{{template "header.html" . }}

{{lang "topics_head"}}

{{if ne .CurrentUser.ID 0}}
{{if .ForumList}}
{{/** TODO: Add a permissions check for this **/}}
{{if ne .CurrentUser.ID 0}} {{/** TODO: Hide these from unauthorised users? **/}}
{{lang "topic_list_what_to_do"}}
{{if .ForumList}} {{/** TODO: Have a seperate forum list for moving topics? Maybe an AJAX forum search compatible with plugin_guilds? **/}} {{/** TODO: Add ARIA attributes for this **/}} {{end}} {{end}}
{{range .TopicList}}
{{.Creator.Name}}'s Avatar {{.Title}} {{if .ForumName}}{{.ForumName}}{{end}}
{{.Creator.Name}} {{/** TODO: Avoid the double '|' when both .IsClosed and .Sticky are set to true. We could probably do this with CSS **/}} {{if .IsClosed}} | 🔒︎{{end}} {{if .Sticky}} | 📍︎{{end}}
{{.LastUser.Name}}'s Avatar {{.LastUser.Name}}
{{lang "topics_no_topics"}}{{if .CurrentUser.Perms.CreateTopic}} {{lang "topics_start_one"}}{{end}}
{{if gt .LastPage 1}} {{template "paginator.html" . }} {{end}}
{{template "footer.html" . }}