Commit Graph

89 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Azareal 4813403fbb Posts should now be properly rendered after an inline edit.
Moved uploadAttachment and deleteAttachment from route/topic.go to route/attachments.go

Fixes #47
2018-12-28 12:08:35 +10:00
Azareal bf2af0ae96 Laid the foundations for better reply attachments.
The attachment manager introduced in the previous patch is now properly localised.

Repurposed AttachmentStore.CountInTopic as a more general CountIn method.
Added an & entity in attachment URLs so that the characters don't get mutated into something weird.
Tried to make the linebreaks a little glitchy in the inline editor, we have a better solution in a mind soon!
Fixed a bug where replies used .ContentHTML instead of .Content which led to a lot of HTML getting in the way of reply edits.
Fixed a bug where reply attachments used the topicID rather than the replyID for their originID entries.
Fixed a bug where the topic attachment counts weren't getting incremented.

Added the topic.select_button_test, topic.copy_button_test and topic.upload_button_test phrases.

Added the attachCount column to the replies table. This commit requires you to run the patcher / updater.
2018-12-27 19:12:30 +10:00
Azareal 3465e4c08f You can now manage the attachments for an opening post by hitting edit.
The update system now uses the database as the source of truth for the last version rather than lastSchema.json
Refactored several structs and bits of code, so we can avoid allocations for contexts where we never use a relative time.
Clicking on the relative times on the topic list and the forum page should now take you to the post on the last page rather than just the last page.
Added the reltime template function.
Fixed some obsolete bits of code.
Fixed some spelling mistakes.
Fixed a bug where MaxBytesReader was capped at the maxFileSize rather than r.ContentLength.
All of the client side templates should work again now.
Shortened some statement names to save some horizontal space.
accUpdateBuilder and SimpleUpdate now use updatePrebuilder behind the scenes to simplify things.
Renamed selectItem to builder in AccSelectBuilder.
Added a Total() method to accCountBuilder to reduce the amount of boilerplate used for row count queries.
The "_builder" strings have been replaced with empty strings to help save memory, to make things slightly faster and to open the door to removing the query name in many contexts down the line.
Added the open_edit and close_edit client hooks.
Removed many query name checks.
Split the attachment logic into separate functions and de-duplicated it between replies and topics.
Improved the UI for editing topics in Nox.
Used type aliases to reduce the amount of boilerplate in tables.go and patches.go
Reduced the amount of boilerplate in the action post logic.
Eliminated a map and a slice in the topic page for users who haven't given any likes. E.g. Guests.
Fixed some long out-dated parts of the update instructions.
Updated the update instructions to remove mention of the obsolete lastSchema.json
Fixed a bug in init.js where /api/me was being loaded for guests.
Added the MiniTopicGet, GlobalCount and CountInTopic methods to AttachmentStore.
Added the MiniAttachment struct.
Split the mod floaters out into their own template to reduce duplication.
Removed a couple of redundant ParseForms.

Added the common.skipUntilIfExistsOrLine function.
Added the NotFoundJS and NotFoundJSQ functions.
Added the lastReplyID and attachCount columns to the topics table.
2018-12-27 15:42:41 +10:00
Azareal 543ad8a018 Added the login log.
Added a better paginator for view topic.
The last post on the topic list and forum pages now link to the last page of a topic for quicker navigation.
The Account Manager now utilises dyntmpl in more areas.
More tooltips.
Tweaked the colour for the validated emails in the Email Manager so it looks nicer on dark themes.
Moved some inline styles from the Email Manager into the stylesheets and removed obsolete ones.
Added the mixed BenchmarkTopicGuestAdminRouteParallelWithRouter benchmark.
The bad route benchmark should no longer abort when erroring, something which doesn't make sense as it's always expected to error.
Reduce a bit more boilerplate with renderTemplate()
Added the *CTemplateSet.addText method and used it to optimise the generated templates a tiny bit more.
The forums route now has guest and member variants generated for it.
Turned the experimental template optimisation back on for more data.

