package main //import "fmt" import "sync" import "strings" import "strconv" import "net" import "net/http" import "" import "database/sql" import _ "" var guest_user User = User{ID:0,Group:6,Perms:GuestPerms} type User struct { ID int Name string Email string Group int Active bool Is_Mod bool Is_Super_Mod bool Is_Admin bool Is_Super_Admin bool Is_Banned bool Perms Perms Session string Loggedin bool Avatar string Message string URLPrefix string URLName string Tag string Level int Score int Last_IP string } type Email struct { UserID int Email string Validated bool Primary bool Token string } type UserStore interface { Load(id int) error Get(id int) (*User, error) GetUnsafe(id int) (*User, error) CascadeGet(id int) (*User, error) Set(item *User) error Add(item *User) error AddUnsafe(item *User) error Remove(id int) error RemoveUnsafe(id int) error GetLength() int GetCapacity() int } type StaticUserStore struct { items map[int]*User length int capacity int mu sync.RWMutex } func NewStaticUserStore(capacity int) *StaticUserStore { return &StaticUserStore{items:make(map[int]*User),capacity:capacity} } func (sts *StaticUserStore) Get(id int) (*User, error) { item, ok := sts.items[id] if ok { return item, nil } return item, sql.ErrNoRows } func (sts *StaticUserStore) GetUnsafe(id int) (*User, error) { item, ok := sts.items[id] if ok { return item, nil } return item, sql.ErrNoRows } func (sts *StaticUserStore) CascadeGet(id int) (*User, error) { user, ok := sts.items[id] if ok { return user, nil } user = &User{ID:id,Loggedin:true} err := get_full_user_stmt.QueryRow(id).Scan(&user.Name, &user.Group, &user.Is_Super_Admin, &user.Session, &user.Email, &user.Avatar, &user.Message, &user.URLPrefix, &user.URLName, &user.Level, &user.Score, &user.Last_IP) if user.Avatar != "" { if user.Avatar[0] == '.' { user.Avatar = "/uploads/avatar_" + strconv.Itoa(user.ID) + user.Avatar } } else { user.Avatar = strings.Replace(noavatar,"{id}",strconv.Itoa(user.ID),1) } user.Tag = groups[user.Group].Tag init_user_perms(user) if err == nil { sts.Add(user) } return user, err } func (sts *StaticUserStore) Load(id int) error { user := &User{ID:id,Loggedin:true} err := get_full_user_stmt.QueryRow(id).Scan(&user.Name, &user.Group, &user.Is_Super_Admin, &user.Session, &user.Email, &user.Avatar, &user.Message, &user.URLPrefix, &user.URLName, &user.Level, &user.Score, &user.Last_IP) if err != nil { sts.Remove(id) return err } if user.Avatar != "" { if user.Avatar[0] == '.' { user.Avatar = "/uploads/avatar_" + strconv.Itoa(user.ID) + user.Avatar } } else { user.Avatar = strings.Replace(noavatar,"{id}",strconv.Itoa(user.ID),1) } user.Tag = groups[user.Group].Tag init_user_perms(user) sts.Set(user) return nil } func (sts *StaticUserStore) Set(item *User) error { _, ok := sts.items[item.ID] if ok { sts.items[item.ID] = item } else if sts.length >= sts.capacity { return ErrStoreCapacityOverflow } else { sts.items[item.ID] = item sts.length++ } return nil } func (sts *StaticUserStore) Add(item *User) error { if sts.length >= sts.capacity { return ErrStoreCapacityOverflow } sts.items[item.ID] = item sts.length++ return nil } func (sts *StaticUserStore) AddUnsafe(item *User) error { if sts.length >= sts.capacity { return ErrStoreCapacityOverflow } sts.items[item.ID] = item sts.length++ return nil } func (sts *StaticUserStore) Remove(id int) error { delete(sts.items,id) sts.length-- return nil } func (sts *StaticUserStore) RemoveUnsafe(id int) error { delete(sts.items,id) sts.length-- return nil } func (sts *StaticUserStore) GetLength() int { return sts.length } func (sts *StaticUserStore) SetCapacity(capacity int) { sts.capacity = capacity } func (sts *StaticUserStore) GetCapacity() int { return sts.capacity } //type DynamicUserStore struct { // items_expiries list.List // items map[int]*User //} type SqlUserStore struct { } func NewSqlUserStore() *SqlUserStore { return &SqlUserStore{} } func (sus *SqlUserStore) Get(id int) (*User, error) { user := User{ID:id,Loggedin:true} err := get_full_user_stmt.QueryRow(id).Scan(&user.Name, &user.Group, &user.Is_Super_Admin, &user.Session, &user.Email, &user.Avatar, &user.Message, &user.URLPrefix, &user.URLName, &user.Level, &user.Score, &user.Last_IP) if user.Avatar != "" { if user.Avatar[0] == '.' { user.Avatar = "/uploads/avatar_" + strconv.Itoa(user.ID) + user.Avatar } } else { user.Avatar = strings.Replace(noavatar,"{id}",strconv.Itoa(user.ID),1) } user.Tag = groups[user.Group].Tag init_user_perms(&user) return &user, err } func (sus *SqlUserStore) GetUnsafe(id int) (*User, error) { user := User{ID:id,Loggedin:true} err := get_full_user_stmt.QueryRow(id).Scan(&user.Name, &user.Group, &user.Is_Super_Admin, &user.Session, &user.Email, &user.Avatar, &user.Message, &user.URLPrefix, &user.URLName, &user.Level, &user.Score, &user.Last_IP) if user.Avatar != "" { if user.Avatar[0] == '.' { user.Avatar = "/uploads/avatar_" + strconv.Itoa(user.ID) + user.Avatar } } else { user.Avatar = strings.Replace(noavatar,"{id}",strconv.Itoa(user.ID),1) } user.Tag = groups[user.Group].Tag init_user_perms(&user) return &user, err } func (sus *SqlUserStore) CascadeGet(id int) (*User, error) { user := User{ID:id,Loggedin:true} err := get_full_user_stmt.QueryRow(id).Scan(&user.Name, &user.Group, &user.Is_Super_Admin, &user.Session, &user.Email, &user.Avatar, &user.Message, &user.URLPrefix, &user.URLName, &user.Level, &user.Score, &user.Last_IP) if user.Avatar != "" { if user.Avatar[0] == '.' { user.Avatar = "/uploads/avatar_" + strconv.Itoa(user.ID) + user.Avatar } } else { user.Avatar = strings.Replace(noavatar,"{id}",strconv.Itoa(user.ID),1) } user.Tag = groups[user.Group].Tag init_user_perms(&user) return &user, err } func (sus *SqlUserStore) Load(id int) error { user := &User{ID:id} // Simplify this into a quick check whether the user exists err := get_full_user_stmt.QueryRow(id).Scan(&user.Name, &user.Group, &user.Is_Super_Admin, &user.Session, &user.Email, &user.Avatar, &user.Message, &user.URLPrefix, &user.URLName, &user.Level, &user.Score, &user.Last_IP) return err } // Placeholder methods, the actual queries are done elsewhere func (sus *SqlUserStore) Set(item *User) error { return nil } func (sus *SqlUserStore) Add(item *User) error { return nil } func (sus *SqlUserStore) AddUnsafe(item *User) error { return nil } func (sus *SqlUserStore) Remove(id int) error { return nil } func (sus *SqlUserStore) RemoveUnsafe(id int) error { return nil } func (sus *SqlUserStore) GetCapacity() int { return 0 } func (sus *SqlUserStore) GetLength() int { // Return the total number of users registered on the forums return 0 } func SetPassword(uid int, password string) (error) { salt, err := GenerateSafeString(saltLength) if err != nil { return err } password = password + salt hashed_password, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(password), bcrypt.DefaultCost) if err != nil { return err } _, err = set_password_stmt.Exec(string(hashed_password), salt, uid) if err != nil { return err } return nil } func SendValidationEmail(username string, email string, token string) bool { var schema string if enable_ssl { schema = "s" } subject := "Validate Your Email @ " + site_name msg := "Dear " + username + ", following your registration on our forums, we ask you to validate your email, so that we can confirm that this email actually belongs to you.\nClick on the following link to do so. http" + schema + "://" + site_url + "/user/edit/token/" + token + "\nIf you haven't created an account here, then please feel free to ignore this email.\nWe're sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused." return SendEmail(email, subject, msg) } func SimpleForumSessionCheck(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, fid int) (user User, success bool) { if (fid > forumCapCount) || (fid < 0) || forums[fid].Name=="" { PreError("The target forum doesn't exist.",w,r) return user, false } user, success = SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) fperms := groups[user.Group].Forums[fid] if fperms.Overrides && !user.Is_Super_Admin { user.Perms.ViewTopic = fperms.ViewTopic user.Perms.LikeItem = fperms.LikeItem user.Perms.CreateTopic = fperms.CreateTopic user.Perms.EditTopic = fperms.EditTopic user.Perms.DeleteTopic = fperms.DeleteTopic user.Perms.CreateReply = fperms.CreateReply user.Perms.EditReply = fperms.EditReply user.Perms.DeleteReply = fperms.DeleteReply user.Perms.PinTopic = fperms.PinTopic user.Perms.CloseTopic = fperms.CloseTopic } return user, success } func ForumSessionCheck(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, fid int) (user User, noticeList []string, success bool) { if (fid > forumCapCount) || (fid < 0) || forums[fid].Name=="" { NotFound(w,r) return user, noticeList, false } user, success = SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) fperms := groups[user.Group].Forums[fid] //fmt.Printf("%+v\n", user.Perms) //fmt.Printf("%+v\n", fperms) if fperms.Overrides && !user.Is_Super_Admin { user.Perms.ViewTopic = fperms.ViewTopic user.Perms.LikeItem = fperms.LikeItem user.Perms.CreateTopic = fperms.CreateTopic user.Perms.EditTopic = fperms.EditTopic user.Perms.DeleteTopic = fperms.DeleteTopic user.Perms.CreateReply = fperms.CreateReply user.Perms.EditReply = fperms.EditReply user.Perms.DeleteReply = fperms.DeleteReply user.Perms.PinTopic = fperms.PinTopic user.Perms.CloseTopic = fperms.CloseTopic } if user.Is_Banned { noticeList = append(noticeList,"Your account has been suspended. Some of your permissions may have been revoked.") } return user, noticeList, success } func SessionCheck(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (user User, noticeList []string, success bool) { user, success = SimpleSessionCheck(w,r) if user.Is_Banned { noticeList = append(noticeList,"Your account has been suspended. Some of your permissions may have been revoked.") } return user, noticeList, success } func SimpleSessionCheck(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (User,bool) { // Are there any session cookies..? cookie, err := r.Cookie("uid") if err != nil { return guest_user, true } uid, err := strconv.Atoi(cookie.Value) if err != nil { return guest_user, true } cookie, err = r.Cookie("session") if err != nil { return guest_user, true } // Is this session valid..? user, err := users.CascadeGet(uid) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { return guest_user, true } else if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r) return guest_user, false } if user.Session == "" || cookie.Value != user.Session { return guest_user, true } if user.Is_Super_Admin { user.Perms = AllPerms } else { user.Perms = groups[user.Group].Perms } host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(r.RemoteAddr) if err != nil { PreError("Bad IP",w,r) return *user, false } if host != user.Last_IP { _, err = update_last_ip_stmt.Exec(host, user.ID) if err != nil { InternalError(err,w,r) return *user, false } } return *user, true } func words_to_score(wcount int, topic bool) (score int) { if topic { score = 2 } else { score = 1 } if wcount > settings["megapost_min_chars"].(int) { score += 4 } else if wcount > settings["bigpost_min_chars"].(int) { score += 1 } return score } func increase_post_user_stats(wcount int, uid int, topic bool, user User) error { var mod int base_score := 1 if topic { _, err := increment_user_topics_stmt.Exec(1, uid) if err != nil { return err } base_score = 2 } if wcount > settings["megapost_min_chars"].(int) { _, err := increment_user_megaposts_stmt.Exec(1,1,1,uid) if err != nil { return err } mod = 4 } else if wcount > settings["bigpost_min_chars"].(int) { _, err := increment_user_bigposts_stmt.Exec(1,1,uid) if err != nil { return err } mod = 1 } else { _, err := increment_user_posts_stmt.Exec(1,uid) if err != nil { return err } } _, err := increment_user_score_stmt.Exec(base_score + mod, uid) if err != nil { return err } //fmt.Println(user.Score + base_score + mod) //fmt.Println(getLevel(user.Score + base_score + mod)) _, err = update_user_level_stmt.Exec(getLevel(user.Score + base_score + mod), uid) return err } func decrease_post_user_stats(wcount int, uid int, topic bool, user User) error { var mod int base_score := -1 if topic { _, err := increment_user_topics_stmt.Exec(-1, uid) if err != nil { return err } base_score = -2 } if wcount > settings["megapost_min_chars"].(int) { _, err := increment_user_megaposts_stmt.Exec(-1,-1,-1,uid) if err != nil { return err } mod = 4 } else if wcount > settings["bigpost_min_chars"].(int) { _, err := increment_user_bigposts_stmt.Exec(-1,-1,uid) if err != nil { return err } mod = 1 } else { _, err := increment_user_posts_stmt.Exec(-1,uid) if err != nil { return err } } _, err := increment_user_score_stmt.Exec(base_score - mod, uid) if err != nil { return err } _, err = update_user_level_stmt.Exec(getLevel(user.Score - base_score - mod), uid) return err } func init_user_perms(user *User) { user.Is_Admin = user.Is_Super_Admin || groups[user.Group].Is_Admin user.Is_Super_Mod = user.Is_Admin || groups[user.Group].Is_Mod user.Is_Mod = user.Is_Super_Mod user.Is_Banned = groups[user.Group].Is_Banned if user.Is_Banned && user.Is_Super_Mod { user.Is_Banned = false } } func build_profile_url(uid int) string { return "/user/" + strconv.Itoa(uid) }