Added better pagination to /forum/{id}
Fixed the ordering of the elements in the pagesets.
Added hooks to the task system.
Reduced the amount of boilerplate for RunVhook and RunVhookNoReturn.
Added RunVhookNeedHook to allow plugin developers to add custom content types to the report system.
Added BulkGetMap to the DefaultPollStore.
Renamed the MultiServer config setting to ServerCount and made it an integer.
Don't cache topic lists for empty groups.
Don't load replies for topics without any.
Tempra Simple:
Added chart and submenu CSS.
Improved the input and select CSS.
Fixed the pageset CSS.
Fixed the poll input CSS.
Tempra Conflux:
Fixed the quick reply button CSS.
Hid the avatar in the quick reply area.
Added the poll CSS.
Fixed the pageset CSS.
Fixed the time range selector CSS.
Fixed the poll input CSS.
The filter now catches more odd requests for statistical purposes.
More progress on poll posts.
Dropped the polls_voters table and added the polls_votes one. The two have different definitions.
We now track stats for Uptimebot.
We now track stats for malformed requests.
Added json as a valid column type.
Continued work on poll posts.
Added the polls table.
Added the polls_voters table.
Added the poll column to the topics table.
Changed the type of the poll column on the replies table from boolean to int.