Shorten more things.
Sneak draft tables in.
Add the profile_block phrase.
Add the panel_debug_memory_stats phrase.
Add the panel_debug_memory_stats_sys phrase.
Add the panel_debug_memory_stats_heapsys phrase.
Add the panel_debug_memory_stats_heapalloc phrase.
Add the panel_debug_memory_stats_heapidle phrase.
Add the panel_debug_memory_stats_heapobjects phrase.
Add the panel_debug_memory_stats_stackinuse phrase.
Add the panel_debug_caches phrase.
Add the panel_debug_caches_topic phrase.
Add the panel_debug_caches_user phrase.
Add the panel_debug_caches_reply phrase.
Add the panel_debug_caches_topic_list phrase.
Add the panel_debug_database phrase.
Add the panel_debug_database_topics phrase.
Add the panel_debug_database_users phrase.
Add the panel_debug_database_replies phrase.
Add the panel_debug_disk phrase.