node.Text)
if len(tmpText) == 0 {
return ""
fragmentName := templateName + "_" + strconv.Itoa(c.fragmentCursor[templateName])
fragmentPrefix := templateName + "_frags[" + strconv.Itoa(c.fragmentCursor[templateName]) + "]"
fragmentName := con.TemplateName + "_" + strconv.Itoa(c.fragmentCursor[con.TemplateName])
fragmentPrefix := con.TemplateName + "_frags[" + strconv.Itoa(c.fragmentCursor[con.TemplateName]) + "]"
_, ok := c.Fragments[fragmentName]
if !ok {
c.Fragments[fragmentName] = len(node.Text)
c.FragOut += fragmentPrefix + " = []byte(`" + string(node.Text) + "`)\n"
c.fragmentCursor[templateName] = c.fragmentCursor[templateName] + 1
return "w.Write(" + fragmentPrefix + ")\n"
c.fragmentCursor[con.TemplateName] = c.fragmentCursor[con.TemplateName] + 1
con.Push("text", "w.Write("+fragmentPrefix+")\n")
return c.unknownNode(node)
return out
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileRangeNode(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, templateName string, node *parse.RangeNode) (out string) {
c.detail("Range Node!")
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileRangeNode(con CContext, node *parse.RangeNode) {
c.dumpCall("compileRangeNode", con, node)
c.detail("node.Pipe: ", node.Pipe)
var expr string
var outVal reflect.Value
for _, cmd := range node.Pipe.Cmds {
c.detail("Range Bit:", cmd)
out, outVal = c.compileReflectSwitch(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, cmd)
// ! This bit is slightly suspect, hm.
expr, outVal = c.compileReflectSwitch(con, cmd)
c.detail("Returned:", out)
c.detail("Expr:", expr)
c.detail("Range Kind Switch!")
var startIf = func(item reflect.Value, useCopy bool) {
con.Push("startif", "if len("+expr+") != 0 {\n")
con.Push("startloop", "for _, item := range "+expr+" {\n")
ccon := con
ccon.VarHolder = "item"
ccon.HoldReflect = item
c.compileSwitch(ccon, node.List)
con.Push("endloop", "}\n")
if node.ElseList != nil {
con.Push("endif", "}")
con.Push("startelse", " else {\n")
if !useCopy {
ccon = con
c.compileSwitch(ccon, node.ElseList)
con.Push("endelse", "}\n")
} else {
con.Push("endloop", "}\n")
switch outVal.Kind() {
case reflect.Map:
var item reflect.Value
for _, key := range outVal.MapKeys() {
item = outVal.MapIndex(key)
c.detail("Range item:", item)
if !item.IsValid() {
panic("item" + "^\n" + "Invalid map. Maybe, it doesn't have any entries for the template engine to analyse?")
out = "if len(" + out + ") != 0 {\nfor _, item := range " + out + " {\n" + c.compileSwitch("item", item, templateName, node.List) + "}\n}"
if node.ElseList != nil {
out += " else {\n" + c.compileSwitch("item", item, templateName, node.ElseList) + "}\n"
startIf(item, true)
case reflect.Slice:
if outVal.Len() == 0 {
panic("The sample data needs at-least one or more elements for the slices. We're looking into removing this requirement at some point!")
item := outVal.Index(0)
out = "if len(" + out + ") != 0 {\nfor _, item := range " + out + " {\n" + c.compileSwitch("item", item, templateName, node.List) + "}\n}"
if node.ElseList != nil {
out += " else {\n" + c.compileSwitch(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, node.ElseList) + "}"
startIf(outVal.Index(0), false)
case reflect.Invalid:
return ""
return out + "\n"
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileSubswitch(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, templateName string, node *parse.CommandNode) (out string) {
c.detail("in compileSubswitch")
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileSubSwitch(con CContext, node *parse.CommandNode) {
c.dumpCall("compileSubSwitch", con, node)
firstWord := node.Args[0]
switch n := firstWord.(type) {
case *parse.FieldNode:
c.detail("Field Node:", n.Ident)
/* Use reflect to determine if the field is for a method, otherwise assume it's a variable. Variable declarations are coming soon! */
cur := holdreflect
cur := con.HoldReflect
var varbit string
var varBit string
if cur.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
cur = cur.Elem()
varbit += ".(" + cur.Type().Name() + ")"
varBit += ".(" + cur.Type().Name() + ")"
// ! Might not work so well for non-struct pointers
@ -413,22 +446,22 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) compileSubswitch(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Va
if !cur.IsValid() {
c.error("Debug Data:")
c.error("Holdreflect:", holdreflect)
c.error("Holdreflect.Kind():", holdreflect.Kind())
c.error("Holdreflect:", con.HoldReflect)
c.error("Holdreflect.Kind():", con.HoldReflect.Kind())
if !c.config.SuperDebug {
c.error("cur.Kind():", cur.Kind().String())
if !multiline {
panic(varholder + varbit + "^\n" + "Invalid value. Maybe, it doesn't exist?")
