Switched gopsutil with a temporary more stable fork. Ping PostgreSQL upon connecting. We need a global solution for connection drops. A connection timeout, perhaps? Added the rowmenu CSS class for styling sidebar menus. Added the real_first_child CSS class, we might be able to get around using it by redoing the <form> nesting. Added the rowlist CSS class. Added the bgavatars CSS class. Added avatars to the User Manager. Added limited responsivity to the Shadow Theme, I might have broken some things in the other themes, I'll fix that soon! A per-theme post-avatar-bg.jpg file is now used for the first topic layout rather than the global white-dot.jpg file.
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CREATE TABLE `users_groups`(
`gid` int not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
`name` varchar(100) not null,
`permissions` text not null,
`plugin_perms` text not null,
`is_mod` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null,
`is_admin` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null,
`is_banned` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null,
`tag` varchar(50) DEFAULT '' not null,
primary key(`gid`)
) CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;
CREATE TABLE `emails`(
`email` varchar(200) not null,
`uid` int not null,
`validated` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null,
`token` varchar(200) DEFAULT '' not null
CREATE TABLE `forums`(
`fid` int not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
`name` varchar(100) not null,
`desc` varchar(200) not null,
`active` tinyint DEFAULT 1 not null,
`topicCount` int DEFAULT 0 not null,
`preset` varchar(100) DEFAULT '' not null,
`parentID` int DEFAULT 0 not null, /* TO-DO: Add support for subforums */
`parentType` varchar(50) DEFAULT '' not null,
`lastTopic` varchar(100) DEFAULT '' not null,
`lastTopicID` int DEFAULT 0 not null,
`lastReplyer` varchar(100) DEFAULT '' not null,
`lastReplyerID` int DEFAULT 0 not null,
`lastTopicTime` datetime not null,
primary key(`fid`)
) CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;
CREATE TABLE `forums_permissions`(
`fid` int not null,
`gid` int not null,
`preset` varchar(100) DEFAULT '' not null,
`permissions` text not null,
primary key(fid, gid)
CREATE TABLE `topics`(
`tid` int not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
`title` varchar(100) not null,
`content` text not null,
`parsed_content` text not null,
`createdAt` datetime not null,
`lastReplyAt` datetime not null,
/*`lastReplyBy` int not null,*/
`createdBy` int not null,
`is_closed` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null,
`sticky` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null,
`parentID` int DEFAULT 2 not null,
`ipaddress` varchar(200) DEFAULT '' not null,
`postCount` int DEFAULT 1 not null,
`likeCount` int DEFAULT 0 not null,
`words` int DEFAULT 0 not null,
`css_class` varchar(100) DEFAULT '' not null,
`data` varchar(200) DEFAULT '' not null,
primary key(`tid`)
) CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;
CREATE TABLE `replies`(
`rid` int not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
`tid` int not null,
`content` text not null,
`parsed_content` text not null,
`createdAt` datetime not null,
`createdBy` int not null,
`lastEdit` int not null,
`lastEditBy` int not null, /* Do we need this? */
/*`editIndex` int not null,*/ /* For append edits, e.g. auto-merges? Is this enough for this feature? */
`lastUpdated` datetime not null,
`ipaddress` varchar(200) DEFAULT '' not null,
`likeCount` int DEFAULT 0 not null,
`words` int DEFAULT 1 not null,
`actionType` varchar(20) DEFAULT '' not null,
primary key(`rid`)
) CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;
CREATE TABLE `revisions`(
`index` int not null,
`content` text not null,
`contentID` int not null,
`contentType` varchar(100) DEFAULT 'replies' not null
) CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;
CREATE TABLE `users_replies`(
`rid` int not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
`uid` int not null,
`content` text not null,
`parsed_content` text not null,
`createdAt` datetime not null,
`createdBy` int not null,
`lastEdit` int not null,
`lastEditBy` int not null,
`ipaddress` varchar(200) DEFAULT '' not null,
primary key(`rid`)
) CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci;
`weight` tinyint DEFAULT 1 not null,
/*`type` tinyint not null, /* Regular Post: 1, Big Post: 2, Mega Post: 3, etc.*/
`targetItem` int not null,
`targetType` varchar(50) DEFAULT 'replies' not null,
`sentBy` int not null,
`recalc` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null
CREATE TABLE `activity_stream_matches`(
`watcher` int not null,
`asid` int not null
CREATE TABLE `activity_stream`(
`asid` int not null AUTO_INCREMENT,
`actor` int not null, /* the one doing the act */
`targetUser` int not null, /* the user who created the item the actor is acting on, some items like forums may lack a targetUser field */
`event` varchar(50) not null, /* mention, like, reply (as in the act of replying to an item, not the reply item type, you can "reply" to a forum by making a topic in it), friend_invite */
