package main import "./common" func init() { // Site Info common.Site.ShortName = "Ts" // This should be less than three letters to fit in the navbar common.Site.Name = "Test Site" common.Site.Email = "" common.Site.URL = "localhost" common.Site.Port = "8080" // 8080 common.Site.EnableSsl = false common.Site.EnableEmails = false common.Site.HasProxy = false // Cloudflare counts as this, if it's sitting in the middle common.Config.SslPrivkey = "" common.Config.SslFullchain = "" common.Site.Language = "english" // Database details common.DbConfig.Host = "localhost" common.DbConfig.Username = "root" common.DbConfig.Password = "password" common.DbConfig.Dbname = "gosora" common.DbConfig.Port = "3306" // You probably won't need to change this // MySQL Test Database details common.DbConfig.TestHost = "localhost" common.DbConfig.TestUsername = "root" common.DbConfig.TestPassword = "" common.DbConfig.TestDbname = "gosora_test" // The name of the test database, leave blank to disable. DON'T USE YOUR PRODUCTION DATABASE FOR THIS. LEAVE BLANK IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS. common.DbConfig.TestPort = "3306" // Limiters common.Config.MaxRequestSize = 5 * common.Megabyte // Caching common.Config.CacheTopicUser = common.CACHE_STATIC common.Config.UserCacheCapacity = 120 // The max number of users held in memory common.Config.TopicCacheCapacity = 200 // The max number of topics held in memory // Email common.Config.SMTPServer = "" common.Config.SMTPUsername = "" common.Config.SMTPPassword = "" common.Config.SMTPPort = "25" // Misc common.Config.DefaultRoute = "routes.TopicList" common.Config.DefaultGroup = 3 // Should be a setting in the database common.Config.ActivationGroup = 5 // Should be a setting in the database common.Config.StaffCSS = "staff_post" common.Config.DefaultForum = 2 common.Config.MinifyTemplates = true common.Config.ServerCount = 1 // Experimental: Enable Cross-Server Synchronisation and several other features //common.Config.Noavatar = "{width}/{id}@{site_url}.png" common.Config.Noavatar = "{id}@{site_url}.png" common.Config.ItemsPerPage = 25 // Developer flags //common.Dev.DebugMode = true //common.Dev.SuperDebug = true //common.Dev.TemplateDebug = true //common.Dev.Profiling = true //common.Dev.TestDB = true }