Commit Graph

16 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Azareal 7c5d55e0b9 Add Dev.HourDBTimeout unlisted config setting.
Shorter duration during conn drop period.
Improve TickWatch.DumpElapsed formatting.
2021-06-14 13:32:07 +10:00
Azareal bc16b724c2 avoid loading as many alerts outside of the bounding box 2020-03-31 22:33:40 +10:00
Azareal b487ad0e5a Last batch for now to be converted from common. to c. 2019-04-19 18:20:10 +10:00
Azareal 8f2f47e8aa Added the In-Progress Widget Manager UI.
Added the IsoCode field to phrase files.
Rewrote a good portion of the widget system logic.
Added some tests for the widget system.
Added the Online Users widget.
Added a few sealed incomplete widgets like the Search & Filter Widget.
Added the AllUsers method to WsHubImpl for Online Users. Please don't abuse it.

Added the optional *DBTableKey field to AddColumn.
Added the panel_analytics_time_range template to reduce the amount of duplication.
Failed registrations now show up in red in the registration logs for Nox.
Failed logins now show up in red in the login logs for Nox.
Added basic h2 CSS to the other themes.
Added .show_on_block_edit and .hide_on_block_edit to the other themes.
Updated contributing.
Updated a bunch of dates to 2019.
Replaced tblKey{} with nil where possible.
Switched out some &s for &s to reduce the number of possible bugs.
Fixed a bug with selector messages where the inspector would get really jittery due to unnecessary DOM updates.
Moved header.Zone and associated fields to the bottom of ViewTopic to reduce the chances of problems arising.
Added the ZoneData field to *Header.
Added IDs to the items in the forum list template.
Split the fetchPhrases function into the initPhrases and fetchPhrases functions in init.js
Added .colstack_sub_head.
Fixed the CSS in the menu list.
Removed an inline style from the simple topic like and unlike buttons.
Removed an inline style from the simple topic IP button.
Simplified the LoginRequired error handler.
Fixed a typo in the comment prior to DatabaseError()
Reduce the number of false leaves for WebSocket page transitions.
Added the error zone.
De-duped the logic in WsHubImpl.getUsers.
Fixed a potential widget security issue.

Added twenty new phrases.
Added the wid column to the widgets table.

You will need to run the patcher / updater for this commit.
2019-01-21 22:27:59 +10:00
Azareal bf851bd9fc We now use Go 1.11 modules. This should help with build times, deployment and development, although it does mean that the minimum requirement for Gosora has been bumped up from Go 1.10 to Go 1.11
Added support for dyntmpl to the template system.
The Account Dashboard now sort of uses dyntmpl, more work needed here.
Renamed the pre_render_view_topic hook to pre_render_topic.
Added the GetCurrentLangPack() function.
Added the alerts_no_new_alerts phrase.
Added the account_level_list phrase.

Refactored the route rename logic in the patcher to cut down on the amount of boilerplate.
Added more route renames to the patcher. You will need to run the patcher / updater in this commit.
2018-10-27 13:40:36 +10:00
Azareal 0305571cb3 Eliminated some JS errors for guests on Cosora.
Fixed the build tags for the alt database engines.
Tweaked the quotes on the PgSQL adapter. Still not functional.
Removed the SQLite build tag as it's unlikely that it'll ever be implemented.
2018-08-15 17:02:57 +10:00
Azareal 74e09efb63 Fixed a bug where it would use the wrong templates for Tempra Simple, Tempra Cursive, and Shadow
Likes are now done over AJAX.
Posts you have liked are now visually differentiated from those which you have not.
Added support for OR to the where parser.
|| and && now get translated to OR and AND in the where parser.
Added support for ( and ) in the where parser.
Added an adapter and builder method for getting the database version.
Multiple wheres can now be chained with the micro and accumulator builders.
Added the In method to the accumulator select builder.
Added the GetConn method to the builder.
/uploads/ files should now get cached properly.
Added more tooltips for topic titles and usernames.

Fixed a bug in the runners where old stale templates would be served.
Fixed a bug where liking topics didn't work.
Began moving the database initialisation logic out of {adapter}.go and into querygen.
Tweaked the alert direction to show the newest alerts rather than the oldest.
Tweaked the WS JS to have it handle messages more efficiently.
Partially fixed an issue where inline edited posts would lack newlines until the page is refreshed.
Used arrow functions in a few places in global.js to save a few characters.

Added the liked, oldestItemLikedCreatedAt and lastLiked columns to the users table.
Added the createdAt column to the likes table.

