De-duped some of the logging code. Added per-route state to the not found errors. Exported debugDetail, debugDetailf, debugLog, and debugLogf. Tweaked the padding on Tempra Simple. Added panel submenus to Tempra Conflux. Added Chart CSS to Tempra Conflux. Fixed the padding and margins for the Control Panel in Cosora. Made Cosora's Control Panel a little more tablet friendly. Added the rowmsg CSS class to better style message rows. Removed the repetitive guard code for the pre-render hooks. Removed the repetitive guard code for the string-string hooks. We now capture views for routes.StaticFile Added the move action to the moderation logs. Added the viewchunks_forums table. Began work on Per-forum Views. I probably missed a few things in this changelog.
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package counters
import "database/sql"
import ".."
import "../../query_gen/lib"
var OSViewCounter *DefaultOSViewCounter
type DefaultOSViewCounter struct {
osBuckets []*RWMutexCounterBucket //[OSID]count
insert *sql.Stmt
func NewDefaultOSViewCounter() (*DefaultOSViewCounter, error) {
acc := qgen.Builder.Accumulator()
var osBuckets = make([]*RWMutexCounterBucket, len(osMapEnum))
for bucketID, _ := range osBuckets {
osBuckets[bucketID] = &RWMutexCounterBucket{counter: 0}
counter := &DefaultOSViewCounter{
osBuckets: osBuckets,
insert: acc.Insert("viewchunks_systems").Columns("count, createdAt, system").Fields("?,UTC_TIMESTAMP(),?").Prepare(),
return counter, acc.FirstError()
func (counter *DefaultOSViewCounter) Tick() error {
for osID, osBucket := range counter.osBuckets {
var count int
count = osBucket.counter
osBucket.counter = 0 // TODO: Add a SetZero method to reduce the amount of duplicate code between the OS and agent counters?
err := counter.insertChunk(count, osID) // TODO: Bulk insert for speed?
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (counter *DefaultOSViewCounter) insertChunk(count int, os int) error {
if count == 0 {
return nil
var osName = reverseOSMapEnum[os]
common.DebugLogf("Inserting a viewchunk with a count of %d for OS %s (%d)", count, osName, os)
_, err := counter.insert.Exec(count, osName)
return err
func (counter *DefaultOSViewCounter) Bump(os int) {
// TODO: Test this check
common.DebugDetail("counter.osBuckets[", os, "]: ", counter.osBuckets[os])
if len(counter.osBuckets) <= os || os < 0 {