Commit Graph

83 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
05ab585d41 Added the level list page.
Levels can now be localised individually.
Added the level template function.
Fixed the padding on alerts without avatars.
The level data is now in it's own block in the profiles.
Removed three level phrases and replaced them with the new Level API.
2018-10-10 17:33:51 +10:00
de78268b20 Added level progress indicators, still WIP.
Fixed a bug where GetLevelScore wouldn't work and simplified it slightly.
Removed the account_dash_next_level phrase.
Added the account_dash_level phrase.
2018-10-08 15:34:25 +10:00
7db4c60470 Simplify these calls with a closure. 2018-09-24 17:52:06 +10:00
a1403d495d Let's see how we can best do this o-o 2018-09-20 18:56:50 +10:00
39adc2e606 Per-topic views are now visible in the topic pages for the Nox Theme.
The parent forum of a topic is now visible on the topic pages for the Cosora and Nox Themes.
Added basic styling for polls to the Nox Theme.
Improved the styling for topic title editing in the Nox Theme.
2018-08-30 20:31:21 +10:00
0a628f7201 PNG and JPG avatars are now encoded as JPG images leading to a dramatic drop in the amount of bandwidth used.
Did some work on image thumbnailing, but our dependencies are acting up delaying this from being released.

Fixed the positions of the topic list bits for Nox on mobile.
Removed APNG as an accepted image format, as we don't currently have a good way of optimising these images.
Added a comment regarding the constant time compare for sessions.
Added a warning about putting Gosora in www folders.
Noavatars can now take a width parameters.
Added a bit of missing validation for the avatar uploader.
Refactored the multiple file detector for the avatar uploader.

Added a Run method to accDeleteBuilder.
Added an EachInt method to AccSelectBuilder.
Added a Run method to accInsertBuilder.

Added the users_avatar_queue table, you will need to run the patcher / update script.
You might also want to update the Noavatar field in your config.json file with the new one.
2018-07-28 22:52:23 +10:00
2a5ab2969c Added Caire and pkg/errors as dependencies.
Made the initialisers and the task runner in main.go easier to debug.

Added form_button_row to a few forms.
Bumped up the attachment image size for Cosora.
Hid the formlabels for the setting editor for Cosora to make it cleaner.
Revamped the account manager with the same CSS as in the Control Panel for Nox.
Started adding the_form to more forms.
Removed the account_emails CSS class from the email editor.
Continued tweaking the Control Panel in Nox to make it look nicer.
Tweaked some of the headers in the Nox Theme.
Added the Create Topic and Moderate options to the topic list on the Nox Theme, although the bulk moderation tools aren't available yet.
Tweaked the padding and sticky shades on the topics on the topic list on the Nox Theme.
Closed topics are now somewhat styled on the topic list on the Nox Theme.
Continued work on the topic pages for Nox.

Renamed Admin Approval to Staff Approval in the English Language Pack.
Added more phrases for the Group Manager and Panel Menu in spots I overlooked.

Began work on the dyntmpl template function.
Be sure to run the patcher / update script to get the new setting.
2018-07-13 21:27:58 +10:00
7be011a30d Almost finished live topic lists, you can find them at /topics/. You can disable them via config.json
The topic list cache can handle more groups now, but don't go too crazy with groups (e.g. thousands of them).

Make the suspicious request logs more descriptive.
Added the phrases API endpoint.
Split the template phrases up by prefix, more work on this coming up.
Removed #dash_saved and part of #dash_username.
Removed some temporary artifacts from trying to implement FA5 in Nox.
Removed some commented CSS.
Fixed template artifact deletion on Windows.
Tweaked HTTPSRedirect to make it more compact.
Fixed NullUserCache not complying with the expectations for BulkGet.
Swapped out a few RunVhook calls for more appropriate RunVhookNoreturn calls.
Removed a few redundant IsAdmin checks when IsMod would suffice.
Commented out a few pushers.
Desktop notification permission requests are no longer served to guests.
Split topics.html into topics.html and topics_topic.html
RunThemeTemplate should now fallback to interpreted templates properly when the transpiled variants aren't avaialb.e
Changed TopicsRow.CreatedAt from a string to a time.Time
Added SkipTmplPtrMap to CTemplateConfig.
Added SetBuildTags to CTemplateSet.
A bit more data is dumped when something goes wrong while transpiling templates now.
topics_topic, topic_posts, and topic_alt_posts are now transpiled for the client, although not all of them are ready to be served to the client yet.
Client rendered templates now support phrases.
Client rendered templates now support loops.
Fixed loadAlerts in global.js
Refactored some of the template initialisation code to make it less repetitive.
Split topic.html into topic.html and topic_posts.html
Split topic_alt.html into topic_alt.html and topic_alt_posts.html
Added comments for PollCache.
Fixed a data race in the MemoryPollCache.
The writer is now closed properly in WsHubImpl.broadcastMessage.
Fixed a potential deadlock in WsHubImpl.broadcastMessage.
Removed some old commented code in websockets.go

