The alert list is now visible on the Shadow Theme. The User Manager is now paginated. The Moderation Logs are now paginated. The Group Manager is now paginated. The alert counter no longer shows up as undefined on Edge. Added a cache control header to the static files. Fixed a few bits of mangled HTML. Fixed the Forum Manager CSS for the Shadow Theme.
447 lines
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447 lines
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package main
import (
var guest_user User = User{ID:0,Link:"#",Group:6,Perms:GuestPerms}
var PreRoute func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) (User,bool) = _pre_route
var PanelSessionCheck func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, *User) (HeaderVars,PanelStats,bool) = _panel_session_check
var SimplePanelSessionCheck func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, *User) bool = _simple_panel_session_check
var SimpleForumSessionCheck func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user *User, fid int) (success bool) = _simple_forum_session_check
var ForumSessionCheck func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user *User, fid int) (headerVars HeaderVars, success bool) = _forum_session_check
var SessionCheck func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user *User) (headerVars HeaderVars, success bool) = _session_check
var CheckPassword func(real_password string, password string, salt string) (err error) = BcryptCheckPassword
var GeneratePassword func(password string) (hashed_password string, salt string, err error) = BcryptGeneratePassword
type User struct
ID int
Link string
Name string
Email string
Group int
Active bool
Is_Mod bool
Is_Super_Mod bool
Is_Admin bool
Is_Super_Admin bool
Is_Banned bool
Perms Perms
PluginPerms map[string]bool
Session string
Loggedin bool
Avatar string
Message string
URLPrefix string // Move this to another table? Create a user lite?
URLName string
Tag string
Level int
Score int
Last_IP string
type Email struct
UserID int
Email string
Validated bool
Primary bool
Token string
func BcryptCheckPassword(real_password string, password string, salt string) (err error) {
return bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(real_password), []byte(password + salt))
// Investigate. Do we need the extra salt?
func BcryptGeneratePassword(password string) (hashed_password string, salt string, err error) {
salt, err = GenerateSafeString(saltLength)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
password = password + salt
hashed_password, err = BcryptGeneratePasswordNoSalt(password)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
return hashed_password, salt, nil
func BcryptGeneratePasswordNoSalt(password string) (hash string, err error) {
hashed_password, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(password), bcrypt.DefaultCost)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return string(hashed_password), nil
func SetPassword(uid int, password string) error {
hashed_password, salt, err := GeneratePassword(password)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = set_password_stmt.Exec(hashed_password, salt, uid)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func SendValidationEmail(username string, email string, token string) bool {
var schema string = "http"
if site.EnableSsl {
schema += "s"
subject := "Validate Your Email @ " + site.Name
msg := "Dear " + username + ", following your registration on our forums, we ask you to validate your email, so that we can confirm that this email actually belongs to you.\n\nClick on the following link to do so. " + schema + "://" + site.Url + "/user/edit/token/" + token + "\n\nIf you haven't created an account here, then please feel free to ignore this email.\nWe're sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused."
return SendEmail(email, subject, msg)
// TO-DO: Support for left sidebars and sidebars on both sides
// http.Request is for context.Context middleware. Mostly for plugin_socialgroups right now
func BuildWidgets(zone string, data interface{}, headerVars *HeaderVars, r *http.Request) {
if vhooks["intercept_build_widgets"] != nil {
if run_vhook("intercept_build_widgets", zone, data, headerVars, r).(bool) {
if themes[defaultTheme].Sidebars == "right" {
if len(docks.RightSidebar) != 0 {
var sbody string
for _, widget := range docks.RightSidebar {
if widget.Enabled {
if widget.Location == "global" || widget.Location == zone {
sbody += widget.Body
headerVars.Widgets.RightSidebar = template.HTML(sbody)
func _simple_forum_session_check(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user *User, fid int) (success bool) {
if !fstore.Exists(fid) {
PreError("The target forum doesn't exist.",w,r)
return false
success = true
// Is there a better way of doing the skip AND the success flag on this hook like multiple returns?
