package main import ( "strconv" "testing" "" ) // go test -v // TODO: Write a test for Hello World? type MEPair struct { Msg string Expects string } type MEPairList struct { Items []MEPair } func (tlist *MEPairList) Add(msg string, expects string) { tlist.Items = append(tlist.Items, MEPair{msg, expects}) } func TestBBCodeRender(t *testing.T) { //t.Skip() err := initBbcode(common.Plugins["bbcode"]) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } var res string var msgList = &MEPairList{nil} msgList.Add("", "") msgList.Add(" ", " ") msgList.Add(" ", " ") msgList.Add(" ", " ") msgList.Add("[b]", "") msgList.Add("[b][/b]", "") msgList.Add("hi", "hi") msgList.Add("😀", "😀") msgList.Add("[b]😀[/b]", "😀") msgList.Add("[b]😀😀😀[/b]", "😀😀😀") msgList.Add("[b]hi[/b]", "hi") msgList.Add("[u]hi[/u]", "hi") msgList.Add("[i]hi[/i]", "hi") msgList.Add("[s]hi[/s]", "hi") msgList.Add("[c]hi[/c]", "[c]hi[/c]") msgList.Add("[h1]hi", "[h1]hi") msgList.Add("[h1]hi[/h1]", "


") if !testing.Short() { //msgList.Add("[b]hi[/i]", "[b]hi[/i]") //msgList.Add("[/b]hi[b]", "[/b]hi[b]") //msgList.Add("[/b]hi[/b]", "[/b]hi[/b]") //msgList.Add("[b][b]hi[/b]", "hi") //msgList.Add("[b][b]hi", "[b][b]hi") //msgList.Add("[b][b][b]hi", "[b][b][b]hi") //msgList.Add("[/b]hi", "[/b]hi") } msgList.Add("[code]hi[/code]", "hi") msgList.Add("[code][b]hi[/b][/code]", "[b]hi[/b]") msgList.Add("[code][b]hi[/code][/b]", "[b]hi[/b]") msgList.Add("[quote]hi[/quote]", "
") msgList.Add("[quote][b]hi[/b][/quote]", "
") msgList.Add("[quote][b]h[/b][/quote]", "
") msgList.Add("[quote][b][/b][/quote]", "
") msgList.Add("[url][/url]", "") msgList.Add("[url][/url]", "") msgList.Add("[url][/url]", "") msgList.Add("[url]//[/url]", "//") msgList.Add("-你好-", "-你好-") msgList.Add("[i]-你好-[/i]", "-你好-") // TODO: More of these Unicode tests? Emoji, Chinese, etc.? t.Log("Testing bbcodeFullParse") for _, item := range msgList.Items { res = bbcodeFullParse(item.Msg) if res != item.Expects { t.Error("Testing string '" + item.Msg + "'") t.Error("Bad output:", "'"+res+"'") t.Error("Expected:", "'"+item.Expects+"'") } } var msg string var expects string msg = "[rand][/rand]" expects = "[Invalid Number][rand][/rand]" t.Log("Testing string '" + msg + "'") res = bbcodeFullParse(msg) if res != expects { t.Error("Bad output:", "'"+res+"'") t.Error("Expected:", "'"+expects+"'") } msg = "[rand]-1[/rand]" expects = "[No Negative Numbers][rand]-1[/rand]" t.Log("Testing string '" + msg + "'") res = bbcodeFullParse(msg) if res != expects { t.Error("Bad output:", "'"+res+"'") t.Error("Expected:", "'"+expects+"'") } msg = "[rand]-01[/rand]" expects = "[No Negative Numbers][rand]-01[/rand]" t.Log("Testing string '" + msg + "'") res = bbcodeFullParse(msg) if res != expects { t.Error("Bad output:", "'"+res+"'") t.Error("Expected:", "'"+expects+"'") } msg = "[rand]NaN[/rand]" expects = "[Invalid Number][rand]NaN[/rand]" t.Log("Testing string '" + msg + "'") res = bbcodeFullParse(msg) if res != expects { t.Error("Bad output:", "'"+res+"'") t.Error("Expected:", "'"+expects+"'") } msg = "[rand]Inf[/rand]" expects = "[Invalid Number][rand]Inf[/rand]" t.Log("Testing string '" + msg + "'") res = bbcodeFullParse(msg) if res != expects { t.Error("Bad output:", "'"+res+"'") t.Error("Expected:", "'"+expects+"'") } msg = "[rand]+[/rand]" expects = "[Invalid Number][rand]+[/rand]" t.Log("Testing string '" + msg + "'") res = bbcodeFullParse(msg) if