Improved the noavatar cacheability by constraining them in a range. Improved the noavatar cacheability by serving a small subset from Gosora. Improved the formatting of bytes in the memory analytics pane. Static resources with checksums will now have their caches expire in a week rather than a day. Tweaked the padding on the sub_heads on Nox. Moved a block of CSS out of a template and into panel.css in Tempra Simple and Shadow. Added the panel_themes_menus_items_suffix phrase. Added the DisableNoavatarRange config setting. Added the DisableDefaultNoavatar config setting.
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<div class="colstack_item colstack_head">
<div class="rowitem">
<h1>{{lang "panel_statistics_requests_head"}}</h1>
{{template "panel_analytics_time_range.html" . }}
<form id="timeRangeForm" name="timeRangeForm" action="/panel/analytics/views/" method="get"></form>
<div id="panel_analytics_views" class="colstack_graph_holder">
<div class="ct_chart" aria-label="{{lang "panel_statistics_requests_chart_aria"}}"></div>
<div class="colstack_item colstack_head">
<div class="rowitem">
<h1>{{lang "panel_statistics_details_head"}}</h1>
<div id="panel_analytics_views_table" class="colstack_item rowlist" aria-label="{{lang "panel_statistics_requests_table_aria"}}">
{{range .ViewItems}}
<div class="rowitem panel_compactrow editable_parent">
<a class="panel_upshift unix_{{if or (or (or (eq $.TimeRange "six-hours") (eq $.TimeRange "twelve-hours")) (eq $.TimeRange "one-day")) (eq $.TimeRange "two-days")}}to_24_hour_time{{else}}to_date{{end}}">{{.Time}}</a>
<span class="panel_compacttext to_right">{{.Count}}{{lang "panel_statistics_views_suffix"}}</span>
{{template "panel_analytics_script.html" . }} |