Removed the Tempra Cursive Theme. You can now do bulk moderation actions with Shadow. Added: Argon2 as a dependency. The EmailStore. The ReportStore. The Copy method to *Setting. The AddColumn method to the query builder and adapters. The textarea setting type. More logging to better debug issues. The GetOffset method to the UserStore. Removed: Sortable from Code Climate's Analysis. MemberCheck and memberCheck as they're obsolete now. The obsolete url_tags setting. The BcryptGeneratePasswordNoSalt function. Some redundant fields from some of the page structs. Revamped: The Control Panel Setting List and Editor. Refactored: The password hashing logic to make it more amenable to multiple hashing algorithms. The email portion of the Account Manager. The Control Panel User List. The report system. simplePanelUserCheck and simpleUserCheck to remove the duplicated logic as the two do the exact same thing. Fixed: Missing slugs in the profile links in the User Manager. A few template initialisers potentially reducing the number of odd template edge cases. Some problems with the footer. Custom selection colour not applying to images on Shadow. The avatars of the bottom row of the topic list on Conflux leaking out. Other: Moved the startTime variable into package common and exported it. Moved the password hashing logic from user.go to auth.go Split common/themes.go into common/theme.go and common/theme_list.go Replaced the SettingLabels phrase category with the more generic SettingPhrases category. Moved a load of routes, including panel ones into the routes and panel packages. Hid the notifications link from the Account Menu. Moved more inline CSS into the CSS files and made things a little more flexible here and there. Continued work on PgSQL, still a ways away. Guests now have a default avatar like everyone else. Tweaked some of the font sizes on Cosora to make the text look a little nicer. Partially implemented the theme dock override logic. Partially implemented a "symlink" like feature for theme directories. ... And a bunch of other things I might have missed. You will need to run this update script / patcher for this commit. Warning: This is an "unstable commit", therefore some things may be a little less stable than I'd like. For instance, the Shadow Theme is a little broken in this commit.
1192 lines
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1192 lines
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/* WIP Under Really Heavy Construction */
package qgen
import (
func init() {
Registry = append(Registry,
&MssqlAdapter{Name: "mssql", Buffer: make(map[string]DBStmt)},
type MssqlAdapter struct {
Name string // ? - Do we really need this? Can't we hard-code this?
Buffer map[string]DBStmt
BufferOrder []string // Map iteration order is random, so we need this to track the order, so we don't get huge diffs every commit
keys map[string]string
// GetName gives you the name of the database adapter. In this case, it's Mssql
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) GetName() string {
return adapter.Name
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) GetStmt(name string) DBStmt {
return adapter.Buffer[name]
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) GetStmts() map[string]DBStmt {
return adapter.Buffer
// TODO: Implement this
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) BuildConn(config map[string]string) (*sql.DB, error) {
return nil, nil
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) DbVersion() string {
return "SELECT CONCAT(SERVERPROPERTY('productversion'), SERVERPROPERTY ('productlevel'), SERVERPROPERTY ('edition'))"
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) DropTable(name string, table string) (string, error) {
if name == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this statement")
if table == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this table")
querystr := "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [" + table + "];"
adapter.pushStatement(name, "drop-table", querystr)
return querystr, nil
// TODO: Convert any remaining stringy types to nvarchar
// We may need to change the CreateTable API to better suit Mssql and the other database drivers which are coming up
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) CreateTable(name string, table string, charset string, collation string, columns []DBTableColumn, keys []DBTableKey) (string, error) {
if name == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this statement")
if table == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this table")
if len(columns) == 0 {
return "", errors.New("You can't have a table with no columns")
var querystr = "CREATE TABLE [" + table + "] ("
for _, column := range columns {
column, size, end := adapter.parseColumn(column)
querystr += "\n\t[" + column.Name + "] " + column.Type + size + end + ","
if len(keys) > 0 {
for _, key := range keys {
querystr += "\n\t" + key.Type
if key.Type != "unique" {
querystr += " key"
querystr += "("
for _, column := range strings.Split(key.Columns, ",") {
querystr += "[" + column + "],"
querystr = querystr[0:len(querystr)-1] + "),"
querystr = querystr[0:len(querystr)-1] + "\n);"
adapter.pushStatement(name, "create-table", querystr)
return querystr, nil
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) parseColumn(column DBTableColumn) (col DBTableColumn, size string, end string) {
var max, createdAt bool
switch column.Type {
case "createdAt":
column.Type = "datetime"
createdAt = true
case "varchar":
column.Type = "nvarchar"
case "text":
column.Type = "nvarchar"
max = true
case "json":
column.Type = "nvarchar"
max = true
case "boolean":
column.Type = "bit"
if column.Size > 0 {
size = " (" + strconv.Itoa(column.Size) + ")"
if max {
size = " (MAX)"
if column.Default != "" {
end = " DEFAULT "
if createdAt {
end += "GETUTCDATE()" // TODO: Use GETUTCDATE() in updates instead of the neutral format
} else if adapter.stringyType(column.Type) && column.Default != "''" {
end += "'" + column.Default + "'"
} else {
end += column.Default
if !column.Null {
end += " not null"
// ! Not exactly the meaning of auto increment...
