save bytes in req dump
rename panel_group_promotion_registered_for to panel_group_promotion_reg_for
rename panel_group_promotion_registered_months_suffix to panel_group_promotion_reg_months_suffix
rename panel_group_promotion_registered_days_suffix to panel_group_promotion_reg_days_suffix
rename panel_group_promotion_registered_hours_suffix to panel_group_promotion_reg_hours_suffix
rename template file and functions to reduce bandwidth usage
replace x-loggedin with theoretically faster x-mem
remove redundant check in ua loop
move extraData initialisation down to where it's needed
add new bot class for python, go and curl to reduce resource usage.
don't push canonicals for loggedin users
try to avoid pushing google site verify when it isn't necessary
give ahrefs the semrush treatment
reduce thaw period to 4
fix the _ ua bug
try using a hard period for routeAPI to avoid unneccessary churn for a return string that is unlikely to change
experiment with tracking average route performance
temporary error route stub
optimise dumprequest
add DisableAnalytics config setting
fix double hyphens in slugs being mistaken for sql injection
more querygen tests
You wil need to run the updater / patcher for this commit.
Add support for AS in columns for SimpleInnerJoin.
Add a referrer policy to improve privacy a little.
Shorten /static/ to /s/ since it comes up so much.
Remove some obsolete code.
Shorten some variable names.
Reduce the amount of boilerplate in the patcher.
Added the RefNoTrack and RefNoRef privacy config settings.
You may need to run the updater / patcher for this commit.
Added the topic.topic_info_aria phrase to explain the meta block in topics correctly to screen readers.
Added a missing phrase for the FacebookBot user agent.
Fixed a potential bug where Hyperdrive might cache already cached content.
Skip jumpHdrive if requested via JavaScript for now.
Export CompressBytesGzip so Hyperdrive can use it.