Added the DisableLiveTopicList config setting.
2018-06-24 23:49:29 +10:00
f8f46b3c48 Added support for two-factor authentication.
Added the Account Dashboard and merged a few account views into it.
BREAKING CHANGE: We now use config/config.json instead of config/config.go, be sure to setup one of these files, you can config_default.json as an example of what a config.json should look like. If you don't have an existing installation, you can just rely on the installer to do this for you.

CSS Changes (does not include Nox Theme):
Sidebar should no longer show up in the account manager in some odd situations or themes.
Made a few CSS rules more generic.
Forms have a new look in Cosora now.

Config Changes:
Removed the DefaultRoute config field.
Added the DefaultPath config field.
Added the MaxRequestSizeStr config field to make it easier for users to input custom max request sizes without having to use a calculator or figure out how many bytes there are in a megabyte.
Removed the CacheTopicUser config field.
Added the UserCache config field.
Added the TopicCache config field

Removed ten english phrases.
Added 21 english phrases.
Changed eleven english phrases.
Removed some duplicate indices in the english phrase pack.

Removed some old benchmark code.
Tweaked some things to make the linter happy.
Added comments for all the MemoryUserCache and MemoryTopicCache methods.
Added a comment for the null caches, consult the other caches for further information on the methods.
Added a client-side check to make sure the user doesn't upload too much data in a single post. The server already did this, but it might be a while before feedback arrives from it.
Simplified a lot of the control panel route code with the buildBasePage function.
Renamed /user/edit/critical/ to /user/edit/password/
Renamed /user/edit/critical/submit/ to /user/edit/password/submit/
Made some small improvements to SEO with a couple of meta tags.
Renamed some of the control panel templates so that they use _ instead of -.
Fixed a bug where notices were being moved to the wrong place in some areas in Cosora.
Added the writeJsonError function to help abstract writing json errors.
Moved routePanelUsers to panel.Users
Moved routePanelUsersEdit to panel.UsersEdit
Moved routePanelUsersEditSubmit to panel.UsersEditSubmit
Renamed routes.AccountEditCritical to routes.AccountEditPassword
Renamed routes.AccountEditCriticalSubmit to routes.AccountEditPasswordSubmit
Removed the routes.AccountEditAvatar and routes.AccountEditUsername routes.
Fixed a data race in MemoryTopicCache.Add which could lead to the capacity limit being bypassed.
Tweaked MemoryTopicCache.AddUnsafe under the assumption that it's not going to be safe anyway, but we might as-well try in case this call is properly synchronised.
Fixed a data race in MemoryTopicCache.Remove which could lead to the length counter being decremented twice.
Tweaked the behaviour of MemoryTopicCache.RemoveUnsafe to mirror that of Remove.
Fixed a data race in MemoryUserCache.Add which could lead to the capacity limit being bypassed.
User can no longer change their usernames to blank.

Made a lot of progress on the Nox theme.
Added modified FA5 SVGs as a dependency for Nox.
Be sure to run the patcher or update script and don't forget to create a customised config/config.json file.
2018-06-17 17:28:18 +10:00
a5f5f4af7e Added the Page Manager for faster and easier custom page creation.
Added the PageStore.