Added the routes.AccountLogins route.

Added the account_logins phrase.
Added the account_menu_logins phrase.
Added the account_logins_head phrase.
Added the account_logins_success phrase.
Added the account_logins_failure phrase.

You need to run the patcher / updater for this commit.
2018-12-17 14:58:55 +10:00
Azareal 52c8be4173 Variables which are computed multiple times in templates should only be computed once now.
Enabled the Watchdog Goroutine.
Moved a couple of parser tests into their own file.
Eliminated the hard-coded URLs in TestParser()
Refactored the alert system so that a specific actor is only loaded once rather than once for each alert. This isn't a problem in practice due to the user cache, but it might be on high traffic sites.
Don't run HandleServerSync() on single server setups.
Don't load the user in GetTopicUser(), if the topic creator is the current user.
Fixed a bug in the template generator where endloop nodes were being pushed instead of endif ones.
2018-11-22 17:21:43 +10:00
Azareal 9f273a99f5 Trying to reduce the amount of UserCheck() boilerplate in the routes.
Reduced the amount of boilerplate in routes with renderTemplate()
Reduced the amount of boilerplate in routes with ParseSEOURL()
Removed some dated commented bits of code.
Used StashConfig in a few more places in the benchmarks to reduce the amount of boilerplate.

Renamed the pre_render_forum_list hook to pre_render_forums.
Renamed the pre_render_topic_list hook to pre_render_topics.
Renamed a few benchmark variables to simplify the code.
2018-11-12 19:23:36 +10:00
Azareal 76cfcb509b Moved the phrase logic to the phrases package.
Removed some initialisation boilerplate from the test code.
De-duplicated some of the common portions of the benchmarks.
Added miscinit to reduce the amount of initialisation boilerplate in the tests and to better catch initialisation errors.
Added a profile benchmark.
2018-11-01 16:43:56 +10:00
Azareal f5a0e3386b Action posts can now be localised.
Tweaked the updating instructions.
2018-10-27 14:55:53 +10:00
Azareal bf851bd9fc We now use Go 1.11 modules. This should help with build times, deployment and development, although it does mean that the minimum requirement for Gosora has been bumped up from Go 1.10 to Go 1.11
Added support for dyntmpl to the template system.
The Account Dashboard now sort of uses dyntmpl, more work needed here.
Renamed the pre_render_view_topic hook to pre_render_topic.
Added the GetCurrentLangPack() function.
Added the alerts_no_new_alerts phrase.
Added the account_level_list phrase.

Refactored the route rename logic in the patcher to cut down on the amount of boilerplate.
Added more route renames to the patcher. You will need to run the patcher / updater in this commit.
2018-10-27 13:40:36 +10:00
Azareal 876ae4e245 Refactored the plugin system to use a hook table. This should help to reduce the probability of data races and strange bugs, as-well as helping to abstract certain details, so future changes are less likely to break things.
Fixed the missing background for the create topic non-JS page in Nox.
The non-JS create topic page now has a localised title.
2018-10-21 23:54:32 +10:00
Azareal aabfbe3622 Highlight the currently active zone in the menu for Nox.
Replaced the Level Progress widget in the Account Dashboard with a similar progressbar to the one in the level progress page.
2018-10-14 15:08:44 +10:00
Azareal f721780c0d Refactored some of the reply tests.
Added some topic post count tests.
Added a very simple action post test.

