'use strict'; var formVars={}; var alertMapping={}; var alertList=[]; var alertCount=0; var moreTopicCount=0; var conn=false; var selectedTopics=[]; var attachItemCallback=()=>{} var quoteItemCallback=()=>{} var baseTitle=document.title; var wsBackoff=0; var noAlerts=false; // Topic move var forumToMoveTo=0; function pushNotice(msg) { let aBox = document.getElementsByClassName("alertbox")[0]; let n = document.createElement('div'); n.innerHTML = Tmpl_notice(msg).trim(); aBox.appendChild(n); runInitHook("after_notice"); } // TODO: Write a friendlier error handler which uses a .notice or something, we could have a specialised one for alerts function ajaxError(xhr,status,e) { log("The AJAX request failed"); log("xhr",xhr); log("status",status); log("e",e); if(status=="parsererror") log("The server didn't respond with a valid JSON response"); console.trace(); } function postLink(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); let formAction = $(ev.target).closest('a').attr("href"); $.ajax({ url:formAction, type:"POST", dataType:"json", error: ajaxError, data: {js: 1} }); } function bindToAlerts() { log("bindToAlerts"); $(".alertItem.withAvatar a").unbind("click"); $(".alertItem.withAvatar a").click(function(ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); $.ajax({ url: "/api/?a=set&m=dismiss-alert", type: "POST", dataType: "json", data: { id: $(this).attr("data-asid") }, //error: ajaxError, success: () => { window.location.href = this.getAttribute("href"); } }); }); } function addAlert(msg,notice=false) { var mmsg = msg.msg; if(mmsg[0]==".") mmsg = phraseBox["alerts"]["alerts"+mmsg]; if("sub" in msg) { for(var i=0; i"; if(alertCount!=0) { alertCounterNode.textContent = alertCount; menuAlerts.classList.add("has_alerts"); let nTitle = "("+alertCount+") "+baseTitle; if(document.title!=nTitle) document.title = nTitle; } else { menuAlerts.classList.remove("has_alerts"); if(document.title!=baseTitle) document.title = baseTitle; } bindToAlerts(); log("alertCount",alertCount) runInitHook("after_update_alert_list",alertCount); } function setAlertError(menuAlerts,msg) { let n = menuAlerts.getElementsByClassName("alertList")[0]; n.innerHTML = "
"; } var alertsInitted = false; var lastTc = 0; function loadAlerts(menuAlerts,eTc=false) { if(!alertsInitted) return; let tc = ""; if(eTc && lastTc!=0) tc = "&t="+lastTc+"&c="+alertCount; $.ajax({ type:'get', dataType:'json', url:'/api/?m=alerts'+tc, success: data => { if("errmsg" in data) { setAlertError(menuAlerts,data.errmsg) return; } if(!eTc) { alertList=[]; alertMapping={}; } if(!data.hasOwnProperty("msgs")) data = {"msgs":[],"count":alertCount,"tc":lastTc}; /*else if(data.count != (alertCount + data.msgs.length)) tc = false; if(eTc && lastTc!=0) { for(var i in data.msgs) wsAlertEvent(data.msgs[i]); } else {*/ log("data",data); for(var i in data.msgs) addAlert(data.msgs[i]); alertCount = data.count; updateAlertList(menuAlerts); try { localStorage.setItem("alertList",JSON.stringify(alertList)); localStorage.setItem("alertMapping",JSON.stringify(alertMapping)); localStorage.setItem("alertCount",alertCount); } catch(e) { localStorage.clear(); } //} lastTc = data.tc; }, error: (magic,status,er) => { let errtxt = "Unable to get the alerts"; try { let dat = JSON.parse(magic.responseText); if("errmsg" in dat) errtxt = dat.errmsg; } catch(e) { log(magic.responseText); log(e); } log("er",er); setAlertError(menuAlerts,errtxt); } }); } function SplitN(data,ch,n) { var o = []; if(data.length===0) return o; var lastI = 0; var j = 0; var lastN = 1; for(let i=0; i lastI) o[o.length-1] += data.substring(lastI); return o; } function wsAlertEvent(dat) { log("wsAlertEvent",dat) addAlert(dat,true); alertCount++; let aTmp = alertList; alertList = [alertList[alertList.length-1]]; aTmp = aTmp.slice(0,-1); for(let i=0; i { log(e); } // TODO: Sync alerts, topic list, etc. conn.onopen = () => { log("The WebSockets connection was opened"); if(resume) conn.send("resume " + document.location.pathname + " " + Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000) + '\r'); else conn.send("page " + document.location.pathname + '\r'); // TODO: Don't ask again, if it's denied. We could have a setting in the UCP which automatically requests this when someone flips desktop notifications on if(me.User.ID > 0) Notification.requestPermission(); } conn.onclose = () => { conn = false; log("The WebSockets connection was closed"); let backoff = 0.8; if(wsBackoff < 0) wsBackoff = 0; else if(wsBackoff > 12) backoff = 11; else if(wsBackoff > 5) backoff = 5; wsBackoff++; setTimeout(() => { if(!noAlerts) { let nl = document.getElementsByClassName("menu_alerts"); for(var i=0; i < nl.length; i++) loadAlerts(nl[i],true); } runWebSockets(true); }, backoff * 60 * 1000); if(wsBackoff > 0) { if(wsBackoff <= 5) setTimeout(() => wsBackoff--, 5.5 * 60 * 1000); else if(wsBackoff <= 12) setTimeout(() => wsBackoff--, 11.5 * 60 * 1000); else setTimeout(() => wsBackoff--, 20 * 60 * 1000); } } conn.onmessage = (event) => { if(!noAlerts && event.data[0] == "{") { log("json message"); let data = ""; try { data = JSON.parse(event.data); } catch(e) { log(e); return; } if("msg" in data) wsAlertEvent(data); else if("event" in data) { if(data.event=="dismiss-alert"){ Object.keys(alertMapping).forEach((key) => { if(key!=data.id) return; alertCount--; let index = -1; for(var i=0; i < alertList.length; i++) { if(alertList[i]==key) { alertList[i] = 0; index = i; } } if(index==-1) return; for(var i = index; (i+1) < alertList.length; i++) alertList[i] = alertList[i+1]; alertList.splice(alertList.length-1,1); delete alertMapping[key]; // TODO: Add support for other alert feeds like PM Alerts let generalAlerts = document.getElementById("general_alerts"); if(alertList.length < 8) loadAlerts(generalAlerts,true); else updateAlertList(generalAlerts); }); } } else if("Topics" in data) { log("topic in data"); log("data",data); // TODO: Handle desyncs more gracefully? // TODO: Send less unneccessary data? let topic = data.Topics[0]; if(topic===undefined){ log("empty topic list"); return; } if("mod" in data) { topic.CanMod = data.mod==1 || data.mod[0]==1; if(data.lock==1) { $(".val_lock").each(function(){ this.classList.remove("auto_hide"); }); } if(data.move==1) { $(".val_move").each(function(){ this.classList.remove("auto_hide"); }); } } // TODO: Fix the data race where the function hasn't been loaded yet let renTopic = Tmpl_topics_topic(topic); $(".topic_row[data-tid='"+topic.ID+"']").addClass("ajax_topic_dupe"); let node = $(renTopic); node.addClass("new_item hide_ajax_topic"); log("Prepending to topic list"); $(".topic_list").prepend(node); moreTopicCount++; let blocks = document.getElementsByClassName("more_topic_block_initial"); for(let i=0; i -1)) throw("This file doesn't have an extension"); return name.split('.').pop(); } (() => { addInitHook("pre_init", () => { runInitHook("pre_global"); log("before notify on alert") // We can only get away with this because template_alert has no phrases, otherwise it too would have to be part of the "dance", I miss Go concurrency :( log("noAlerts:",noAlerts); if(!noAlerts) { notifyOnScriptW("tmpl_alert", e => { if(e!=undefined) log("failed alert? why?",e) }, () => { if(!Tmpl_alert) throw("tmpl func not found"); addInitHook("after_phrases", () => { // TODO: The load part of loadAlerts could be done asynchronously while the update of the DOM could be deferred $(document).ready(() => { log("checking local storage cache"); alertsInitted = true; let al = document.getElementsByClassName("menu_alerts"); let sAlertList = localStorage.getItem("alertList"); let sAlertMapping = localStorage.getItem("alertMapping"); let sAlertCount = localStorage.getItem("alertCount"); if(sAlertList!=null && sAlertList!="" && sAlertMapping!=null && sAlertMapping!="" &&sAlertCount!=null && sAlertCount!="" && sAlertCount!