Tests should be a lot less noisy now.
Fixed a bug where BulkGetMap didn't return any users if you opted out of using a memory cache for the user store.
Used new() in a few more places.
Fixed a test which didn't work properly.
Tweaked the panel_pages_no_pages phrase.
Added the Go and Database versions to the Control Panel Debug Page.
Renamed common.TopicsPage to common.TopicListPage.
Renamed *HeaderVars to *Header.
Added the Paginator struct and refactored the code to use it.
io.Writers are now used instead of http.ResponseWriters in transpiled templates for greater flexibility.
Added the alert, menu_alerts, and menu_item templates.
Added support for more integer types in the arithmetic functions for the transpiled templates.
Exported AccSelectBuilder.
Added an Each method to AccSelectBuilder.
Added column quoting to the order by portions of queries for the MySQL Adapter.
Began work on the client side rendering of alerts.
Began work on the Menu Manager and associated functionality.
Renamed the pre_render_view_forum hook to pre_render_forum.
Renamed the pre_render_ips hook to pre_render_ip_search.
Renamed routeTopicCreate to CreateTopic and moved it into /routes/topic.go
Moved three routes into /routes/user.go
Renamed routeIps to IPSearch and moved it into /routes/moderate.go
Moved the IP Search logic out of the route and into the DefaultIPSearcher.
Added InQ() to the select builders and replaced three hand-rolled queries with it.
De-duplicated some pagination logic.
Moved the accumulator sub-builders into their own file.
Implemented OO methods for the prebuilders.
Began converting the generated queries over to the OO methods.
Renamed accBuilder to Accumulator so that it can be used in type hints outside the query generator.
The DbInit accumulator is now initialised in the caller rather than the callee.
Refactored the code to use the new builder syntax.
Fixed the DbInit logic.
Made sure the prepared statements are cleaned up.
Added the AdminOnly middleware and added it to the routes.
Added the Query method to the selectBuilder.
Refactored the ReplyStore.
Added the Create method to the ProfileReplyStore.
Fixed a potential issue with the topics and replies generated by the installer.
Refactored the accumulator.
Refactored global.js
Added more tests.
Renamed LoadThemes to LoadThemeActiveStatus.
Moved more statements into the stores.
More errors are propagated upwards.
Added an interface for the ForumPermsStore.
Replaced a hard-coded query which somehow managed to survive.
Replaced a few redundant Markdown tests with more targetted ones.
Added a few new BBCode tests.
Fixed a few bugs in the Markdown Parser.