Commit Graph

15 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Azareal e76223224a Implemented periodic post IP purging for replies.
Update for MySQL now supports DateCutoff and DateOlderThan.
Added the DateOlderThan method to accUpdateBuilder.

Added the PostIPCutoff config setting.
2019-05-08 19:50:10 +10:00
Azareal 839df17de3 Experimenting with speeding up the installer.
Added support for foreign keys to the MySQL adapter.
activity_stream_matches now has a foreign key to help enforce referential integrity.
Added the AddForeignKey method to the database adapters.
Shortened a couple of API bits to ever slow slightly reduce the lengths of the strings.

Fixed a phrase group I missed for logged out users in init.js
Fixed a bug where deleting a topic would break the alert list when there is an alert event relating to it.

You will need to run the updater / patcher for this commit.
2019-05-06 14:04:00 +10:00
Azareal 414d9c4817 Tighter ratelimiting for password resets.
Eliminated a line in agents.go
Added the DateCutoff method to accCountBuilder.
Function columns should now work for ComplexSelect.
Added type=search to the Search and Filter Widget search box.

Began cleaning some prebuilder logic up.
Began work on the generic ratelimit interface.
2019-03-12 19:13:57 +10:00
Azareal 2296008655 Basic search now works for the Search & Filter Widget. ElasticSearch has been temporarily delayed, so I can push through this update.
Added the three month time range to the analytics panes.
Began work on adding new graphs to the analytics panes.
Began work on the ElasticSearch adapter for the search system.
Added the currently limited AddKey method to the database adapters.
Expanded upon the column parsing logic in the database adapters to ease the use of InsertSelects.

Added the BulkGet method to TopicCache.
Added the BulkGetMap method to TopicStore.
TopicStore methods should now properly retrieve lastReplyBy.
Added the panel_analytics_script template to de-dupe part of the analytics logic. We plan to tidy this up further, but for now, it'll suffice.
Added plugin_sendmail and plugin_hyperdrive to the continuous integration test list.
Tweaked the width and heights of the textareas for the Widget Editor.
Added the AddKey method to *qgen.builder
Fixed a bug where using the inline forum editor would crash Gosora and wouldn't set the preset permissions for that forum properly.
Added DotBot to the user agent analytics.
Invisibles should be better handled when they're encountered now in user agent strings.
Unknown language ISO Codes in headers now have the requests fully logged for debugging purposes.
Shortened some of the pointer receiver names.
Shortened some variable names.

Added the dotbot phrase.
Added the panel_statistics_time_range_three_months phrase.

Added as a dependency.

You will need to run the patcher or updater for this commit.
2019-02-23 16:29:19 +10:00
Azareal 8f2f47e8aa Added the In-Progress Widget Manager UI.
Added the IsoCode field to phrase files.
Rewrote a good portion of the widget system logic.
Added some tests for the widget system.
Added the Online Users widget.
Added a few sealed incomplete widgets like the Search & Filter Widget.
Added the AllUsers method to WsHubImpl for Online Users. Please don't abuse it.

Added the optional *DBTableKey field to AddColumn.
Added the panel_analytics_time_range template to reduce the amount of duplication.
Failed registrations now show up in red in the registration logs for Nox.
Failed logins now show up in red in the login logs for Nox.
Added basic h2 CSS to the other themes.
Added .show_on_block_edit and .hide_on_block_edit to the other themes.
Updated contributing.
Updated a bunch of dates to 2019.
Replaced tblKey{} with nil where possible.
Switched out some &s for &s to reduce the number of possible bugs.
Fixed a bug with selector messages where the inspector would get really jittery due to unnecessary DOM updates.
Moved header.Zone and associated fields to the bottom of ViewTopic to reduce the chances of problems arising.
Added the ZoneData field to *Header.
Added IDs to the items in the forum list template.
Split the fetchPhrases function into the initPhrases and fetchPhrases functions in init.js
Added .colstack_sub_head.
Fixed the CSS in the menu list.
Removed an inline style from the simple topic like and unlike buttons.
Removed an inline style from the simple topic IP button.
Simplified the LoginRequired error handler.
Fixed a typo in the comment prior to DatabaseError()
Reduce the number of false leaves for WebSocket page transitions.
Added the error zone.
De-duped the logic in WsHubImpl.getUsers.
Fixed a potential widget security issue.