Changed the signature of *Topic.CreateActionReply to take an integer rather than a *User.
2018-10-08 14:15:06 +10:00
Azareal d675b2720f Began localising the id_must_be_integer and url_id_must_be_integer error pages.
Fixed the punctuation on a couple of registration errors, these will be localised too soon enough.
Removed a bit of boiletplate in groups.go with buildBasePage.
2018-09-30 10:42:33 +10:00
Azareal 39adc2e606 Per-topic views are now visible in the topic pages for the Nox Theme.
The parent forum of a topic is now visible on the topic pages for the Cosora and Nox Themes.
Added basic styling for polls to the Nox Theme.
Improved the styling for topic title editing in the Nox Theme.
2018-08-30 20:31:21 +10:00
Azareal f2b210248a Only load Chartist when we actually have a chart on the page. 2018-08-13 22:37:53 +10:00
Azareal 01a692ab5b Added the word filter store and moved the word filter routes into the route package.
Added tests for the word filter store.
Added qgen.NewAcc() to reduce the amount of boilerplate needed for creating an accumulator.
Exposed the RecordError method on the accumulator.
Added an Add method to PluginList and removed AddPlugin() in favour of that.

More panel buttons on Nox should be styled now.
Added the panel_update_button_text phrase for future use.

More errors might be caught in the thumbnailer now.
Removed ls from .travis.yml, it was there for debugging Code Climate.
2018-08-04 21:46:36 +10:00
Azareal 0a628f7201 PNG and JPG avatars are now encoded as JPG images leading to a dramatic drop in the amount of bandwidth used.
Did some work on image thumbnailing, but our dependencies are acting up delaying this from being released.

Fixed the positions of the topic list bits for Nox on mobile.
Removed APNG as an accepted image format, as we don't currently have a good way of optimising these images.
Added a comment regarding the constant time compare for sessions.
Added a warning about putting Gosora in www folders.
Noavatars can now take a width parameters.
Added a bit of missing validation for the avatar uploader.
Refactored the multiple file detector for the avatar uploader.

Added a Run method to accDeleteBuilder.
Added an EachInt method to AccSelectBuilder.
Added a Run method to accInsertBuilder.

Added the users_avatar_queue table, you will need to run the patcher / update script.
You might also want to update the Noavatar field in your config.json file with the new one.
2018-07-28 22:52:23 +10:00
Azareal 17892ba906 Tweaked the phrases for the actions to make them flow better, we still need to localise these. 2018-07-20 18:00:17 +10:00
Azareal 7be011a30d Almost finished live topic lists, you can find them at /topics/. You can disable them via config.json
The topic list cache can handle more groups now, but don't go too crazy with groups (e.g. thousands of them).

Make the suspicious request logs more descriptive.
Added the phrases API endpoint.
Split the template phrases up by prefix, more work on this coming up.
Removed #dash_saved and part of #dash_username.
Removed some temporary artifacts from trying to implement FA5 in Nox.
Removed some commented CSS.
Fixed template artifact deletion on Windows.
Tweaked HTTPSRedirect to make it more compact.
Fixed NullUserCache not complying with the expectations for BulkGet.
Swapped out a few RunVhook calls for more appropriate RunVhookNoreturn calls.
Removed a few redundant IsAdmin checks when IsMod would suffice.
Commented out a few pushers.
Desktop notification permission requests are no longer served to guests.
Split topics.html into topics.html and topics_topic.html
RunThemeTemplate should now fallback to interpreted templates properly when the transpiled variants aren't avaialb.e
Changed TopicsRow.CreatedAt from a string to a time.Time
Added SkipTmplPtrMap to CTemplateConfig.
Added SetBuildTags to CTemplateSet.
A bit more data is dumped when something goes wrong while transpiling templates now.
topics_topic, topic_posts, and topic_alt_posts are now transpiled for the client, although not all of them are ready to be served to the client yet.
Client rendered templates now support phrases.
Client rendered templates now support loops.
Fixed loadAlerts in global.js
Refactored some of the template initialisation code to make it less repetitive.
Split topic.html into topic.html and topic_posts.html
Split topic_alt.html into topic_alt.html and topic_alt_posts.html
Added comments for PollCache.
Fixed a data race in the MemoryPollCache.
The writer is now closed properly in WsHubImpl.broadcastMessage.
Fixed a potential deadlock in WsHubImpl.broadcastMessage.
Removed some old commented code in websockets.go

Added the DisableLiveTopicList config setting.
2018-06-24 23:49:29 +10:00
Azareal d897e05256 Users can no longer post or edit posts in locked topics.
Permissions should cascade properly now in the topic template, should have no actual effects on security given the particular nature of this one.
Tiny bit of work on Nox.