="0" ) { log("sAlertList",sAlertList) log("sAlertMapping",sAlertMapping) log("sAlertCount",sAlertCount) alertList = JSON.parse(sAlertList) alertMapping = JSON.parse(sAlertMapping) alertCount = parseInt(sAlertCount) log("alertList",alertList) log("alertMapping",alertMapping) log("alertCount",alertCount) for(var i=0; i { $(document).ready(() => { if(window["WebSocket"]) runWebSockets(); }); }); } $(document).ready(mainInit); }); })(); // TODO: Use these in .filter_item and pass back an item count from the backend to work with here // Ported from common/parser.go function PageOffset(count,page,perPage) { let offset = 0; let lastPage = LastPage(count, perPage) if(page > 1) offset = (perPage * page) - perPage; else if (page == -1) { page = lastPage; offset = (perPage * page) - perPage; } else page = 1; // We don't want the offset to overflow the slices, if everything's in memory //if(offset >= (count - 1)) offset = 0; return {Offset:offset,Page:page,LastPage:lastPage}; } function LastPage(count,perPage) { return (count / perPage) + 1 } function Paginate(currentPage,lastPage,maxPages) { let diff = lastPage - currentPage; let pre = 3; if(diff < 3) pre = maxPages - diff; let page = currentPage - pre; if(page < 0) page = 0; let o = []; while(o.length < maxPages && page < lastPage){ page++; o.push(page); } return o; } function mainInit(){ log("enter mainInit"); runInitHook("start_init"); $(".more_topics").click(ev => { ev.preventDefault(); let blocks = document.getElementsByClassName("more_topic_block_active"); for(let i=0; i1) q = q.slice(0,-1); // TODO: Try to de-duplicate some of these fetch calls fetch(url+q+"&js=1",{credentials:"same-origin"}) .then(resp => { if(!resp.ok) throw(url+q+"&js=1 failed to load"); return resp.json(); }).then(dat => { if(!"Topics" in dat) throw("no Topics in data"); let topics = dat["Topics"]; log("ajax navigated to different page"); // TODO: Fix the data race where the function hasn't been loaded yet let out = ""; for(let i=0;i { log("Unable to get script '"+url+q+"&js=1"+"'",e); console.trace(); }); }); } // TODO: Render a headless topics.html instead of the individual topic rows and a bit of JS glue $(".filter_item").click(function(ev) { if(!window.location.pathname.startsWith("/topics/")) return ev.preventDefault(); let that = this; let fid = this.getAttribute("data-fid"); // TODO: Take mostviewed into account let url = "//"+window.location.host+"/topics/?fids="+fid; fetch(url+"&js=1",{credentials: "same-origin"}) .then(resp => { if(!resp.ok) throw(url+"&js=1 failed to load"); return resp.json(); }).then(dat => { log("data",dat); if(!"Topics" in dat) throw("no Topics in data"); let topics = dat["Topics"]; log("ajax navigated to "+that.innerText); // TODO: Fix the data race where the function hasn't been loaded yet let out = ""; for(let i=0;i 0) document.title = "("+alertCount+") "+baseTitle; else document.title = baseTitle; let obj = {Title:document.title,Url:url}; history.pushState(obj,obj.Title,obj.Url); rebuildPaginator(dat.LastPage) rebindPaginator(); $(".filter_item").each(function(){ this.classList.remove("filter_selected"); }); that.classList.add("filter_selected"); $(".topic_list_title h1").text(that.innerText); unbindPage(); bindPage(); }).catch(e => { log("Unable to get script '"+url+"&js=1"+"'",e); console.trace(); }); }); if (document.getElementById("topicsItemList")!==null) rebindPaginator(); if (document.getElementById("forumItemList")!==null) rebindPaginator(); // TODO: Show a search button when JS is disabled? $(".widget_search_input").keypress(function(e) { if(e.keyCode!='13') return; // TODO: Only fire on /topics/ event.preventDefault(); // TODO: Take mostviewed into account let url = "//"+window.location.host+window.location.pathname; let urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); urlParams.set("q",this.value); let q = "?"; for(let item of urlParams.entries()) q += item[0]+"="+item[1]+"&"; if(q.length>1) q = q.slice(0,-1); // TODO: Try to de-duplicate some of these fetch calls fetch(url+q+"&js=1",{credentials:"same-origin"}) .then(resp => { if(!resp.ok) throw(url+q+"&js=1 failed to load"); return resp.json(); }).then(data => { if(!"Topics" in data) throw("no Topics in data"); let topics = data["Topics"]; log("ajax navigated to search page"); // TODO: Fix the data race where the function hasn't been loaded yet let out = ""; for(let i=0;i 0) document.title = "("+alertCount+") "+baseTitle; else document.title = baseTitle; let obj = {Title: document.title, Url: url+q}; history.pushState(obj,obj.Title,obj.Url); rebuildPaginator(data.LastPage); rebindPaginator(); }).catch(e => { log("Unable to get script '"+url+q+"&js=1"+"'",e); console.trace(); }); }); runInitHook("before_init_bind_page"); bindPage(); runInitHook("after_init_bind_page"); $(".edit_field").click(function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); let bp = $(this).closest('.editable_parent'); let block = bp.find('.editable_block').eq(0); block.html(""); $(".submit_edit").click(function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); let bp = $(this).closest('.editable_parent'); let bl = bp.find('.editable_block').eq(0); let content = bl.find('input').eq(0).val(); bl.html(content); let formAction = $(this).closest('a').attr("href"); $.ajax({ url: formAction+"?s="+me.User.S, type:"POST", dataType:"json", error: ajaxError, data: { js: 1, edit_item: content } }); }); }); $(".edit_fields").click(function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); if($(this).find("input").length!==0) return; //log("clicked .edit_fields"); var bp = $(this).closest('.editable_parent'); bp.find('.hide_on_edit').addClass("edit_opened"); bp.find('.show_on_edit').addClass("edit_opened"); bp.find('.editable_block').show(); bp.find('.editable_block').each(function(){ var fieldName = this.getAttribute("data-field"); var fieldType = this.getAttribute("data-type"); if(fieldType=="list") { var fieldValue = this.getAttribute("data-value"); if(fieldName in formVars) var it = formVars[fieldName]; else var it = ['No','Yes']; var itLen = it.length; var out = ""; for (var i=0; i"+it[i]+""; } this.innerHTML = ""; } else if(fieldType=="hidden") {} else this.innerHTML = ""; }); // Remove any handlers already attached to the submitter $(".submit_edit").unbind("click"); $(".submit_edit").click(function(ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var outData = {js: 1} var bp = $(this).closest('.editable_parent'); bp.find('.editable_block').each(function() { var fieldName = this.getAttribute("data-field"); var fieldType = this.getAttribute("data-type"); if(fieldType=="list") { var newContent = $(this).find('select :selected').text(); this.classList.add(fieldName+'_'+newContent); this.innerHTML = ""; } else if(fieldType=="hidden") { var newContent = $(this).val(); } else { var newContent = $(this).find('input').eq(0).val(); this.innerHTML = newContent; } this.setAttribute("data-value",newContent); outData[fieldName] = newContent; }); let href = $(this).closest('a').attr("href"); //log("href",href); //log(outData); $.ajax({ url: href+"?s="+me.User.S, type:"POST", dataType:"json", data: outData, error: ajaxError }); bp.find('.hide_on_edit').removeClass("edit_opened"); bp.find('.show_on_edit').removeClass("edit_opened"); }); }); $(this).click(() => { $(".selectedAlert").removeClass("selectedAlert"); $("#back").removeClass("alertActive"); $(".link_select").removeClass("link_opened"); }); $(".alert_bell").click(function(){ let menuAlerts = $(this).parent(); if(menuAlerts.hasClass("selectedAlert")) { event.stopPropagation(); menuAlerts.removeClass("selectedAlert"); $("#back").removeClass("alertActive"); } }); $(".menu_alerts").click(function(ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); if($(this).hasClass("selectedAlert")) return; if(!conn) loadAlerts(this,true); this.className += " selectedAlert"; document.getElementById("back").className += " alertActive" }); $(".link_select").click(ev => ev.stopPropagation()); $("input,textarea,select,option").keyup(ev => ev.stopPropagation()) $("#themeSelectorSelect").change(function(){ log("Changing the theme to "+this.options[this.selectedIndex].getAttribute("value")); $.ajax({ url: this.form.getAttribute("action")+"?s="+me.User.S, type:"POST", dataType:"json", data: { "theme": this.options[this.selectedIndex].getAttribute("value"), js: 1 }, error: ajaxError, success: function (dat,status,xhr) { log("Theme successfully switched"); log("dat",dat); log("status",status); log("xhr",xhr); window.location.reload(); } }); }); // The time range selector for the time graphs in the Control Panel $(".autoSubmitRedirect").change(function(){ let els = this.form.elements; let s = ""; for(let i=0; i 0) s = "?"