if column.AutoIncrement {
end += " IDENTITY"
return column, size, end
// TODO: Test this, not sure if some things work
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) AddColumn(name string, table string, column DBTableColumn) (string, error) {
if name == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this statement")
if table == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this table")
column, size, end := adapter.parseColumn(column)
querystr := "ALTER TABLE [" + table + "] ADD [" + column.Name + "] " + column.Type + size + end + ";"
adapter.pushStatement(name, "add-column", querystr)
return querystr, nil
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) SimpleInsert(name string, table string, columns string, fields string) (string, error) {
if name == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this statement")
if table == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this table")
var querystr = "INSERT INTO [" + table + "] ("
if columns == "" {
querystr += ") VALUES ()"
adapter.pushStatement(name, "insert", querystr)
return querystr, nil
// Escape the column names, just in case we've used a reserved keyword
for _, column := range processColumns(columns) {
if column.Type == "function" {
querystr += column.Left + ","
} else {
querystr += "[" + column.Left + "],"
// Remove the trailing comma
querystr = querystr[0 : len(querystr)-1]
querystr += ") VALUES ("
for _, field := range processFields(fields) {
field.Name = strings.Replace(field.Name, "UTC_TIMESTAMP()", "GETUTCDATE()", -1)
//log.Print("field.Name ", field.Name)
nameLen := len(field.Name)
if field.Name[0] == '"' && field.Name[nameLen-1] == '"' && nameLen >= 3 {
field.Name = "'" + field.Name[1:nameLen-1] + "'"
if field.Name[0] == '\'' && field.Name[nameLen-1] == '\'' && nameLen >= 3 {
field.Name = "'" + strings.Replace(field.Name[1:nameLen-1], "'", "''", -1) + "'"
querystr += field.Name + ","
querystr = querystr[0 : len(querystr)-1]
adapter.pushStatement(name, "insert", querystr+")")
return querystr + ")", nil
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) SimpleReplace(name string, table string, columns string, fields string) (string, error) {
log.Print("In SimpleReplace")
key, ok := adapter.keys[table]
if !ok {
return "", errors.New("Unable to elide key from table '" + table + "', please use SimpleUpsert (coming soon!) instead")
log.Print("After the key check")
// Escape the column names, just in case we've used a reserved keyword
var keyPosition int
for _, column := range processColumns(columns) {
if column.Left == key {
var keyValue string
for fieldID, field := range processFields(fields) {
field.Name = strings.Replace(field.Name, "UTC_TIMESTAMP()", "GETUTCDATE()", -1)
nameLen := len(field.Name)
if field.Name[0] == '"' && field.Name[nameLen-1] == '"' && nameLen >= 3 {
field.Name = "'" + field.Name[1:nameLen-1] + "'"
if field.Name[0] == '\'' && field.Name[nameLen-1] == '\'' && nameLen >= 3 {
field.Name = "'" + strings.Replace(field.Name[1:nameLen-1], "'", "''", -1) + "'"
if keyPosition == fieldID {
keyValue = field.Name
return adapter.SimpleUpsert(name, table, columns, fields, "key = "+keyValue)
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) SimpleUpsert(name string, table string, columns string, fields string, where string) (string, error) {
if name == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this statement")
if table == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this table")
if len(columns) == 0 {
return "", errors.New("No columns found for SimpleInsert")
if len(fields) == 0 {
return "", errors.New("No input data found for SimpleInsert")
var fieldCount int
var fieldOutput string
var querystr = "MERGE [" + table + "] WITH(HOLDLOCK) as t1 USING (VALUES("
var parsedFields = processFields(fields)
for _, field := range parsedFields {
field.Name = strings.Replace(field.Name, "UTC_TIMESTAMP()", "GETUTCDATE()", -1)
//log.Print("field.Name ", field.Name)
nameLen := len(field.Name)
if field.Name[0] == '"' && field.Name[nameLen-1] == '"' && nameLen >= 3 {
field.Name = "'" + field.Name[1:nameLen-1] + "'"
if field.Name[0] == '\'' && field.Name[nameLen-1] == '\'' && nameLen >= 3 {
field.Name = "'" + strings.Replace(field.Name[1:nameLen-1], "'", "''", -1) + "'"
fieldOutput += field.Name + ","
fieldOutput = fieldOutput[0 : len(fieldOutput)-1]
querystr += fieldOutput + ")) AS updates ("
// nolint The linter wants this to be less readable
for fieldID, _ := range parsedFields {
querystr += "f" + strconv.Itoa(fieldID) + ","
querystr = querystr[0 : len(querystr)-1]
querystr += ") ON "
//querystr += "t1.[" + key + "] = "
// Add support for BETWEEN x.x
for _, loc := range processWhere(where) {
for _, token := range loc.Expr {
switch token.Type {
case "substitute":
querystr += " ?"