Renamed account_own_edit.html to account_own_edit_password.html
Renamed custom-page.html to custom_page.html
Renamed the pre_render_custom_page hook to pre_render_tmpl_page.
Added a new pre_render_custom_page hook, not to be confused with the previous one.
Renamed the pre_render_account_own_edit_critical hook to pre_render_account_own_edit_password.
Moved the report forum ID into a constant.
Renamed todaysReportCount to topicsTopicCountByForum and made it more generic.
Renamed panel-menu.html to panel_menu.html
Renamed panel-inner-menu.html to panel_inner_menu.html
Removed an irrelevant editable_parent in a no results row.
Fixed the profile page loading the wrong profile.css
Fixed a bug where the last poster avatar would break on the forum page.
Added the AddNotice method to *Header.
Greatly simplified many of the page struct definitions.
Added the ErrorPage page struct and refactored the error pages to use it.
Added the BasePanelPage page struct and refactored the panel page structs to use it.
Tweaked the DefaultHeader function to set the user on the spot rather than after the fact.
Simplified AccountEditAvatarSubmit into a redirect.
Add the addElement closure in the control panel dashboard to reduce the amount of complexity.
Tweaked LogWarning to better handle nils.

Added the account_username phrase.
Added the account_avatar phrase.
Added the account_email phrase.
Added the panel_pages phrase.
Added the panel_pages_edit phrase.
Added the panel_page_created phrase.
Added the panel_page_updated phrase.
Added the panel_page_deleted phrase.
Added the account_menu_security phrase.
Added the panel_menu_pages phrase.
Added the panel_pages_head phrase.
Added the panel_pages_edit_button_aria phrase.
Added the panel_pages_delete_button_aria phrase.
Added the panel_pages_no_pages phrase.
Added the panel_pages_create_head phrase.
Added the panel_pages_create_name phrase.
Added the panel_pages_create_name_placeholder phrase.
Added the panel_pages_create_title phrase.
Added the panel_pages_create_title_placeholder phrase.
Added the panel_pages_create_body_placeholder phrase.
Added the panel_pages_create_submit_button phrase.
Added the panel_pages_edit_head phrase.
Added the panel_pages_name phrase.
Added the panel_pages_title phrase.
Added the panel_pages_edit_update_button phrase.

Began work on two-factor authentication.
Made more progress with the Nox Theme.
2018-06-06 10:21:22 +10:00
d897e05256 Users can no longer post or edit posts in locked topics.
Permissions should cascade properly now in the topic template, should have no actual effects on security given the particular nature of this one.
Tiny bit of work on Nox.

Began work on trimming down the page structs to only the necessary parts.
2018-06-01 15:02:29 +10:00
f85bf51103 Added a couple of simple anti-spam measures.
Made progress with an internal error logging component for the Control Panel.
Made LogWarning less susceptible to races and slightly improved log contention.
Revamped the registration page on Cosora.
Added the SanitiseSingleLine and SanitiseBody functions to better centralise sanitisation and to ensure more consistent sanitisation.
Zero length spaces are no longer permitted in usernames to help prevent impersonation. More to come in this area.
Plugins / internal components can now schedule hourly tasks.
Reduced the chances of newlines breaking the visual layout in areas which expect none.

Added the register_account_anti_spam phrase.
2018-05-31 16:51:31 +10:00
23a686fe96 UNSTABLE: Began work on the Nox Theme.
Removed the Tempra Cursive Theme.
You can now do bulk moderation actions with Shadow.

Argon2 as a dependency.
The EmailStore.
The ReportStore.
The Copy method to *Setting.
The AddColumn method to the query builder and adapters.
The textarea setting type.
More logging to better debug issues.
The GetOffset method to the UserStore.

Sortable from Code Climate's Analysis.
MemberCheck and memberCheck as they're obsolete now.
The obsolete url_tags setting.
The BcryptGeneratePasswordNoSalt function.
Some redundant fields from some of the page structs.

The Control Panel Setting List and Editor.

The password hashing logic to make it more amenable to multiple hashing algorithms.
The email portion of the Account Manager.
The Control Panel User List.
The report system.
simplePanelUserCheck and simpleUserCheck to remove the duplicated logic as the two do the exact same thing.

