Commit Graph

26 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Azareal f30ea7a9bb Finished moving the files into the subpackage, this should open more doors to us.
Moved more queries out of the global stmt holder.
Refactored several things.
2017-11-11 04:06:16 +00:00
Azareal 90cc069132 Tweak to see if Travis will let this run?
Fixes to the installer.
2017-10-31 00:33:14 +00:00
Azareal 868a57d6d2 Trying to get Travis to work.
Cleaned up some of the CSS and fixed the other themes.
2017-10-30 23:34:38 +00:00
Azareal fdb6304e32 Mostly a mid-way technical commit to make reading diffs easier on me.
Split the relativeTime function into relativeTime and relativeTimeFromString.
Refactored the installer.
Made a lot of progress with PgSQL and MSSQL support, mostly MSSQL.
Made a lot of progress on the automated testing suite.
Added eqcss to the file extension list.
Fixed various bugs here and there.
gen_mysql.go is now properly excluded when the pgsql or mssql build tag is passed.
The BBCode plugin is now always initialised prior to it's test.
We've begun transitioning towards deserializing database times directly into time.Times rather than doing it every time on the spot.
Added more dev flags.
The tests now make use of a test database rather than the production database.
2017-10-14 08:39:22 +01:00
Azareal 22650aad27 Added Quick Topic.
Added Attachments.
Added Attachment Media Embeds.

Renamed a load of *Store and *Cache methods to reduce the amount of unneccesary typing.
Added petabytes as a unit and cleaned up a few of the friendly units.
Refactored the username change logic to make it easier to maintain.
Refactored the avatar change logic to make it easier to maintain.
Shadow now uses CSS Variables for most of it's colours. We have plans to transpile this to support older browsers later on!
Snuck some CSS Variables into Tempra Conflux.
Added the GroupCache interface to MemoryGroupStore.
Added the Length method to MemoryGroupStore.
Added support for a site short name.
Added the UploadFiles permission.
Renamed more functions.
Fixed the background for the left gutter on the postbit for Tempra Simple and Shadow.
Added support for if statements operating on int8, int16, int32, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, float32, and float64 for the template compiler.
Added support for if statements operating on slices and maps for the template compiler.
Fixed a security exploit in reply editing.
Fixed a bug in the URL detector in the parser where it couldn't find URLs with non-standard ports.
Fixed buttons having blue outlines on focus on Shadow.
Refactored the topic creation logic to make it easier to maintain.

Made a few responsive fixes, but there's still more to do in the following commits!
2017-10-05 11:20:28 +01:00
Azareal 2ef7726080 More debug data and moved the template detailed debugs to the TemplateDebug as they shove the other data off the console.
Tweaked a few things in the forum permissions functions.
2017-09-23 22:28:50 +01:00
Azareal 11c60b3cbe You can now search for whatever IP you want in the IP Searcher.
Removed the Uncategorised Forum.
Added the Backup Page for super admins. Not quite functional yet.
Forums are now sorted properly again.
Fixed a bug in DirtyGet() where invalid IDs would trigger a panic.
Fixed a bug where alternate themes wouldn't work without setting them as default first and restarting Gosora.
2017-09-23 20:57:13 +01:00
Azareal 217e7abab3 Another mooostly technical commit, don't worry we'll be getting to the fun stuff soon!
The query statements now use camelCase instead of undercase.
Added more documentation.
Renamed a few config variables.
The length counters in the MemoryUserStore and MemoryTopicStore are now atomic.
Added the Flush method to the UserCache and TopicCache.
Made more visual improvements to Tempra Conflux.
The avatar block vanished from the opening posts for topics for some reason, I added it back.
Added more tests.