Began work on trimming down the page structs to only the necessary parts.
2018-06-01 15:02:29 +10:00
Azareal f85bf51103 Added a couple of simple anti-spam measures.
Made progress with an internal error logging component for the Control Panel.
Made LogWarning less susceptible to races and slightly improved log contention.
Revamped the registration page on Cosora.
Added the SanitiseSingleLine and SanitiseBody functions to better centralise sanitisation and to ensure more consistent sanitisation.
Zero length spaces are no longer permitted in usernames to help prevent impersonation. More to come in this area.
Plugins / internal components can now schedule hourly tasks.
Reduced the chances of newlines breaking the visual layout in areas which expect none.

Added the register_account_anti_spam phrase.
2018-05-31 16:51:31 +10:00
Azareal 23a686fe96 UNSTABLE: Began work on the Nox Theme.
Removed the Tempra Cursive Theme.
You can now do bulk moderation actions with Shadow.

Argon2 as a dependency.
The EmailStore.
The ReportStore.
The Copy method to *Setting.
The AddColumn method to the query builder and adapters.
The textarea setting type.
More logging to better debug issues.
The GetOffset method to the UserStore.

Sortable from Code Climate's Analysis.
MemberCheck and memberCheck as they're obsolete now.
The obsolete url_tags setting.
The BcryptGeneratePasswordNoSalt function.
Some redundant fields from some of the page structs.

The Control Panel Setting List and Editor.

The password hashing logic to make it more amenable to multiple hashing algorithms.
The email portion of the Account Manager.
The Control Panel User List.
The report system.
simplePanelUserCheck and simpleUserCheck to remove the duplicated logic as the two do the exact same thing.

Missing slugs in the profile links in the User Manager.
A few template initialisers potentially reducing the number of odd template edge cases.
Some problems with the footer.
Custom selection colour not applying to images on Shadow.
The avatars of the bottom row of the topic list on Conflux leaking out.

Moved the startTime variable into package common and exported it.
Moved the password hashing logic from user.go to auth.go
Split common/themes.go into common/theme.go and common/theme_list.go
Replaced the SettingLabels phrase category with the more generic SettingPhrases category.
Moved a load of routes, including panel ones into the routes and panel packages.
Hid the notifications link from the Account Menu.
Moved more inline CSS into the CSS files and made things a little more flexible here and there.
Continued work on PgSQL, still a ways away.
Guests now have a default avatar like everyone else.
Tweaked some of the font sizes on Cosora to make the text look a little nicer.
Partially implemented the theme dock override logic.
Partially implemented a "symlink" like feature for theme directories.
... And a bunch of other things I might have missed.

You will need to run this update script / patcher for this commit.
Warning: This is an "unstable commit", therefore some things may be a little less stable than I'd like. For instance, the Shadow Theme is a little broken in this commit.
2018-05-27 19:36:35 +10:00
Azareal 2be884edc1 Commented out more debug code.
Main Menu is now shown on the main menu in the menu list for extra clarity.
Travis should now be able to run it's tests.
Moved routeChangeTheme to the routes package.
Moved routeShowAttachment to the routes package and partially refactored it.
Moved routeLikeTopicSubmit to the routes package.
Moved routeReplyLikeSubmit to the routes package and partially refactored it.
Moved routeProfileReplyCreateSubmit to the routes package.
Moved routeLogout to the routes package, now known as routes.AccountLogout.
Moved the routeDynamic stub to the routes package, now known as routes.DynamicRoute.
Moved the routeUploads stub to the routes package, now known as routes.UploadedFile.
Moved the BadRoute stub to the routes package, now known as routes.BadRoute.
All routes moved to the routes package have had the route prefix dropped from their name.
Simplified the email token route to redirect back to the main email route instead of rendering the same template.
Refactored the panel menus to use the new submenu system instead of the old one which had a lot of menu duplication.
Added a stub directory for Nox, the next major theme after Cosora.
Fixed a bug where the alerts wouldn't load outside of the index.

