Added the strikethrough BBCode. Redid the Round 4 Benchmark. The regular expression parser now works properly. The underline Regex was missing, thus it was finishing faster than it should have.
113 lines
3.2 KiB
113 lines
3.2 KiB
package main
import "regexp"
var bbcode_bold *regexp.Regexp
var bbcode_italic *regexp.Regexp
var bbcode_underline *regexp.Regexp
var bbcode_strikethrough *regexp.Regexp
var bbcode_url *regexp.Regexp
var bbcode_url_label *regexp.Regexp
func init() {
plugins["bbcode"] = NewPlugin("bbcode","BBCode","Azareal","","","","",init_bbcode,nil,deactivate_bbcode)
func init_bbcode() {
plugins["bbcode"].AddHook("parse_assign", bbcode_parse2)
bbcode_bold = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\[b\](.*)\[/b\]`)
bbcode_italic = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\[i\](.*)\[/i\]`)
bbcode_underline = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\[u\](.*)\[/u\]`)
bbcode_strikethrough = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\[s\](.*)\[/s\]`)
urlpattern := `(http|https|ftp|mailto*)(:??)\/\/([\.a-zA-Z\/]+)`
bbcode_url = regexp.MustCompile(`\[url\]` + urlpattern + `\[/url\]`)
bbcode_url_label = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\[url=` + urlpattern + `\](.*)\[/url\]`)
func deactivate_bbcode() {
plugins["bbcode"].RemoveHook("parse_assign", bbcode_parse2)
func bbcode_parse(data interface{}) interface{} {
msg := data.(string)
msg = bbcode_bold.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<b>$1</b>")
msg = bbcode_italic.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<i>$1</i>")
msg = bbcode_underline.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<u>$1</u>")
msg = bbcode_strikethrough.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<s>$1</s>")
msg = bbcode_url.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<a href=\"$1$2//$3\" rel=\"nofollow\">$1$2//$3</i>")
msg = bbcode_url_label.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<a href=\"$1$2//$3\" rel=\"nofollow\">$4</i>")
return msg
func bbcode_parse2(data interface{}) interface{} {
msg := data.(string)
msgbytes := []byte(msg)
has_u := false
has_b := false
has_i := false
has_s := false
complex_bbc := false
for i := 0; i < len(msgbytes); i++ {
if msgbytes[i] == '[' {
if msgbytes[i + 2] != ']' {
if msgbytes[i + 1] == '/' {
if msgbytes[i + 3] == ']' {
if msgbytes[i + 2] == 'b' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 3] = '>'
has_b = false
} else if msgbytes[i + 2] == 'i' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 3] = '>'
has_i = false
} else if msgbytes[i + 2] == 'u' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 3] = '>'
has_u = false
} else if msgbytes[i + 2] == 's' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 3] = '>'
has_s = false
i += 3
} else {
complex_bbc = true
} else {
complex_bbc = true
} else {
if msgbytes[i + 1] == 'b' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 2] = '>'
has_b = true
} else if msgbytes[i + 1] == 'i' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 2] = '>'
has_i = true
} else if msgbytes[i + 1] == 'u' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 2] = '>'
has_u = true
} else if msgbytes[i + 1] == 's' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 2] = '>'
has_s = true
i += 2
// There's an unclosed tag in there x.x
if has_i || has_u || has_b || has_s {
closer := []byte("</u></i></b></s>")
msgbytes = append(msgbytes, closer...)
msg = string(msgbytes)
if complex_bbc {
msg = bbcode_url.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<a href=\"$1$2//$3\" rel=\"nofollow\">$1$2//$3</i>")
msg = bbcode_url_label.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<a href=\"$1$2//$3\" rel=\"nofollow\">$4</i>")
return msg
} |