Added AJAX Pagination for the Topic List and Forum Page. A new log file pair is now created every-time Gosora starts up. Added proper per-theme template overrides. Added EasyJSON to make JSON serialisation faster. Moved a bit of boilerplate into paginator.html Improved paginator.html with a richer template with first, last and symbols instead of text. Phased out direct access to Templates.ExecuteTemplate across the software. Fixed the Live Topic List so it should work again. Added MicroAvatar to WsJSONUser for topic list JSON requests. An instance of the plugin is now passed to plugin handlers rather than having the plugins manipulate the globals directly. Added the pre_render_panel_forum_edit and pre_render_panel_forum_edit_perms hooks to replace pre_render_panel_edit_forum. Renamed the pre_render_panel_edit_user hook to pre_render_panel_user_edit Reduced the amount of noise from fsnotify. Added RawPrepare() to qgen.Accumulator. Added a temporary phrase whitelist to the phrase endpoint. Moved the location of the zone data assignments in the topic list to reduce the chances of security issues in the future. Changed the signature of routes/panel/renderTemplate() requiring some changes across the panel routes. Removed bits of boilerplate in some of the panel routes with renderTemplate() Added a BenchmarkTopicsGuestJSRouteParallelWithRouter benchmark. Removed a fair bit of boilerplate for each page struct by generating a couple of interface casts for each template file instead. Added the profile_comments_row_alt template. Added the topics_quick_topic template to reuse part of the quick topic logic for both the topic list and forum page. Tweaked the CSS for the Online Users Widget. Tweaked the CSS for Widgets in every theme with a sidebar. Refactored the template initialisers to hopefully reduce the amount of boilerplate and make things easier to maintain and follow. Add genIntTmpl in the template initialiser file to reduce the amount of boilerplate needed for the fallback template bindings. Removed the topics_head phrase. Moved the paginator_ phrases into the paginator. namespace and renamed them accordingly. Added the paginator.first_page phrase. Added the paginator.first_page_aria phrase. Added the paginator.last_page phrase. Added the paginator.last_page_aria phrase. Added the panel_forum_delete_are_you_sure phrase. Fixed a data race in LogWarning()
511 lines
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511 lines
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* Gosora Main File
* Copyright Azareal 2016 - 2019
// Package main contains the main initialisation logic for Gosora
package main // import "github.com/Azareal/Gosora"
import (
var router *GenRouter
var logWriter = io.MultiWriter(os.Stderr)
// TODO: Wrap the globals in here so we can pass pointers to them to subpackages
var globs *Globs
type Globs struct {
stmts *Stmts
// Experimenting with a new error package here to try to reduce the amount of debugging we have to do
// TODO: Dynamically register these items to avoid maintaining as much code here?
func afterDBInit() (err error) {
acc := qgen.NewAcc()
common.Rstore, err = common.NewSQLReplyStore(acc)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
common.Prstore, err = common.NewSQLProfileReplyStore(acc)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
err = phrases.InitPhrases(common.Site.Language)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
log.Print("Loading the static files.")