`elementType` varchar(50) not null, /* topic, post (calling it post here to differentiate it from the 'reply' event), forum, user */
`elementID` int not null, /* the ID of the element being acted upon */
primary key(`asid`)
CREATE TABLE `activity_subscriptions`(
`user` int not null,
`targetID` int not null, /* the ID of the element being acted upon */
`targetType` varchar(50) not null, /* topic, post (calling it post here to differentiate it from the 'reply' event), forum, user */
`level` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null /* 0: Mentions (aka the global default for any post), 1: Replies To You, 2: All Replies*/
/* Due to MySQL's design, we have to drop the unique keys for table settings, plugins, and themes down from 200 to 180 or it will error */
CREATE TABLE `settings`(
`name` varchar(180) not null,
`content` varchar(250) not null,
`type` varchar(50) not null,
`constraints` varchar(200) DEFAULT '' not null,
CREATE TABLE `plugins`(
`uname` varchar(180) not null,
`active` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null,
`installed` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null,
CREATE TABLE `themes`(
`uname` varchar(180) not null,
`default` tinyint DEFAULT 0 not null,
CREATE TABLE `widgets`(
`position` int not null,
`side` varchar(100) not null,
`type` varchar(100) not null,
`active` tinyint(1) DEFAULT 0 not null,
`location` varchar(100) not null,
`data` text DEFAULT '' not null
CREATE TABLE `moderation_logs`(
`action` varchar(100) not null,
`elementID` int not null,
`elementType` varchar(100) not null,
`ipaddress` varchar(200) not null,
`actorID` int not null,
`doneAt` datetime not null
CREATE TABLE `administration_logs`(
`action` varchar(100) not null,
`elementID` int not null,
`elementType` varchar(100) not null,
`ipaddress` varchar(200) not null,
`actorID` int not null,
`doneAt` datetime not null
`last_update` int not null,
`node_id` int not null
INSERT INTO settings(`name`,`content`,`type`) VALUES ('url_tags','1','bool');
INSERT INTO settings(`name`,`content`,`type`,`constraints`) VALUES ('activation_type','1','list','1-3');
INSERT INTO settings(`name`,`content`,`type`) VALUES ('bigpost_min_words','250','int');
INSERT INTO settings(`name`,`content`,`type`) VALUES ('megapost_min_words','1000','int');
INSERT INTO themes(`uname`,`default`) VALUES ('tempra-simple',1);
INSERT INTO emails(`email`,`uid`,`validated`) VALUES ('admin@localhost',1,1);
The Permissions:
INSERT INTO users_groups(`name`,`permissions`,`plugin_perms`,`is_mod`,`is_admin`,`tag`) VALUES ('Administrator','{"BanUsers":true,"ActivateUsers":true,"EditUser":true,"EditUserEmail":true,"EditUserPassword":true,"EditUserGroup":true,"EditUserGroupSuperMod":true,"EditUserGroupAdmin":false,"EditGroup":true,"EditGroupLocalPerms":true,"EditGroupGlobalPerms":true,"EditGroupSuperMod":true,"EditGroupAdmin":false,"ManageForums":true,"EditSettings":true,"ManageThemes":true,"ManagePlugins":true,"ViewAdminLogs":true,"ViewIPs":true,"ViewTopic":true,"LikeItem":true,"CreateTopic":true,"EditTopic":true,"DeleteTopic":true,"CreateReply":true,"EditReply":true,"DeleteReply":true,"PinTopic":true,"CloseTopic":true}','{}',1,1,"Admin");
INSERT INTO users_groups(`name`,`permissions`,`plugin_perms`,`is_mod`,`tag`) VALUES ('Moderator','{"BanUsers":true,"ActivateUsers":false,"EditUser":true,"EditUserEmail":false,"EditUserGroup":true,"ViewIPs":true,"ViewTopic":true,"LikeItem":true,"CreateTopic":true,"EditTopic":true,"DeleteTopic":true,"CreateReply":true,"EditReply":true,"DeleteReply":true,"PinTopic":true,"CloseTopic":true}','{}',1,"Mod");
INSERT INTO users_groups(`name`,`permissions`,`plugin_perms`) VALUES ('Member','{"ViewTopic":true,"LikeItem":true,"CreateTopic":true,"CreateReply":true}','{}');
INSERT INTO users_groups(`name`,`permissions`,`plugin_perms`,`is_banned`) VALUES ('Banned','{"ViewTopic":true}','{}',1);
INSERT INTO users_groups(`name`,`permissions`,`plugin_perms`) VALUES ('Awaiting Activation','{"ViewTopic":true}','{}');
INSERT INTO users_groups(`name`,`permissions`,`plugin_perms`,`tag`) VALUES ('Not Loggedin','{"ViewTopic":true}','{}','Guest');
INSERT INTO forums(`name`,`active`) VALUES ('Reports',0);
INSERT INTO forums(`name`,`lastTopicTime`) VALUES ('General',UTC_TIMESTAMP());
INSERT INTO forums_permissions(`gid`,`fid`,`permissions`) VALUES (1,1,'{"ViewTopic":true,"CreateReply":true,"CreateTopic":true,"PinTopic":true,"CloseTopic":true}');
INSERT INTO forums_permissions(`gid`,`fid`,`permissions`) VALUES (2,1,'{"ViewTopic":true,"CreateReply":true,"CloseTopic":true}');
INSERT INTO forums_permissions(`gid`,`fid`,`permissions`) VALUES (3,1,'{}');
INSERT INTO forums_permissions(`gid`,`fid`,`permissions`) VALUES (4,1,'{}');
INSERT INTO forums_permissions(`gid`,`fid`,`permissions`) VALUES (5,1,'{}');
INSERT INTO forums_permissions(`gid`,`fid`,`permissions`) VALUES (6,1,'{}');
INSERT INTO topics(`title`,`content`,`createdAt`,`lastReplyAt`,`createdBy`,`parentID`)
VALUES ('Test Topic','A topic automatically generated by the software.',UTC_TIMESTAMP(),UTC_TIMESTAMP(),1,2);
INSERT INTO replies(`tid`,`content`,`createdAt`,`createdBy`,`lastEdit`,`lastEditBy`)
VALUES (1,'Reply 1',UTC_TIMESTAMP(),1,0,0);