Added the UpdateDefaultTheme function.
Renamed panelRenderTemplate to renderTemplate.
Renamed panelSuccessRedirect to successRedirect.
Reduced the amount of boilerplate in panel.GroupsEdit with renderTemplate.
Renamed the pre_render_panel_edit_group hook to pre_render_panel_group_edit.
Reduced the amount of boilerplate in panel.GroupsEditPerms with renderTemplate.
Renamed the pre_render_panel_edit_group_perms hook to pre_render_panel_group_edit_perms.
Fixed a bug where the active status for themes didn't get loaded at start-up.
Fixed a theoretical deadlock in NewThemeList.
Used Unicode magic to make it harder to parse the antispam trap question.
Added more shady email substrings.
Tweaked the contributing guidelines, no more await allowed... For now.
Might already have Git, note that.
Added the the_form class to the login form, registration form and login mfa form.
Made the titles on the Control Panel Dashboard and Debug page a little softer on Cosora.
Added the quick topic form to Nox.
Made the topic pages somewhat usable on Nox.
The background no longer randomly vanishes on Shadow.
Fixed the small margins on the paginator on Shadow.
Tweaked the padding for the paginator in the Control Panel on Shadow.
The footer is no longer 100% wide on Shadow.
Fixed a misplaced ':' in Shadow.
Added the BlankProfileReply function for tests.
Tests now run once more.
Made it easier to trace test errors which use recordMustExist and recordMustNotExist.
Added tests for profile reply deletion.
Added tests for GeneratePassword in addition to the existing ones for BcryptGeneratePassword.
Added tests for Auth.Authenticate.
Added tests for Auth.CreateSession.
Added a contributor convention for highly unstable builds.
This can be considered a stable build.
Refactored the menu system.
Updated the README and revamped it a tad to make it easier to understand. Also, added manual instructions for patching.
Revamped the update scripts, especially on Windows.
Merged the CSS and Tmpl phrase namespaces.
Added lastSchema to .gitignore
Added DropTable to the database adapters.
Implemented DbVersion in the PgSQL Adapter.
Swapped out the checkboxes for cleaner looking yes-no dropdowns.
Began revamping small bits of the user logic.
We now open to contributions, just open a pull request and sign the CLA.
Schema has been updated, run the patcher or update script.
Add support for phrases in template files.
Revamped every template to make them use phrases.
Revamped every CSS file to make them use phrases.
Tweaked the contributing document.
We now use LogError instead of log.Fatal() in a few places to capture more stack traces.
Fixed the suffixes on the topic and post count pages, as they were saying views instead of posts / topics.
Split the paginator into it's own template.
Refactored the theme logic to defer loading the static files to a later stage.
Greatly improved the accessibility with a number of ARIA attributes in places where there were none.
Removed the edit-topic and page templates.
Renamed the panel-adminlogs template to panel_adminlogs.
Non-existent phrases used by transpiled templates should now be logged.
Fixed a bug where alertbox was plopped down multiple times on one page.
The phrase placeholders are more informative now.
Added the CurrentLanguagePackName and GetLanguagePackByName API functions.
Notices are now shown when you delete, update, or create a forum.
Change the length of the ticks for referrer tracking.
Fixed a bug in Shadow and Tempra Simple where the polls would appear when they shouldn't.
Added styling to Shadow for Control Panel Sub-menus.
Fixed the ridiculously wide attachment images on Cosora.
The analytics pages should no longer be treated as the dashboard style-wise.
The installer now works again.
Tests now run again, as do the benchmarks.
Refactored the topic list logic, and moved the route portion into the routes package.
Fixed an inverted comparison in the referrer logic.
Added friendly text for Mac operating systems to the english language pack.
Removed two obsolete prepared statements.
Fixed three race conditions in the database adapters.
Potentially sped up the topic page by 20%
Added several new benchmarks and refactored the others.
Removed a redundant prepared statement in user.go
Added reviseID as a primary key to the revisions table.
The user_count column was added to the users_groups table, but it's unknown if it will stay.