Tweaked the CSS in the topic creation and reply forms on Shadow.
Tweaked the padding on the stickies on Shadow.
Improved the submenu CSS on every theme.
Fixed the submitrow CSS on Shadow, Tempra Conflux.
Fixed some double borders on Tempra Conflux.
The frontend sidebar should no longer show up in the Control Panel in Tempra Conflux and Tempra Simple.
Tweaked the title CSS on Cosora.
Tweaked the user manager CSS on Cosora.
Changed the primary text colour on Cosora.
Fixed attachment images taking up too much space on Cosora.

Run the patcher or update script for this commit.
2018-05-15 15:59:52 +10:00
Azareal 3801232d93 Fixed the "bad file" bugs #7 2018-05-11 17:22:42 +10:00
Azareal ca935d61a8 Added the AddScript and AddSheet methods to *HeaderVars and replaced the manual appends with them. 2018-04-04 05:49:13 +01:00
Azareal 74e09efb63 Fixed a bug where it would use the wrong templates for Tempra Simple, Tempra Cursive, and Shadow
Likes are now done over AJAX.
Posts you have liked are now visually differentiated from those which you have not.
Added support for OR to the where parser.
|| and && now get translated to OR and AND in the where parser.
Added support for ( and ) in the where parser.
Added an adapter and builder method for getting the database version.
Multiple wheres can now be chained with the micro and accumulator builders.
Added the In method to the accumulator select builder.
Added the GetConn method to the builder.
/uploads/ files should now get cached properly.
Added more tooltips for topic titles and usernames.

Fixed a bug in the runners where old stale templates would be served.
Fixed a bug where liking topics didn't work.
Began moving the database initialisation logic out of {adapter}.go and into querygen.
Tweaked the alert direction to show the newest alerts rather than the oldest.
Tweaked the WS JS to have it handle messages more efficiently.
Partially fixed an issue where inline edited posts would lack newlines until the page is refreshed.
Used arrow functions in a few places in global.js to save a few characters.

Added the liked, oldestItemLikedCreatedAt and lastLiked columns to the users table.
Added the createdAt column to the likes table.

MySQL Update Queries:
delete from `likes`;
delete from `activity_stream` where `event` = 'like';
delete from `activity_stream_matches` where `asid` not in(select `asid` from `activity_stream`);
update `topics` set `likeCount` = 0;
update `replies` set `likeCount` = 0;
2018-03-31 06:25:27 +01:00
Azareal b20e295375 Changed the defaultest default theme to Cosora... For now.
You need the ViewIPs permission to view IPs on logs now.
Added the leftOfNav and rightOfNav docks, more on this soon.
Added a max length for topic titles.
Added a max length for usernames.
Added none as a possible language for the language view counter.
We began adding the notice phrases.
Fixed a misnamed phrase which was spitting out placeholder text.
Localised unknown for the human language phrases.
Moved routeForums to routes.ForumList.
Moved routeRobotsTxt to routes.RobotsTxt.
Started tracking the views for routes.RobotsTxt.
Moved routeSitemapXml to routes.SitemapXml.
Started tracking the views for routes.SitemapXml.
Changed the fallback theme to Cosora.
Fixed changing the default theme to Cosora or Tempra Conflux.
Removed some redundant type definitions in template init.
Return ErrNoTitle instead of ErrNoBody when trying to create a topic with no title.
Moved some in-progress routes and helper functions for handling search engine crawlers to routes/api.go
2018-03-17 08:16:43 +00:00
Azareal 8ecc637ab9 Moved routeProfile to routes.ViewProfile.
Requests are now logged as one big chunk to help prevent them getting torn apart and improve log throughput.
Newlines are now stripped from dumped requests.
Prepared statement logging now only happens in debug mode for speedier server startups.
More suspicious request tracking is done outside of debug mode now.
Only log the initial message in plugin_markdown in debug mode.
Moved the CreateTopicSubmit attachment logging to super debug mode.
Removed a couple of unneccesary menu items from the Account Manager menu.
Hid the add friend option on the profiles for now.
Moved the remaining analytics results loops into a common function.
Only log the graph for the analytics routes in debug mode.

