add topic_ogdesc_assign hook initialise hooks after filling slices in bbcode init hoist poll input checks out of inner loops in CreateTopicSubmit shorten variable names and reduce boilerplate
423 lines
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423 lines
12 KiB
package extend
import (
c ""
var bbcodeRandom *rand.Rand
var bbcodeInvalidNumber []byte
var bbcodeNoNegative []byte
var bbcodeMissingTag []byte
var bbcodeBold *regexp.Regexp
var bbcodeItalic *regexp.Regexp
var bbcodeUnderline *regexp.Regexp
var bbcodeStrike *regexp.Regexp
var bbcodeH1 *regexp.Regexp
var bbcodeURL *regexp.Regexp
var bbcodeURLLabel *regexp.Regexp
var bbcodeQuotes *regexp.Regexp
var bbcodeCode *regexp.Regexp
var bbcodeSpoiler *regexp.Regexp
func init() {
c.Plugins.Add(&c.Plugin{UName: "bbcode", Name: "BBCode", Author: "Azareal", URL: "", Init: InitBbcode, Deactivate: deactivateBbcode})
func InitBbcode(pl *c.Plugin) error {
bbcodeInvalidNumber = []byte("<red>[Invalid Number]</red>")
bbcodeNoNegative = []byte("<red>[No Negative Numbers]</red>")
bbcodeMissingTag = []byte("<red>[Missing Tag]</red>")
bbcodeBold = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\[b\](.*)\[/b\]`)
bbcodeItalic = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\[i\](.*)\[/i\]`)
bbcodeUnderline = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\[u\](.*)\[/u\]`)
bbcodeStrike = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\[s\](.*)\[/s\]`)
bbcodeH1 = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\[h1\](.*)\[/h1\]`)
urlpattern := `(http|https|ftp|mailto*)(:??)\/\/([\.a-zA-Z\/]+)`
bbcodeURL = regexp.MustCompile(`\[url\]` + urlpattern + `\[/url\]`)
bbcodeURLLabel = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\[url=` + urlpattern + `\](.*)\[/url\]`)
bbcodeQuotes = regexp.MustCompile(`\[quote\](.*)\[/quote\]`)
bbcodeCode = regexp.MustCompile(`\[code\](.*)\[/code\]`)
bbcodeSpoiler = regexp.MustCompile(`\[spoiler\](.*)\[/spoiler\]`)
bbcodeRandom = rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
pl.AddHook("parse_assign", BbcodeFullParse)
pl.AddHook("topic_ogdesc_assign", BbcodeStripTags)
return nil
func deactivateBbcode(pl *c.Plugin) {
pl.RemoveHook("parse_assign", BbcodeFullParse)
pl.RemoveHook("topic_ogdesc_assign", BbcodeStripTags)
func BbcodeStripTags(msg string) string {
msg = bbcodeBold.ReplaceAllString(msg, "$1")
msg = bbcodeItalic.ReplaceAllString(msg, "$1")
msg = bbcodeUnderline.ReplaceAllString(msg, "$1")
msg = bbcodeStrike.ReplaceAllString(msg, "$1")
return msg
func BbcodeRegexParse(msg string) string {
msg = bbcodeBold.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<b>$1</b>")
msg = bbcodeItalic.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<i>$1</i>")
msg = bbcodeUnderline.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<u>$1</u>")
msg = bbcodeStrike.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<s>$1</s>")
msg = bbcodeURL.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<a href=''$1$2//$3' rel='ugc'>$1$2//$3</i>")
msg = bbcodeURLLabel.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<a href=''$1$2//$3' rel='ugc'>$4</i>")
msg = bbcodeQuotes.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<blockquote>$1</blockquote>")
msg = bbcodeSpoiler.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<spoiler>$1</spoiler>")
msg = bbcodeH1.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<h2>$1</h2>")
//msg = bbcodeCode.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<span class='codequotes'>$1</span>")
return msg
// Only does the simple BBCode like [u], [b], [i] and [s]
func bbcodeSimpleParse(msg string) string {
var hasU, hasB, hasI, hasS bool
mbytes := []byte(msg)
for i := 0; (i + 2) < len(mbytes); i++ {
if mbytes[i] == '[' && mbytes[i+2] == ']' {
ch := mbytes[i+1]
if ch == 'b' && !hasB {
mbytes[i] = '<'
mbytes[i+2] = '>'
hasB = true
} else if ch == 'i' && !hasI {
mbytes[i] = '<'
mbytes[i+2] = '>'
hasI = true
} else if ch == 'u' && !hasU {
mbytes[i] = '<'
mbytes[i+2] = '>'
hasU = true
} else if ch == 's' && !hasS {
mbytes[i] = '<'
mbytes[i+2] = '>'
hasS = true
i += 2
// There's an unclosed tag in there x.x
if hasI || hasU || hasB || hasS {
closeUnder := []byte("</u>")
closeItalic := []byte("</i>")
closeBold := []byte("</b>")
closeStrike := []byte("</s>")
if hasI {
mbytes = append(mbytes, closeItalic...)