case "function", "operator", "number", "or":
// TODO: Split the function case off to speed things up
if strings.ToUpper(token.Contents) == "UTC_TIMESTAMP()" {
token.Contents = "GETUTCDATE()"
querystr += " " + token.Contents
case "column":
querystr += " [" + token.Contents + "]"
case "string":
querystr += " '" + token.Contents + "'"
panic("This token doesn't exist o_o")
var fieldList string
// Escape the column names, just in case we've used a reserved keyword
for columnID, column := range processColumns(columns) {
fieldList += "f" + strconv.Itoa(columnID) + ","
if column.Type == "function" {
matched += column.Left + " = f" + strconv.Itoa(columnID) + ","
notMatched += column.Left + ","
} else {
matched += "[" + column.Left + "] = f" + strconv.Itoa(columnID) + ","
notMatched += "[" + column.Left + "],"
matched = matched[0 : len(matched)-1]
notMatched = notMatched[0 : len(notMatched)-1]
fieldList = fieldList[0 : len(fieldList)-1]
notMatched += ") VALUES (" + fieldList + ");"
querystr += matched + " " + notMatched
// TODO: Run this on debug mode?
if name[0] == '_' {
log.Print(name+" query: ", querystr)
adapter.pushStatement(name, "upsert", querystr)
return querystr, nil
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) SimpleUpdate(name string, table string, set string, where string) (string, error) {
if name == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this statement")
if table == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this table")
if set == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need to set data in this update statement")
var querystr = "UPDATE [" + table + "] SET "
for _, item := range processSet(set) {
querystr += "[" + item.Column + "] ="
for _, token := range item.Expr {
switch token.Type {
case "substitute":
querystr += " ?"
case "function", "operator", "number", "or":
// TODO: Split the function case off to speed things up
if strings.ToUpper(token.Contents) == "UTC_TIMESTAMP()" {
token.Contents = "GETUTCDATE()"
querystr += " " + token.Contents
case "column":
querystr += " [" + token.Contents + "]"
case "string":
querystr += " '" + token.Contents + "'"
panic("This token doesn't exist o_o")
querystr += ","
// Remove the trailing comma
querystr = querystr[0 : len(querystr)-1]
// Add support for BETWEEN x.x
if len(where) != 0 {
querystr += " WHERE"
for _, loc := range processWhere(where) {
for _, token := range loc.Expr {
switch token.Type {
case "function", "operator", "number", "substitute", "or":
// TODO: Split the function case off to speed things up
if strings.ToUpper(token.Contents) == "UTC_TIMESTAMP()" {
token.Contents = "GETUTCDATE()"
querystr += " " + token.Contents
case "column":
querystr += " [" + token.Contents + "]"
case "string":
querystr += " '" + token.Contents + "'"
panic("This token doesn't exist o_o")
querystr += " AND"
querystr = querystr[0 : len(querystr)-4]
adapter.pushStatement(name, "update", querystr)
return querystr, nil
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) SimpleDelete(name string, table string, where string) (string, error) {
if name == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this statement")
if table == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this table")
if where == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need to specify what data you want to delete")
var querystr = "DELETE FROM [" + table + "] WHERE"
// Add support for BETWEEN x.x
for _, loc := range processWhere(where) {
for _, token := range loc.Expr {
switch token.Type {
case "substitute":
querystr += " ?"