res != expects { t.Error("Bad output:", "'"+res+"'") t.Error("Expected:", "'"+expects+"'") } msg = "[rand]1+1[/rand]" expects = "[Invalid Number][rand]1+1[/rand]" t.Log("Testing string '" + msg + "'") res = bbcodeFullParse(msg) if res != expects { t.Error("Bad output:", "'"+res+"'") t.Error("Expected:", "'"+expects+"'") } var conv int msg = "[rand]1[/rand]" t.Log("Testing string '" + msg + "'") res = bbcodeFullParse(msg) conv, err = strconv.Atoi(res) if err != nil || (conv > 1 || conv < 0) { t.Error("Bad output:", "'"+res+"'") t.Error("Expected a number in the range 0-1") } msg = "[rand]0[/rand]" t.Log("Testing string '" + msg + "'") res = bbcodeFullParse(msg) conv, err = strconv.Atoi(res) if err != nil || conv != 0 { t.Error("Bad output:", "'"+res+"'") t.Error("Expected the number 0") } msg = "[rand]2147483647[/rand]" // Signed 32-bit MAX t.Log("Testing string '" + msg + "'") res = bbcodeFullParse(msg) conv, err = strconv.Atoi(res) if err != nil || (conv > 2147483647 || conv < 0) { t.Error("Bad output:", "'"+res+"'") t.Error("Expected a number between 0 and 2147483647") } msg = "[rand]9223372036854775807[/rand]" // Signed 64-bit MAX t.Log("Testing string '" + msg + "'") res = bbcodeFullParse(msg) conv, err = strconv.Atoi(res) if err != nil || (conv > 9223372036854775807 || conv < 0) { t.Error("Bad output:", "'"+res+"'") t.Error("Expected a number between 0 and 9223372036854775807") } // Note: conv is commented out in these two, as these numbers overflow int msg = "[rand]18446744073709551615[/rand]" // Unsigned 64-bit MAX t.Log("Testing string '" + msg + "'") res = bbcodeFullParse(msg) _, err = strconv.Atoi(res) if err != nil && res != "[Invalid Number][rand]18446744073709551615[/rand]" { t.Error("Bad output:", "'"+res+"'") t.Error("Expected a number between 0 and 18446744073709551615") } msg = "[rand]170141183460469231731687303715884105727[/rand]" // Signed 128-bit MAX t.Log("Testing string '" + msg + "'") res = bbcodeFullParse(msg) _, err = strconv.Atoi(res) if err != nil && res != "[Invalid Number][rand]170141183460469231731687303715884105727[/rand]" { t.Error("Bad output:", "'"+res+"'") t.Error("Expected a number between 0 and 170141183460469231731687303715884105727") } /*t.Log("Testing bbcode_regex_parse") for _, item := range msgList { t.Log("Testing string '" + item.Msg + "'") res = bbcodeRegexParse(item.Msg) if res != item.Expects { t.Error("Bad output:", "'"+res+"'") t.Error("Expected:", item.Expects) } }*/ } func TestMarkdownRender(t *testing.T) { //t.Skip() err := initMarkdown(common.Plugins["markdown"]) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } var res string var msgList = &MEPairList{nil} var msgList2 = &MEPairList{nil} // TODO: Fix more of these odd cases msgList.Add("", "") msgList.Add(" ", " ") msgList.Add(" ", " ") msgList.Add(" ", " ") msgList.Add("\t", "\t") msgList.Add("\n", "\n") msgList.Add("*", "*") msgList.Add("`", "`") //msgList.Add("**", "") msgList.Add("h", "h") msgList.Add("hi", "hi") msgList.Add("**h**", "h") msgList.Add("**hi**", "hi") msgList.Add("_h_", "h") msgList.Add("_hi_", "hi") msgList.Add("*h*", "h") msgList.Add("*hi*", "hi") msgList.Add("~h~", "h") msgList.Add("~hi~", "hi") msgList.Add("`hi`", "
") // TODO: Hide the backslash after escaping the item // TODO: Doesn't behave consistently with d in-front of it msgList2.Add("\\`hi`", "\\`hi`") msgList2.Add("#", "#") msgList2.Add("#h", "


