(() => { addInitHook("end_init", () => { // TODO: Move this into a JS file to reduce the number of possible problems var menuItems = {}; let items = document.getElementsByClassName("panel_menu_item"); for(let i=0; item=items[i]; i++) menuItems[i] = item.getAttribute("data-miid"); Sortable.create(document.getElementById("panel_menu_item_holder"), { sort: true, onEnd: evt => { console.log("pre menuItems",menuItems) console.log("evt",evt) let oldMiid = menuItems[evt.newIndex]; menuItems[evt.oldIndex] = oldMiid; let newMiid = evt.item.getAttribute("data-miid"); console.log("newMiid",newMiid); menuItems[evt.newIndex] = newMiid; console.log("post menuItems",menuItems); } }); document.getElementById("panel_menu_items_order_button").addEventListener("click", () => { let req = new XMLHttpRequest(); if(!req) { console.log("Failed to create request"); return false; } req.onreadystatechange = () => { try { if(req.readyState!==XMLHttpRequest.DONE) return; // TODO: Signal the error with a notice if(req.status===200) { let resp = JSON.parse(req.responseText); console.log("resp",resp); // TODO: Should we move other notices into TmplPhrases like this one? pushNotice(phraseBox["panel"]["panel.themes_menus_items_order_updated"]); if(resp.success==1) return; } } catch(e) { console.error("e",e) } console.trace(); } // ? - Is encodeURIComponent the right function for this? let spl = document.location.pathname.split("/"); req.open("POST","/panel/themes/menus/item/order/edit/submit/"+parseInt(spl[spl.length-1],10)+"?s="+encodeURIComponent(me.User.S)); req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); let items = ""; for(let i=0; item=menuItems[i];i++) items += item+","; if(items.length > 0) items = items.slice(0,-1); req.send("js=1&items={"+items+"}"); }); }); })()