Azareal 5ef65be135 Made the BBCode plugin even faster.
Added the strikethrough BBCode.
Redid the Round 4 Benchmark. The regular expression parser now works properly. The underline Regex was missing, thus it was finishing faster than it should have.
2017-01-05 14:59:15 +00:00

113 lines
3.2 KiB

package main
import "regexp"
var bbcode_bold *regexp.Regexp
var bbcode_italic *regexp.Regexp
var bbcode_underline *regexp.Regexp
var bbcode_strikethrough *regexp.Regexp
var bbcode_url *regexp.Regexp
var bbcode_url_label *regexp.Regexp
func init() {
plugins["bbcode"] = NewPlugin("bbcode","BBCode","Azareal","http://github.com/Azareal","","","",init_bbcode,nil,deactivate_bbcode)
func init_bbcode() {
plugins["bbcode"].AddHook("parse_assign", bbcode_parse2)
bbcode_bold = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\[b\](.*)\[/b\]`)
bbcode_italic = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\[i\](.*)\[/i\]`)
bbcode_underline = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\[u\](.*)\[/u\]`)
bbcode_strikethrough = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\[s\](.*)\[/s\]`)
urlpattern := `(http|https|ftp|mailto*)(:??)\/\/([\.a-zA-Z\/]+)`
bbcode_url = regexp.MustCompile(`\[url\]` + urlpattern + `\[/url\]`)
bbcode_url_label = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)\[url=` + urlpattern + `\](.*)\[/url\]`)
func deactivate_bbcode() {
plugins["bbcode"].RemoveHook("parse_assign", bbcode_parse2)
func bbcode_parse(data interface{}) interface{} {
msg := data.(string)
msg = bbcode_bold.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<b>$1</b>")
msg = bbcode_italic.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<i>$1</i>")
msg = bbcode_underline.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<u>$1</u>")
msg = bbcode_strikethrough.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<s>$1</s>")
msg = bbcode_url.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<a href=\"$1$2//$3\" rel=\"nofollow\">$1$2//$3</i>")
msg = bbcode_url_label.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<a href=\"$1$2//$3\" rel=\"nofollow\">$4</i>")
return msg
func bbcode_parse2(data interface{}) interface{} {
msg := data.(string)
msgbytes := []byte(msg)
has_u := false
has_b := false
has_i := false
has_s := false
complex_bbc := false
for i := 0; i < len(msgbytes); i++ {
if msgbytes[i] == '[' {
if msgbytes[i + 2] != ']' {
if msgbytes[i + 1] == '/' {
if msgbytes[i + 3] == ']' {
if msgbytes[i + 2] == 'b' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 3] = '>'
has_b = false
} else if msgbytes[i + 2] == 'i' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 3] = '>'
has_i = false
} else if msgbytes[i + 2] == 'u' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 3] = '>'
has_u = false
} else if msgbytes[i + 2] == 's' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 3] = '>'
has_s = false
i += 3
} else {
complex_bbc = true
} else {
complex_bbc = true
} else {
if msgbytes[i + 1] == 'b' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 2] = '>'
has_b = true
} else if msgbytes[i + 1] == 'i' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 2] = '>'
has_i = true
} else if msgbytes[i + 1] == 'u' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 2] = '>'
has_u = true
} else if msgbytes[i + 1] == 's' {
msgbytes[i] = '<'
msgbytes[i + 2] = '>'
has_s = true
i += 2
// There's an unclosed tag in there x.x
if has_i || has_u || has_b || has_s {
closer := []byte("</u></i></b></s>")
msgbytes = append(msgbytes, closer...)
msg = string(msgbytes)
if complex_bbc {
msg = bbcode_url.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<a href=\"$1$2//$3\" rel=\"nofollow\">$1$2//$3</i>")
msg = bbcode_url_label.ReplaceAllString(msg,"<a href=\"$1$2//$3\" rel=\"nofollow\">$4</i>")
return msg