Commit Graph

19 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Azareal 77291e4b44 Add ScheduledTasks and TaskSet interfaces.
Add unlisted LogLongTick developer setting.
Rearrange the order of the shutdown signal handler to figure out where it might fail.
2021-05-03 10:36:29 +10:00
Azareal 39ace845b7 Add BulkExistsFunc() to LikeStore.
Add AddScheduledDayTask() and ScheduledDayTaskCount()
Reduce boilerplate.
2021-04-29 22:59:48 +10:00
Azareal c60118e7c4 WIP forum action code. Currently disabled.
Add Http Conn Count tracking.
Move more panel phrases into the panel namespace.
Use a string builder in hookgen.
Use Countf() in a couple of places to eliminate boilerplate.
Reduce prepared stmt boilerplate in forum store with a lambda.
Reduce prepared stmt boilerplate in topic.go with a lambda.
Reduce prepared stmt boilerplate in group.go with a lambda.
Add TestSetCreatedAt method to *Topic.
Add DateOlderThanQ method to *accDeleteBuilder and *accUpdateBuilder.
Add Stmt method to *accUpdateBuilder and *AccSelectBuilder.
Add AccBuilder interface.
Shorten variable names.
Shorten extractPerm name to ep.
Add avatar_visibility setting stub. Implementation coming in a later commit.
Don't set an IP for installer generated posts.

Add counters_perf_tick_row hook.

Add avatar_visibility phrase.
Add avatar_visibility_label phrase.
Rename forums_no_description to forums_no_desc.
Rename panel.forums_create_description_label to panel.forums_create_desc_label.
Rename panel.forums_create_description to panel.forums_create_desc.
Rename panel_forum_description to panel.forum_desc.
Rename panel_forum_description_placeholder to panel.forum_desc_placeholder.
Add panel_debug_http_conns_label phrase.
Add panel.forum_actions_head phrase.
Add panel.forum_actions_create_head phrase.
Add panel.forum_action_run_on_topic_creation phrase.
Add panel.forum_action_run_days_after_topic_creation phrase.
Add panel.forum_action_run_days_after_topic_last_reply phrase.
Add panel.forum_action_action phrase.
Add panel.forum_action_action_delete phrase.
Add panel.forum_action_action_lock phrase.
Add panel.forum_action_action_unlock phrase.
Add panel.forum_action_action_move phrase.
Add panel.forum_action_extra phrase.
Add panel.forum_action_create_button phrase.

You will need to run the patcher / updater for this commit.
2021-04-08 00:23:11 +10:00
Azareal 459d745cb1 initial perf anaytics
add tasks to debug page
ignore .git on debug page for speed

add perfchunks table

Renamed phrases (changed statistics to stats):

Added phrases:

You will need to run the updater / patcher for this commit.
2020-02-23 19:08:47 +10:00
Azareal a8e1076f7c Do proper averaging and collect more samples for the memory analytics pane.
Added an ETag for the alerts endpoint when you're not logged to save bandwidth.
The Page Manager now uses dyntmpl.
The Setting Manager now uses dyntmpl.
The Word Filter Manager now uses dyntmpl.
Fixed the padding on the noavatar alerts for Nox.

Tweaked the panel_word_filters_to phrase.
Tweaked the panel_statistics_memory_head phrase.
Added the panel_statistics_memory_chart_aria phrase.
Added the panel_statistics_memory_table_aria phrase.
Added the panel_statistics_memory_no_memory phrase.
2019-05-02 09:14:07 +10:00
Azareal 8f2f47e8aa Added the In-Progress Widget Manager UI.
Added the IsoCode field to phrase files.
Rewrote a good portion of the widget system logic.
Added some tests for the widget system.
Added the Online Users widget.
Added a few sealed incomplete widgets like the Search & Filter Widget.
Added the AllUsers method to WsHubImpl for Online Users. Please don't abuse it.

