The language of the end-user is now tracked and presented in the Analytics Manager. Profile owners now get alerts when someone posts on their profiles. The login page is now transpiled, estimated to be sixty times faster. The registration page is now transpiled, estimated to be sixty times faster. The IP Search page is now transpiled, estimated to be sixty times faster. The error pages are now transpiled, estimated to be sixty times faster. The login page now uses phrases. The registration page now uses phrases. IP Search now uses phrases. Renamed the ip-search template to ip_search. Alerts are now held in an alertbox container div. Added ids for the main container divs for the account manager sections. Added an id to the main container for the topic list template. Added an id to the main container for the forum list template. Added an id to the main container for the forum template. Added an avatar box CSS class for the avatar box in the account manager's avatar page. Did a bit of renaming for a future refactor in the routes counter. Did a bit of renaming for a future refactor in the operating system counter. A notice is shown to the user now when their account is inactive. The account activation status is now fetched by the user store. We now track Slackbot. You can now prepend strings to the start of router.DumpRequest request dumps to avoid tearing these bits of contextual data away from the bodies. .action file extensions are now seen as suspicious by the router. Moved routeWebsockets to common.RouteWebsockets for now. Moved routeCreateReplySubmit to routes.CreateReplySubmit. Moved alert.go into common. Moved the WebSockets logic into common. Escape strings a little earlier in the analytics routes and use integers instead of strings where possible. We now show a success notification when you update a user via the User Manager. Split the configuration properties off from CTemplateSet into CTemplateConfig. Renamed some of the properties of CTemplateSet to make them easier to understand. Removed some obsolete properties from CTemplateSet. Did a bit of spring cleaning in the template transpiler to cut down on unneccessary lines and to reduce duplication. Fixed a double else bug in ranges over maps in the template transpiler. Split the minifiers off the main template transpilation file into their own file. Refactored some of the routes which rely on alerts to use shared functions rather than having unique implementations in the routes themselves. All Themes Except Cosora: Refactored the opt nodes to make it easier to roll out bulk moderation. Shadow: Improved the notice CSS. Tweaked the sticky border colour. Cosora: The theme JS file now uses strict mode. Notices are shunted under rowhead with JS now, although this change might be reverted soon. Added CSS for notices. Fixed the padding under the avatar box in the account manager avatar page. Schema: Added the viewchunks_langs table.
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package common
import (
// TODO: Use the error_buffer variable to construct the system log in the Control Panel. Should we log errors caused by users too? Or just collect statistics on those or do nothing? Intercept recover()? Could we intercept the logger instead here? We might get too much information, if we intercept the logger, maybe make it part of the Debug page?
// ? - Should we pass HeaderVars / HeaderLite rather than forcing the errors to pull the global HeaderVars instance?
var errorBufferMutex sync.RWMutex
var errorBuffer []error
//var notfoundCountPerSecond int
//var nopermsCountPerSecond int
// A blank list to fill out that parameter in Page for routes which don't use it
var tList []interface{}
// WIP, a new system to propagate errors up from routes
type RouteError interface {
Type() string
Error() string
JSON() bool
Handled() bool
type RouteErrorImpl struct {
text string
system bool
json bool
handled bool
func (err *RouteErrorImpl) Type() string {
// System errors may contain sensitive information we don't want the user to see
if err.system {
return "system"
return "user"
func (err *RouteErrorImpl) Error() string {
return err.text
// Respond with JSON?
func (err *RouteErrorImpl) JSON() bool {
return err.json
// Has this error been dealt with elsewhere?
func (err *RouteErrorImpl) Handled() bool {
return err.handled
func HandledRouteError() RouteError {
return &RouteErrorImpl{"", false, false, true}
// LogError logs internal handler errors which can't be handled with InternalError() as a wrapper for log.Fatal(), we might do more with it in the future.
func LogError(err error) {
func LogWarning(err error) {
defer errorBufferMutex.Unlock()
errorBuffer = append(errorBuffer, err)
// TODO: Dump the request?
// InternalError is the main function for handling internal errors, while simultaneously printing out a page for the end-user to let them know that *something* has gone wrong
// ? - Add a user parameter?
func InternalError(err error, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) RouteError {
pi := Page{"Internal Server Error", GuestUser, DefaultHeaderVar(), tList, "A problem has occurred in the system."}
handleErrorTemplate(w, r, pi)
return HandledRouteError()
// InternalErrorJSQ is the JSON "maybe" version of InternalError which can handle both JSON and normal requests
// ? - Add a user parameter?
func InternalErrorJSQ(err error, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, isJs bool) RouteError {
if !isJs {
return InternalError(err, w, r)
return InternalErrorJS(err, w, r)
// InternalErrorJS is the JSON version of InternalError on routes we know will only be requested via JSON. E.g. An API.