Added twenty new phrases.
Added the wid column to the widgets table.

You will need to run the patcher / updater for this commit.
2019-01-21 22:27:59 +10:00
Azareal 5db5bc0c7e Reply attachments can be managed too now.
Added eight database indices.
Fixed a bug where the second tick wouldn't fire.
Tweaked the .topic_forum in Nox by a pixel.
Replaced some _installer strings with blank strings for consistency with the builders.
Greatly reduced the number of allocations in the user agent parser.
Added ampersand entities in more attachment URLs to avoid accidental mangling.
.edit_source is now hidden for guests.
Guest noavatars are now pre-calculated to reduce the number of allocations.
Lazily initialised a couple of maps in ViewTopic to reduce the number of unnecessary allocations slightly.

Added the unsafe BytesToString function. Please don't use this, if you don't have to.
Added the AddIndex method to the adapter and associated components.
Added the /reply/attach/add/submit/ route.
Added the /reply/attach/remove/submit/ route.
Added the topic_alt_userinfo template.
Replaced Attachments.MiniTopicGet with MiniGetList.
Added Attachments.BulkMiniGetList.

Added a quick test for ReplyStore.Create.
Added BenchmarkPopulateTopicWithRouter.
Added BenchmarkTopicAdminFullPageRouteParallelWithRouter.
Added BenchmarkTopicGuestFullPageRouteParallelWithRouter.

You will need to run the updater or patcher for this commit.
2018-12-31 19:03:49 +10:00
Azareal 3465e4c08f You can now manage the attachments for an opening post by hitting edit.
The update system now uses the database as the source of truth for the last version rather than lastSchema.json
Refactored several structs and bits of code, so we can avoid allocations for contexts where we never use a relative time.
Clicking on the relative times on the topic list and the forum page should now take you to the post on the last page rather than just the last page.
Added the reltime template function.
Fixed some obsolete bits of code.
Fixed some spelling mistakes.
Fixed a bug where MaxBytesReader was capped at the maxFileSize rather than r.ContentLength.
All of the client side templates should work again now.
Shortened some statement names to save some horizontal space.
accUpdateBuilder and SimpleUpdate now use updatePrebuilder behind the scenes to simplify things.
Renamed selectItem to builder in AccSelectBuilder.
Added a Total() method to accCountBuilder to reduce the amount of boilerplate used for row count queries.
The "_builder" strings have been replaced with empty strings to help save memory, to make things slightly faster and to open the door to removing the query name in many contexts down the line.
Added the open_edit and close_edit client hooks.
Removed many query name checks.
Split the attachment logic into separate functions and de-duplicated it between replies and topics.
Improved the UI for editing topics in Nox.
Used type aliases to reduce the amount of boilerplate in tables.go and patches.go
Reduced the amount of boilerplate in the action post logic.
Eliminated a map and a slice in the topic page for users who haven't given any likes. E.g. Guests.
Fixed some long out-dated parts of the update instructions.
Updated the update instructions to remove mention of the obsolete lastSchema.json
Fixed a bug in init.js where /api/me was being loaded for guests.
Added the MiniTopicGet, GlobalCount and CountInTopic methods to AttachmentStore.
Added the MiniAttachment struct.
Split the mod floaters out into their own template to reduce duplication.
Removed a couple of redundant ParseForms.

Added the common.skipUntilIfExistsOrLine function.
Added the NotFoundJS and NotFoundJSQ functions.
Added the lastReplyID and attachCount columns to the topics table.
2018-12-27 15:42:41 +10:00
Azareal bf851bd9fc We now use Go 1.11 modules. This should help with build times, deployment and development, although it does mean that the minimum requirement for Gosora has been bumped up from Go 1.10 to Go 1.11
Added support for dyntmpl to the template system.
The Account Dashboard now sort of uses dyntmpl, more work needed here.
Renamed the pre_render_view_topic hook to pre_render_topic.
Added the GetCurrentLangPack() function.
Added the alerts_no_new_alerts phrase.
Added the account_level_list phrase.

