package main import "log" import "fmt" import "strings" import "strconv" import "net/http" import "html" import "database/sql" import _ "" func route_edit_topic(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, ok := SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { LocalError("Bad Form", w, r, user) return } is_js := r.PostFormValue("js") if is_js == "" { is_js = "0" } if !user.Perms.ViewTopic || !user.Perms.EditTopic { NoPermissionsJSQ(w,r,user,is_js) return } var tid int tid, err = strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Path[len("/topic/edit/submit/"):]) if err != nil { LocalErrorJSQ("The provided TopicID is not a valid number.",w,r,user,is_js) return } topic_name := r.PostFormValue("topic_name") topic_status := r.PostFormValue("topic_status") var is_closed bool if topic_status == "closed" { is_closed = true } else { is_closed = false } topic_content := html.EscapeString(r.PostFormValue("topic_content")) _, err = edit_topic_stmt.Exec(topic_name, preparse_message(topic_content), parse_message(html.EscapeString(preparse_message(topic_content))), is_closed, tid) if err != nil { InternalErrorJSQ(err,w,r,user,is_js) return } if is_js == "0" { http.Redirect(w, r, "/topic/" + strconv.Itoa(tid), http.StatusSeeOther) } else { fmt.Fprintf(w,"{'success': '1'}") } } func route_delete_topic(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, ok := SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Perms.ViewTopic || !user.Perms.DeleteTopic { NoPermissions(w,r,user) return } tid, err := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Path[len("/topic/delete/submit/"):]) if err != nil { LocalError("The provided TopicID is not a valid number.",w,r,user) return } err = db.QueryRow("SELECT tid from topics where tid = ?", tid).Scan(&tid) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { LocalError("The topic you tried to delete doesn't exist.",w,r,user) return } else if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } _, err = delete_topic_stmt.Exec(tid) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } log.Print("The topic '" + strconv.Itoa(tid) + "' was deleted by User ID #" + strconv.Itoa(user.ID) + ".") http.Redirect(w, r, "/", http.StatusSeeOther) } func route_stick_topic(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, ok := SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Perms.ViewTopic || !user.Perms.PinTopic { NoPermissions(w,r,user) return } tid, err := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Path[len("/topic/stick/submit/"):]) if err != nil { LocalError("The provided TopicID is not a valid number.",w,r,user) return } _, err = stick_topic_stmt.Exec(tid) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } http.Redirect(w, r, "/topic/" + strconv.Itoa(tid), http.StatusSeeOther) } func route_unstick_topic(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, ok := SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Perms.ViewTopic || !user.Perms.PinTopic { NoPermissions(w,r,user) return } tid, err := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Path[len("/topic/unstick/submit/"):]) if err != nil { LocalError("The provided TopicID is not a valid number.",w,r,user) return } _, err = unstick_topic_stmt.Exec(tid) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } http.Redirect(w, r, "/topic/" + strconv.Itoa(tid), http.StatusSeeOther) } func route_reply_edit_submit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, ok := SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { LocalError("Bad Form", w, r, user) return } is_js := r.PostFormValue("js") if is_js == "" { is_js = "0" } if !user.Perms.ViewTopic || !user.Perms.EditReply { NoPermissionsJSQ(w,r,user,is_js) return } rid, err := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Path[len("/reply/edit/submit/"):]) if err != nil { LocalError("The provided Reply ID is not a valid number.",w,r,user) return } content := html.EscapeString(preparse_message(r.PostFormValue("edit_item"))) _, err = edit_reply_stmt.Exec(content, parse_message(content), rid) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } // Get the Reply ID.. var tid int err = db.QueryRow("select tid from replies where rid = ?", rid).Scan(&tid) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } if is_js == "0" { http.Redirect(w,r, "/topic/" + strconv.Itoa(tid) + "#reply-" + strconv.Itoa(rid), http.StatusSeeOther) } else { fmt.Fprintf(w,"{'success': '1'}") } } func route_reply_delete_submit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, ok := SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { LocalError("Bad Form", w, r, user) return } is_js := r.PostFormValue("is_js") if is_js == "" { is_js = "0" } if !user.Perms.ViewTopic || !user.Perms.DeleteReply { NoPermissionsJSQ(w,r,user,is_js) return } rid, err := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Path[len("/reply/delete/submit/"):]) if err != nil { LocalErrorJSQ("The provided Reply ID is not a valid number.",w,r,user,is_js) return } var tid int err = db.QueryRow("SELECT tid from replies where rid = ?", rid).Scan(&tid) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { LocalErrorJSQ("The reply you tried to delete doesn't exist.",w,r,user,is_js) return } else if err != nil { InternalErrorJSQ(err,w,r,user,is_js) return } _, err = delete_reply_stmt.Exec(rid) if err != nil { InternalErrorJSQ(err,w,r,user,is_js) return } log.Print("The reply '" + strconv.Itoa(rid) + "' was deleted by User ID #" + strconv.Itoa(user.ID) + ".") if is_js == "0" { //http.Redirect(w,r, "/topic/" + strconv.Itoa(tid), http.StatusSeeOther) } else { fmt.Fprintf(w,"{'success': '1'}") } } func route_profile_reply_edit_submit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, ok := SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { LocalError("Bad Form", w, r, user) return } is_js := r.PostFormValue("js") if is_js == "" { is_js = "0" } rid, err := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Path[len("/profile/reply/edit/submit/"):]) if err != nil { LocalError("The provided Reply ID is not a valid number.",w,r,user) return } // Get the Reply ID.. var uid int err = db.QueryRow("select uid from users_replies where rid = ?", rid).Scan(&uid) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } if user.ID != uid && !user.Perms.EditReply { NoPermissionsJSQ(w,r,user,is_js) return } content := html.EscapeString(preparse_message(r.PostFormValue("edit_item"))) _, err = edit_profile_reply_stmt.Exec(content, parse_message(content), rid) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } if is_js == "0" { http.Redirect(w,r, "/user/" + strconv.Itoa(uid) + "#reply-" + strconv.Itoa(rid), http.StatusSeeOther) } else { fmt.Fprintf(w,"{'success': '1'}") } } func route_profile_reply_delete_submit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, ok := SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { LocalError("Bad Form", w, r, user) return } is_js := r.PostFormValue("is_js") if is_js == "" { is_js = "0" } rid, err := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Path[len("/profile/reply/delete/submit/"):]) if err != nil { LocalErrorJSQ("The provided Reply ID is not a valid number.",w,r,user,is_js) return } var uid int err = db.QueryRow("SELECT uid from users_replies where rid = ?", rid).Scan(&uid) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { LocalErrorJSQ("The reply you tried to delete doesn't exist.",w,r,user,is_js) return } else if err != nil { InternalErrorJSQ(err,w,r,user,is_js) return } if user.ID != uid && !user.Perms.DeleteReply { NoPermissionsJSQ(w,r,user,is_js) return } _, err = delete_profile_reply_stmt.Exec(rid) if err != nil { InternalErrorJSQ(err,w,r,user,is_js) return } log.Print("The reply '" + strconv.Itoa(rid) + "' was deleted by User ID #" + strconv.Itoa(user.ID) + ".") if is_js == "0" { //http.Redirect(w,r, "/user/" + strconv.Itoa(uid), http.StatusSeeOther) } else { fmt.Fprintf(w,"{'success': '1'}") } } func route_ban(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, noticeList, ok := SessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Perms.BanUsers { NoPermissions(w,r,user) return } uid, err := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Path[len("/users/ban/"):]) if err != nil { LocalError("The provided User ID is not a valid number.",w,r,user) return } var uname string err = db.QueryRow("SELECT name from users where uid = ?", uid).Scan(&uname) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { LocalError("The user you're trying to ban no longer exists.",w,r,user) return } else if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } confirm_msg := "Are you sure you want to ban '" + uname + "'?" yousure := AreYouSure{"/users/ban/submit/" + strconv.Itoa(uid),confirm_msg} pi := Page{"Ban User","ban-user",user,noticeList,tList,yousure} templates.ExecuteTemplate(w,"areyousure.html", pi) } func route_ban_submit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, ok := SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Perms.BanUsers { NoPermissions(w,r,user) return } if r.FormValue("session") != user.Session { SecurityError(w,r,user) return } uid, err := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Path[len("/users/ban/submit/"):]) if err != nil { LocalError("The provided User ID is not a valid number.",w,r,user) return } var group int var is_super_admin bool err = db.QueryRow("SELECT `group`, `is_super_admin` from `users` where `uid` = ?", uid).Scan(&group, &is_super_admin) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { LocalError("The user you're trying to ban no longer exists.",w,r,user) return } else if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } if is_super_admin || groups[group].Is_Admin || groups[group].Is_Mod { LocalError("You may not ban another staff member.",w,r,user) return } if uid == user.ID { LocalError("You may not ban yourself.",w,r,user) return } if uid == -2 { LocalError("You may not ban me. Fine, I will offer up some guidance unto thee. Come to my lair, young one. /arcane-tower/",w,r,user) return } if groups[group].Is_Banned { LocalError("The user you're trying to unban is already banned.",w,r,user) return } _, err = change_group_stmt.Exec(4, uid) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } http.Redirect(w,r,"/users/" + strconv.Itoa(uid),http.StatusSeeOther) } func route_unban(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, ok := SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Perms.BanUsers { NoPermissions(w,r,user) return } if r.FormValue("session") != user.Session { SecurityError(w,r,user) return } uid, err := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Path[len("/users/unban/"):]) if err != nil { LocalError("The provided User ID is not a valid number.",w,r,user) return } var uname string var group int err = db.QueryRow("SELECT `name`, `group` from users where `uid` = ?", uid).Scan(&uname, &group) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { LocalError("The user you're trying to unban no longer exists.",w,r,user) return } else if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } if !groups[group].Is_Banned { LocalError("The user you're trying to unban isn't banned.",w,r,user) return } _, err = change_group_stmt.Exec(default_group, uid) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } http.Redirect(w,r,"/users/" + strconv.Itoa(uid),http.StatusSeeOther) } func route_activate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, ok := SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Perms.ActivateUsers { NoPermissions(w,r,user) return } if r.FormValue("session") != user.Session { SecurityError(w,r,user) return } uid, err := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Path[len("/users/activate/"):]) if err != nil { LocalError("The provided User ID is not a valid number.",w,r,user) return } var uname string var active bool err = db.QueryRow("SELECT `name`, `active` from users where `uid` = ?", uid).Scan(&uname, &active) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { LocalError("The account you're trying to activate no longer exists.",w,r,user) return } else if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } if active { LocalError("The account you're trying to activate has already been activated.",w,r,user) return } _, err = activate_user_stmt.Exec(uid) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } _, err = change_group_stmt.Exec(default_group, uid) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } http.Redirect(w,r,"/users/" + strconv.Itoa(uid),http.StatusSeeOther) } func route_panel_forums(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){ user, noticeList, ok := SessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Perms.ManageForums { NoPermissions(w,r,user) return } var forumList []interface{} for _, forum := range forums { if forum.ID > -1 { forumList = append(forumList, forum) } } pi := Page{"Forum Manager","panel-forums",user,noticeList,forumList,0} templates.ExecuteTemplate(w,"panel-forums.html", pi) } func route_panel_forums_create_submit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){ user, ok := SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Perms.ManageForums { NoPermissions(w,r,user) return } err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { LocalError("Bad Form", w, r, user) return } if r.FormValue("session") != user.Session { SecurityError(w,r,user) return } fname := r.PostFormValue("forum-name") res, err := create_forum_stmt.Exec(fname) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } lastId, err := res.LastInsertId() if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } forums[int(lastId)] = Forum{int(lastId),fname,true,"",0,"",0,""} http.Redirect(w,r,"/panel/forums/",http.StatusSeeOther) } func route_panel_forums_delete(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){ user, noticeList, ok := SessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Perms.ManageForums { NoPermissions(w,r,user) return } if r.FormValue("session") != user.Session { SecurityError(w,r,user) return } fid, err := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Path[len("/panel/forums/delete/"):]) if err != nil { LocalError("The provided Forum ID is not a valid number.",w,r,user) return } _, ok = forums[fid]; if !ok { LocalError("The forum you're trying to delete doesn't exist.",w,r,user) return } confirm_msg := "Are you sure you want to delete the '" + forums[fid].Name + "' forum?" yousure := AreYouSure{"/panel/forums/delete/submit/" + strconv.Itoa(fid),confirm_msg} pi := Page{"Delete Forum","panel-forums-delete",user,noticeList,tList,yousure} templates.ExecuteTemplate(w,"areyousure.html", pi) } func route_panel_forums_delete_submit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, ok := SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Perms.ManageForums { NoPermissions(w,r,user) return } if r.FormValue("session") != user.Session { SecurityError(w,r,user) return } fid, err := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Path[len("/panel/forums/delete/submit/"):]) if err != nil { LocalError("The provided Forum ID is not a valid number.",w,r,user) return } _, ok = forums[fid]; if !ok { LocalError("The forum you're trying to delete doesn't exist.",w,r,user) return } _, err = delete_forum_stmt.Exec(fid) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } // Remove this forum from the forum cache delete(forums,fid); http.Redirect(w,r,"/panel/forums/",http.StatusSeeOther) } func route_panel_forums_edit_submit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, ok := SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Perms.ManageForums { NoPermissions(w,r,user) return } err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { LocalError("Bad Form", w, r, user) return } if r.FormValue("session") != user.Session { SecurityError(w,r,user) return } fid, err := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Path[len("/panel/forums/edit/submit/"):]) if err != nil { LocalError("The provided Forum ID is not a valid number.",w,r,user) return } forum_name := r.PostFormValue("edit_item") forum, ok := forums[fid]; if !ok { LocalError("The forum you're trying to edit doesn't exist.",w,r,user) return } _, err = update_forum_stmt.Exec(forum_name, fid) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } forum.Name = forum_name forums[fid] = forum http.Redirect(w,r,"/panel/forums/",http.StatusSeeOther) } func route_panel_settings(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){ user, noticeList, ok := SessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Perms.EditSettings { NoPermissions(w,r,user) return } var settingList map[string]interface{} = make(map[string]interface{}) rows, err := db.Query("SELECT name, content, type FROM settings") if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } defer rows.Close() var sname string var scontent string var stype string for rows.Next() { err := rows.Scan(&sname, &scontent, &stype) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } if stype == "list" { llist := settingLabels[sname] labels := strings.Split(llist,",") conv, err := strconv.Atoi(scontent) if err != nil { LocalError("The setting '" + sname + "' can't be converted to an integer",w,r,user) return } scontent = labels[conv - 1] } else if stype == "bool" { if scontent == "1" { scontent = "Yes" } else { scontent = "No" } } settingList[sname] = scontent } err = rows.Err() if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } pi := Page{"Setting Manager","panel-settings",user, noticeList,tList,settingList} templates.ExecuteTemplate(w,"panel-settings.html", pi) } func route_panel_setting(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){ user, noticeList, ok := SessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Perms.EditSettings { NoPermissions(w,r,user) return } setting := Setting{"","","",""} setting.Name = r.URL.Path[len("/panel/settings/edit/"):] err := db.QueryRow("SELECT content, type from settings where name = ?", setting.Name).Scan(&setting.Content, &setting.Type) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { LocalError("The setting you want to edit doesn't exist.",w,r,user) return } else if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } var itemList []interface{} if setting.Type == "list" { llist, ok := settingLabels[setting.Name] if !ok { LocalError("The labels for this setting don't exist",w,r,user) return } conv, err := strconv.Atoi(setting.Content) if err != nil { LocalError("The value of this setting couldn't be converted to an integer",w,r,user) return } labels := strings.Split(llist,",") for index, label := range labels { itemList = append(itemList, OptionLabel{ Label: label, Value: index + 1, Selected: conv == (index + 1), }) } } pi := Page{"Edit Setting","panel-setting",user,noticeList,itemList,setting} templates.ExecuteTemplate(w,"panel-setting.html", pi) } func route_panel_setting_edit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { user, ok := SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Perms.EditSettings { NoPermissions(w,r,user) return } err := r.ParseForm() if err != nil { LocalError("Bad Form", w, r, user) return } if r.FormValue("session") != user.Session { SecurityError(w,r,user) return } var stype string var sconstraints string sname := r.URL.Path[len("/panel/settings/edit/submit/"):] scontent := r.PostFormValue("setting-value") err = db.QueryRow("SELECT name, type, constraints from settings where name = ?", sname).Scan(&sname, &stype, &sconstraints) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { LocalError("The setting you want to edit doesn't exist.",w,r,user) return } else if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } if stype == "bool" { if scontent == "on" || scontent == "1" { scontent = "1" } else { scontent = "0" } } _, err = update_setting_stmt.Exec(scontent, sname) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } errmsg := parseSetting(sname, scontent, stype, sconstraints) if errmsg != "" { LocalError(errmsg,w,r,user) return } http.Redirect(w,r,"/panel/settings/",http.StatusSeeOther) } func route_panel_plugins(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){ user, noticeList, ok := SessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Perms.ManagePlugins { NoPermissions(w,r,user) return } var pluginList []interface{} for _, plugin := range plugins { pluginList = append(pluginList, plugin) } pi := Page{"Plugin Manager","panel-plugins",user,noticeList,pluginList,0} templates.ExecuteTemplate(w,"panel-plugins.html", pi) } func route_panel_plugins_activate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){ user, ok := SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Perms.ManagePlugins { NoPermissions(w,r,user) return } if r.FormValue("session") != user.Session { SecurityError(w,r,user) return } uname := r.URL.Path[len("/panel/plugins/activate/"):] plugin, ok := plugins[uname] if !ok { LocalError("The plugin isn't registered in the system",w,r,user) return } var active bool err := db.QueryRow("SELECT active from plugins where uname = ?", uname).Scan(&active) if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } if plugins[uname].Activate != nil { err = plugins[uname].Activate() if err != nil { LocalError(err.Error(),w,r,user) return } } has_plugin := err != sql.ErrNoRows if has_plugin { if active { LocalError("The plugin is already active",w,r,user) return } _, err = update_plugin_stmt.Exec(1, uname) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } } else { _, err := add_plugin_stmt.Exec(uname,1) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } } log.Print("Activating plugin '" + plugin.Name + "'") plugin.Active = true plugins[uname] = plugin plugins[uname].Init() http.Redirect(w,r,"/panel/plugins/",http.StatusSeeOther) } func route_panel_plugins_deactivate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){ user, ok := SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Perms.ManagePlugins { NoPermissions(w,r,user) return } if r.FormValue("session") != user.Session { SecurityError(w,r,user) return } uname := r.URL.Path[len("/panel/plugins/deactivate/"):] plugin, ok := plugins[uname] if !ok { LocalError("The plugin isn't registered in the system",w,r,user) return } var active bool err := db.QueryRow("SELECT active from plugins where uname = ?", uname).Scan(&active) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { LocalError("The plugin you're trying to deactivate isn't active",w,r,user) return } else if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } if !active { LocalError("The plugin you're trying to deactivate isn't active",w,r,user) return } _, err = update_plugin_stmt.Exec(0, uname) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } plugin.Active = false plugins[uname] = plugin plugins[uname].Deactivate() http.Redirect(w,r,"/panel/plugins/",http.StatusSeeOther) } func route_panel_users(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){ user, noticeList, ok := SessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Is_Super_Mod { NoPermissions(w,r,user) return } var userList []interface{} rows, err := db.Query("SELECT `uid`,`name`,`group`,`active`,`is_super_admin`,`avatar` FROM users") if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } defer rows.Close() for rows.Next() { puser := User{ID: 0,} err := rows.Scan(&puser.ID, &puser.Name, &puser.Group, &puser.Active, &puser.Is_Super_Admin, &puser.Avatar) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } puser.Is_Admin = puser.Is_Super_Admin || groups[puser.Group].Is_Admin puser.Is_Super_Mod = puser.Is_Admin || groups[puser.Group].Is_Mod puser.Is_Mod = puser.Is_Super_Mod puser.Is_Banned = groups[puser.Group].Is_Banned if puser.Is_Banned && puser.Is_Super_Mod { puser.Is_Banned = false } if puser.Avatar != "" { if puser.Avatar[0] == '.' { puser.Avatar = "/uploads/avatar_" + strconv.Itoa(puser.ID) + puser.Avatar } } else { puser.Avatar = strings.Replace(noavatar,"{id}",strconv.Itoa(puser.ID),1) } if groups[puser.Group].Tag != "" { puser.Tag = groups[puser.Group].Tag } else { puser.Tag = "" } userList = append(userList, puser) } err = rows.Err() if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } pi := Page{"User