err = common.Themes.LoadStaticFiles()
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
err = common.StaticFiles.Init()
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
err = common.StaticFiles.JSTmplInit()
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
log.Print("Initialising the widgets")
common.Widgets = common.NewDefaultWidgetStore()
err = common.InitWidgets()
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
log.Print("Initialising the menu item list")
common.Menus = common.NewDefaultMenuStore()
err = common.Menus.Load(1) // 1 = the default menu
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
menuHold, err := common.Menus.Get(1)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
fmt.Printf("menuHold: %+v\n", menuHold)
var b bytes.Buffer
menuHold.Build(&b, &common.GuestUser, "/")
fmt.Println("menuHold output: ", string(b.Bytes()))
log.Print("Initialising the authentication system")
common.Auth, err = common.NewDefaultAuth()
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
log.Print("Initialising the stores")
common.WordFilters, err = common.NewDefaultWordFilterStore(acc)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
common.MFAstore, err = common.NewSQLMFAStore(acc)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
common.Pages, err = common.NewDefaultPageStore(acc)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
common.Reports, err = common.NewDefaultReportStore(acc)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
common.Emails, err = common.NewDefaultEmailStore(acc)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
common.LoginLogs, err = common.NewLoginLogStore(acc)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
common.RegLogs, err = common.NewRegLogStore(acc)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
common.ModLogs, err = common.NewModLogStore(acc)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
common.AdminLogs, err = common.NewAdminLogStore(acc)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
common.IPSearch, err = common.NewDefaultIPSearcher()
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
common.Subscriptions, err = common.NewDefaultSubscriptionStore()
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
common.Attachments, err = common.NewDefaultAttachmentStore()
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
common.Polls, err = common.NewDefaultPollStore(common.NewMemoryPollCache(100)) // TODO: Max number of polls held in cache, make this a config item
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
common.TopicList, err = common.NewDefaultTopicList()
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
// TODO: Let the admin choose other thumbnailers, maybe ones defined in plugins
common.Thumbnailer = common.NewCaireThumbnailer()
log.Print("Initialising the view counters")
counters.GlobalViewCounter, err = counters.NewGlobalViewCounter(acc)
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
counters.AgentViewCounter, err = counters.NewDefaultAgentViewCounter()
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
counters.OSViewCounter, err = counters.NewDefaultOSViewCounter()
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
counters.LangViewCounter, err = counters.NewDefaultLangViewCounter()
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
counters.RouteViewCounter, err = counters.NewDefaultRouteViewCounter()
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
counters.PostCounter, err = counters.NewPostCounter()
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
counters.TopicCounter, err = counters.NewTopicCounter()
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
counters.TopicViewCounter, err = counters.NewDefaultTopicViewCounter()
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
counters.ForumViewCounter, err = counters.NewDefaultForumViewCounter()
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
counters.ReferrerTracker, err = counters.NewDefaultReferrerTracker()
if err != nil {
return errors.WithStack(err)
return nil
// TODO: Split this function up
func main() {
// TODO: Recover from panics
/*defer func() {
r := recover()
if r != nil {
common.StartTime = time.Now()
// TODO: Have a file for each run with the time/date the server started as the file name?
// TODO: Log panics with recover()
f, err := os.OpenFile("./logs/ops-"+strconv.FormatInt(common.StartTime.Unix(), 10)+".log", os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE, 0755)
if err != nil {
logWriter = io.MultiWriter(os.Stderr, f)
log.Print("Running Gosora v" + common.SoftwareVersion.String())
// TODO: Add a flag for enabling the profiler
if false {
f, err := os.Create("./logs/cpu.prof")
if err != nil {
jsToken, err := common.GenerateSafeString(80)
if err != nil {
log.Print("Loading the configuration data")
err = common.LoadConfig()
if err != nil {
log.Print("Processing configuration data")
err = common.ProcessConfig()
if err != nil {
err = common.InitTemplates()
if err != nil {
common.Themes, err = common.NewThemeList()
if err != nil {
common.TopicListThaw = common.NewSingleServerThaw()
err = InitDatabase()
if err != nil {
defer db.Close()
buildTemplates := flag.Bool("build-templates", false, "build the templates")
if *buildTemplates {
err = common.CompileTemplates()
if err != nil {
err = common.CompileJSTemplates()
if err != nil {
err = afterDBInit()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("%+v", err)
err = common.VerifyConfig()
if err != nil {
if !common.Dev.NoFsnotify {
log.Print("Initialising the file watcher")
watcher, err := fsnotify.NewWatcher()
if err != nil {
defer watcher.Close()
go func() {
var modifiedFileEvent = func(path string) error {
var pathBits = strings.Split(path, "\\")
if len(pathBits) == 0 {
return nil
if pathBits[0] == "themes" {
var themeName string
if len(pathBits) >= 2 {
themeName = pathBits[1]
if len(pathBits) >= 3 && pathBits[2] == "public" {
// TODO: Handle new themes freshly plopped into the folder?