Refactored the route rename logic in the patcher to cut down on the amount of boilerplate.
Added more route renames to the patcher. You will need to run the patcher / updater in this commit.
2018-10-27 13:40:36 +10:00
Azareal af09013a25 Refactored query_gen into a library.
Moved topic store and user store into their own files.
Tweaked topic store to stop it accessing globals.
2017-06-13 08:12:58 +01:00
Azareal 29d9d07cde Added Live Alerts for replies to posts.
Added relative times to posts.
Added push_alerts to the WebSockets Hub.
Added simple_delete, purge, and simple_inner_join to the query generator.
Query generator joiners now take not equals into account.
Other query generator stuff and query refactoring.
Fixed a weird padding bug on Tempra Conflux.
Fixed a couple of megapost_min_chars and bigpost_min_chars which I missed.
Fixed a security exploit in the login system.
2017-06-12 10:03:14 +01:00
Azareal 81af085c7a Added support for Live Likes, the first step towards Live Alerts.
Moved 26 queries into the query generator.
Added support for sime replace queries in the query generator.
The alert list can only have eight entries now.
Users can no longer like their own posts.
Renamed the bigpost_min_chars setting to bigpost_min_words.
Renamed the megapost_min_chars setting to megapost_min_words.
Moved the alert building logic into it's own file.
Fixed a bug in the megapost and bigpost algorithms where only posts larger than the minimum would be considered.

Renamed the GuestCount and UserCount methods for WebSockets to guest_count and user_count.
Added the broadcast_message, push_message, and push_alert methods to the WebSockets Hub.
2017-06-10 08:58:15 +01:00
Azareal a2fec5bc82 Bug fix commit and more query gen stuff.
Moved 29 queries to the query generator.
The query generator now supports simple updates.
Tables are now escaped by the query generator.
Fixed the logout link in the menu.
Fixed not being able to login, if the user data is cached.
Fixed not being logged out after changing your password.
Fixed the notices being transparent on Tempra Conflux.
2017-06-07 11:07:40 +01:00
Azareal 07a10ae9f4 This commit's a little on the technical side, but don't worry. I have some interesting features coming up!
Added BypassGet() to the topic and user caches.
Moved 13 more queries to the query generator.
The query generator now supports simple insert queries.
Removed the pointless console logging for reply and topic deletions. We have modlogs for that.
The MySQL files now have build tags to make it easy for you to disable them for other database engines. Those will be coming after the query generator is done.
Moved a bunch of inline queries into more appropriate locations.
Rewrote _process_where and DB_Where to better handle joins.

Atom's continuing it's pointless crusade against trailing tabs.
2017-06-06 15:41:06 +01:00
Azareal 93d00b0337 The Advanced Forum Editor is now accessible via the Forum Manager.
Renamed data.sql to mysql.sql
Added a composite primary key to the forums_permissions table.
Moved five more queries to the query generator.
Revamped the query generator. Yesterday's commit was more of a prototype. Still lots to be done to facilitate all the queries.
Added support for simple left joins to the query generator.
Removed .smaller
Fixed an issue with the permissions not saving with the Advanced Forum Editor.

Remind me to keep all generators away from Atom.
2017-06-06 09:47:33 +01:00
Azareal e099dfd40e Added the query generator. It's a work in progress and in constant flux.
Added forum descriptions.
Began work on the Advanced Forum Editor. Not to be confused with the Quick Forum Editor. You can access it by going to /panel/forums/edit/{forumid} We'll fix it so the Forum Manager links to it in the next commit.
Fixed the Linux shell scripts.
Fixed an issue with relative timess being off by an hour due to timezones.
Added reply count and author names to the topic list and forum pages.
Improved the look of the forum list, forum page, and topic list.
Added an overlay effect for when the alert list is open on mobile.
You can now close the alert list by clicking on the bell.
Removed the "Report:" prefix from report posts.
Fixed a bug in the template system where "and" and "or" wouldn't work on non-boolean values.
Improved the debug logging in the template system.
Fixed a bug in the forum creator where the "Hidden?" value was inverted.
Fixed a visual bug in the profile where the Ban button rendered in a glitchy way.
Added support for hidden fields to the JS Framework for inline editing rows.
Fixed a bug with the like counter rendering on-top of the alert list.
Atom's stripping trailing tabs for some reason, so don't be confused if there are a bunch of weird changes.
2017-06-05 12:57:27 +01:00