Missing slugs in the profile links in the User Manager.
A few template initialisers potentially reducing the number of odd template edge cases.
Some problems with the footer.
Custom selection colour not applying to images on Shadow.
The avatars of the bottom row of the topic list on Conflux leaking out.

Moved the startTime variable into package common and exported it.
Moved the password hashing logic from user.go to auth.go
Split common/themes.go into common/theme.go and common/theme_list.go
Replaced the SettingLabels phrase category with the more generic SettingPhrases category.
Moved a load of routes, including panel ones into the routes and panel packages.
Hid the notifications link from the Account Menu.
Moved more inline CSS into the CSS files and made things a little more flexible here and there.
Continued work on PgSQL, still a ways away.
Guests now have a default avatar like everyone else.
Tweaked some of the font sizes on Cosora to make the text look a little nicer.
Partially implemented the theme dock override logic.
Partially implemented a "symlink" like feature for theme directories.
... And a bunch of other things I might have missed.

You will need to run this update script / patcher for this commit.
Warning: This is an "unstable commit", therefore some things may be a little less stable than I'd like. For instance, the Shadow Theme is a little broken in this commit.
2018-05-27 19:36:35 +10:00
c6de9b92be Hopefully this'll work. 2018-05-14 20:59:18 +10:00
a78613b63b Does Git recognise this folder now...? 2018-05-14 20:21:18 +10:00
9075798128 Alerts are now rendered via a client side transpiled template rather than being hard-coded.
Tweaked some bits to make them more 32-bit friendly for GopherJS, but this might not be necessary now.
Added notice.html
Added an alerts package to fix the import cycles, more things may be moved here soon.
Saved a few lines of accumulator code in a few stores.
Moved the AccountEditCriticalSubmit, AccountEditAvatar, AccountEditAvatarSubmit, AccountEditUsername, and AccountEditUsernameSubmit routes into the routes package.
Added a QueryRow method to AccSelectBuilder.
Tweaked the indentation in the generated templates.
Simplified the template render in the AccountEditUsernameSubmit route into a redirect back to the previous page.

Run the update script / patcher to replace the route names in the viewchunks table.
2018-05-14 18:56:56 +10:00
10f4c59cb5 Fixed the Go Version in the Travis file.
Added the Go and Database versions to the Control Panel Debug Page.
Renamed common.TopicsPage to common.TopicListPage.
Renamed *HeaderVars to *Header.
Added the Paginator struct and refactored the code to use it.
io.Writers are now used instead of http.ResponseWriters in transpiled templates for greater flexibility.
Added the alert, menu_alerts, and menu_item templates.
Added support for more integer types in the arithmetic functions for the transpiled templates.
Exported AccSelectBuilder.
Added an Each method to AccSelectBuilder.
Added column quoting to the order by portions of queries for the MySQL Adapter.

Began work on the client side rendering of alerts.
Began work on the Menu Manager and associated functionality.
2018-04-22 13:33:56 +01:00
74e09efb63 Fixed a bug where it would use the wrong templates for Tempra Simple, Tempra Cursive, and Shadow
Likes are now done over AJAX.
Posts you have liked are now visually differentiated from those which you have not.
Added support for OR to the where parser.
|| and && now get translated to OR and AND in the where parser.
Added support for ( and ) in the where parser.
Added an adapter and builder method for getting the database version.
Multiple wheres can now be chained with the micro and accumulator builders.
Added the In method to the accumulator select builder.
Added the GetConn method to the builder.
/uploads/ files should now get cached properly.
Added more tooltips for topic titles and usernames.

Fixed a bug in the runners where old stale templates would be served.
Fixed a bug where liking topics didn't work.
Began moving the database initialisation logic out of {adapter}.go and into querygen.
Tweaked the alert direction to show the newest alerts rather than the oldest.
Tweaked the WS JS to have it handle messages more efficiently.
Partially fixed an issue where inline edited posts would lack newlines until the page is refreshed.
Used arrow functions in a few places in global.js to save a few characters.

Added the liked, oldestItemLikedCreatedAt and lastLiked columns to the users table.
Added the createdAt column to the likes table.

