package main import ( "database/sql" "log" "strconv" "sync/atomic" "time" c "" qgen "" "" ) // TODO: Name the tasks so we can figure out which one it was when something goes wrong? Or maybe toss it up WithStack down there? func runTasks(tasks []func() error) { for _, task := range tasks { if e := task(); e != nil { c.LogError(e) } } } func startTick() (abort bool) { isDBDown := atomic.LoadInt32(&c.IsDBDown) if err := db.Ping(); err != nil { // TODO: There's a bit of a race here, but it doesn't matter if this error appears multiple times in the logs as it's capped at three times, we just want to cut it down 99% of the time if isDBDown == 0 { db.SetConnMaxLifetime(time.Second) // Drop all the connections and start over c.LogWarning(err) c.LogWarning(errors.New("The database is down")) } atomic.StoreInt32(&c.IsDBDown, 1) return true } if isDBDown == 1 { log.Print("The database is back") } //db.SetConnMaxLifetime(time.Second * 60 * 5) // Make this infinite as the temporary lifetime change will purge the stale connections? db.SetConnMaxLifetime(-1) atomic.StoreInt32(&c.IsDBDown, 0) return false } func runHook(name string) { if e := c.RunTaskHook(name); e != nil { c.LogError(e, "Failed at task '"+name+"'") } } func tickLoop(thumbChan chan bool) { lastDailyStr, err := c.Meta.Get("lastDaily") // TODO: Report this error back correctly... if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows { c.LogError(err) } lastDaily, _ := strconv.ParseInt(lastDailyStr, 10, 64) low := time.Now().Unix() - (60 * 60 * 24) if lastDaily < low { dailies() } // TODO: Write tests for these // Run this goroutine once every half second halfSecondTicker := time.NewTicker(time.Second / 2) secondTicker := time.NewTicker(time.Second) fifteenMinuteTicker := time.NewTicker(15 * time.Minute) hourTicker := time.NewTicker(time.Hour) dailyTicker := time.NewTicker(time.Hour * 24) tick := func(name string, tasks []func() error) bool { if startTick() { return true } runHook("before_" + name + "_tick") runTasks(tasks) runHook("after_" + name + "_tick") return false } for { select { case <-halfSecondTicker.C: if tick("half_second", c.ScheduledHalfSecondTasks) { continue } case <-secondTicker.C: if startTick() { continue } runHook("before_second_tick") go func() { thumbChan <- true }() runTasks(c.ScheduledSecondTasks) // TODO: Stop hard-coding this if err := c.HandleExpiredScheduledGroups(); err != nil { c.LogError(err) } // TODO: Handle delayed moderation tasks // Sync with the database, if there are any changes if err = c.HandleServerSync(); err != nil { c.LogError(err) } // TODO: Manage the TopicStore, UserStore, and ForumStore // TODO: Alert the admin, if CPU usage, RAM usage, or the number of posts in the past second are too high // TODO: Clean-up alerts with no unread matches which are over two weeks old. Move this to a 24 hour task? // TODO: Rescan the static files for changes runHook("after_second_tick") case <-fifteenMinuteTicker.C: if startTick() { continue } runHook("before_fifteen_minute_tick") runTasks(c.ScheduledFifteenMinuteTasks) // TODO: Automatically lock topics, if they're really old, and the associated setting is enabled. // TODO: Publish scheduled posts. runHook("after_fifteen_minute_tick") case <-hourTicker.C: if startTick() { continue } runHook("before_hour_tick") jsToken, err := c.GenerateSafeString(80) if err != nil { c.LogError(err) } c.JSTokenBox.Store(jsToken) c.OldSessionSigningKeyBox.Store(c.SessionSigningKeyBox.Load().