Every Theme:
Added CSS for the Don't have an Account link on the Login Page.

Fixed the header CSS on mobile.
The header CSS now covers optheads on mobile.
Revamped the profile comment UI.

Added CSS for sticky topics.

Tempra Simple:
Button CSS now applies to type=submit inputs.
Fixed the IP Search CSS.

Tempra Conflux:
Button CSS now applies to type=submit inputs.
Fixed the IP Search CSS.

Tempra Cursive (Deprecated):
Button CSS now applies to type=submit inputs.
2018-02-26 09:07:00 +00:00
Azareal 0879f56893 Added per-forum analytics.
Added one week as a time range option.

Moved routeForum to routes.ViewForum
Renamed form_vars to formVars.
Moved the analytics chart JS into it's own file.
Changed the header text on the requests chart from Views to Requests.
Added simple hooks to global.js
Moved some of the in funcname prints to debug mode.
De-duplicated some of the back-end analytics logic.
2018-02-22 02:27:17 +00:00
Azareal 60964868d4 Moved the counters to their own package.
De-duped some of the logging code.
Added per-route state to the not found errors.
Exported debugDetail, debugDetailf, debugLog, and debugLogf.
Tweaked the padding on Tempra Simple.
Added panel submenus to Tempra Conflux.
Added Chart CSS to Tempra Conflux.
Fixed the padding and margins for the Control Panel in Cosora.
Made Cosora's Control Panel a little more tablet friendly.
Added the rowmsg CSS class to better style message rows.
Removed the repetitive guard code for the pre-render hooks.
Removed the repetitive guard code for the string-string hooks.
We now capture views for routes.StaticFile
Added the move action to the moderation logs.

Added the viewchunks_forums table.
Began work on Per-forum Views.
I probably missed a few things in this changelog.
2018-02-19 04:26:01 +00:00
Azareal be47066770 General:
Added better pagination to /forum/{id}
Fixed the ordering of the elements in the pagesets.
Added hooks to the task system.
Reduced the amount of boilerplate for RunVhook and RunVhookNoReturn.
Added RunVhookNeedHook to allow plugin developers to add custom content types to the report system.
Added BulkGetMap to the DefaultPollStore.
Renamed the MultiServer config setting to ServerCount and made it an integer.
Don't cache topic lists for empty groups.
Don't load replies for topics without any.

Tempra Simple:
Added chart and submenu CSS.
Improved the input and select CSS.
Fixed the pageset CSS.
Fixed the poll input CSS.

Tempra Conflux:
Fixed the quick reply button CSS.
Hid the avatar in the quick reply area.
Added the poll CSS.
Fixed the pageset CSS.