") msgList2.Add("#hi", "


") msgList2.Add("# hi", "


") msgList2.Add("# hi", "


") msgList.Add("\n#", "\n#") msgList.Add("\n#h", "\n


") msgList.Add("\n#hi", "\n


") msgList.Add("\n#h\n", "\n


") msgList.Add("\n#hi\n", "\n


") msgList.Add("*hi**", "hi*") msgList.Add("**hi***", "hi*") //msgList.Add("**hi*", "*hi") msgList.Add("***hi***", "hi") msgList.Add("***h***", "h") msgList.Add("\\***h**\\*", "*h*") msgList.Add("\\*\\**h*\\*\\*", "**h**") msgList.Add("\\*hi\\*", "*hi*") msgList.Add("d\\*hi\\*", "d*hi*") msgList.Add("\\*hi\\*d", "*hi*d") msgList.Add("d\\*hi\\*d", "d*hi*d") msgList.Add("\\", "\\") msgList.Add("\\\\", "\\\\") msgList.Add("\\d", "\\d") msgList.Add("\\\\d", "\\\\d") msgList.Add("\\\\\\d", "\\\\\\d") msgList.Add("d\\", "d\\") msgList.Add("\\d\\", "\\d\\") msgList.Add("*_hi_*", "hi") msgList.Add("*~hi~*", "hi") //msgList.Add("~*hi*~", "hi") //msgList.Add("~ *hi* ~", " hi ") msgList.Add("_~hi~_", "hi") msgList.Add("***~hi~***", "hi") msgList.Add("**", "**") msgList.Add("***", "***") msgList.Add("****", "****") msgList.Add("*****", "*****") msgList.Add("******", "******") msgList.Add("*******", "*******") msgList.Add("~~", "~~") msgList.Add("~~~", "~~~") msgList.Add("~~~~", "~~~~") msgList.Add("~~~~~", "~~~~~") msgList.Add("__", "__") msgList.Add("___", "___") msgList.Add("_ _", " ") msgList.Add("* *", " ") msgList.Add("** **", " ") msgList.Add("*** ***", " ") msgList.Add("-你好-", "-你好-") msgList.Add("*-你好-*", "-你好-") // TODO: More of these Unicode tests? Emoji, Chinese, etc.? for _, item := range msgList.Items { res = markdownParse(item.Msg) if res != item.Expects { t.Error("Testing string '" + item.Msg + "'") t.Error("Bad output:", "'"+res+"'") //t.Error("Ouput in bytes:", []byte(res)) t.Error("Expected:", "'"+item.Expects+"'") } } for _, item := range msgList2.Items { res = markdownParse(item.Msg) if res != item.Expects { t.Error("Testing string '" + item.Msg + "'") t.Error("Bad output:", "'"+res+"'") //t.Error("Ouput in bytes:", []byte(res)) t.Error("Expected:", "'"+item.Expects+"'") } } /*for _, item := range msgList.Items { res = markdownParse("\n" + item.Msg) if res != "\n"+item.Expects { t.Error("Testing string '\n" + item.Msg + "'") t.Error("Bad output:", "'"+res+"'") //t.Error("Ouput in bytes:", []byte(res)) t.Error("Expected:", "'\n"+item.Expects+"'") } } for _, item := range msgList.Items { res = markdownParse("\t" + item.Msg) if res != "\t"+item.Expects { t.Error("Testing string '\t" + item.Msg + "'") t.Error("Bad output:", "'"+res+"'") //t.Error("Ouput in bytes:", []byte(res)) t.Error("Expected:", "'\t"+item.Expects+"'") } }*/ for _, item := range msgList.Items { res = markdownParse("d" + item.Msg) if res != "d"+item.Expects { t.Error("Testing string 'd" + item.Msg + "'") t.Error("Bad output:", "'"+res+"'") //t.Error("Ouput in bytes:", []byte(res)) t.Error("Expected:", "'d"+item.Expects+"'") } } // TODO: Write suffix tests and double string tests // TODO: Write similar prefix, suffix, and double string tests for plugin_bbcode. Ditto for the outer parser along with suitable tests for that like making sure the URL parser and media embedder works. }