MySQL Update Queries:
delete from `likes`;
delete from `activity_stream` where `event` = 'like';
delete from `activity_stream_matches` where `asid` not in(select `asid` from `activity_stream`);
update `topics` set `likeCount` = 0;
update `replies` set `likeCount` = 0;
2018-03-31 06:25:27 +01:00
2b86a17478 Added more phrases for the notices.
Theme resources can now be restricted to logged in users to avoid wasting bandwidth.
The template building step is now a flag to gosora.exe / Gosora.

Added build_templates.bat for test and development purposes.
Added some extra error checks to the batch files.
Fixed a compile error in the installer.
Fixed a big data race in the template transpiler and cleaned up a few loose ends.
Renamed CTemplateSet.log() to CTemplateSet.detail() to bring it in line with the /common/ logging
Renamed CTemplateSet.logf() to CTemplateSet.detailf() to bring it in line with the /common/ logging
You can now override templates in /templates/ without overwriting them by adding a modified version of a template with the same name in /templates/overrides/
Added Go Git as a dependency.
Removed config.go from the repository, you need to rely on the installer to generate this now, or make one yourself based on the implementation of it in the installer.
Travis now does tests for Go 1.10

Began work on the upgrader.
2018-03-21 05:56:33 +00:00
b20e295375 Changed the defaultest default theme to Cosora... For now.
You need the ViewIPs permission to view IPs on logs now.
Added the leftOfNav and rightOfNav docks, more on this soon.
Added a max length for topic titles.
Added a max length for usernames.
Added none as a possible language for the language view counter.
We began adding the notice phrases.
Fixed a misnamed phrase which was spitting out placeholder text.
Localised unknown for the human language phrases.
Moved routeForums to routes.ForumList.
Moved routeRobotsTxt to routes.RobotsTxt.
Started tracking the views for routes.RobotsTxt.
Moved routeSitemapXml to routes.SitemapXml.
Started tracking the views for routes.SitemapXml.
Changed the fallback theme to Cosora.
Fixed changing the default theme to Cosora or Tempra Conflux.
Removed some redundant type definitions in template init.
Return ErrNoTitle instead of ErrNoBody when trying to create a topic with no title.
Moved some in-progress routes and helper functions for handling search engine crawlers to routes/api.go
2018-03-17 08:16:43 +00:00
84dbe71bfc Use arrays for holding fragments rather than using a large number of micro variables.
Fixed a typo in a phrase.
Fixed a typo in a phrase name in Cosora.
Super mods can no longer see the group creation form or click on the groups in the Group Manager (which took them to a no permissions error).
Tweaked some of the uglier generated variables.
2018-03-12 04:52:47 +00:00
3821e626ce Added support for phrases in CSS files.
Add support for phrases in template files.
Revamped every template to make them use phrases.
Revamped every CSS file to make them use phrases.

Tweaked the contributing document.
We now use LogError instead of log.Fatal() in a few places to capture more stack traces.
Fixed the suffixes on the topic and post count pages, as they were saying views instead of posts / topics.
Split the paginator into it's own template.
Refactored the theme logic to defer loading the static files to a later stage.
Greatly improved the accessibility with a number of ARIA attributes in places where there were none.
Removed the edit-topic and page templates.
Renamed the panel-adminlogs template to panel_adminlogs.
Non-existent phrases used by transpiled templates should now be logged.
Fixed a bug where alertbox was plopped down multiple times on one page.
The phrase placeholders are more informative now.
Added the CurrentLanguagePackName and GetLanguagePackByName API functions.
Notices are now shown when you delete, update, or create a forum.
2018-03-11 09:33:49 +00:00
5a8b994877 Added support for phrases in templates.
The language of the end-user is now tracked and presented in the Analytics Manager.
Profile owners now get alerts when someone posts on their profiles.