Fixed the time range selector CSS.
Fixed the poll input CSS.
2018-02-15 13:15:27 +00:00
Azareal fa065bc584 /topics/ (the default index) is now over 25 times faster than before.
Change the length of the ticks for referrer tracking.
Fixed a bug in Shadow and Tempra Simple where the polls would appear when they shouldn't.
Added styling to Shadow for Control Panel Sub-menus.
Fixed the ridiculously wide attachment images on Cosora.
The analytics pages should no longer be treated as the dashboard style-wise.
The installer now works again.
Tests now run again, as do the benchmarks.
Refactored the topic list logic, and moved the route portion into the routes package.
Fixed an inverted comparison in the referrer logic.
Added friendly text for Mac operating systems to the english language pack.
Removed two obsolete prepared statements.
Fixed three race conditions in the database adapters.
Potentially sped up the topic page by 20%
Added several new benchmarks and refactored the others.
Removed a redundant prepared statement in user.go

Added reviseID as a primary key to the revisions table.
The user_count column was added to the users_groups table, but it's unknown if it will stay.
2018-02-10 15:07:21 +00:00
Azareal 017bce9c09 Replaced the user agent parser with a faster and more flexible one.
More progress on poll posts.

Improved the poll UI on the other themes.
De-duplicated some avatar logic.
Added Exec() to accInsertBuilder.
Moved routeOverview to routes.Overview
Moved routeCustomPage to routes.CustomPage
Moved routeTopicID to routes.ViewTopic
Moved routeLogin to routes.AccountLogin
Moved routeRegister to routes.AccountRegister
Moved routeLoginSubmit to routes.AccountLoginSubmit
Moved routeRegisterSubmit to routes.AccountRegisterSubmit
We now track the Android Chrome user agent.
We now track the UCBrowser user agent.
We now track the zgrab user agent.
Fixed a few cases where Googlebot wasn't tracked properly.
Moved routeStatic to routes.StaticFile
2018-02-03 05:47:14 +00:00
Azareal 9efed8c0bc Added support for polls, minus the results UI, we're planning to have a nice little chart for this.
Refactored the request logging logic into it's own function.
2018-01-27 07:30:44 +00:00
Azareal 1bd3d7d104 We now show requests to non-existent routes on the Route Analytics Page.
The filter now catches more odd requests for statistical purposes.

More progress on poll posts.
Dropped the polls_voters table and added the polls_votes one. The two have different definitions.
2018-01-26 05:53:34 +00:00
Azareal a7fec11170 IP Search now searches profile replies.
Added the subscription and attachment stores.

Refactored the routes to use the new subscription and attachment stores.
Fixed up the buttons on the profile comments for Cosora.
Made various enhancements to Cosora.
Renamed routePanel to routePanelDashboard.
Changed routeCreateTopicSubmit into an upload action and moved it into /routes/topic.go and refactored some of the redundant bits away.
2018-01-22 08:15:45 +00:00
Azareal 8252c481df Updated the codebeat and codeclimate config files.
Renamed the pre_render_view_forum hook to pre_render_forum.
Renamed the pre_render_ips hook to pre_render_ip_search.
Renamed routeTopicCreate to CreateTopic and moved it into /routes/topic.go
Moved three routes into /routes/user.go
Renamed routeIps to IPSearch and moved it into /routes/moderate.go
Moved the IP Search logic out of the route and into the DefaultIPSearcher.
Added InQ() to the select builders and replaced three hand-rolled queries with it.
De-duplicated some pagination logic.
2018-01-21 11:17:43 +00:00
Azareal 2997135e80 Added proper pagination to the topic list.
Fixed two existence checks.
Tweaked the profile CSS for Cosora.
Added the TopicByReplyID function.
Split off the profile logic from Reply into ProfileReply.
Moved various hard-coded bits in the profile reply routes into ProfileReply.
Moved four reply routes into /routes/reply.go
Moved six topic routes into /routes/topic.go
We should now capture more suspicious activity.

Changed the definition of the revisions table.
2018-01-20 06:50:29 +00:00
Azareal a66bab7c51 Added the global topic counter and associated graphs.
Wildcards should work properly in robots.txt now
Fixed the padding on the registration and login pages for Cosora.
Moved the Websockets route into the new router.
We now log more suspicious requests.

Started moving routes into /routes/
Added the topicchunks table.
2018-01-18 12:31:25 +00:00