if hasU {
mbytes = append(mbytes, closeUnder...)
if hasB {
mbytes = append(mbytes, closeBold...)
if hasS {
mbytes = append(mbytes, closeStrike...)
return string(mbytes)
// Here for benchmarking purposes. Might add a plugin setting for disabling [code] as it has it's paws everywhere
func BbcodeParseWithoutCode(msg string) string {
var hasU, hasB, hasI, hasS bool
var complexBbc bool
mbytes := []byte(msg)
for i := 0; (i + 3) < len(mbytes); i++ {
if mbytes[i] == '[' {
if mbytes[i+2] != ']' {
if mbytes[i+1] == '/' {
if mbytes[i+3] == ']' {
switch mbytes[i+2] {
case 'b':
mbytes[i] = '<'
mbytes[i+3] = '>'
hasB = false
case 'i':
mbytes[i] = '<'
mbytes[i+3] = '>'
hasI = false
case 'u':
mbytes[i] = '<'
mbytes[i+3] = '>'
hasU = false
case 's':
mbytes[i] = '<'
mbytes[i+3] = '>'
hasS = false
i += 3
} else {
complexBbc = true
} else {
complexBbc = true
} else {
ch := mbytes[i+1]
if ch == 'b' && !hasB {
mbytes[i] = '<'
mbytes[i+2] = '>'
hasB = true
} else if ch == 'i' && !hasI {
mbytes[i] = '<'
mbytes[i+2] = '>'
hasI = true
} else if ch == 'u' && !hasU {
mbytes[i] = '<'
mbytes[i+2] = '>'
hasU = true
} else if ch == 's' && !hasS {
mbytes[i] = '<'
mbytes[i+2] = '>'
hasS = true
i += 2
// There's an unclosed tag in there x.x
if hasI || hasU || hasB || hasS {
closeUnder := []byte("</u>")
closeItalic := []byte("</i>")
closeBold := []byte("</b>")
closeStrike := []byte("</s>")
if hasI {
mbytes = append(bytes.TrimSpace(mbytes), closeItalic...)
if hasU {
mbytes = append(bytes.TrimSpace(mbytes), closeUnder...)
if hasB {
mbytes = append(bytes.TrimSpace(mbytes), closeBold...)
if hasS {
mbytes = append(bytes.TrimSpace(mbytes), closeStrike...)
// Copy the new complex parser over once the rough edges have been smoothed over
if complexBbc {
msg = string(mbytes)
msg = bbcodeURL.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<a href='$1$2//$3' rel='ugc'>$1$2//$3</i>")
msg = bbcodeURLLabel.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<a href='$1$2//$3' rel='ugc'>$4</i>")
msg = bbcodeSpoiler.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<spoiler>$1</spoiler>")
msg = bbcodeQuotes.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<blockquote>$1</blockquote>")
return bbcodeCode.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<span class='codequotes'>$1</span>")
return string(mbytes)
// Does every type of BBCode
func BbcodeFullParse(msg string) string {
var hasU, hasB, hasI, hasS, hasC bool
var complexBbc bool
mbytes := []byte(msg)
mbytes = append(mbytes, c.SpaceGap...)
for i := 0; i < len(mbytes); i++ {
if mbytes[i] == '[' {
if mbytes[i+2] != ']' {
if mbytes[i+1] == '/' {
if mbytes[i+3] == ']' {
if !hasC {
switch mbytes[i+2] {
case 'b':
mbytes[i] = '<'
mbytes[i+3] = '>'
hasB = false
case 'i':
mbytes[i] = '<'
mbytes[i+3] = '>'
hasI = false
case 'u':
mbytes[i] = '<'
mbytes[i+3] = '>'
hasU = false
case 's':
mbytes[i] = '<'
mbytes[i+3] = '>'
hasS = false
i += 3
} else {
if mbytes[i+6] == ']' && mbytes[i+2] == 'c' && mbytes[i+3] == 'o' && mbytes[i+4] == 'd' && mbytes[i+5] == 'e' {
hasC = false
i += 7
complexBbc = true
} else {
// Put the biggest index first to avoid unnecessary bounds checks
if mbytes[i+5] == ']' && mbytes[i+1] == 'c' && mbytes[i+2] == 'o' && mbytes[i+3] == 'd' && mbytes[i+4] == 'e' {
hasC = true
i += 6
complexBbc = true
} else if !hasC {
ch := mbytes[i+1]
if ch == 'b' && !hasB {
mbytes[i] = '<'
mbytes[i+2] = '>'
hasB = true
} else if ch == 'i' && !hasI {
mbytes[i] = '<'
mbytes[i+2] = '>'
hasI = true
} else if ch == 'u' && !hasU {
mbytes[i] = '<'
mbytes[i+2] = '>'
hasU = true
} else if ch == 's' && !hasS {
mbytes[i] = '<'
mbytes[i+2] = '>'
hasS = true
i += 2
// There's an unclosed tag in there somewhere x.x
if hasI || hasU || hasB || hasS {
closeUnder := []byte("</u>")
closeItalic := []byte("</i>")
closeBold := []byte("</b>")
closeStrike := []byte("</s>")
if hasI {
mbytes = append(bytes.TrimSpace(mbytes), closeItalic...)
