Azareal 01a692ab5b Added the word filter store and moved the word filter routes into the route package.
Added tests for the word filter store.
Added qgen.NewAcc() to reduce the amount of boilerplate needed for creating an accumulator.
Exposed the RecordError method on the accumulator.
Added an Add method to PluginList and removed AddPlugin() in favour of that.

More panel buttons on Nox should be styled now.
Added the panel_update_button_text phrase for future use.

More errors might be caught in the thumbnailer now.
Removed ls from .travis.yml, it was there for debugging Code Climate.
2018-08-04 21:46:36 +10:00

121 lines
3.3 KiB

package common
import (
// nolint I don't want to write comments for each of these o.o
const Hour int = 60 * 60
const Day int = Hour * 24
const Week int = Day * 7
const Month int = Day * 30
const Year int = Day * 365
const Kilobyte int = 1024
const Megabyte int = Kilobyte * 1024
const Gigabyte int = Megabyte * 1024
const Terabyte int = Gigabyte * 1024
const Petabyte int = Terabyte * 1024
var StartTime time.Time
var TmplPtrMap = make(map[string]interface{})
// Anti-spam token with rotated key
var JSTokenBox atomic.Value // TODO: Move this and some of these other globals somewhere else
var SessionSigningKeyBox atomic.Value // For MFA to avoid hitting the database unneccesarily
var OldSessionSigningKeyBox atomic.Value // Just in case we've signed with a key that's about to go stale so we don't annoy the user too much
var IsDBDown int32 = 0 // 0 = false, 1 = true. this is value which should be manipulated with package atomic for representing whether the database is down so we don't spam the log with lots of redundant errors
// ErrNoRows is an alias of sql.ErrNoRows, just in case we end up with non-database/sql datastores
var ErrNoRows = sql.ErrNoRows
// ? - Make this more customisable?
var ExternalSites = map[string]string{
"YT": "https://www.youtube.com/",
type StringList []string
// ? - Should we allow users to upload .php or .go files? It could cause security issues. We could store them with a mangled extension to render them inert
// TODO: Let admins manage this from the Control Panel
var AllowedFileExts = StringList{
"png", "jpg", "jpeg", "svg", "bmp", "gif", "tif", "webp", /*"apng",*/ // images
"txt", "xml", "json", "yaml", "toml", "ini", "md", "html", "rtf", "js", "py", "rb", "css", "scss", "less", "eqcss", "pcss", "java", "ts", "cs", "c", "cc", "cpp", "cxx", "C", "c++", "h", "hh", "hpp", "hxx", "h++", "rs", "rlib", "htaccess", "gitignore", // text
"mp3", "mp4", "avi", "wmv", "webm", // video
"otf", "woff2", "woff", "ttf", "eot", // fonts
var ImageFileExts = StringList{
"png", "jpg", "jpeg", "svg", "bmp", "gif", "tif", "webp", "apng",
var ArchiveFileExts = StringList{
"bz2", "zip", "gz", "7z", "tar", "cab",
var ExecutableFileExts = StringList{
"exe", "jar", "phar", "shar", "iso",
func init() {
// TODO: Write a test for this
func (slice StringList) Contains(needle string) bool {
for _, item := range slice {
if item == needle {
return true
return false
type dbInits []func(acc *qgen.Accumulator) error
var DbInits dbInits
func (inits dbInits) Run() error {
for _, init := range inits {
err := init(qgen.NewAcc())
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (inits dbInits) Add(init ...func(acc *qgen.Accumulator) error) {
DbInits = dbInits(append(DbInits, init...))
func DebugDetail(args ...interface{}) {
if Dev.SuperDebug {
func DebugDetailf(str string, args ...interface{}) {
if Dev.SuperDebug {
log.Printf(str, args...)
func DebugLog(args ...interface{}) {
if Dev.DebugMode {
func DebugLogf(str string, args ...interface{}) {
if Dev.DebugMode {
log.Printf(str, args...)