case "function", "operator", "number", "or":
// TODO: Split the function case off to speed things up
if strings.ToUpper(token.Contents) == "UTC_TIMESTAMP()" {
token.Contents = "GETUTCDATE()"
querystr += " " + token.Contents
case "column":
querystr += " [" + token.Contents + "]"
case "string":
querystr += " '" + token.Contents + "'"
panic("This token doesn't exist o_o")
querystr += " AND"
querystr = strings.TrimSpace(querystr[0 : len(querystr)-4])
adapter.pushStatement(name, "delete", querystr)
return querystr, nil
// We don't want to accidentally wipe tables, so we'll have a separate method for purging tables instead
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) Purge(name string, table string) (string, error) {
if name == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this statement")
if table == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this table")
adapter.pushStatement(name, "purge", "DELETE FROM ["+table+"]")
return "DELETE FROM [" + table + "]", nil
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) SimpleSelect(name string, table string, columns string, where string, orderby string, limit string) (string, error) {
if name == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this statement")
if table == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this table")
if len(columns) == 0 {
return "", errors.New("No columns found for SimpleSelect")
// TODO: Add this to the MySQL adapter in order to make this problem more discoverable?
if len(orderby) == 0 && limit != "" {
return "", errors.New("Orderby needs to be set to use limit on Mssql")
var substituteCount = 0
var querystr = ""
// Escape the column names, just in case we've used a reserved keyword
var colslice = strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(columns), ",")
for _, column := range colslice {
querystr += "[" + strings.TrimSpace(column) + "],"
querystr = querystr[0 : len(querystr)-1]
querystr += " FROM [" + table + "]"
// Add support for BETWEEN x.x
if len(where) != 0 {
querystr += " WHERE"
for _, loc := range processWhere(where) {
for _, token := range loc.Expr {
switch token.Type {
case "substitute":
querystr += " ?" + strconv.Itoa(substituteCount)
case "function", "operator", "number", "or":
// TODO: Split the function case off to speed things up
// MSSQL seems to convert the formats? so we'll compare it with a regular date. Do this with the other methods too?
if strings.ToUpper(token.Contents) == "UTC_TIMESTAMP()" {
token.Contents = "GETDATE()"
querystr += " " + token.Contents
case "column":
querystr += " [" + token.Contents + "]"
case "string":
querystr += " '" + token.Contents + "'"
panic("This token doesn't exist o_o")
querystr += " AND"
querystr = querystr[0 : len(querystr)-4]
// TODO: MSSQL requires ORDER BY for LIMIT
if len(orderby) != 0 {
querystr += " ORDER BY "
for _, column := range processOrderby(orderby) {
// TODO: We might want to escape this column
querystr += column.Column + " " + strings.ToUpper(column.Order) + ","
querystr = querystr[0 : len(querystr)-1]
if limit != "" {
limiter := processLimit(limit)
log.Printf("limiter: %+v\n", limiter)
if limiter.Offset != "" {
if limiter.Offset == "?" {
querystr += " OFFSET ?" + strconv.Itoa(substituteCount) + " ROWS"
} else {
querystr += " OFFSET " + limiter.Offset + " ROWS"
// ! Does this work without an offset?
if limiter.MaxCount != "" {
if limiter.MaxCount == "?" {
limiter.MaxCount = "?" + strconv.Itoa(substituteCount)
querystr += " FETCH NEXT " + limiter.MaxCount + " ROWS ONLY "
querystr = strings.TrimSpace("SELECT " + querystr)
// TODO: Run this on debug mode?
if name[0] == '_' && limit == "" {
log.Print(name+" query: ", querystr)
adapter.pushStatement(name, "select", querystr)
return querystr, nil
// TODO: ComplexSelect
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) ComplexSelect(preBuilder *selectPrebuilder) (string, error) {
return "", nil
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) SimpleLeftJoin(name string, table1 string, table2 string, columns string, joiners string, where string, orderby string, limit string) (string, error) {
if name == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this statement")
if table1 == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for the left table")
if table2 == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for the right table")
if len(columns) == 0 {
return "", errors.New("No columns found for SimpleLeftJoin")
if len(joiners) == 0 {
return "", errors.New("No joiners found for SimpleLeftJoin")
// TODO: Add this to the MySQL adapter in order to make this problem more discoverable?