And many more changes...
2017-09-18 18:03:52 +01:00
Azareal ce9195c841 Revamped Tempra Conflux.
Updated the readme.
Added more comments.
The forumView cache for MemoryForumStore now excludes Social Groups.
Moved the word filter logic into it's own file.
You can now change the language via the configuration file.
Moved the inline CSS into the CSS files.
2017-09-13 16:09:13 +01:00
Azareal 01bef7a320 The route handlers now use camelCase.
Updated the default config.go
2017-09-11 11:24:03 +01:00
Azareal ba36814d8d Refactored the code to follow best standards better.
Added Basic IP Search.
Added more items to .gitignore
Add a VSCode settings file.
Refactored the theme system to allow me to add a per-user theme switcher in the following commit.
Fixed h1s, rowmenus, profiles and the Control Panel Dashboard on Tempra Simple.
We now catch more extreme edge case errors.
Renamed route_panel_themes_default to route_panel_themes_set_default.
Centralised some of the per-route ExtData fields.
Added an ExtData field to headerLite.
Moved SettingLabels into the Phrase System.
2017-09-03 05:50:31 +01:00
Azareal 3e4cfa8888 Added the Panel Debug page.
Added the mini stats for the various parts of the Control Panel in the Control Panel Menu.
Fixed a crash bug in the router.
The basic arithmetic template functions now work for the interpreted templates.
Tweaked the connection pool to hopefully ease the number of goroutines fighting over a database connection.
The Group Manager is now paginated.
panel.css is now pushed by HTTP/2 Push.
Fixed an issue with the padding on /forum/ and /topics/ for Shadow.
Fixed a bug in the login system forcefully overriding sessions on login.
All admin logins are now logged.
Refactored the client-side alert loading logic.
Added SimpleCount to the Query Builder.
2017-08-15 14:47:56 +01:00
Azareal f41c281e43 Added support for HTTP/2 Push.
The themes are still going to be a little broken for a while, but here's the progress I've made.

Renamed the topics_trow_assign hook to topics_topic_row_assign.
Added more debug code to the generated router.
Added a robots.txt file.
Gosora now responds to favicon.ico requests with a 404 rather than the topic list.
Fixed the tests and some of the benchmarks.
Changed the default UserCacheCapacity from 100 to 120.
Changed the default TopicCacheCapacity from 100 to 200.
Added the last replyer to the topics list and the forum pages.
Added the BulkCascadeGetMap method to the UserStore.
Refactored the topics list and forum page to load the users with a call to the UserStore rather than via a join.
WebSockets now work on SSL.
Fixed a race condition when the user permissions are initialised at the start of a request.
Fixed a race condition when the user permissions for the OP of a topic are initialised.
The rows.Close() calls are deferred once more, so that we can catch problems with recover()
Improved support for struct pointers in the template compiler.
Added a pin emoji to pinned topics to make them stand-out on the Shadow theme, we have some other ideas in mind for this, but I'd like to get Shadow fully functional for this commit.
Fixed a bug an issue with Chrome not detecting XHTML style closes on <form>s.
Fixed a visual issue with `color` not being set for textarea elements for the Shadow theme.
Fixed a function which wasn't getting renamed for PGSQL.

Added seven new UserStore tests.
2017-08-06 16:22:18 +01:00
Azareal d976a192fb Added the new theme, Shadow. It still isn't complete yet.
Revamped the configuration system.
If you have trouble installing this, try installing my fork of gopsutil with `go get` and delete the users_penalties table from the schema folder. That stuff will be cleaned up in the next commit.

Fixed an issue with the links for the Uncategorised forum being broken.
Swapped out NOW() for UTC_TIMESTAMP() in MySQL queries.
We now get an error message when the server goes down for whatever reason.
The template compiler now supports pointers.
Swapped out shirou/gopsutil for a fork locked on an older and more stable commit of the same library.
Fixed a bug where the preprocessor didn't play nice with empty CSS files.

Added the site name to the navbar.
Added more things to .gitignore
Laid the foundations for the next commit.
2017-07-17 11:23:42 +01:00
Azareal e30707bc17 Refactored the installer's code. We're moving towards supporting multiple database engines.
More progress has been made with PostgreSQL, but it's still incomplete and experimental.
The items on the Social Group menu bar are no longer decorative and now let you jump from page to page.
Social Group permissions are now fully functional. More features to come like privacy levels, secondary board permissions, etc. for Social Groups.

One of our dependencies added a dependecy, so we've added that dependency as a dependency.
Tweaked the ForumStore to better conform to the tests.
Fixed an issue with the generated file comment stopping the build tags from being read by the compiler for a few files.
Fixed the test system.
Renamed the route_create_topic handler to route_topic_create_submit
Moved the user table into the query generator.
Fixed a bug in MySQL where it doesn't allow unique keys longer than 180 characters.
Fixed a race condition in the forum deletion handler.
Fixed a crash bug where Gosora crashes when [rand]0[/rand] is passed to the BBCode parser.
Fixed a bug with superadmins not being able to see all the forums they should be able to.
Fixed a bug in simple_forum_session_check where it assumes every request has an error.