if vhooks["simple_forum_check_pre_perms"] != nil {
if run_vhook("simple_forum_check_pre_perms", w, r, user, &fid, &success).(bool) {
return success
fperms := groups[user.Group].Forums[fid]
if fperms.Overrides && !user.Is_Super_Admin {
user.Perms.ViewTopic = fperms.ViewTopic
user.Perms.LikeItem = fperms.LikeItem
user.Perms.CreateTopic = fperms.CreateTopic
user.Perms.EditTopic = fperms.EditTopic
user.Perms.DeleteTopic = fperms.DeleteTopic
user.Perms.CreateReply = fperms.CreateReply
user.Perms.EditReply = fperms.EditReply
user.Perms.DeleteReply = fperms.DeleteReply
user.Perms.PinTopic = fperms.PinTopic
user.Perms.CloseTopic = fperms.CloseTopic
if len(fperms.ExtData) != 0 {
for name, perm := range fperms.ExtData {
user.PluginPerms[name] = perm
return true
func _forum_session_check(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user *User, fid int) (headerVars HeaderVars, success bool) {
headerVars, success = SessionCheck(w,r,user)
if !fstore.Exists(fid) {
return headerVars, false
if vhooks["forum_check_pre_perms"] != nil {
if run_vhook("forum_check_pre_perms", w, r, user, &fid, &success, &headerVars).(bool) {
return headerVars, success
fperms := groups[user.Group].Forums[fid]
//log.Printf("user.Perms: %+v\n", user.Perms)
//log.Printf("fperms: %+v\n", fperms)
if fperms.Overrides && !user.Is_Super_Admin {
user.Perms.ViewTopic = fperms.ViewTopic
user.Perms.LikeItem = fperms.LikeItem
user.Perms.CreateTopic = fperms.CreateTopic
user.Perms.EditTopic = fperms.EditTopic
user.Perms.DeleteTopic = fperms.DeleteTopic
user.Perms.CreateReply = fperms.CreateReply
user.Perms.EditReply = fperms.EditReply
user.Perms.DeleteReply = fperms.DeleteReply
user.Perms.PinTopic = fperms.PinTopic
user.Perms.CloseTopic = fperms.CloseTopic
if len(fperms.ExtData) != 0 {
for name, perm := range fperms.ExtData {
user.PluginPerms[name] = perm
return headerVars, success
// Even if they have the right permissions, the control panel is only open to supermods+. There are many areas without subpermissions which assume that the current user is a supermod+ and admins are extremely unlikely to give these permissions to someone who isn't at-least a supermod to begin with
func _panel_session_check(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user *User) (headerVars HeaderVars, stats PanelStats, success bool) {
headerVars.Site = site
if !user.Is_Super_Mod {
return headerVars, stats, false
headerVars.Stylesheets = append(headerVars.Stylesheets,"panel.css")
if len(themes[defaultTheme].Resources) != 0 {
rlist := themes[defaultTheme].Resources
for _, resource := range rlist {
if resource.Location == "global" || resource.Location == "panel" {
halves := strings.Split(resource.Name,".")
if len(halves) != 2 {
if halves[1] == "css" {
headerVars.Stylesheets = append(headerVars.Stylesheets,resource.Name)
} else if halves[1] == "js" {
headerVars.Scripts = append(headerVars.Scripts,resource.Name)
err := group_count_stmt.QueryRow().Scan(&stats.Groups)
if err != nil {
return headerVars, stats, false
stats.Users = users.GetGlobalCount()
stats.Forums = fstore.GetGlobalCount() // TO-DO: Stop it from showing the blanked forums
stats.Settings = len(settings) // TO-DO: IS this racey?
stats.Themes = len(themes)
stats.Reports = 0 // TO-DO: Do the report count. Only show open threads?
pusher, ok := w.(http.Pusher)
if ok {
pusher.Push("/static/main.css", nil)
pusher.Push("/static/panel.css", nil)
pusher.Push("/static/global.js", nil)
pusher.Push("/static/jquery-3.1.1.min.js", nil)
// TO-DO: Push the theme CSS files
// TO-DO: Push the theme scripts
// TO-DO: Push avatars?
return headerVars, stats, true
func _simple_panel_session_check(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user *User) (success bool) {
if !user.Is_Super_Mod {
return false
return true
func _session_check(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user *User) (headerVars HeaderVars, success bool) {
headerVars.Site = site
if user.Is_Banned {
headerVars.NoticeList = append(headerVars.NoticeList,"Your account has been suspended. Some of your permissions may have been revoked.")