if len(orderby) == 0 && limit != "" {
return "", errors.New("Orderby needs to be set to use limit on Mssql")
var substituteCount = 0
var querystr = ""
for _, column := range processColumns(columns) {
var source, alias string
// Escape the column names, just in case we've used a reserved keyword
if column.Table != "" {
source = "[" + column.Table + "].[" + column.Left + "]"
} else if column.Type == "function" {
source = column.Left
} else {
source = "[" + column.Left + "]"
if column.Alias != "" {
alias = " AS '" + column.Alias + "'"
querystr += source + alias + ","
// Remove the trailing comma
querystr = querystr[0 : len(querystr)-1]
querystr += " FROM [" + table1 + "] LEFT JOIN [" + table2 + "] ON "
for _, joiner := range processJoiner(joiners) {
querystr += "[" + joiner.LeftTable + "].[" + joiner.LeftColumn + "] " + joiner.Operator + " [" + joiner.RightTable + "].[" + joiner.RightColumn + "] AND "
// Remove the trailing AND
querystr = querystr[0 : len(querystr)-4]
// Add support for BETWEEN x.x
if len(where) != 0 {
querystr += " WHERE"
for _, loc := range processWhere(where) {
for _, token := range loc.Expr {
switch token.Type {
case "substitute":
querystr += " ?" + strconv.Itoa(substituteCount)
case "function", "operator", "number", "or":
// TODO: Split the function case off to speed things up
if strings.ToUpper(token.Contents) == "UTC_TIMESTAMP()" {
token.Contents = "GETUTCDATE()"
querystr += " " + token.Contents
case "column":
halves := strings.Split(token.Contents, ".")
if len(halves) == 2 {
querystr += " [" + halves[0] + "].[" + halves[1] + "]"
} else {
querystr += " [" + token.Contents + "]"
case "string":
querystr += " '" + token.Contents + "'"
panic("This token doesn't exist o_o")
querystr += " AND"
querystr = querystr[0 : len(querystr)-4]
// TODO: MSSQL requires ORDER BY for LIMIT
if len(orderby) != 0 {
querystr += " ORDER BY "
for _, column := range processOrderby(orderby) {
log.Print("column: ", column)
// TODO: We might want to escape this column
querystr += column.Column + " " + strings.ToUpper(column.Order) + ","
querystr = querystr[0 : len(querystr)-1]
} else if limit != "" {
key, ok := adapter.keys[table1]
if ok {
querystr += " ORDER BY [" + table1 + "].[" + key + "]"
if limit != "" {
limiter := processLimit(limit)
if limiter.Offset != "" {
if limiter.Offset == "?" {
querystr += " OFFSET ?" + strconv.Itoa(substituteCount) + " ROWS"
} else {
querystr += " OFFSET " + limiter.Offset + " ROWS"
// ! Does this work without an offset?
if limiter.MaxCount != "" {
if limiter.MaxCount == "?" {
limiter.MaxCount = "?" + strconv.Itoa(substituteCount)
querystr += " FETCH NEXT " + limiter.MaxCount + " ROWS ONLY "
querystr = strings.TrimSpace("SELECT " + querystr)
// TODO: Run this on debug mode?
if name[0] == '_' && limit == "" {
log.Print(name+" query: ", querystr)
adapter.pushStatement(name, "select", querystr)
return querystr, nil
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) SimpleInnerJoin(name string, table1 string, table2 string, columns string, joiners string, where string, orderby string, limit string) (string, error) {
if name == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this statement")
if table1 == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for the left table")
if table2 == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for the right table")
if len(columns) == 0 {
return "", errors.New("No columns found for SimpleInnerJoin")
if len(joiners) == 0 {
return "", errors.New("No joiners found for SimpleInnerJoin")
// TODO: Add this to the MySQL adapter in order to make this problem more discoverable?
if len(orderby) == 0 && limit != "" {
return "", errors.New("Orderby needs to be set to use limit on Mssql")
var substituteCount = 0
var querystr = ""
for _, column := range processColumns(columns) {
var source, alias string
// Escape the column names, just in case we've used a reserved keyword
if column.Table != "" {
source = "[" + column.Table + "].[" + column.Left + "]"
} else if column.Type == "function" {
source = column.Left
} else {
source = "[" + column.Left + "]"
if column.Alias != "" {
alias = " AS '" + column.Alias + "'"
querystr += source + alias + ","
// Remove the trailing comma
querystr = querystr[0 : len(querystr)-1]
querystr += " FROM [" + table1 + "] INNER JOIN [" + table2 + "] ON "
for _, joiner := range processJoiner(joiners) {
querystr += "[" + joiner.LeftTable + "].[" + joiner.LeftColumn + "] " + joiner.Operator + " [" + joiner.RightTable + "].[" + joiner.RightColumn + "] AND "
// Remove the trailing AND
querystr = querystr[0 : len(querystr)-4]
// Add support for BETWEEN x.x
if len(where) != 0 {
querystr += " WHERE"
for _, loc := range processWhere(where) {
for _, token := range loc.Expr {
switch token.Type {
case "substitute":
querystr += " ?" + strconv.Itoa(substituteCount)
case "function", "operator", "number", "or":
// TODO: Split the function case off to speed things up
if strings.ToUpper(token.Contents) == "UTC_TIMESTAMP()" {
token.Contents = "GETUTCDATE()"
querystr += " " + token.Contents
case "column":
halves := strings.Split(token.Contents, ".")