Added 8 ForumStore tests.
Added 4 Auth tests.
Added 14 bbcode_full_parse tests.
Added 4 bbcode_regex_parse tests.
Fixed a bug in one of the bbcode_full_parse tests.

Apparently, routes.go wasn't commited in the previous commit o_o
2017-07-12 12:05:18 +01:00
Azareal dd8f68b6d2 Added the Social Groups plugin. This is still under construction.
Made a few improvements to the ForumStore, including bringing it's API closer in line with the other datastores, adding stubs for future subforum functionality, and improving efficiency in a few places.
The auth interface now handles all the authentication stuff.
Renamed the debug config variable to debug_mode.
Added the PluginPerms API.
Internal Errors will now dump the stack trace in the console.
Added support for installable plugins.
Refactored the routing logic so that the router now handles the common PreRoute logic(exc. /static/)
Added the CreateTable method to the query generator. It might need some tweaking to better support other database systems.
Added the same CreateTable method to the query builder.
Began work on PostgreSQL support.

Added the string-string hook type
Added the pre_render hook type.
Added the ParentID and ParentType fields to forums.
Added the get_forum_url_prefix function.
Added a more generic build_slug function.
Added the get_topic_url_prefix function.
Added the override_perms and override_forum_perms functions for bulk setting and unsetting permissions.
Added more ExtData fields in a few structs and removed them on the Perms struct as the PluginPerms API supersedes them there.
Plugins can now see the router instance.
The plugin initialisation handlers can now throw errors.
Plugins are now initialised after all the forum's subsystems are.
Refactored the unit test logic. For instance, we now use the proper .Log method rather than fmt.Println in many cases.
Sorry, we'll have to break Github's generated file detection, as the build instructions aren't working, unless I put them at the top, and they're far, far more important than getting Github to recognise the generated code as generated code.
Fixed an issue with mysql.go's _init_database() overwriting the dbpassword variable. Not a huge issue, but it is a "gotcha" for those not expecting a ':' at the start.
Fixed an issue with forum creation where the forum permissions didn't get cached.
Fixed a bug in plugin_bbcode where negative numbers in rand would crash Gosora.
Made the outputs of plugin_markdown and plugin_bbcode more compliant with the tests.
Revamped the phrase system to make it easier for us to add language pack related features in the future.
Added the WidgetMenu widget type.
Revamped the theme again. I'm experimenting to see which approach I like most.
- Excuse the little W3C rage. Some things about CSS drive me crazy :p

Added 22 bbcode_full_parse tests.
Added 19 bbcode_regex_parse tests.
Added 27 markdown_parse tests.
Added four UserStore tests. More to come when the test database functionality is added.
Added 18 name_to_slug tests.

Added the pre_render hook.
Added the pre_render_forum_list hook.
Added the pre_render_view_forum hook.
Added the pre_render_topic_list hook.
Added the pre_render_view_topic hook.
Added the pre_render_profile hook.
Added the pre_render_custom_page hook.
Added the pre_render_overview hook.
Added the pre_render_create_topic hook.

Added the pre_render_account_own_edit_critical hook.
Added the pre_render_account_own_edit_avatar hook.
Added the pre_render_account_own_edit_username hook.
Added the pre_render_account_own_edit_email hook.
Added the pre_render_login hook.
Added the pre_render_register hook.
Added the pre_render_ban hook.

Added the pre_render_panel_dashboard hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_forums hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_delete_forum hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_edit_forum hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_settings hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_setting hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_plugins hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_users hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_edit_user hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_groups hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_edit_group hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_edit_group_perms hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_themes hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_mod_log hook.
Added the pre_render_error hook.
Added the pre_render_security_error hook.

Added the create_group_preappend hook.
Added the intercept_build_widgets hook.
Added the simple_forum_check_pre_perms hook.
Added the forum_check_pre_perms hook.
2017-07-09 13:06:04 +01:00
Azareal 8c1d8d5c64 Split database.go's contents off into their own functions for reusability's sake. 2017-06-14 10:55:47 +01:00
Azareal 93d00b0337 The Advanced Forum Editor is now accessible via the Forum Manager.
Renamed data.sql to mysql.sql
Added a composite primary key to the forums_permissions table.
Moved five more queries to the query generator.
Revamped the query generator. Yesterday's commit was more of a prototype. Still lots to be done to facilitate all the queries.
Added support for simple left joins to the query generator.
Removed .smaller
Fixed an issue with the permissions not saving with the Advanced Forum Editor.