panic(con.VarHolder + varBit + "^\n" + "Invalid value. Maybe, it doesn't exist?")
panic(varbit + "^\n" + "Invalid value. Maybe, it doesn't exist?")
panic(varBit + "^\n" + "Invalid value. Maybe, it doesn't exist?")
c.detail("in-loop varbit: " + varbit)
c.detail("in-loop varBit: " + varBit)
if cur.Kind() == reflect.Map {
cur = cur.MapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(id))
varbit += "[\"" + id + "\"]"
varBit += "[\"" + id + "\"]"
cur = skipPointers(cur, id)
if cur.Kind() == reflect.Struct || cur.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
@ -447,8 +480,8 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) compileSubswitch(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Va
newVarByte = ":"
varholder = "disp" + dispStr
varbit = varholder + " " + newVarByte + "= " + varholder + varbit + "\n"
con.VarHolder = "disp" + dispStr
varBit = con.VarHolder + " " + newVarByte + "= " + con.VarHolder + varBit + "\n"
multiline = true
} else {
@ -456,65 +489,65 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) compileSubswitch(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Va
if cur.Kind() != reflect.Interface {
cur = cur.FieldByName(id)
varbit += "." + id
varBit += "." + id
// TODO: Handle deeply nested pointers mixed with interfaces mixed with pointers better
if cur.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
cur = cur.Elem()
varbit += ".("
varBit += ".("
// TODO: Surely, there's a better way of doing this?
if cur.Type().PkgPath() != "main" && cur.Type().PkgPath() != "" {
c.importMap["html/template"] = "html/template"
varbit += strings.TrimPrefix(cur.Type().PkgPath(), "html/") + "."
varBit += strings.TrimPrefix(cur.Type().PkgPath(), "html/") + "."
varbit += cur.Type().Name() + ")"
varBit += cur.Type().Name() + ")"
c.detail("End Cycle: ", varbit)
c.detail("End Cycle: ", varBit)
if multiline {
assSplit := strings.Split(varbit, "\n")
varbit = assSplit[len(assSplit)-1]
assSplit := strings.Split(varBit, "\n")
varBit = assSplit[len(assSplit)-1]
assSplit = assSplit[:len(assSplit)-1]
assLines = strings.Join(assSplit, "\n") + "\n"
varbit = varholder + varbit
out = c.compileVarsub(varbit, cur, assLines)
c.compileVarSub(con, con.VarHolder+varBit, cur, assLines, func(in string) string {
for _, varItem := range c.varList {
if strings.HasPrefix(out, varItem.Destination) {
out = strings.Replace(out, varItem.Destination, varItem.Name, 1)
if strings.HasPrefix(in, varItem.Destination) {
in = strings.Replace(in, varItem.Destination, varItem.Name, 1)
return out
return in
case *parse.DotNode:
c.detail("Dot Node:", node.String())
return c.compileVarsub(varholder, holdreflect, "")
c.compileVarSub(con, con.VarHolder, con.HoldReflect, "", nil)
case *parse.NilNode:
panic("Nil is not a command x.x")
case *parse.VariableNode:
c.detail("Variable Node:", n.String())
varname, reflectVal := c.compileIfVarsub(n.String(), varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
return c.compileVarsub(varname, reflectVal, "")
varname, reflectVal := c.compileIfVarSub(con, n.String())
c.compileVarSub(con, varname, reflectVal, "", nil)
case *parse.StringNode:
return n.Quoted
con.Push("stringnode", n.Quoted)
case *parse.IdentifierNode:
c.detail("Identifier Node:", node)
c.detail("Identifier Node Args:", node.Args)
out, outval, lit := c.compileIdentSwitch(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, node)
out, outval, lit := c.compileIdentSwitch(con, node)
if lit {
return out
con.Push("identifier", out)
return c.compileVarsub(out, outval, "")
c.compileVarSub(con, out, outval, "", nil)
return c.unknownNode(node)
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileVarswitch(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, templateName string, node *parse.CommandNode) (out string) {
c.detail("in compileVarswitch")
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileExprSwitch(con CContext, node *parse.CommandNode) (out string) {
c.detail("in compileExprSwitch")
firstWord := node.Args[0]
switch n := firstWord.(type) {
case *parse.FieldNode:
@ -524,45 +557,44 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) compileVarswitch(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Va
fmt.Println("Field Bit:", id)