Manager","panel-users",user,noticeList,userList,0} err = templates.ExecuteTemplate(w,"panel-users.html", pi) if err != nil { InternalError(err, w, r, user) } } func route_panel_users_edit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){ user, noticeList, ok := SessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } // Even if they have the right permissions, the control panel is only open to supermods+. There are many areas without subpermissions which assume that the current user is a supermod+ and admins are extremely unlikely to give these permissions to someone who isn't at-least a supermod to begin with if !user.Is_Super_Mod || !user.Perms.EditUser { NoPermissions(w,r,user) return } var err error targetUser := User{ID: 0,} targetUser.ID, err = strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Path[len("/panel/users/edit/"):]) if err != nil { LocalError("The provided User ID is not a valid number.",w,r,user) return } err = db.QueryRow("SELECT `name`, `email`, `group` from `users` where `uid` = ?", targetUser.ID).Scan(&targetUser.Name, &targetUser.Email, &targetUser.Group) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { LocalError("The user you're trying to edit doesn't exist.",w,r,user) return } else if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } targetUser.Is_Admin = targetUser.Is_Super_Admin || groups[targetUser.Group].Is_Admin targetUser.Is_Super_Mod = groups[targetUser.Group].Is_Mod || targetUser.Is_Admin if targetUser.Is_Admin && !user.Is_Admin { LocalError("Only administrators can edit the account of an administrator.",w,r,user) return } var groupList []interface{} for _, group := range groups { if !user.Perms.EditUserGroupAdmin && group.Is_Admin { continue } if !user.Perms.EditUserGroupSuperMod && group.Is_Mod { continue } groupList = append(groupList, group) } pi := Page{"User Editor","panel-user-edit",user,noticeList,groupList,targetUser} err = templates.ExecuteTemplate(w,"panel-user-edit.html", pi) if err != nil { InternalError(err, w, r, user) } } func route_panel_users_edit_submit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){ user, ok := SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) if !ok { return } if !user.Is_Super_Mod || !user.Perms.EditUser { NoPermissions(w,r,user) return } if r.FormValue("session") != user.Session { SecurityError(w,r,user) return } var err error targetUser := User{ID: 0,} targetUser.ID, err = strconv.Atoi(r.URL.Path[len("/panel/users/edit/submit/"):]) if err != nil { LocalError("The provided User ID is not a valid number.",w,r,user) return } err = db.QueryRow("SELECT `name`, `email`, `group` from `users` where `uid` = ?", targetUser.ID).Scan(&targetUser.Name, &targetUser.Email, &targetUser.Group) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { LocalError("The user you're trying to edit doesn't exist.",w,r,user) return } else if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } targetUser.Is_Admin = targetUser.Is_Super_Admin || groups[targetUser.Group].Is_Admin targetUser.Is_Super_Mod = groups[targetUser.Group].Is_Mod || targetUser.Is_Admin if targetUser.Is_Admin && !user.Is_Admin { LocalError("Only administrators can edit the account of an administrator.",w,r,user) return } newname := html.EscapeString(r.PostFormValue("user-name")) if newname == "" { LocalError("You didn't put in a username.", w, r, user) return } newemail := html.EscapeString(r.PostFormValue("user-email")) if newemail == "" { LocalError("You didn't put in an email address.", w, r, user) return } if (newemail != targetUser.Email) && !user.Perms.EditUserEmail { LocalError("You need the EditUserEmail permission to edit the email address of a user.", w, r, user) return } newpassword := r.PostFormValue("user-password") if newpassword != "" && !user.Perms.EditUserPassword { LocalError("You need the EditUserPassword permission to edit the password of a user.", w, r, user) return } newgroup, err := strconv.Atoi(r.PostFormValue("user-group")) if err != nil { LocalError("The provided GroupID is not a valid number.",w,r,user) return } _, ok = groups[newgroup] if !ok { LocalError("The group you're trying to place this user in doesn't exist.",w,r,user) return } if !user.Perms.EditUserGroupAdmin && groups[newgroup].Is_Admin { LocalError("You need the EditUserGroupAdmin permission to assign someone to an administrator group.",w,r,user) return } if !user.Perms.EditUserGroupSuperMod && groups[newgroup].Is_Mod { LocalError("You need the EditUserGroupAdmin permission to assign someone to a super mod group.",w,r,user) return } _, err = update_user_stmt.Exec(newname,newemail,newgroup,targetUser.ID) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r,user) return } if newpassword != "" { SetPassword(targetUser.ID, newpassword) } http.Redirect(w,r,"/panel/users/edit/" + strconv.Itoa(targetUser.ID),http.StatusSeeOther) }