package routes import ( "crypto/sha256" "database/sql" "encoding/hex" "html" "io" "log" "net/http" "os" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "../common" "../common/counters" ) // TODO: De-duplicate the upload logic func CreateReplySubmit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user common.User) common.RouteError { tid, err := strconv.Atoi(r.PostFormValue("tid")) if err != nil { return common.PreError("Failed to convert the Topic ID", w, r) } topic, err := common.Topics.Get(tid) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { return common.PreError("Couldn't find the parent topic", w, r) } else if err != nil { return common.InternalError(err, w, r) } // TODO: Add hooks to make use of headerLite _, ferr := common.SimpleForumUserCheck(w, r, &user, topic.ParentID) if ferr != nil { return ferr } if !user.Perms.ViewTopic || !user.Perms.CreateReply { return common.NoPermissions(w, r, user) } // Handle the file attachments // TODO: Stop duplicating this code if user.Perms.UploadFiles { files, ok := r.MultipartForm.File["upload_files"] if ok { if len(files) > 5 { return common.LocalError("You can't attach more than five files", w, r, user) } for _, file := range files { log.Print("file.Filename ", file.Filename) extarr := strings.Split(file.Filename, ".") if len(extarr) < 2 { return common.LocalError("Bad file", w, r, user) } ext := extarr[len(extarr)-1] // TODO: Can we do this without a regex? reg, err := regexp.Compile("[^A-Za-z0-9]+") if err != nil { return common.LocalError("Bad file extension", w, r, user) } ext = strings.ToLower(reg.ReplaceAllString(ext, "")) if !common.AllowedFileExts.Contains(ext) { return common.LocalError("You're not allowed to upload files with this extension", w, r, user) } infile, err := file.Open() if err != nil { return common.LocalError("Upload failed", w, r, user) } defer infile.Close() hasher := sha256.New() _, err = io.Copy(hasher, infile) if err != nil { return common.LocalError("Upload failed [Hashing Failed]", w, r, user) } infile.Close() checksum := hex.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil)) filename := checksum + "." + ext outfile, err := os.Create("." + "/attachs/" + filename) if err != nil { return common.LocalError("Upload failed [File Creation Failed]", w, r, user) } defer outfile.Close() infile, err = file.Open() if err != nil { return common.LocalError("Upload failed", w, r, user) } defer infile.Close() _, err = io.Copy(outfile, infile) if err != nil { return common.LocalError("Upload failed [Copy Failed]", w, r, user) } err = common.Attachments.Add(topic.ParentID, "forums", tid, "replies", user.ID, filename) if err != nil { return common.InternalError(err, w, r) } } } } content := common.PreparseMessage(r.PostFormValue("reply-content")) // TODO: Fully parse the post and put that in the parsed column rid, err := common.Rstore.Create(topic, content, user.LastIP, user.ID) if err != nil { return common.InternalError(err, w, r) } reply, err := common.Rstore.Get(rid) if err != nil { return common.LocalError("Unable to load the reply", w, r, user) } if r.PostFormValue("has_poll") == "1" { var maxPollOptions = 10 var pollInputItems = make(map[int]string) for key, values := range r.Form { common.DebugDetail("key: ", key) common.DebugDetailf("values: %+v\n", values) for _, value := range values { if strings.HasPrefix(key, "pollinputitem[") { halves := strings.Split(key, "[") if len(halves) != 2 { return common.LocalError("Malformed pollinputitem", w, r, user) } halves[1] = strings.TrimSuffix(halves[1], "]") index, err := strconv.Atoi(halves[1]) if err != nil { return common.LocalError("Malformed pollinputitem", w, r, user) } // If there are duplicates, then something has gone horribly wrong, so let's ignore them, this'll likely happen during an attack _, exists := pollInputItems[index] if !exists && len(html.EscapeString(value)) != 0 { pollInputItems[index] = html.EscapeString(value) if len(pollInputItems) >= maxPollOptions { break } } } } } // Make sure the indices are sequential to avoid out of bounds issues var seqPollInputItems = make(map[int]string) for i := 0; i < len(pollInputItems); i++ { seqPollInputItems[i] = pollInputItems[i] } pollType := 0 // Basic single choice _, err := common.Polls.Create(reply, pollType, seqPollInputItems) if err != nil { return common.LocalError("Failed to add poll to reply", w, r, user) // TODO: Might need to be an internal error as it could leave phantom polls? } } err = common.Forums.UpdateLastTopic(tid, user.ID, topic.ParentID) if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows { return common.InternalError(err, w, r) } common.AddActivityAndNotifyAll(user.ID, topic.CreatedBy, "reply", "topic", tid) if err != nil { return common.InternalError(err, w, r) } http.Redirect(w, r, "/topic/"+strconv.Itoa(tid), http.StatusSeeOther) wcount := common.WordCount(content) err = user.IncreasePostStats(wcount, false) if err != nil { return common.InternalError(err, w, r) } counters.PostCounter.Bump() return nil } // TODO: Disable stat updates in posts handled by plugin_guilds // TODO: Update the stats after edits so that we don't under or over decrement stats during deletes func ReplyEditSubmit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user common.User, srid string) common.RouteError { isJs := (r.PostFormValue("js") == "1") rid, err := strconv.Atoi(srid) if err != nil { return common.PreErrorJSQ("The provided Reply ID is not a valid number.", w, r, isJs) } reply, err := common.Rstore.Get(rid) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { return common.PreErrorJSQ("The target reply doesn't exist.", w, r, isJs) } else if err != nil { return common.InternalErrorJSQ(err, w, r, isJs) } topic, err := reply.Topic() if err == sql.ErrNoRows { return common.PreErrorJSQ("The parent topic doesn't exist.", w, r, isJs) } else if err != nil { return common.InternalErrorJSQ(err, w, r, isJs) } // TODO: Add hooks to make use of headerLite _, ferr := common.SimpleForumUserCheck(w, r, &user, topic.ParentID) if ferr != nil { return ferr } if !user.Perms.ViewTopic || !user.Perms.EditReply { return common.NoPermissionsJSQ(w, r, user, isJs) } err = reply.SetPost(r.PostFormValue("edit_item")) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { return common.PreErrorJSQ("The parent topic doesn't exist.", w, r, isJs) } else if err != nil { return common.InternalErrorJSQ(err, w, r, isJs) } if !isJs { http.Redirect(w, r, "/topic/"+strconv.Itoa(topic.ID)+"#reply-"+strconv.Itoa(rid), http.StatusSeeOther) } else { w.Write(successJSONBytes) } return nil } // TODO: Refactor this // TODO: Disable stat updates in posts handled by plugin_guilds func ReplyDeleteSubmit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user common.User, srid string) common.RouteError { isJs := (r.PostFormValue("isJs") == "1") rid, err := strconv.Atoi(srid) if err != nil { return common.PreErrorJSQ("The provided Reply ID is not a valid number.", w, r, isJs) } reply, err := common.Rstore.Get(rid) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { return common.PreErrorJSQ("The reply you tried to delete doesn't exist.", w, r, isJs) } else if err != nil { return common.InternalErrorJSQ(err, w, r, isJs) } topic, err := common.Topics.Get(reply.ParentID) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { return common.PreErrorJSQ("The parent topic doesn't exist.", w, r, isJs) } else if err != nil { return common.InternalErrorJSQ(err, w, r, isJs) } // TODO: Add hooks to make use of headerLite _, ferr := common.SimpleForumUserCheck(w, r, &user, topic.ParentID) if ferr != nil { return ferr } if !user.Perms.ViewTopic || !user.Perms.DeleteReply { return common.NoPermissionsJSQ(w, r, user, isJs) } err = reply.Delete() if err != nil { return common.InternalErrorJSQ(err, w, r, isJs) } //log.Printf("Reply #%d was deleted by common.User #%d", rid, user.ID) if !isJs { http.Redirect(w, r, "/topic/"+strconv.Itoa(reply.ParentID), http.StatusSeeOther) } else { w.Write(successJSONBytes) } replyCreator, err := common.Users.Get(reply.CreatedBy) if err == nil { wcount := common.WordCount(reply.Content) err = replyCreator.DecreasePostStats(wcount, false) if err != nil { return common.InternalErrorJSQ(err, w, r, isJs) } } else if err != sql.ErrNoRows { return common.InternalErrorJSQ(err, w, r, isJs) } err = common.ModLogs.Create("delete", reply.ParentID, "reply", user.LastIP, user.ID) if err != nil { return common.InternalErrorJSQ(err, w, r, isJs) } return nil } func ProfileReplyEditSubmit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user common.User, srid string) common.RouteError { isJs := (r.PostFormValue("js") == "1") rid, err := strconv.Atoi(srid) if err != nil { return common.LocalErrorJSQ("The provided Reply ID is not a valid number.", w, r, user, isJs) } reply, err := common.Prstore.Get(rid) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { return common.PreErrorJSQ("The target reply doesn't exist.", w, r, isJs) } else if err != nil { return common.InternalErrorJSQ(err, w, r, isJs) } creator, err := common.Users.Get(reply.CreatedBy) if err != nil { return common.InternalErrorJSQ(err, w, r, isJs) } // ? Does the admin understand that this group perm affects this? if user.ID != creator.ID && !user.Perms.EditReply { return common.NoPermissionsJSQ(w, r, user, isJs) } err = reply.SetBody(r.PostFormValue("edit_item")) if err != nil { return common.InternalErrorJSQ(err, w, r, isJs) } if !isJs { http.Redirect(w, r, "/user/"+strconv.Itoa(creator.ID)+"#reply-"+strconv.Itoa(rid), http.StatusSeeOther) } else { w.Write(successJSONBytes) } return nil } func ProfileReplyDeleteSubmit(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user common.User, srid string) common.RouteError { isJs := (r.PostFormValue("isJs") == "1") rid, err := strconv.Atoi(srid) if err != nil { return common.LocalErrorJSQ("The provided Reply ID is not a valid number.", w, r, user, isJs) } reply, err := common.Prstore.Get(rid) if err == sql.ErrNoRows { return common.PreErrorJSQ("The target reply doesn't exist.", w, r, isJs) } else if err != nil { return common.InternalErrorJSQ(err, w, r, isJs) } creator, err := common.Users.Get(reply.CreatedBy) if err != nil { return common.InternalErrorJSQ(err, w, r, isJs) } if user.ID != creator.ID && !user.Perms.DeleteReply { return common.NoPermissionsJSQ(w, r, user, isJs) } err = reply.Delete() if err != nil { return common.InternalErrorJSQ(err, w, r, isJs) } //log.Printf("The profile post '%d' was deleted by common.User #%d", reply.ID, user.ID) if !isJs { //http.Redirect(w,r, "/user/" + strconv.Itoa(creator.ID), http.StatusSeeOther) } else { w.Write(successJSONBytes) } return nil }