/* Use reflect to determine if the field is for a method, otherwise assume it's a variable. Coming Soon. */
return c.compileBoolsub(n.String(), varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
return c.compileBoolSub(n.String(), con)
case *parse.ChainNode:
c.detail("Chain Node:", n.Node)
c.detail("Node Args:", node.Args)
case *parse.IdentifierNode:
c.detail("Identifier Node:", node)
c.detail("Node Args:", node.Args)
return c.compileIdentSwitchN(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, node)
return c.compileIdentSwitchN(con, node)
case *parse.DotNode:
return varholder
return con.VarHolder
case *parse.VariableNode:
c.detail("Variable Node:", n.String())
c.detail("Node Identifier:", n.Ident)
out, _ = c.compileIfVarsub(n.String(), varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
out, _ = c.compileIfVarSub(con, n.String())
case *parse.NilNode:
panic("Nil is not a command x.x")
case *parse.PipeNode:
c.detail("Pipe Node!")
c.detail("Node Args:", node.Args)
out += c.compileIdentSwitchN(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, node)
out += c.compileIdentSwitchN(con, node)
c.detail("Out:", out)
return c.unknownNode(firstWord)
return out
func (c *CTemplateSet) unknownNode(node parse.Node) (out string) {
func (c *CTemplateSet) unknownNode(node parse.Node) {
fmt.Println("Unknown Kind:", reflect.ValueOf(node).Elem().Kind())
fmt.Println("Unknown Type:", reflect.ValueOf(node).Elem().Type().Name())
panic("I don't know what node this is! Grr...")
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileIdentSwitchN(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, templateName string, node *parse.CommandNode) (out string) {
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileIdentSwitchN(con CContext, node *parse.CommandNode) (out string) {
c.detail("in compileIdentSwitchN")
out, _, _ = c.compileIdentSwitch(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, node)
out, _, _ = c.compileIdentSwitch(con, node)
return out
@ -572,14 +604,14 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) dumpSymbol(pos int, node *parse.CommandNode, symbol strin
c.detail("node.Args[pos + 2]", node.Args[pos+2])
func (c *CTemplateSet) compareFunc(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, templateName string, pos int, node *parse.CommandNode, compare string) (out string) {
func (c *CTemplateSet) compareFunc(con CContext, pos int, node *parse.CommandNode, compare string) (out string) {
c.dumpSymbol(pos, node, compare)
return c.compileIfVarsubN(node.Args[pos+1].String(), varholder, templateName, holdreflect) + " " + compare + " " + c.compileIfVarsubN(node.Args[pos+2].String(), varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
return c.compileIfVarSubN(con, node.Args[pos+1].String()) + " " + compare + " " + c.compileIfVarSubN(con, node.Args[pos+2].String())
func (c *CTemplateSet) simpleMath(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, templateName string, pos int, node *parse.CommandNode, symbol string) (out string, val reflect.Value) {
leftParam, val2 := c.compileIfVarsub(node.Args[pos+1].String(), varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
rightParam, val3 := c.compileIfVarsub(node.Args[pos+2].String(), varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
func (c *CTemplateSet) simpleMath(con CContext, pos int, node *parse.CommandNode, symbol string) (out string, val reflect.Value) {
leftParam, val2 := c.compileIfVarSub(con, node.Args[pos+1].String())
rightParam, val3 := c.compileIfVarSub(con, node.Args[pos+2].String())
if val2.IsValid() {
val = val2
@ -594,7 +626,7 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) simpleMath(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, t
return leftParam + " " + symbol + " " + rightParam, val
func (c *CTemplateSet) compareJoin(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, templateName string, pos int, node *parse.CommandNode, symbol string) (pos2 int, out string) {
func (c *CTemplateSet) compareJoin(con CContext, pos int, node *parse.CommandNode, symbol string) (pos2 int, out string) {
c.detailf("Building %s function", symbol)
if pos == 0 {
fmt.Println("pos:", pos)
@ -606,12 +638,12 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) compareJoin(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value,