// ? - Add a user parameter?
func InternalErrorJS(err error, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) RouteError {
_, _ = w.Write([]byte(`{"errmsg":"A problem has occurred in the system."}`))
return HandledRouteError()
var xmlInternalError = []byte(`<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<error>A problem has occured</error>`)
func InternalErrorXML(err error, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) RouteError {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/xml")
return HandledRouteError()
// TODO: Stop killing the instance upon hitting an error with InternalError* and deprecate this
func SilentInternalErrorXML(err error, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) RouteError {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/xml")
log.Print("InternalError: ", err)
return HandledRouteError()
func PreError(errmsg string, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) RouteError {
pi := Page{"Error", GuestUser, DefaultHeaderVar(), tList, errmsg}
handleErrorTemplate(w, r, pi)
return HandledRouteError()
func PreErrorJS(errmsg string, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) RouteError {
_, _ = w.Write([]byte(`{"errmsg":"` + errmsg + `"}`))
return HandledRouteError()
func PreErrorJSQ(errmsg string, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, isJs bool) RouteError {
if !isJs {
return PreError(errmsg, w, r)
return PreErrorJS(errmsg, w, r)
// LocalError is an error shown to the end-user when something goes wrong and it's not the software's fault
func LocalError(errmsg string, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user User) RouteError {
pi := Page{"Local Error", user, DefaultHeaderVar(), tList, errmsg}
handleErrorTemplate(w, r, pi)
return HandledRouteError()
func LocalErrorJSQ(errmsg string, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user User, isJs bool) RouteError {
if !isJs {
return LocalError(errmsg, w, r, user)
return LocalErrorJS(errmsg, w, r)
func LocalErrorJS(errmsg string, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) RouteError {
_, _ = w.Write([]byte(`{"errmsg": "` + errmsg + `"}`))
return HandledRouteError()
// TODO: We might want to centralise the error logic in the future and just return what the error handler needs to construct the response rather than handling it here
// NoPermissions is an error shown to the end-user when they try to access an area which they aren't authorised to access
func NoPermissions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user User) RouteError {
pi := Page{"Local Error", user, DefaultHeaderVar(), tList, "You don't have permission to do that."}
handleErrorTemplate(w, r, pi)
return HandledRouteError()
func NoPermissionsJSQ(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user User, isJs bool) RouteError {
if !isJs {
return NoPermissions(w, r, user)
return NoPermissionsJS(w, r, user)
func NoPermissionsJS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user User) RouteError {
_, _ = w.Write([]byte(`{"errmsg":"You don't have permission to do that."}`))
return HandledRouteError()
// ? - Is this actually used? Should it be used? A ban in Gosora should be more of a permission revocation to stop them posting rather than something which spits up an error page, right?
func Banned(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user User) RouteError {
pi := Page{"Banned", user, DefaultHeaderVar(), tList, "You have been banned from this site."}
handleErrorTemplate(w, r, pi)
return HandledRouteError()
// nolint
// BannedJSQ is the version of the banned error page which handles both JavaScript requests and normal page loads
func BannedJSQ(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user User, isJs bool) RouteError {
if !isJs {
return Banned(w, r, user)
return BannedJS(w, r, user)
func BannedJS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user User) RouteError {
_, _ = w.Write([]byte(`{"errmsg":"You have been banned from this site."}`))
return HandledRouteError()
// nolint
func LoginRequiredJSQ(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user User, isJs bool) RouteError {
if !isJs {
return LoginRequired(w, r, user)
return LoginRequiredJS(w, r, user)
// ? - Where is this used? Should we use it more?
// LoginRequired is an error shown to the end-user when they try to access an area which requires them to login
func LoginRequired(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user User) RouteError {
pi := Page{"Local Error", user, DefaultHeaderVar(), tList, "You need to login to do that."}
handleErrorTemplate(w, r, pi)
return HandledRouteError()
// nolint
func LoginRequiredJS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user User) RouteError {
_, _ = w.Write([]byte(`{"errmsg":"You need to login to do that."}`))
return HandledRouteError()
// SecurityError is used whenever a session mismatch is found
// ? - Should we add JS and JSQ versions of this?
func SecurityError(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user User) RouteError {
pi := Page{"Security Error", user, DefaultHeaderVar(), tList, "There was a security issue with your request."}
if RunPreRenderHook("pre_render_security_error", w, r, &user, &pi) {
return nil
err := Templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, "error.html", pi)
if err != nil {
return HandledRouteError()
// NotFound is used when the requested page doesn't exist
// ? - Add a JSQ and JS version of this?
// ? - Add a user parameter?
func NotFound(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, headerVars *HeaderVars) RouteError {
return CustomError("The requested page doesn't exist.", 404, "Not Found", w, r, headerVars, GuestUser)
// CustomError lets us make custom error types which aren't covered by the generic functions above
func CustomError(errmsg string, errcode int, errtitle string, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, headerVars *HeaderVars, user User) RouteError {
if headerVars == nil {
headerVars = DefaultHeaderVar()
pi := Page{errtitle, user, headerVars, tList, errmsg}
handleErrorTemplate(w, r, pi)
return HandledRouteError()
// CustomErrorJSQ is a version of CustomError which lets us handle both JSON and regular pages depending on how it's being accessed
func CustomErrorJSQ(errmsg string, errcode int, errtitle string, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, headerVars *HeaderVars, user User, isJs bool) RouteError {
if !isJs {
if headerVars == nil {
headerVars = DefaultHeaderVar()
return CustomError(errmsg, errcode, errtitle, w, r, headerVars, user)
return CustomErrorJS(errmsg, errcode, w, r, user)
// CustomErrorJS is the pure JSON version of CustomError
func CustomErrorJS(errmsg string, errcode int, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user User) RouteError {
_, _ = w.Write([]byte(`{"errmsg":"` + errmsg + `"}`))
return HandledRouteError()
func handleErrorTemplate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, pi Page) {
//LogError(errors.New("error happened"))
// TODO: What to do about this hook?
if RunPreRenderHook("pre_render_error", w, r, &pi.CurrentUser, &pi) {
err := RunThemeTemplate(pi.Header.Theme.Name, "error", pi, w)
if err != nil {