Remind me to keep all generators away from Atom.
2017-06-06 09:47:33 +01:00
Azareal fab2db0936 Added the Control Panel Dashboard.
Bumped the version requirements upto Go 1.8
Added gopsutil as a dependency.

Added the minify_templates and super_debug config.go options.
Cleaned up the console.
config.go is a little more organised now.
2017-05-07 09:31:41 +01:00
Azareal 27df532617 Authenticated SMTP is now fully functional.
Tweaked the newlines in the validation email.
2017-03-16 05:06:58 +00:00
Azareal 3662a298d4 Added support for authenticated SMTP. I'm going to do a few tests on this tonight.
Added 87 new emoji shortcodes. We now have all of the Unicode v1.1 emojis covered.
Added support for #fid hashlinks.
Added the :(, :O, :o, and :p smiley codes.

Fixed a bug where the topic data wasn't getting updated after creating a reply.

Added the get_forum function.
Added the get_forum_copy function.
Added the build_forum_url function.
2017-03-15 08:34:14 +00:00
Azareal 399128c208 Added the topic and user memory caches. Currently used in an extremely limited way, we plan to expand this!
Added a template minifier which strips out many types of whitespace.
Stop the router from blocking the other goroutines.
Content is no longer an interface{} in the TopicUser and Reply structs
Allow plugins to add new routes without any potential race coditions occuring
Use non-breaking spaces in the topic view to make it harder for the minifier to break things.
2017-02-11 14:51:16 +00:00
Azareal 5e3b61d910 Added pagination for forums.
You can now use the left and right keyboard keys to go to the next and previous page.
Making the shell files a little friendlier. Needs testing.
The main executable will always be named gosora.exe or the Linux equivalent ./Gosora
Reports is now a physical forum and not a "virtual" one.
Added create_forum() and delete_forum() for creating and deleting forums.
Synced the installer's config.go with the main one.
Forums are now stored in slices rather than maps for improved performance and concurrency.
You can now set a forum as hidden when initially creating it.
BBCode tag names may only be seven characters long now. This is part of a new anti-overflow measure that's much faster and simpler than the previous one.
Updated the last block of code in routes.go which uses the antiquated "success = 0" error detection method.
Fixed a visual bug in the Control Panel CSS.
Seperated the system forums from the normal ones in the Forum Manager.
You can now see if a forum is marked as Hidden in the Forum Manager.
Fixed the position of the lock status indicator.
IP Addresses now have a simple title attribute explaining that this long incomprehensible string is in fact an IP Address.
Textareas look a little better now.
Next / Previous buttons are now visible on mobile.
.bat files always say what they're doing now.
2017-01-26 13:37:50 +00:00
Azareal b7c89fd020 Added the Level System.
The .bat files now exit upon encountering an error.
Post, bigpost, megapost, and topic stats are now tracked for each user.
Added the bigpost_min_chars and megapost_min_chars settings. Probably needs to be renamed.
Added the Levels test. Run `go test -run "Levels"`
The installer now validates the inputted server port.
Added a word counter utility function.
The template engine now borks less on variable nodes.
Added the lt, gt, ge, eq and ne to the template engine. I'm fairly sure eq was already in there, but things get handled differently depending on what type of node it is.
Eliminated more "success" variables by converting the errors over into InternalError() and LocalErrors()
2017-01-12 02:55:08 +00:00
Azareal 7f8aaedb0a Testing something Git-wise. 2017-01-10 08:24:46 +00:00
Azareal e835ca4148 Added an installer which automatically populates the configuration file with information you provide. It also seeds the database with the necessary tables and data.
Added the likes table. This is a sign of what's to come.
Improved the installation instructions in
Fixed the SQL in data.sql so that it no longer errors out.
The Admin user now has a default password.
Fixed a status indicator which I overlooked in the previous commit.
The Status field for topics is now deprecated.
Improved the efficiency of plugin_bbcode
Added more bat and shell files to make it easier for you to get things done.
2017-01-10 06:51:28 +00:00