MySQL Update Queries:
delete from `likes`;
delete from `activity_stream` where `event` = 'like';
delete from `activity_stream_matches` where `asid` not in(select `asid` from `activity_stream`);
update `topics` set `likeCount` = 0;
update `replies` set `likeCount` = 0;
2018-03-31 06:25:27 +01:00
Azareal 2047fed0b9 Renamed a few querygen structs.
Moved the accumulator sub-builders into their own file.
Implemented OO methods for the prebuilders.

Began converting the generated queries over to the OO methods.
2017-11-12 05:25:04 +00:00
Azareal 3fa9bf7373 I've revamped the query generator to reduce the number of globals, this'll help us split up the software and plugins in the future.
Refactored the router.
Added the MemberOnly middleware and tests for it.
2017-11-05 09:55:34 +00:00
Azareal fdb6304e32 Mostly a mid-way technical commit to make reading diffs easier on me.
Split the relativeTime function into relativeTime and relativeTimeFromString.
Refactored the installer.
Made a lot of progress with PgSQL and MSSQL support, mostly MSSQL.
Made a lot of progress on the automated testing suite.
Added eqcss to the file extension list.
Fixed various bugs here and there.
gen_mysql.go is now properly excluded when the pgsql or mssql build tag is passed.
The BBCode plugin is now always initialised prior to it's test.
We've begun transitioning towards deserializing database times directly into time.Times rather than doing it every time on the spot.
Added more dev flags.
The tests now make use of a test database rather than the production database.
2017-10-14 08:39:22 +01:00
Azareal 91f70d2a4a Add a per-user theme switcher. The CSS might be slightly broken in the themes, that'll be fixed in a follow-up commit.
Added basic support for server sync.

Re-added a few missing defers.
Renamed TO-DO to TODO across the entire codebase.
Renamed StaticForumStore to MemoryForumStore.
The ForumStore is now built on a sync.Map with a view slice for generating /forums rather than a slice.
Renamed many more functions and variables to satisfy the linter.
increase_post_user_stats() and decrease_post_user_stats() are now methods on the User struct. We also fix a bug where they take the moderator's score rather than the target user's into account when recalculating their level after a post / topic is deleted.
Transitioned the topic list to CSS Grid for Tempra Simple, with a float fallback.
Cosmo and Cosmo Conflux are now hidden from the theme list.
Fixed more data races.
Added more debug data to the template compiler logs.
2017-09-10 17:57:22 +01:00
Azareal 3e4cfa8888 Added the Panel Debug page.
Added the mini stats for the various parts of the Control Panel in the Control Panel Menu.
Fixed a crash bug in the router.
The basic arithmetic template functions now work for the interpreted templates.
Tweaked the connection pool to hopefully ease the number of goroutines fighting over a database connection.
The Group Manager is now paginated.
panel.css is now pushed by HTTP/2 Push.
Fixed an issue with the padding on /forum/ and /topics/ for Shadow.
Fixed a bug in the login system forcefully overriding sessions on login.
All admin logins are now logged.
Refactored the client-side alert loading logic.
Added SimpleCount to the Query Builder.
2017-08-15 14:47:56 +01:00
Azareal 02a0cbb6bb More work on the Shadow theme.
Switched gopsutil with a temporary more stable fork.
Ping PostgreSQL upon connecting. We need a global solution for connection drops. A connection timeout, perhaps?
Added the rowmenu CSS class for styling sidebar menus.
Added the real_first_child CSS class, we might be able to get around using it by redoing the <form> nesting.
Added the rowlist CSS class.
Added the bgavatars CSS class.
Added avatars to the User Manager.
Added limited responsivity to the Shadow Theme, I might have broken some things in the other themes, I'll fix that soon!
A per-theme post-avatar-bg.jpg file is now used for the first topic layout rather than the global white-dot.jpg file.
2017-07-29 11:36:39 +01:00
Azareal d976a192fb Added the new theme, Shadow. It still isn't complete yet.
Revamped the configuration system.
If you have trouble installing this, try installing my fork of gopsutil with `go get` and delete the users_penalties table from the schema folder. That stuff will be cleaned up in the next commit.

Fixed an issue with the links for the Uncategorised forum being broken.
Swapped out NOW() for UTC_TIMESTAMP() in MySQL queries.
We now get an error message when the server goes down for whatever reason.
The template compiler now supports pointers.
Swapped out shirou/gopsutil for a fork locked on an older and more stable commit of the same library.
Fixed a bug where the preprocessor didn't play nice with empty CSS files.

Added the site name to the navbar.
Added more things to .gitignore
Laid the foundations for the next commit.
2017-07-17 11:23:42 +01:00
Azareal e30707bc17 Refactored the installer's code. We're moving towards supporting multiple database engines.
More progress has been made with PostgreSQL, but it's still incomplete and experimental.
The items on the Social Group menu bar are no longer decorative and now let you jump from page to page.
Social Group permissions are now fully functional. More features to come like privacy levels, secondary board permissions, etc. for Social Groups.