theme, ok := common.Themes[themeName]
if ok {
return theme.LoadStaticFiles()
return nil
// TODO: Expand this to more types of files
var err error
for {
select {
case event := <-watcher.Events:
// TODO: Handle file deletes (and renames more graciously by removing the old version of it)
if event.Op&fsnotify.Write == fsnotify.Write {
log.Println("modified file:", event.Name)
err = modifiedFileEvent(event.Name)
} else if event.Op&fsnotify.Create == fsnotify.Create {
log.Println("new file:", event.Name)
err = modifiedFileEvent(event.Name)
} else {
log.Println("unknown event:", event)
err = nil
if err != nil {
case err = <-watcher.Errors:
// TODO: Keep tabs on the (non-resource) theme stuff, and the langpacks
err = watcher.Add("./public")
if err != nil {
err = watcher.Add("./templates")
if err != nil {
for _, theme := range common.Themes {
err = watcher.Add("./themes/" + theme.Name + "/public")
if err != nil {
log.Print("Initialising the task system")
// Thumbnailer goroutine, we only want one image being thumbnailed at a time, otherwise they might wind up consuming all the CPU time and leave no resources left to service the actual requests
// TODO: Could we expand this to attachments and other things too?
thumbChan := make(chan bool)
go common.ThumbTask(thumbChan)
go tickLoop(thumbChan)
// Resource Management Goroutine
go func() {
ucache := common.Users.GetCache()
tcache := common.Topics.GetCache()
if ucache == nil && tcache == nil {
var lastEvictedCount int
var couldNotDealloc bool
var secondTicker = time.NewTicker(time.Second)
for {
select {
case <-secondTicker.C:
// TODO: Add a LastRequested field to cached User structs to avoid evicting the same things which wind up getting loaded again anyway?
if ucache != nil {
ucap := ucache.GetCapacity()
if ucache.Length() <= ucap || common.Users.GlobalCount() <= ucap {
couldNotDealloc = false
lastEvictedCount = ucache.DeallocOverflow(couldNotDealloc)
couldNotDealloc = (lastEvictedCount == 0)
log.Print("Initialising the router")
router, err = NewGenRouter(http.FileServer(http.Dir("./uploads")))
if err != nil {
log.Print("Initialising the plugins")
sigs := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(sigs, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
go func() {
sig := <-sigs
// TODO: Gracefully shutdown the HTTP server
common.StoppedServer("Received a signal to shutdown: ", sig)
// Start up the WebSocket ticks
if false {
f, err := os.Create("./logs/cpu.prof")
if err != nil {
//if profiling {
// pprof.StopCPUProfile()
args := <-common.StopServerChan
if false {
f, err := os.Create("./logs/mem.prof")
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
err = pprof.WriteHeapProfile(f)
if err != nil {
// Why did the server stop?
func startServer() {
// We might not need the timeouts, if we're behind a reverse-proxy like Nginx
var newServer = func(addr string, handler http.Handler) *http.Server {
return &http.Server{
Addr: addr,
Handler: handler,
ReadTimeout: 5 * time.Second,
WriteTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
IdleTimeout: 120 * time.Second,
TLSConfig: &tls.Config{
PreferServerCipherSuites: true,
CurvePreferences: []tls.CurveID{
// TODO: Let users run *both* HTTP and HTTPS
log.Print("Initialising the HTTP server")
if !common.Site.EnableSsl {
if common.Site.Port == "" {
common.Site.Port = "80"
log.Print("Listening on port " + common.Site.Port)
go func() {
common.StoppedServer(newServer(":"+common.Site.Port, router).ListenAndServe())
if common.Site.Port == "" {
common.Site.Port = "443"
if common.Site.Port == "80" || common.Site.Port == "443" {
// We should also run the server on port 80
// TODO: Redirect to port 443
go func() {
log.Print("Listening on port 80")
common.StoppedServer(newServer(":80", &routes.HTTPSRedirect{}).ListenAndServe())
log.Printf("Listening on port %s", common.Site.Port)
go func() {
common.StoppedServer(newServer(":"+common.Site.Port, router).ListenAndServeTLS(common.Config.SslFullchain, common.Config.SslPrivkey))