if hasU {
mbytes = append(bytes.TrimSpace(mbytes), closeUnder...)
if hasB {
mbytes = append(bytes.TrimSpace(mbytes), closeBold...)
if hasS {
mbytes = append(bytes.TrimSpace(mbytes), closeStrike...)
mbytes = append(mbytes, c.SpaceGap...)
if complexBbc {
i := 0
var start, lastTag int
var outbytes []byte
for ; i < len(mbytes); i++ {
if mbytes[i] == '[' {
if mbytes[i+1] == 'u' {
if mbytes[i+4] == ']' && mbytes[i+2] == 'r' && mbytes[i+3] == 'l' {
i, start, lastTag, outbytes = bbcodeParseURL(i, start, lastTag, mbytes, outbytes)
} else if mbytes[i+1] == 'r' {
if bytes.Equal(mbytes[i+2:i+6], []byte("and]")) {
i, start, lastTag, outbytes = bbcodeParseRand(i, start, lastTag, mbytes, outbytes)
if lastTag != i {
outbytes = append(outbytes, mbytes[lastTag:]...)
if len(outbytes) != 0 {
msg = string(outbytes[0 : len(outbytes)-10])
} else {
msg = string(mbytes[0 : len(mbytes)-10])
// TODO: Optimise these
//msg = bbcode_url.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<a href=\"$1$2//$3\" rel=\"ugc\">$1$2//$3</i>")
msg = bbcodeURLLabel.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<a href='$1$2//$3' rel='ugc'>$4</i>")
msg = bbcodeQuotes.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<blockquote>$1</blockquote>")
msg = bbcodeCode.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<span class='codequotes'>$1</span>")
msg = bbcodeSpoiler.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<spoiler>$1</spoiler>")
msg = bbcodeH1.ReplaceAllString(msg, "<h2>$1</h2>")
} else {
msg = string(mbytes[0 : len(mbytes)-10])
return msg
// TODO: Strip the containing [url] so the media parser can work it's magic instead? Or do we want to allow something like [url=]label[/url] here?
func bbcodeParseURL(i int, start int, lastTag int, mbytes []byte, outbytes []byte) (int, int, int, []byte) {
start = i + 5
outbytes = append(outbytes, mbytes[lastTag:i]...)
i = start
i += c.PartialURLStringLen2(string(mbytes[start:]))
if !bytes.Equal(mbytes[i:i+6], []byte("[/url]")) {
outbytes = append(outbytes, c.InvalidURL...)
return i, start, lastTag, outbytes
outbytes = append(outbytes, c.URLOpen...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, mbytes[start:i]...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, c.URLOpen2...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, mbytes[start:i]...)
outbytes = append(outbytes, c.URLClose...)
i += 6
lastTag = i
return i, start, lastTag, outbytes
func bbcodeParseRand(i int, start int, lastTag int, msgbytes []byte, outbytes []byte) (int, int, int, []byte) {
outbytes = append(outbytes, msgbytes[lastTag:i]...)
start = i + 6
i = start
for ; ; i++ {
if msgbytes[i] == '[' {
if !bytes.Equal(msgbytes[i+1:i+7], []byte("/rand]")) {
outbytes = append(outbytes, bbcodeMissingTag...)
return i, start, lastTag, outbytes
} else if (len(msgbytes) - 1) < (i + 10) {
outbytes = append(outbytes, bbcodeMissingTag...)
return i, start, lastTag, outbytes
number, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(msgbytes[start:i]), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
outbytes = append(outbytes, bbcodeInvalidNumber...)
return i, start, lastTag, outbytes
// TODO: Add support for negative numbers?
if number < 0 {
outbytes = append(outbytes, bbcodeNoNegative...)
return i, start, lastTag, outbytes
var dat []byte
if number == 0 {
dat = []byte("0")
} else {
dat = []byte(strconv.FormatInt((bbcodeRandom.Int63n(number)), 10))
outbytes = append(outbytes, dat...)
i += 7
lastTag = i
return i, start, lastTag, outbytes