panic(symbol + " is missing a right operand")
left := c.compileBoolsub(node.Args[pos-1].String(), varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
left := c.compileBoolSub(node.Args[pos-1].String(), con)
_, funcExists := c.funcMap[node.Args[pos+1].String()]
var right string
if !funcExists {
right = c.compileBoolsub(node.Args[pos+1].String(), varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
right = c.compileBoolSub(node.Args[pos+1].String(), con)
out = left + " " + symbol + " " + right
@ -626,26 +658,12 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) compareJoin(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value,
return pos, out
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileIdentSwitch(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, templateName string, node *parse.CommandNode) (out string, val reflect.Value, literal bool) {
c.detail("in compileIdentSwitch")
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileIdentSwitch(con CContext, node *parse.CommandNode) (out string, val reflect.Value, literal bool) {
c.dumpCall("compileIdentSwitch", con, node)
var litString = func(inner string) {
out = "w.Write([]byte(" + inner + "))\n"
literal = true
var compOpMappings = map[string]string{
"le": "<=",
"lt": "<",
"gt": ">",
"ge": ">=",
"eq": "==",
"ne": "!=",
var mathOpMappings = map[string]string{
"add": "+",
"subtract": "-",
"divide": "/",
"multiply": "*",
for pos := 0; pos < len(node.Args); pos++ {
id := node.Args[pos]
@ -656,43 +674,40 @@ ArgLoop:
out += "!"
case "or", "and":
var rout string
pos, rout = c.compareJoin(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, pos, node, c.funcMap[id.String()].(string)) // TODO: Test this
pos, rout = c.compareJoin(con, pos, node, c.funcMap[id.String()].(string)) // TODO: Test this
out += rout
case "le", "lt", "gt", "ge", "eq", "ne":
out += c.compareFunc(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, pos, node, compOpMappings[id.String()])
out += c.compareFunc(con, pos, node, c.funcMap[id.String()].(string))
break ArgLoop
case "add", "subtract", "divide", "multiply":
rout, rval := c.simpleMath(varholder, holdreflect, templateName, pos, node, mathOpMappings[id.String()])
rout, rval := c.simpleMath(con, pos, node, c.funcMap[id.String()].(string))
out += rout
val = rval
break ArgLoop
case "elapsed":
leftOperand := node.Args[pos+1].String()
leftParam, _ := c.compileIfVarsub(leftOperand, varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
leftParam, _ := c.compileIfVarSub(con, leftOperand)
// TODO: Refactor this
// TODO: Validate that this is actually a time.Time
litString("time.Since(" + leftParam + ").String()")
c.importMap["time"] = "time"
break ArgLoop
case "dock":
var leftParam, rightParam string
// TODO: Implement string literals properly
leftOperand := node.Args[pos+1].String()
rightOperand := node.Args[pos+2].String()
if len(leftOperand) == 0 || len(rightOperand) == 0 {
panic("The left or right operand for function dock cannot be left blank")
if leftOperand[0] == '"' {
leftParam = leftOperand
} else {
leftParam, _ = c.compileIfVarsub(leftOperand, varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
leftParam := leftOperand
if leftOperand[0] != '"' {
leftParam, _ = c.compileIfVarSub(con, leftParam)
if rightOperand[0] == '"' {
panic("The right operand for function dock cannot be a string")
rightParam, val3 := c.compileIfVarsub(rightOperand, varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
rightParam, val3 := c.compileIfVarSub(con, rightOperand)
if !val3.IsValid() {
panic("val3 is invalid")
@ -722,8 +737,7 @@ ArgLoop:
if len(leftOperand) == 0 {
panic("The leftoperand for function level cannot be left blank")
leftParam, _ := c.compileIfVarsub(leftOperand, varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
leftParam, _ := c.compileIfVarSub(con, leftOperand)
// TODO: Refactor this
litString("phrases.GetLevelPhrase(" + leftParam + ")")
c.importMap[langPkg] = langPkg
@ -732,20 +746,18 @@ ArgLoop:
literal = true
break ArgLoop
case "dyntmpl":
var nameParam, pageParam, headParam string
var pageParam, headParam string
// TODO: Implement string literals properly
// TODO: Should we check to see if pos+3 is within the bounds of the slice?