if len(halves) == 2 {
querystr += " [" + halves[0] + "].[" + halves[1] + "]"
} else {
querystr += " [" + token.Contents + "]"
case "string":
querystr += " '" + token.Contents + "'"
panic("This token doesn't exist o_o")
querystr += " AND"
querystr = querystr[0 : len(querystr)-4]
// TODO: MSSQL requires ORDER BY for LIMIT
if len(orderby) != 0 {
querystr += " ORDER BY "
for _, column := range processOrderby(orderby) {
log.Print("column: ", column)
// TODO: We might want to escape this column
querystr += column.Column + " " + strings.ToUpper(column.Order) + ","
querystr = querystr[0 : len(querystr)-1]
} else if limit != "" {
key, ok := adapter.keys[table1]
if ok {
log.Print("key: ", key)
querystr += " ORDER BY [" + table1 + "].[" + key + "]"
if limit != "" {
limiter := processLimit(limit)
if limiter.Offset != "" {
if limiter.Offset == "?" {
querystr += " OFFSET ?" + strconv.Itoa(substituteCount) + " ROWS"
} else {
querystr += " OFFSET " + limiter.Offset + " ROWS"
// ! Does this work without an offset?
if limiter.MaxCount != "" {
if limiter.MaxCount == "?" {
limiter.MaxCount = "?" + strconv.Itoa(substituteCount)
querystr += " FETCH NEXT " + limiter.MaxCount + " ROWS ONLY "
querystr = strings.TrimSpace("SELECT " + querystr)
// TODO: Run this on debug mode?
if name[0] == '_' && limit == "" {
log.Print(name+" query: ", querystr)
adapter.pushStatement(name, "select", querystr)
return querystr, nil
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) SimpleInsertSelect(name string, ins DBInsert, sel DBSelect) (string, error) {
// TODO: More errors.
// TODO: Add this to the MySQL adapter in order to make this problem more discoverable?
if len(sel.Orderby) == 0 && sel.Limit != "" {
return "", errors.New("Orderby needs to be set to use limit on Mssql")
/* Insert */
var querystr = "INSERT INTO [" + ins.Table + "] ("
// Escape the column names, just in case we've used a reserved keyword
for _, column := range processColumns(ins.Columns) {
if column.Type == "function" {
querystr += column.Left + ","
} else {
querystr += "[" + column.Left + "],"
querystr = querystr[0:len(querystr)-1] + ") SELECT "
/* Select */
var substituteCount = 0
for _, column := range processColumns(sel.Columns) {
var source, alias string
// Escape the column names, just in case we've used a reserved keyword
if column.Type == "function" || column.Type == "substitute" {
source = column.Left
} else {
source = "[" + column.Left + "]"
if column.Alias != "" {
alias = " AS [" + column.Alias + "]"
querystr += " " + source + alias + ","
querystr = querystr[0 : len(querystr)-1]
querystr += " FROM [" + sel.Table + "] "
// Add support for BETWEEN x.x
if len(sel.Where) != 0 {
querystr += " WHERE"
for _, loc := range processWhere(sel.Where) {
for _, token := range loc.Expr {
switch token.Type {
case "substitute":
querystr += " ?" + strconv.Itoa(substituteCount)
case "function", "operator", "number", "or":
// TODO: Split the function case off to speed things up
if strings.ToUpper(token.Contents) == "UTC_TIMESTAMP()" {
token.Contents = "GETUTCDATE()"
querystr += " " + token.Contents
case "column":
querystr += " [" + token.Contents + "]"
case "string":
querystr += " '" + token.Contents + "'"
panic("This token doesn't exist o_o")
querystr += " AND"
querystr = querystr[0 : len(querystr)-4]
// TODO: MSSQL requires ORDER BY for LIMIT
if len(sel.Orderby) != 0 {
querystr += " ORDER BY "
for _, column := range processOrderby(sel.Orderby) {
// TODO: We might want to escape this column
querystr += column.Column + " " + strings.ToUpper(column.Order) + ","
querystr = querystr[0 : len(querystr)-1]
} else if sel.Limit != "" {
key, ok := adapter.keys[sel.Table]
if ok {
querystr += " ORDER BY [" + sel.Table + "].[" + key + "]"
if sel.Limit != "" {
limiter := processLimit(sel.Limit)
if limiter.Offset != "" {
if limiter.Offset == "?" {
querystr += " OFFSET ?" + strconv.Itoa(substituteCount) + " ROWS"
} else {
querystr += " OFFSET " + limiter.Offset + " ROWS"
// ! Does this work without an offset?