(string)) // TODO: We probably don't need this type conversion sessionSigningKey, err := c.GenerateSafeString(80) if err != nil { c.LogError(err) } c.SessionSigningKeyBox.Store(sessionSigningKey) runTasks(c.ScheduledHourTasks) runHook("after_hour_tick") // TODO: Handle the instance going down a lot better case <-dailyTicker.C: dailies() } // TODO: Handle the daily clean-up. } } func asmMatches() { // TODO: Find a more efficient way of doing this acc := qgen.NewAcc() countStmt := acc.Count("activity_stream_matches").Where("asid=?").Prepare() if err := acc.FirstError(); err != nil { c.LogError(err) return } err := acc.Select("activity_stream").Cols("asid").EachInt(func(asid int) error { var count int err := countStmt.QueryRow(asid).Scan(&count) if err != sql.ErrNoRows { return err } if count > 0 { return nil } _, err = qgen.NewAcc().Delete("activity_stream").Where("asid=?").Run(asid) return err }) if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows { c.LogError(err) } } func dailies() { asmMatches() if c.Config.DisableRegLog { _, err := qgen.NewAcc().Purge("registration_logs").Exec() if err != nil { c.LogError(err) } } if c.Config.LogPruneCutoff > -1 { f := func(tbl string) { _, err := qgen.NewAcc().Delete(tbl).DateOlderThan("doneAt", c.Config.LogPruneCutoff, "day").Run() if err != nil { c.LogError(err) } } f("login_logs") f("registration_logs") } if c.Config.DisablePostIP { f := func(tbl string) { _, err := qgen.NewAcc().Update(tbl).Set("ip=''").Where("ip!=''").Exec() if err != nil { c.LogError(err) } } f("topics") f("replies") f("users_replies") } else if c.Config.PostIPCutoff > -1 { // TODO: Use unixtime to remove this MySQLesque logic? f := func(tbl string) { _, err := qgen.NewAcc().Update(tbl).Set("ip=''").DateOlderThan("createdAt", c.Config.PostIPCutoff, "day").Where("ip!=''").Exec() if err != nil { c.LogError(err) } } f("topics") f("replies") f("users_replies") } if c.Config.DisablePollIP { _, err := qgen.NewAcc().Update("polls_votes").Set("ip=''").Where("ip!=''").Exec() if err != nil { c.LogError(err) } } else if c.Config.PollIPCutoff > -1 { // TODO: Use unixtime to remove this MySQLesque logic? _, err := qgen.NewAcc().Update("polls_votes").Set("ip=''").DateOlderThan("castAt", c.Config.PollIPCutoff, "day").Where("ip!=''").Exec() if err != nil { c.LogError(err) } // TODO: Find some way of purging the ip data in polls_votes without breaking any anti-cheat measures which might be running... maybe hash it instead? } // TODO: lastActiveAt isn't currently set, so we can't rely on this to purge last_ips of users who haven't been on in a while if c.Config.DisableLastIP { _, err := qgen.NewAcc().Update("users").Set("last_ip=''").Where("last_ip!=''").Exec() if err != nil { c.LogError(err) } } else if c.Config.LastIPCutoff > 0 { /*_, err = qgen.NewAcc().Update("users").Set("last_ip='0'").DateOlderThan("lastActiveAt",c.Config.PostIPCutoff,"day").Where("last_ip!='0'").Exec() if err != nil { c.LogError(err) }*/ mon := time.Now().Month() _, err := qgen.NewAcc().Update("users").Set("last_ip=''").Where("last_ip!='' AND last_ip NOT LIKE '" + strconv.Itoa(int(mon)) + "-%'").Exec() if err != nil { c.LogError(err) } } e := router.DailyTick() if e != nil { c.LogError(e) } e = c.ForumActionStore.DailyTick() if e != nil { c.LogError(e) } { e := c.Meta.Set("lastDaily", strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10)) if e != nil { c.LogError(e) } } } func sched() error { ws := errors.WithStack schedStr, err := c.Meta.Get("sched") // TODO: Report this error back correctly... if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows { return ws(err) } if schedStr == "recalc" { log.Print("Cleaning up orphaned data.") count, err := c.Recalc.Replies() if err != nil { return ws(err) } log.Printf("Deleted %d orphaned replies.", count) count, err = c.Recalc.Forums() if err != nil { return ws(err) } log.Printf("Recalculated %d forum topic counts.", count) count, err = c.Recalc.Subscriptions() if err != nil { return ws(err) } log.Printf("Deleted %d orphaned subscriptions.", count) count, err = c.Recalc.ActivityStream() if err != nil { return ws(err) } log.Printf("Deleted %d orphaned activity stream items.", count) err = c.Recalc.Users() if err != nil { return ws(err) } log.Print("Recalculated user post stats.") count, err = c.Recalc.Attachments() if err != nil { return ws(err) } log.Printf("Deleted %d orphaned attachments.", count) } return nil }