nameOperand := node.Args[pos+1].String()
pageOperand := node.Args[pos+2].String()
headOperand := node.Args[pos+3].String()
if len(nameOperand) == 0 || len(pageOperand) == 0 || len(headOperand) == 0 {
panic("None of the three operands for function dyntmpl can be left blank")
if nameOperand[0] == '"' {
nameParam = nameOperand
} else {
nameParam, _ = c.compileIfVarsub(nameOperand, varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
nameParam := nameOperand
if nameOperand[0] != '"' {
nameParam, _ = c.compileIfVarSub(con, nameParam)
if pageOperand[0] == '"' {
panic("The page operand for function dyntmpl cannot be a string")
@ -754,11 +766,11 @@ ArgLoop:
panic("The head operand for function dyntmpl cannot be a string")
pageParam, val3 := c.compileIfVarsub(pageOperand, varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
pageParam, val3 := c.compileIfVarSub(con, pageOperand)
if !val3.IsValid() {
panic("val3 is invalid")
headParam, val4 := c.compileIfVarsub(headOperand, varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
headParam, val4 := c.compileIfVarSub(con, headOperand)
if !val4.IsValid() {
panic("val4 is invalid")
@ -778,13 +790,14 @@ ArgLoop:
out += c.compileIfVarsubN(id.String(), varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
out += c.compileIfVarSubN(con, id.String())
c.retCall("compileIdentSwitch", out, val, literal)
return out, val, literal
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileReflectSwitch(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, templateName string, node *parse.CommandNode) (out string, outVal reflect.Value) {
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileReflectSwitch(con CContext, node *parse.CommandNode) (out string, outVal reflect.Value) {
c.detail("in compileReflectSwitch")
firstWord := node.Args[0]
switch n := firstWord.(type) {
@ -796,12 +809,12 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) compileReflectSwitch(varholder string, holdreflect reflec
/* Use reflect to determine if the field is for a method, otherwise assume it's a variable. Coming Soon. */
return c.compileIfVarsub(n.String(), varholder, templateName, holdreflect)
return c.compileIfVarSub(con, n.String())
case *parse.ChainNode:
c.detail("Chain Node:", n.Node)
c.detail("node.Args:", node.Args)
case *parse.DotNode:
return varholder, holdreflect
return con.VarHolder, con.HoldReflect
case *parse.NilNode:
panic("Nil is not a command x.x")
@ -810,25 +823,32 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) compileReflectSwitch(varholder string, holdreflect reflec
return "", outVal
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileIfVarsubN(varname string, varholder string, templateName string, cur reflect.Value) (out string) {
c.detail("in compileIfVarsubN")
out, _ = c.compileIfVarsub(varname, varholder, templateName, cur)
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileIfVarSubN(con CContext, varname string) (out string) {
c.dumpCall("compileIfVarSubN", con, varname)
out, _ = c.compileIfVarSub(con, varname)
return out
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileIfVarsub(varname string, varholder string, templateName string, cur reflect.Value) (out string, val reflect.Value) {
c.detail("in compileIfVarsub")
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileIfVarSub(con CContext, varname string) (out string, val reflect.Value) {
c.dumpCall("compileIfVarSub", con, varname)
cur := con.HoldReflect
if varname[0] != '.' && varname[0] != '$' {
return varname, cur
var stepInterface = func() {
if cur.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
cur = cur.Elem()
out += ".(" + cur.Type().Name() + ")"
bits := strings.Split(varname, ".")
if varname[0] == '$' {
var res VarItemReflect
if varname[1] == '.' {
res = c.localVars[templateName]["."]
res = c.localVars[con.TemplateName]["."]