Added the optional *DBTableKey field to AddColumn.
Added the panel_analytics_time_range template to reduce the amount of duplication.
Failed registrations now show up in red in the registration logs for Nox.
Failed logins now show up in red in the login logs for Nox.
Added basic h2 CSS to the other themes.
Added .show_on_block_edit and .hide_on_block_edit to the other themes.
Updated contributing.
Updated a bunch of dates to 2019.
Replaced tblKey{} with nil where possible.
Switched out some &s for &s to reduce the number of possible bugs.
Fixed a bug with selector messages where the inspector would get really jittery due to unnecessary DOM updates.
Moved header.Zone and associated fields to the bottom of ViewTopic to reduce the chances of problems arising.
Added the ZoneData field to *Header.
Added IDs to the items in the forum list template.
Split the fetchPhrases function into the initPhrases and fetchPhrases functions in init.js
Added .colstack_sub_head.
Fixed the CSS in the menu list.
Removed an inline style from the simple topic like and unlike buttons.
Removed an inline style from the simple topic IP button.
Simplified the LoginRequired error handler.
Fixed a typo in the comment prior to DatabaseError()
Reduce the number of false leaves for WebSocket page transitions.
Added the error zone.
De-duped the logic in WsHubImpl.getUsers.
Fixed a potential widget security issue.

Added twenty new phrases.
Added the wid column to the widgets table.

You will need to run the patcher / updater for this commit.
2019-01-21 22:27:59 +10:00
Azareal 52c8be4173 Variables which are computed multiple times in templates should only be computed once now.
Enabled the Watchdog Goroutine.
Moved a couple of parser tests into their own file.
Eliminated the hard-coded URLs in TestParser()
Refactored the alert system so that a specific actor is only loaded once rather than once for each alert. This isn't a problem in practice due to the user cache, but it might be on high traffic sites.
Don't run HandleServerSync() on single server setups.
Don't load the user in GetTopicUser(), if the topic creator is the current user.
Fixed a bug in the template generator where endloop nodes were being pushed instead of endif ones.
2018-11-22 17:21:43 +10:00
Azareal bf851bd9fc We now use Go 1.11 modules. This should help with build times, deployment and development, although it does mean that the minimum requirement for Gosora has been bumped up from Go 1.10 to Go 1.11
Added support for dyntmpl to the template system.
The Account Dashboard now sort of uses dyntmpl, more work needed here.
Renamed the pre_render_view_topic hook to pre_render_topic.
Added the GetCurrentLangPack() function.
Added the alerts_no_new_alerts phrase.
Added the account_level_list phrase.

Refactored the route rename logic in the patcher to cut down on the amount of boilerplate.
Added more route renames to the patcher. You will need to run the patcher / updater in this commit.
2018-10-27 13:40:36 +10:00
Azareal 01a692ab5b Added the word filter store and moved the word filter routes into the route package.
Added tests for the word filter store.
Added qgen.NewAcc() to reduce the amount of boilerplate needed for creating an accumulator.
Exposed the RecordError method on the accumulator.
Added an Add method to PluginList and removed AddPlugin() in favour of that.

More panel buttons on Nox should be styled now.
Added the panel_update_button_text phrase for future use.

More errors might be caught in the thumbnailer now.
Removed ls from .travis.yml, it was there for debugging Code Climate.
2018-08-04 21:46:36 +10:00
Azareal f85bf51103 Added a couple of simple anti-spam measures.
Made progress with an internal error logging component for the Control Panel.
Made LogWarning less susceptible to races and slightly improved log contention.
Revamped the registration page on Cosora.
Added the SanitiseSingleLine and SanitiseBody functions to better centralise sanitisation and to ensure more consistent sanitisation.
Zero length spaces are no longer permitted in usernames to help prevent impersonation. More to come in this area.
Plugins / internal components can now schedule hourly tasks.
Reduced the chances of newlines breaking the visual layout in areas which expect none.