if limiter.MaxCount != "" {
if limiter.MaxCount == "?" {
limiter.MaxCount = "?" + strconv.Itoa(substituteCount)
querystr += " FETCH NEXT " + limiter.MaxCount + " ROWS ONLY "
querystr = strings.TrimSpace(querystr)
// TODO: Run this on debug mode?
if name[0] == '_' && sel.Limit == "" {
log.Print(name+" query: ", querystr)
adapter.pushStatement(name, "insert", querystr)
return querystr, nil
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) simpleJoin(name string, ins DBInsert, sel DBJoin, joinType string) (string, error) {
// TODO: More errors.
// TODO: Add this to the MySQL adapter in order to make this problem more discoverable?
if len(sel.Orderby) == 0 && sel.Limit != "" {
return "", errors.New("Orderby needs to be set to use limit on Mssql")
/* Insert */
var querystr = "INSERT INTO [" + ins.Table + "] ("
// Escape the column names, just in case we've used a reserved keyword
for _, column := range processColumns(ins.Columns) {
if column.Type == "function" {
querystr += column.Left + ","
} else {
querystr += "[" + column.Left + "],"
querystr = querystr[0:len(querystr)-1] + ") SELECT "
/* Select */
var substituteCount = 0
for _, column := range processColumns(sel.Columns) {
var source, alias string
// Escape the column names, just in case we've used a reserved keyword
if column.Table != "" {
source = "[" + column.Table + "].[" + column.Left + "]"
} else if column.Type == "function" {
source = column.Left
} else {
source = "[" + column.Left + "]"
if column.Alias != "" {
alias = " AS '" + column.Alias + "'"
querystr += source + alias + ","
// Remove the trailing comma
querystr = querystr[0 : len(querystr)-1]
querystr += " FROM [" + sel.Table1 + "] " + joinType + " JOIN [" + sel.Table2 + "] ON "
for _, joiner := range processJoiner(sel.Joiners) {
querystr += "[" + joiner.LeftTable + "].[" + joiner.LeftColumn + "] " + joiner.Operator + " [" + joiner.RightTable + "].[" + joiner.RightColumn + "] AND "
// Remove the trailing AND
querystr = querystr[0 : len(querystr)-4]
// Add support for BETWEEN x.x
if len(sel.Where) != 0 {
querystr += " WHERE"
for _, loc := range processWhere(sel.Where) {
for _, token := range loc.Expr {
switch token.Type {
case "substitute":
querystr += " ?" + strconv.Itoa(substituteCount)
case "function", "operator", "number", "or":
// TODO: Split the function case off to speed things up
if strings.ToUpper(token.Contents) == "UTC_TIMESTAMP()" {
token.Contents = "GETUTCDATE()"
querystr += " " + token.Contents
case "column":
halves := strings.Split(token.Contents, ".")
if len(halves) == 2 {
querystr += " [" + halves[0] + "].[" + halves[1] + "]"
} else {
querystr += " [" + token.Contents + "]"
case "string":
querystr += " '" + token.Contents + "'"
panic("This token doesn't exist o_o")
querystr += " AND"
querystr = querystr[0 : len(querystr)-4]
// TODO: MSSQL requires ORDER BY for LIMIT
if len(sel.Orderby) != 0 {
querystr += " ORDER BY "
for _, column := range processOrderby(sel.Orderby) {
log.Print("column: ", column)
// TODO: We might want to escape this column
querystr += column.Column + " " + strings.ToUpper(column.Order) + ","
querystr = querystr[0 : len(querystr)-1]
} else if sel.Limit != "" {
key, ok := adapter.keys[sel.Table1]
if ok {
querystr += " ORDER BY [" + sel.Table1 + "].[" + key + "]"
if sel.Limit != "" {
limiter := processLimit(sel.Limit)
if limiter.Offset != "" {
if limiter.Offset == "?" {
querystr += " OFFSET ?" + strconv.Itoa(substituteCount) + " ROWS"
} else {
querystr += " OFFSET " + limiter.Offset + " ROWS"
// ! Does this work without an offset?
