Added one week as a time range option. Moved routeForum to routes.ViewForum Renamed form_vars to formVars. Moved the analytics chart JS into it's own file. Changed the header text on the requests chart from Views to Requests. Added simple hooks to global.js Moved some of the in funcname prints to debug mode. De-duplicated some of the back-end analytics logic.
31 lines
1.5 KiB
31 lines
1.5 KiB
{{template "header.html" . }}
<div class="colstack panel_stack">
{{template "panel-menu.html" . }}
<main id="panel_analytics_right" class="colstack_right">
<form id="timeRangeForm" name="timeRangeForm" action="/panel/analytics/systems/" method="get">
<div class="colstack_item colstack_head">
<div class="rowitem">
<a>Operating Systems</a>
<select class="timeRangeSelector to_right" name="timeRange">
<option val="one-month"{{if eq .TimeRange "one-month"}} selected{{end}}>1 month</option>
<option val="one-week"{{if eq .TimeRange "one-week"}} selected{{end}}>1 week</option>
<option val="two-days"{{if eq .TimeRange "two-days"}} selected{{end}}>2 days</option>
<option val="one-day"{{if eq .TimeRange "one-day"}} selected{{end}}>1 day</option>
<option val="twelve-hours"{{if eq .TimeRange "twelve-hours"}} selected{{end}}>12 hours</option>
<option val="six-hours"{{if eq .TimeRange "six-hours"}} selected{{end}}>6 hours</option>
<div id="panel_analytics_systems" class="colstack_item rowlist">
{{range .ItemList}}
<div class="rowitem panel_compactrow editable_parent">
<a href="/panel/analytics/system/{{.Agent}}" class="panel_upshift">{{.FriendlyAgent}}</a>
<span class="panel_compacttext to_right">{{.Count}} views</span>
{{else}}<div class="rowitem passive rowmsg">No operating systems could be found in the selected time range</div>{{end}}
{{template "footer.html" . }}