The login page is now transpiled, estimated to be sixty times faster.
The registration page is now transpiled, estimated to be sixty times faster.
The IP Search page is now transpiled, estimated to be sixty times faster.
The error pages are now transpiled, estimated to be sixty times faster.
The login page now uses phrases.
The registration page now uses phrases.
IP Search now uses phrases.
Renamed the ip-search template to ip_search.
Alerts are now held in an alertbox container div.
Added ids for the main container divs for the account manager sections.
Added an id to the main container for the topic list template.
Added an id to the main container for the forum list template.
Added an id to the main container for the forum template.
Added an avatar box CSS class for the avatar box in the account manager's avatar page.
Did a bit of renaming for a future refactor in the routes counter.
Did a bit of renaming for a future refactor in the operating system counter.
A notice is shown to the user now when their account is inactive.
The account activation status is now fetched by the user store.
We now track Slackbot.
You can now prepend strings to the start of router.DumpRequest request dumps to avoid tearing these bits of contextual data away from the bodies.
.action file extensions are now seen as suspicious by the router.
Moved routeWebsockets to common.RouteWebsockets for now.
Moved routeCreateReplySubmit to routes.CreateReplySubmit.
Moved alert.go into common.
Moved the WebSockets logic into common.
Escape strings a little earlier in the analytics routes and use integers instead of strings where possible.
We now show a success notification when you update a user via the User Manager.
Split the configuration properties off from CTemplateSet into CTemplateConfig.
Renamed some of the properties of CTemplateSet to make them easier to understand.
Removed some obsolete properties from CTemplateSet.
Did a bit of spring cleaning in the template transpiler to cut down on unneccessary lines and to reduce duplication.
Fixed a double else bug in ranges over maps in the template transpiler.
Split the minifiers off the main template transpilation file into their own file.
Refactored some of the routes which rely on alerts to use shared functions rather than having unique implementations in the routes themselves.

All Themes Except Cosora:
Refactored the opt nodes to make it easier to roll out bulk moderation.

Improved the notice CSS.
Tweaked the sticky border colour.

The theme JS file now uses strict mode.
Notices are shunted under rowhead with JS now, although this change might be reverted soon.
Added CSS for notices.
Fixed the padding under the avatar box in the account manager avatar page.

Added the viewchunks_langs table.
2018-03-08 03:59:47 +00:00
be47066770 General:
Added better pagination to /forum/{id}
Fixed the ordering of the elements in the pagesets.
Added hooks to the task system.
Reduced the amount of boilerplate for RunVhook and RunVhookNoReturn.
Added RunVhookNeedHook to allow plugin developers to add custom content types to the report system.
Added BulkGetMap to the DefaultPollStore.
Renamed the MultiServer config setting to ServerCount and made it an integer.
Don't cache topic lists for empty groups.
Don't load replies for topics without any.

Tempra Simple:
Added chart and submenu CSS.
Improved the input and select CSS.
Fixed the pageset CSS.
Fixed the poll input CSS.

Tempra Conflux:
Fixed the quick reply button CSS.
Hid the avatar in the quick reply area.
Added the poll CSS.
Fixed the pageset CSS.

Fixed the time range selector CSS.
Fixed the poll input CSS.
2018-02-15 13:15:27 +00:00
1bd3d7d104 We now show requests to non-existent routes on the Route Analytics Page.
The filter now catches more odd requests for statistical purposes.

More progress on poll posts.
Dropped the polls_voters table and added the polls_votes one. The two have different definitions.
2018-01-26 05:53:34 +00:00
2997135e80 Added proper pagination to the topic list.
Fixed two existence checks.
Tweaked the profile CSS for Cosora.
Added the TopicByReplyID function.
Split off the profile logic from Reply into ProfileReply.
Moved various hard-coded bits in the profile reply routes into ProfileReply.
Moved four reply routes into /routes/reply.go
Moved six topic routes into /routes/topic.go
We should now capture more suspicious activity.

Changed the definition of the revisions table.
2018-01-20 06:50:29 +00:00
25074b58b2 Added a time graph for individual user agents.
We now have an Advanced Forum Permissions Editor providing more granular control over permissions.
Tweaked the button CSS and some other bits and pieces.
Added a details section to the View Count Graph.
Renamed a few template files for the sake of consistency and for an upcoming refactor.
Unknown user agents are now logged in debug mode.
Added GetCopy() to the forum permissions store.
Fixed a crash bug in the forum deletion action.
Refactored the permissions list in the group permissions editor.
2018-01-10 03:32:48 +00:00
0e9cebfa47 Overhauled the widget system. You can now specify more complex logic for where a widget can show up and you can now place widgets in the footer.
Added fsnotify as a dependency, we'll be using it, Rez, and Riot (maybe) soon.
Removed the intercept_build_widgets vhook.
You can now pass an ID to BlankReply() for mocking replies or whatever else you want to do with this.
Added the dock template function for widget docks.
Added the logf internal function to the template transpiler and did some minor clean-up.
Removed the Sidebars property from theme.json and added the more general Docks one.
Improved the footer and the associated CSS.
Added the about widget, previously the AboutSegment feature.
Removed the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings.
Gosora now exits when it receives the appropriate OS signal.
Refactored the modlogs route.