if limiter.MaxCount != "" {
if limiter.MaxCount == "?" {
limiter.MaxCount = "?" + strconv.Itoa(substituteCount)
querystr += " FETCH NEXT " + limiter.MaxCount + " ROWS ONLY "
querystr = strings.TrimSpace(querystr)
// TODO: Run this on debug mode?
if name[0] == '_' && sel.Limit == "" {
log.Print(name+" query: ", querystr)
adapter.pushStatement(name, "insert", querystr)
return querystr, nil
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) SimpleInsertLeftJoin(name string, ins DBInsert, sel DBJoin) (string, error) {
return adapter.simpleJoin(name, ins, sel, "LEFT")
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) SimpleInsertInnerJoin(name string, ins DBInsert, sel DBJoin) (string, error) {
return adapter.simpleJoin(name, ins, sel, "INNER")
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) SimpleCount(name string, table string, where string, limit string) (string, error) {
if name == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this statement")
if table == "" {
return "", errors.New("You need a name for this table")
var querystr = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS [count] FROM [" + table + "]"
// TODO: Add support for BETWEEN x.x
if len(where) != 0 {
querystr += " WHERE"
for _, loc := range processWhere(where) {
for _, token := range loc.Expr {
switch token.Type {
case "function", "operator", "number", "substitute", "or":
if strings.ToUpper(token.Contents) == "UTC_TIMESTAMP()" {
token.Contents = "GETUTCDATE()"
querystr += " " + token.Contents
case "column":
querystr += " [" + token.Contents + "]"
case "string":
querystr += " '" + token.Contents + "'"
panic("This token doesn't exist o_o")
querystr += " AND"
querystr = querystr[0 : len(querystr)-4]
if limit != "" {
querystr += " LIMIT " + limit
querystr = strings.TrimSpace(querystr)
adapter.pushStatement(name, "select", querystr)
return querystr, nil
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) Builder() *prebuilder {
return &prebuilder{adapter}
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) Write() error {
var stmts, body string
for _, name := range adapter.BufferOrder {
if name[0] == '_' {
stmt := adapter.Buffer[name]
// TODO: Add support for create-table? Table creation might be a little complex for Go to do outside a SQL file :(
if stmt.Type != "create-table" {
stmts += "\t" + name + " *sql.Stmt\n"
body += `
common.DebugLog("Preparing ` + name + ` statement.")
stmts.` + name + `, err = db.Prepare("` + stmt.Contents + `")
if err != nil {
log.Print("Error in ` + name + ` statement.")
log.Print("Bad Query: ","` + stmt.Contents + `")
return err
// TODO: Move these custom queries out of this file
out := `// +build mssql
// This file was generated by Gosora's Query Generator. Please try to avoid modifying this file, as it might change at any time.
package main
import "log"
import "database/sql"
import "./common"
// nolint
type Stmts struct {
` + stmts + `
getActivityFeedByWatcher *sql.Stmt
getActivityCountByWatcher *sql.Stmt
todaysPostCount *sql.Stmt
todaysTopicCount *sql.Stmt
todaysReportCount *sql.Stmt
todaysNewUserCount *sql.Stmt
Mocks bool
// nolint
func _gen_mssql() (err error) {
common.DebugLog("Building the generated statements")
` + body + `
return nil
return writeFile("./gen_mssql.go", out)
// Internal methods, not exposed in the interface
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) pushStatement(name string, stype string, querystr string) {
if name[0] == '_' {
adapter.Buffer[name] = DBStmt{querystr, stype}
adapter.BufferOrder = append(adapter.BufferOrder, name)
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) stringyType(ctype string) bool {
ctype = strings.ToLower(ctype)
return ctype == "char" || ctype == "varchar" || ctype == "datetime" || ctype == "text" || ctype == "nvarchar"
type SetPrimaryKeys interface {
SetPrimaryKeys(keys map[string]string)
func (adapter *MssqlAdapter) SetPrimaryKeys(keys map[string]string) {
adapter.keys = keys