package main import "strconv" import "testing" // TODO: Generate a test database to work with rather than a live one func TestUserStore(t *testing.T) { if !gloinited { err := gloinit() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } if !pluginsInited { initPlugins() } var user *User var err error _, err = users.CascadeGet(-1) if err == nil { t.Error("UID #-1 shouldn't exist") } else if err != ErrNoRows { t.Fatal(err) } _, err = users.CascadeGet(0) if err == nil { t.Error("UID #0 shouldn't exist") } else if err != ErrNoRows { t.Fatal(err) } user, err = users.CascadeGet(1) if err == ErrNoRows { t.Error("Couldn't find UID #1") } else if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if user.ID != 1 { t.Error("user.ID does not match the requested UID. Got '" + strconv.Itoa(user.ID) + "' instead.") } // TODO: Lock onto the specific error type. Is this even possible without sacrificing the detailed information in the error message? var userList map[int]*User _, err = users.BulkCascadeGetMap([]int{-1}) if err == nil { t.Error("UID #-1 shouldn't exist") } _, err = users.BulkCascadeGetMap([]int{0}) if err == nil { t.Error("UID #0 shouldn't exist") } userList, err = users.BulkCascadeGetMap([]int{1}) if err == ErrNoRows { t.Error("Couldn't find UID #1") } else if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(userList) == 0 { t.Error("The returned map is empty for UID #0") } else if len(userList) > 1 { t.Error("Too many results were returned for UID #0") } user, ok := userList[1] if !ok { t.Error("We couldn't find UID #0 in the returned map") t.Error("userList", userList) } if user.ID != 1 { t.Error("user.ID does not match the requested UID. Got '" + strconv.Itoa(user.ID) + "' instead.") } } func TestForumStore(t *testing.T) { if !gloinited { gloinit() } if !pluginsInited { initPlugins() } var forum *Forum var err error _, err = fstore.CascadeGet(-1) if err == nil { t.Error("FID #-1 shouldn't exist") } else if err != ErrNoRows { t.Fatal(err) } forum, err = fstore.CascadeGet(0) if err == ErrNoRows { t.Error("Couldn't find FID #0") } else if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if forum.ID != 0 { t.Error("forum.ID doesn't not match the requested UID. Got '" + strconv.Itoa(forum.ID) + "' instead.") } if forum.Name != "Uncategorised" { t.Error("FID #0 is named '" + forum.Name + "' and not 'Uncategorised'") } forum, err = fstore.CascadeGet(1) if err == ErrNoRows { t.Error("Couldn't find FID #1") } else if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if forum.ID != 1 { t.Error("forum.ID doesn't not match the requested UID. Got '" + strconv.Itoa(forum.ID) + "' instead.'") } if forum.Name != "Reports" { t.Error("FID #0 is named '" + forum.Name + "' and not 'Reports'") } forum, err = fstore.CascadeGet(2) if err == ErrNoRows { t.Error("Couldn't find FID #2") } else if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } _ = forum } func TestSlugs(t *testing.T) { var res string var msgList []MEPair msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "Unknown", "unknown") msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "Unknown2", "unknown2") msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "Unknown ", "unknown") msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "Unknown 2", "unknown-2") msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "Unknown 2", "unknown-2") msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "Admin Alice", "admin-alice") msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "Admin_Alice", "adminalice") msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "Admin_Alice-", "adminalice") msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "-Admin_Alice-", "adminalice") msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "-Admin@Alice-", "adminalice") msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "-Admin😀Alice-", "adminalice") msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "u", "u") msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "", "untitled") msgList = addMEPair(msgList, " ", "untitled") msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "-", "untitled") msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "--", "untitled") msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "é", "é") msgList = addMEPair(msgList, "-é-", "é") for _, item := range msgList { t.Log("Testing string '" + item.Msg + "'") res = nameToSlug(item.Msg) if res != item.Expects { t.Error("Bad output:", "'"+res+"'") t.Error("Expected:", item.Expects) } } } func TestAuth(t *testing.T) { // bcrypt likes doing stupid things, so this test will probably fail var realPassword string var hashedPassword string var password string var salt string var err error /* No extra salt tests, we might not need this extra salt, as bcrypt has it's own? */ realPassword = "Madame Cassandra's Mystic Orb" t.Log("Set real_password to '" + realPassword + "'") t.Log("Hashing the real password") hashedPassword, err = BcryptGeneratePasswordNoSalt(realPassword) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } password = realPassword t.Log("Testing password '" + password + "'") t.Log("Testing salt '" + salt + "'") err = CheckPassword(hashedPassword, password, salt) if err == ErrMismatchedHashAndPassword { t.Error("The two don't match") } else if err == ErrPasswordTooLong { t.Error("CheckPassword thinks the password is too long") } else if err != nil { t.Error(err) } password = "hahaha" t.Log("Testing password '" + password + "'") t.Log("Testing salt '" + salt + "'") err = CheckPassword(hashedPassword, password, salt) if err == ErrPasswordTooLong { t.Error("CheckPassword thinks the password is too long") } else if err == nil { t.Error("The two shouldn't match!") } password = "Madame Cassandra's Mystic" t.Log("Testing password '" + password + "'") t.Log("Testing salt '" + salt + "'") err = CheckPassword(hashedPassword, password, salt) if err == ErrPasswordTooLong { t.Error("CheckPassword thinks the password is too long") } else if err == nil { t.Error("The two shouldn't match!") } }