One of our dependencies added a dependecy, so we've added that dependency as a dependency.
Tweaked the ForumStore to better conform to the tests.
Fixed an issue with the generated file comment stopping the build tags from being read by the compiler for a few files.
Fixed the test system.
Renamed the route_create_topic handler to route_topic_create_submit
Moved the user table into the query generator.
Fixed a bug in MySQL where it doesn't allow unique keys longer than 180 characters.
Fixed a race condition in the forum deletion handler.
Fixed a crash bug where Gosora crashes when [rand]0[/rand] is passed to the BBCode parser.
Fixed a bug with superadmins not being able to see all the forums they should be able to.
Fixed a bug in simple_forum_session_check where it assumes every request has an error.

Added 8 ForumStore tests.
Added 4 Auth tests.
Added 14 bbcode_full_parse tests.
Added 4 bbcode_regex_parse tests.
Fixed a bug in one of the bbcode_full_parse tests.

Apparently, routes.go wasn't commited in the previous commit o_o
2017-07-12 12:05:18 +01:00
Azareal dd8f68b6d2 Added the Social Groups plugin. This is still under construction.
Made a few improvements to the ForumStore, including bringing it's API closer in line with the other datastores, adding stubs for future subforum functionality, and improving efficiency in a few places.
The auth interface now handles all the authentication stuff.
Renamed the debug config variable to debug_mode.
Added the PluginPerms API.
Internal Errors will now dump the stack trace in the console.
Added support for installable plugins.
Refactored the routing logic so that the router now handles the common PreRoute logic(exc. /static/)
Added the CreateTable method to the query generator. It might need some tweaking to better support other database systems.
Added the same CreateTable method to the query builder.
Began work on PostgreSQL support.

Added the string-string hook type
Added the pre_render hook type.
Added the ParentID and ParentType fields to forums.
Added the get_forum_url_prefix function.
Added a more generic build_slug function.
Added the get_topic_url_prefix function.
Added the override_perms and override_forum_perms functions for bulk setting and unsetting permissions.
Added more ExtData fields in a few structs and removed them on the Perms struct as the PluginPerms API supersedes them there.
Plugins can now see the router instance.
The plugin initialisation handlers can now throw errors.
Plugins are now initialised after all the forum's subsystems are.
Refactored the unit test logic. For instance, we now use the proper .Log method rather than fmt.Println in many cases.
Sorry, we'll have to break Github's generated file detection, as the build instructions aren't working, unless I put them at the top, and they're far, far more important than getting Github to recognise the generated code as generated code.
Fixed an issue with mysql.go's _init_database() overwriting the dbpassword variable. Not a huge issue, but it is a "gotcha" for those not expecting a ':' at the start.
Fixed an issue with forum creation where the forum permissions didn't get cached.
Fixed a bug in plugin_bbcode where negative numbers in rand would crash Gosora.
Made the outputs of plugin_markdown and plugin_bbcode more compliant with the tests.
Revamped the phrase system to make it easier for us to add language pack related features in the future.
Added the WidgetMenu widget type.
Revamped the theme again. I'm experimenting to see which approach I like most.
- Excuse the little W3C rage. Some things about CSS drive me crazy :p

Added 22 bbcode_full_parse tests.
Added 19 bbcode_regex_parse tests.
Added 27 markdown_parse tests.
Added four UserStore tests. More to come when the test database functionality is added.
Added 18 name_to_slug tests.

Added the pre_render hook.
Added the pre_render_forum_list hook.
Added the pre_render_view_forum hook.
Added the pre_render_topic_list hook.
Added the pre_render_view_topic hook.
Added the pre_render_profile hook.
Added the pre_render_custom_page hook.
Added the pre_render_overview hook.
Added the pre_render_create_topic hook.

Added the pre_render_account_own_edit_critical hook.
Added the pre_render_account_own_edit_avatar hook.
Added the pre_render_account_own_edit_username hook.
Added the pre_render_account_own_edit_email hook.
Added the pre_render_login hook.
Added the pre_render_register hook.
Added the pre_render_ban hook.

Added the pre_render_panel_dashboard hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_forums hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_delete_forum hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_edit_forum hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_settings hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_setting hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_plugins hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_users hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_edit_user hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_groups hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_edit_group hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_edit_group_perms hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_themes hook.
Added the pre_render_panel_mod_log hook.
Added the pre_render_error hook.
Added the pre_render_security_error hook.

Added the create_group_preappend hook.
Added the intercept_build_widgets hook.
Added the simple_forum_check_pre_perms hook.
Added the forum_check_pre_perms hook.
2017-07-09 13:06:04 +01:00