Added the register_account_anti_spam phrase.
2018-05-31 16:51:31 +10:00
Azareal be47066770 General:
Added better pagination to /forum/{id}
Fixed the ordering of the elements in the pagesets.
Added hooks to the task system.
Reduced the amount of boilerplate for RunVhook and RunVhookNoReturn.
Added RunVhookNeedHook to allow plugin developers to add custom content types to the report system.
Added BulkGetMap to the DefaultPollStore.
Renamed the MultiServer config setting to ServerCount and made it an integer.
Don't cache topic lists for empty groups.
Don't load replies for topics without any.

Tempra Simple:
Added chart and submenu CSS.
Improved the input and select CSS.
Fixed the pageset CSS.
Fixed the poll input CSS.

Tempra Conflux:
Fixed the quick reply button CSS.
Hid the avatar in the quick reply area.
Added the poll CSS.
Fixed the pageset CSS.

Fixed the time range selector CSS.
Fixed the poll input CSS.
2018-02-15 13:15:27 +00:00
Azareal 5ba7aa74f7 Renamed the pre_render_panel_mod_log pre-render hook to pre_render_panel_modlogs.
Added the half-second task type, you'll why later ;)
Reduced the amount of code duplication in the panel routes (saved a hundred lines).
Added the two day time range option for graphs.
We now track the discord, lynx and blank user agents.
Renamed some template files for consistency and to help stamp out some duplicate code.

Began work on topic move.
2018-01-11 08:03:17 +00:00
Azareal ac9623ab6b Moved the tree counter node into it's own experimental area.
Added ItemList microdata to /forum/, /forums/, and /topics.
Moved the meta description for /forums/ to the right place.

Began revamping the Control Panel menu.
2017-12-27 23:38:37 +00:00
Azareal 964d219407 Added support for per-topic view counters.
Added support for shutdown tasks.
View counters are now saved on graceful shutdown.
Dynamic routes are now tracked by the route view counter.
The uploads route should now be tracked by the route view counter.
Added a WYSIWYG Editor to the profiles for Cosora.
2017-12-24 22:08:35 +00:00
Azareal abfe0a472a Made a huge amount of progress on the Cosora Theme in the Control Panel, it's almost ready for deployment.
Added the view counter, it currently collects data without exposing it to the admin.

Added an API for scheduling tasks which run once every second and once every fifteen minutes.
Added a generated map containing all the routes with the function names as keys.
Added the request counter to the generated router.
Added more ARIA Labels and moved various bits and pieces into the CSS files for flexibility.
Removed a bunch of redundant avatar checks in the templates.
Improved the mobile friendliness of Cosora.
Fixed various issues in the other themes.
Refactored the file listener.
Gosora now resyncs newly created theme files not just modified ones.
Gosora now resyncs renamed theme files not just modified ones.
2017-12-10 03:43:30 +00:00
Azareal 381ce3083a Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit.
Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places.
Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora.
You can now use maps in transpiled templates.
Made progress on Cosora's footer.
Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property.
Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile.
Renamed the FStore variable to Forums.
Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore.
Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups.
Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache.
Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache.
Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore.
Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache.
Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one.
Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one.
Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore.
Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type.
Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit.
Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit.
Moved the page titles into the english language pack.
Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go
Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time.
Added the LogStore interface.
Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore.
Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions.
Removed a redundant rank check.
Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds.
Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings.
Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors.
Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type.
Added the Update method to the SettingMap type.
BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache.
Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation.
Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines.
Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles.
Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme.
Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations.
Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication.
Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
Azareal 2545d4adde Converted more queries over to the new OO builder syntax.
Renamed accBuilder to Accumulator so that it can be used in type hints outside the query generator.
The DbInit accumulator is now initialised in the caller rather than the callee.
2017-11-12 03:29:05 +00:00
Azareal 6bae378db0 Moved the modlog and admin log logic to their own file.
Refactored the code to use the new builder syntax.
Fixed the DbInit logic.
Made sure the prepared statements are cleaned up.
Added the AdminOnly middleware and added it to the routes.
Added the Query method to the selectBuilder.
2017-11-11 23:34:27 +00:00
Azareal f30ea7a9bb Finished moving the files into the subpackage, this should open more doors to us.
Moved more queries out of the global stmt holder.
Refactored several things.
2017-11-11 04:06:16 +00:00