} else {
res = c.localVars[templateName][strings.TrimPrefix(bits[0], "$")]
res = c.localVars[con.TemplateName][strings.TrimPrefix(bits[0], "$")]
out += res.Destination
cur = res.Value
@ -837,16 +857,16 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) compileIfVarsub(varname string, varholder string, templat
cur = cur.Elem()
} else {
out += varholder
if cur.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
cur = cur.Elem()
out += ".(" + cur.Type().Name() + ")"
out += con.VarHolder
bits[0] = strings.TrimPrefix(bits[0], "$")
c.detail("Cur Kind:", cur.Kind())
c.detail("Cur Type:", cur.Type().Name())
var dumpKind = func(pre string) {
c.detail(pre+" Kind:", cur.Kind())
c.detail(pre+" Type:", cur.Type().Name())
for _, bit := range bits {
c.detail("Variable Field:", bit)
if bit == "" {
@ -865,31 +885,23 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) compileIfVarsub(varname string, varholder string, templat
cur = cur.FieldByName(bit)
out += "." + bit
if cur.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
cur = cur.Elem()
out += ".(" + cur.Type().Name() + ")"
if !cur.IsValid() {
fmt.Println("cur: ", cur)
panic(out + "^\n" + "Invalid value. Maybe, it doesn't exist?")
c.detail("Data Kind:", cur.Kind())
c.detail("Data Type:", cur.Type().Name())
c.detail("Out Value:", out)
c.detail("Out Kind:", cur.Kind())
c.detail("Out Type:", cur.Type().Name())
for _, varItem := range c.varList {
if strings.HasPrefix(out, varItem.Destination) {
out = strings.Replace(out, varItem.Destination, varItem.Name, 1)
c.detail("Out Value:", out)
c.detail("Out Kind:", cur.Kind())
c.detail("Out Type:", cur.Type().Name())
_, ok := c.stats[out]
if ok {
@ -901,9 +913,9 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) compileIfVarsub(varname string, varholder string, templat
return out, cur
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileBoolsub(varname string, varholder string, templateName string, val reflect.Value) string {
c.detail("in compileBoolsub")
out, val := c.compileIfVarsub(varname, varholder, templateName, val)
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileBoolSub(varname string, con CContext) string {
c.detail("in compileBoolSub")
out, val := c.compileIfVarSub(con, varname)
// TODO: What if it's a pointer or an interface? I *think* we've got pointers handled somewhere, but not interfaces which we don't know the types of at compile time
switch val.Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
@ -915,21 +927,88 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) compileBoolsub(varname string, varholder string, template
out = "len(" + out + ") != 0"
fmt.Println("Variable Name:", varname)
fmt.Println("Variable Holder:", varholder)
fmt.Println("Variable Kind:", val.Kind())
fmt.Println("Variable Holder:", con.VarHolder)
fmt.Println("Variable Kind:", con.HoldReflect.Kind())
panic("I don't know what this variable's type is o.o\n")
return out
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileVarsub(varname string, val reflect.Value, assLines string) (out string) {
c.detail("in compileVarsub")
// For debugging the template generator
func (c *CTemplateSet) debugParam(param interface{}, depth int) (pstr string) {
switch p := param.(type) {
case CContext:
return "con,"
case reflect.Value:
if p.Kind() == reflect.Ptr || p.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
for p.Kind() == reflect.Ptr || p.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
if p.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
pstr += "*"
} else {
pstr += "£"
p = p.Elem()
kind := p.Kind().String()
if kind != "struct" {
pstr += kind
} else {
pstr += p.Type().Name()
return pstr + ","
case string:
return "\"" + p + "\","
case int:
return strconv.Itoa(p) + ","
case bool:
if p {
return "true,"
return "false,"
case func(string) string:
if p == nil {
return "nil,"
return "func(string) string),"
return "?,"
func (c *CTemplateSet) dumpCall(name string, params ...interface{}) {
var pstr string
for _, param := range params {
pstr += c.debugParam(param, 0)
if len(pstr) > 0 {
pstr = pstr[:len(pstr)-1]
c.detail("called " + name + "(" + pstr + ")")
func (c *CTemplateSet) retCall(name string, params ...interface{}) {
var pstr string
for _, param := range params {
pstr += c.debugParam(param, 0)
if len(pstr) > 0 {
pstr = pstr[:len(pstr)-1]
c.detail("returned from " + name + " => (" + pstr + ")")
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileVarSub(con CContext, varname string, val reflect.Value, assLines string, onEnd func(string) string) {
c.dumpCall("compileVarSub", con, varname, val, assLines, onEnd)
if onEnd == nil {
onEnd = func(in string) string {
return in
// Is this a literal string?