if len(themes[defaultTheme].Resources) != 0 {
rlist := themes[defaultTheme].Resources
for _, resource := range rlist {
if resource.Location == "global" || resource.Location == "frontend" {
halves := strings.Split(resource.Name,".")
if len(halves) != 2 {
if halves[1] == "css" {
headerVars.Stylesheets = append(headerVars.Stylesheets,resource.Name)
} else if halves[1] == "js" {
headerVars.Scripts = append(headerVars.Scripts,resource.Name)
pusher, ok := w.(http.Pusher)
if ok {
pusher.Push("/static/main.css", nil)
pusher.Push("/static/global.js", nil)
pusher.Push("/static/jquery-3.1.1.min.js", nil)
// TO-DO: Push the theme CSS files
// TO-DO: Push the theme scripts
// TO-DO: Push avatars?
return headerVars, true
func _pre_route(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (User,bool) {
user, halt := auth.SessionCheck(w,r)
if halt {
return *user, false
if user == &guest_user {
return *user, true
host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(r.RemoteAddr)
if err != nil {
PreError("Bad IP",w,r)
return *user, false
if host != user.Last_IP {
_, err = update_last_ip_stmt.Exec(host, user.ID)
if err != nil {
return *user, false
user.Last_IP = host
// TO-DO: Set the X-Frame-Options header
return *user, true
func words_to_score(wcount int, topic bool) (score int) {
if topic {
score = 2
} else {
score = 1
if wcount >= settings["megapost_min_words"].(int) {
score += 4
} else if wcount >= settings["bigpost_min_words"].(int) {
score += 1
return score
func increase_post_user_stats(wcount int, uid int, topic bool, user User) error {
var mod int
base_score := 1
if topic {
_, err := increment_user_topics_stmt.Exec(1, uid)
if err != nil {
return err
base_score = 2
if wcount >= settings["megapost_min_words"].(int) {
_, err := increment_user_megaposts_stmt.Exec(1,1,1,uid)
if err != nil {
return err
mod = 4
} else if wcount >= settings["bigpost_min_words"].(int) {
_, err := increment_user_bigposts_stmt.Exec(1,1,uid)
if err != nil {
return err
mod = 1
} else {
_, err := increment_user_posts_stmt.Exec(1,uid)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err := increment_user_score_stmt.Exec(base_score + mod, uid)
if err != nil {
return err
//log.Print(user.Score + base_score + mod)
//log.Print(getLevel(user.Score + base_score + mod))
_, err = update_user_level_stmt.Exec(getLevel(user.Score + base_score + mod), uid)
return err
func decrease_post_user_stats(wcount int, uid int, topic bool, user User) error {
var mod int
base_score := -1
if topic {
_, err := increment_user_topics_stmt.Exec(-1, uid)
if err != nil {
return err
base_score = -2
if wcount >= settings["megapost_min_words"].(int) {
_, err := increment_user_megaposts_stmt.Exec(-1,-1,-1,uid)
if err != nil {
return err
mod = 4
} else if wcount >= settings["bigpost_min_words"].(int) {
_, err := increment_user_bigposts_stmt.Exec(-1,-1,uid)
if err != nil {
return err
mod = 1
} else {
_, err := increment_user_posts_stmt.Exec(-1,uid)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err := increment_user_score_stmt.Exec(base_score - mod, uid)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = update_user_level_stmt.Exec(getLevel(user.Score - base_score - mod), uid)
return err
func init_user_perms(user *User) {
if user.Is_Super_Admin {
user.Perms = AllPerms
user.PluginPerms = AllPluginPerms
} else {
user.Perms = groups[user.Group].Perms
user.PluginPerms = groups[user.Group].PluginPerms
user.Is_Admin = user.Is_Super_Admin || groups[user.Group].Is_Admin
user.Is_Super_Mod = user.Is_Admin || groups[user.Group].Is_Mod
user.Is_Mod = user.Is_Super_Mod
user.Is_Banned = groups[user.Group].Is_Banned
if user.Is_Banned && user.Is_Super_Mod {
user.Is_Banned = false
func build_profile_url(slug string, uid int) string {
if slug == "" {
return "/user/" + strconv.Itoa(uid)
return "/user/" + slug + "." + strconv.Itoa(uid)