More progress on the theme in the Control Panel.
2017-11-29 02:34:02 +00:00
381ce3083a Added the AboutSegment feature, you can see this in use on Cosora, it's a little raw right now, but I'm planning to polish it in the next commit.
Refactored the code to use switches instead of if blocks in some places.
Refactored the Dashboard to make it easier to add icons to it like I did with Cosora.
You can now use maps in transpiled templates.
Made progress on Cosora's footer.
Swapped out the ThemeName property in the HeaderVars struct for a more general and flexible Theme property.
Added the colstack CSS class to make it easier to style the layouts for the Control Panel and profile.
Renamed the FStore variable to Forums.
Renamed the Fpstore variable to FPStore.
Renamed the Gstore variable to Groups.
Split the MemoryTopicStore into DefaultTopicStore and MemoryTopicCache.
Split the MemoryUserStore into DefaultUserStore and MemoryUserCache.
Removed the NullUserStore, SQLUserStore, and SQLTopicStore.
Added the NullTopicCache and NullUserCache.
Moved the Reload method out of the TopicCache interface and into the TopicStore one.
Moved the Reload method out of the UserCache interface and into the UserStore one.
Added the SetCache and GetCache methods to the TopicStore and UserStore.
Added the BypassGetAll method to the WordFilterMap type.
Renamed routePanelSetting to routePanelSettingEdit.
Renamed routePanelSettingEdit to routePanelSettingEditSubmit.
Moved the page titles into the english language pack.
Split main() into main and afterDBInit to avoid code duplication in general_test.go
Added the ReqIsJson method so that we don't have to sniff the headers every time.
Added the LogStore interface.
Added the SQLModLogStore and the SQLAdminLogStore.
Refactored the phrase system to use getPhrasePlaceholder instead of hard-coding the string to return in a bunch of functions.
Removed a redundant rank check.
Added the GuildStore to plugin_guilds.
Added the about_segment_title and about_segment_body settings.
Refactored the setting system to use predefined errors to make it easier for an upstream caller to filter out sensitive error messages as opposed to safe errors.
Added the BypassGetAll method to the SettingMap type.
Added the Update method to the SettingMap type.
BulkGet is now exposed via the MemoryUserCache.
Refactored more logs in the template transpiler to reduce the amount of indentation.
Refactored the tests to take up fewer lines.
Further improved the Cosora theme's colours, padding, and profiles.
Added styling for the Control Panel Dashboard to the Cosora Theme.
Reduced the amount of code duplication in the installer query generator and opened the door to certain types of auto-migrations.
Refactored the Control Panel Dashboard to reduce the amount of code duplication.
Refactored the modlog route to reduce the amount of code duplication and string concatenation.
2017-11-23 05:37:08 +00:00
fb8fa10570 Let plugins define imports to custom templates.
Things should work now.
2017-11-11 06:33:08 +00:00
d2a8fb1267 Fixed the template transpiler.
Fixed the PreRoute middleware.
Renamed makeDummyForum to BlankForum.

Began adding the plugin_guilds routers to the template transpiler for extra speed.
2017-11-11 05:22:33 +00:00
f30ea7a9bb Finished moving the files into the subpackage, this should open more doors to us.
Moved more queries out of the global stmt holder.
Refactored several things.
2017-11-11 04:06:16 +00:00
20bb909c54 Moving the files into subpackages 1/?
Moved more routes into the router generator.
Renamed a few of the routes.
Refactored the router generator.
Fixed PreRoute.

Began work on letting plugins plug into the template transpiler.
2017-11-10 03:33:11 +00:00