if len(varname) != 0 && varname[0] == '"' {
return assLines + "w.Write([]byte(" + varname + "))\n"
con.Push("varsub", onEnd(assLines+"w.Write([]byte("+varname+"))\n"))
for _, varItem := range c.varList {
if strings.HasPrefix(varname, varItem.Destination) {
varname = strings.Replace(varname, varItem.Destination, varItem.Name, 1)
@ -942,27 +1021,33 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) compileVarsub(varname string, val reflect.Value, assLines
} else {
c.stats[varname] = 1
if val.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
val = val.Elem()
if val.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
for val.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
val = val.Elem()
varname = "*" + varname
c.detail("varname: ", varname)
c.detail("assLines: ", assLines)
var base string
switch val.Kind() {
case reflect.Int:
c.importMap["strconv"] = "strconv"
out = "w.Write([]byte(strconv.Itoa(" + varname + ")))\n"
base = "w.Write([]byte(strconv.Itoa(" + varname + ")))\n"
case reflect.Bool:
out = "if " + varname + " {\nw.Write([]byte(\"true\"))} else {\nw.Write([]byte(\"false\"))\n}\n"
base = "if " + varname + " {\nw.Write([]byte(\"true\"))} else {\nw.Write([]byte(\"false\"))\n}\n"
case reflect.String:
if val.Type().Name() != "string" && !strings.HasPrefix(varname, "string(") {
varname = "string(" + varname + ")"
out = "w.Write([]byte(" + varname + "))\n"
base = "w.Write([]byte(" + varname + "))\n"
case reflect.Int64:
c.importMap["strconv"] = "strconv"
out = "w.Write([]byte(strconv.FormatInt(" + varname + ", 10)))\n"
base = "w.Write([]byte(strconv.FormatInt(" + varname + ", 10)))\n"
if !val.IsValid() {
panic(assLines + varname + "^\n" + "Invalid value. Maybe, it doesn't exist?")
@ -972,24 +1057,25 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) compileVarsub(varname string, val reflect.Value, assLines
fmt.Println("Unknown Type:", val.Type().Name())
panic("-- I don't know what this variable's type is o.o\n")
c.detail("out: ", out)
return assLines + out
c.detail("base: ", base)
con.Push("varsub", onEnd(assLines+base))
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileSubtemplate(pvarholder string, pholdreflect reflect.Value, node *parse.TemplateNode) (out string) {
c.detail("in compileSubtemplate")
func (c *CTemplateSet) compileSubTemplate(pcon CContext, node *parse.TemplateNode) {
c.detail("in compileSubTemplate")
c.detail("Template Node: ", node.Name)
fname := strings.TrimSuffix(node.Name, filepath.Ext(node.Name))
varholder := "tmpl_" + fname + "_vars"
var holdreflect reflect.Value
con := pcon
con.VarHolder = "tmpl_" + fname + "_vars"
con.TemplateName = fname
if node.Pipe != nil {
for _, cmd := range node.Pipe.Cmds {
firstWord := cmd.Args[0]
switch firstWord.(type) {
case *parse.DotNode:
varholder = pvarholder
holdreflect = pholdreflect
con.VarHolder = pcon.VarHolder
con.HoldReflect = pcon.HoldReflect
case *parse.NilNode:
panic("Nil is not a command x.x")
@ -1026,12 +1112,10 @@ func (c *CTemplateSet) compileSubtemplate(pvarholder string, pholdreflect reflec
c.detail("subtree.Root", subtree.Root)
c.localVars[fname] = make(map[string]VarItemReflect)
c.localVars[fname]["."] = VarItemReflect{".", varholder, holdreflect}
c.localVars[fname]["."] = VarItemReflect{".", con.VarHolder, con.HoldReflect}
c.fragmentCursor[fname] = 0
out += c.rootIterate(subtree, varholder, holdreflect, fname)
c.rootIterate(subtree, con)
c.TemplateFragmentCount[fname] = c.fragmentCursor[fname] + 1
return out
// TODO: Should we rethink the way the log methods work or their names?
@ -854,6 +854,7 @@ input[type=checkbox]:checked + label .sel {
margin-bottom: 4px;
padding-bottom: 2px;
padding-top: 3px;
margin-right: 3px;
#poweredByHolder {
display: flex;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user