+s.substr(0, s.length-1); window.location = this.form.getAttribute("action")+s; // Do a redirect as a form submission refuses to work properly }); $(".unix_to_24_hour_time").each(function(){ let unixTime = this.innerText; let date = new Date(unixTime*1000); log("date",date); let mins = "0"+date.getMinutes(); let formattedTime = date.getHours()+":"+mins.substr(-2); log("formattedTime",formattedTime); this.innerText = formattedTime; }); $(".unix_to_date").each(function(){ // TODO: Localise this let monthList = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec']; let date = new Date(this.innerText * 1000); log("date",date); let day = "0"+date.getDate(); let formattedTime = monthList[date.getMonth()]+" "+day.substr(-2)+" "+date.getFullYear(); log("formattedTime",formattedTime); this.innerText = formattedTime; }); $("spoiler").addClass("hide_spoil"); $(".hide_spoil").click(function(ev) { ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); $(this).removeClass("hide_spoil"); $(this).unbind("click"); }); this.onkeyup = function(ev) { if(ev.which==37) this.querySelectorAll("#prevFloat a")[0].click(); if(ev.which==39) this.querySelectorAll("#nextFloat a")[0].click(); }; function asyncGetSheet(src) { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { let res = document.createElement('link'); res.async = true; const onloadHandler = (e,isAbort) => { if (isAbort || !res.readyState || /loaded|complete/.test(res.readyState)) { res.onload = null; res.onreadystatechange = null; res = undefined; isAbort ? reject(e) : resolve(); } } res.onerror = (e) => { reject(e); }; res.onload = onloadHandler; res.onreadystatechange = onloadHandler; res.href = src; res.rel = "stylesheet"; res.type = "text/css"; const prior = document.getElementsByTagName('link')[0]; prior.parentNode.insertBefore(res,prior); }); } function stripQ(name) { return name.split('?')[0]; } function loadArb(base,href,h=null) { fetch(href,{credentials:"same-origin"}) .then(resp => { if(!resp.ok) throw(href+" failed to load"); let xr = resp.headers.get("x-res") if(xr!=null) { for(let res of xr.split(",")) { let pro; if(stripQ(getExt(res))=="css") pro = asyncGetSheet("/s/"+res) else pro = asyncGetScript("/s/"+res) pro.then(() => log("Loaded "+res)) .catch(e => { log("Unable to get '"+res+"'",e); console.trace(); }); } } return resp.text(); }).then(dat => { document.querySelector("#back").outerHTML = dat; if(h!==null) h(dat); $(".elapsed").remove(); let obj = {Title:document.title,Url:base}; history.pushState(obj,obj.Title,obj.Url); }).catch(e => { log("Unable to get script '"+href+""+"'",e); console.trace(); }); } /*$(".rowtopic a,a.rowtopic,a.forum_poster").click(function(ev) { let base = this.getAttribute("href"); loadArb(base,base+"?i=1", () => { unbindTopic(); bindTopic(); }); ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); })*/ $("a").click(function(ev) { let base = this.getAttribute("href"); if(base!="/topics/") return; loadArb(base,base+"?i=1", () => { unbindPage(); bindPage(); }); ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); }) runInitHook("almost_end_init"); runInitHook("end_init"); } function bindPage() { log("enter bindPage"); $(".create_topic_link").click(ev => { ev.preventDefault(); $(".topic_create_form").removeClass("auto_hide"); }); $(".topic_create_form .close_form").click(ev => { ev.preventDefault(); $(".topic_create_form").addClass("auto_hide"); }); bindTopic(); runInitHook("end_bind_page") } function unbindPage() { log("enter unbindPage"); $(".create_topic_link").unbind("click"); $(".topic_create_form .close_form").unbind("click"); unbindTopic(); runHook("end_unbind_page") } function bindTopic() { log("enter bindTopic"); $(".open_edit").click(ev => { ev.preventDefault(); $('.hide_on_edit').addClass("edit_opened"); $('.show_on_edit').addClass("edit_opened"); runHook("open_edit"); }); $(".topic_item .submit_edit").click(function(ev){ ev.preventDefault(); let nameInput = $(".topic_name_input").val(); $(".topic_name").html(nameInput); $(".topic_name").attr(nameInput); let contentInput = $('.topic_content_input').val(); $(".topic_content").html(quickParse(contentInput)); let statusInput = $('.topic_status_input').val(); $(".topic_status_e:not(.open_edit)").html(statusInput); $('.hide_on_edit').removeClass("edit_opened"); $('.show_on_edit').removeClass("edit_opened"); runHook("close_edit"); $.ajax({ url: this.form.getAttribute("action"), type:"POST", dataType:"json", data: { name: nameInput, status: statusInput, content: contentInput, js: 1 }, error: ajaxError, success: (dat,status,xhr) => { if("Content" in dat) $(".topic_content").html(dat["Content"]); } }); }); $(".delete_item").click(function(ev) { postLink(ev); $(this).closest('.deletable_block').remove(); }); // Miniature implementation of the parser to avoid sending as much data back and forth function quickParse(m) { const r = (o,n) => { m = m.replace(o,n) } r(":)", "😀") r(":(", "😞") r(":D", "😃") r(":P", "😛") r(":O", "😲") r(":p", "😛") r(":o", "😲") r(";)", "😉") r("\n","
") return m } $(".edit_item").click(function(ev){ ev.preventDefault(); let bp = this.closest('.editable_parent'); $(bp).find('.hide_on_edit').addClass("edit_opened"); $(bp).find('.show_on_edit').addClass("edit_opened"); $(bp).find('.hide_on_block_edit').addClass("edit_opened"); $(bp).find('.show_on_block_edit').addClass("edit_opened"); let srcNode = bp.querySelector(".edit_source"); let block = bp.querySelector('.editable_block'); block.classList.add("in_edit"); let src = ""; if(srcNode!=null) src = srcNode.innerText; else src = block.innerHTML; block.innerHTML = Tmpl_topic_c_edit_post({ ID: bp.getAttribute("id").slice("post-".length), Source: src, Ref: this.closest('a').getAttribute("href") }) runHook("edit_item_pre_bind"); $(".submit_edit").click(function(ev){ ev.preventDefault(); $(bp).find('.hide_on_edit').removeClass("edit_opened"); $(bp).find('.show_on_edit').removeClass("edit_opened"); $(bp).find('.hide_on_block_edit').removeClass("edit_opened"); $(bp).find('.show_on_block_edit').removeClass("edit_opened"); block.classList.remove("in_edit"); let con = block.querySelector('textarea').value; block.innerHTML = quickParse(con); if(srcNode!=null) srcNode.innerText = con; let formAction = this.closest('a').getAttribute("href"); // TODO: Bounce the parsed post back and set innerHTML to it? $.ajax({ url: formAction, type:"POST", dataType:"json", data: { js: 1, edit_item: con }, error: ajaxError, success: (dat,status,xhr) => { if("Content" in dat) block.innerHTML = dat["Content"]; } }); }); }); $(".quote_item").click(function(ev){ ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); let src = this.closest(".post_item").getElementsByClassName("edit_source")[0]; let con = document.getElementById("input_content") log("con.value",con.value); let item; if(con.value=="") item = "
" else item = "\r\n
"; con.value = con.value+item; log("con.value",con.value); // For custom / third party text editors quoteItemCallback(src.innerHTML,item); }); //id="poll_results_{pollid}" class="poll_results auto_hide" $(".poll_results_button").click(function(){ let pollID = $(this).attr("data-poll-id"); $("#poll_results_"+pollID).removeClass("auto_hide"); fetch("/poll/results/"+pollID, { credentials: 'same-origin' }).then(resp => resp.text()).catch(e => console.error("e",e)).then(rawData => { // TODO: Make sure the received data is actually a list of integers let data = JSON.parse(rawData); let allZero = true; for(let i=0; i"); log("rawData",rawData); log("series",data); Chartist.Pie('#poll_results_chart_'+pollID, { series: data, }, { height: '120px', }); }) }); runInitHook("end_bind_topic"); } function unbindTopic() { log("enter unbindTopic"); $(".open_edit").unbind("click"); $(".topic_item .submit_edit").unbind("click"); $(".delete_item").unbind("click"); $(".edit_item").unbind("click"); $(".submit_edit").unbind("click"); $(".quote_item").unbind("click"); $(".poll_results_button").unbind("click"); runHook("end_unbind_topic"); }