Use ErrCorruptAttachPath in DefaultAttachmentStore. Consider the possibility that the requested attachment doesn't have a file extension. Rename variables to reduce boilerplate. Add TestThaw. Avoid an allocation in hookgen. Add route_attach_start hook. Add route_attach_post_get hook.
110 lines
3.4 KiB
110 lines
3.4 KiB
package hookgen
import (
type HookVars struct {
Imports []string
Hooks []Hook
type Hook struct {
Name string
Params string
Params2 string
Ret string
Type string
Any bool
MultiHook bool
Skip bool
DefaultRet string
Pure string
func AddHooks(add func(name, params, ret, htype string, multiHook, skip bool, defaultRet, pure string)) {
vhookskip := func(name, params string) {
add(name, params, "(bool,RouteError)", "VhookSkippable_", false, true, "false,nil", "")
vhookskip("forum_check_pre_perms", "w http.ResponseWriter,r *http.Request,u *User,fid *int,h *Header")
vhookskip("router_after_filters", "w http.ResponseWriter,r *http.Request,prefix string")
vhookskip("router_pre_route", "w http.ResponseWriter,r *http.Request,u *User,prefix string")
vhookskip("route_forum_list_start", "w http.ResponseWriter,r *http.Request,u *User,h *Header")
vhookskip("route_topic_list_start", "w http.ResponseWriter,r *http.Request,u *User,h *Header")
vhookskip("route_attach_start", "w http.ResponseWriter,r *http.Request,u *User,fname string")
vhookskip("route_attach_post_get", "w http.ResponseWriter,r *http.Request,u *User,a *Attachment")
vhooknoret := func(name, params string) {
add(name, params, "", "Vhooks", false, false, "false,nil", "")
vhooknoret("router_end", "w http.ResponseWriter,r *http.Request,u *User,prefix string,extraData string")
vhooknoret("topic_reply_row_assign", "r *ReplyUser")
//Hook(name string, data interface{}) interface{}
/*hook := func(name, params, ret, pure string) {
hooknoret := func(name, params string) {
add(name, params, "", "HooksNoRet", true, false, "", "")
hooknoret("forums_frow_assign", "f *Forum")
hookskip := func(name, params string) {
add(name, params, "(skip bool)", "HooksSkip", true, true, "", "")
//hookskip("forums_frow_assign","f *Forum")
hookskip("topic_create_frow_assign", "f *Forum")
hookss := func(name string) {
add(name, "d string", "string", "Sshooks", true, false, "", "d")
func Write(hookVars HookVars) {
fileData := `// Code generated by Gosora's Hook Generator. DO NOT EDIT.
/* This file was automatically generated by the software. Please don't edit it as your changes may be overwritten at any moment. */
package common
import ({{range .Imports}}
{{range .Hooks}}
func H_{{.Name}}_hook(t *HookTable,{{.Params}}) {{.Ret}} { {{if .Any}}
{{if .MultiHook}}for _, hook := range t.{{.Type}}["{{.Name}}"] {
{{if .Skip}}if skip = hook({{.Params2}}); skip {
}{{else}}{{if .Pure}}{{.Pure}} = {{else if .Ret}}return {{end}}hook({{.Params2}}){{end}}
}{{else}}hook := t.{{.Type}}["{{.Name}}"]
if hook != nil {
{{if .Ret}}return {{end}}hook({{.Params2}})
} {{end}}{{end}}{{if .Pure}}
return {{.Pure}}{{else if .Ret}}
return {{.DefaultRet}}{{end}}
tmpl := template.Must(template.New("hooks").Parse(fileData))
var b bytes.Buffer
if e := tmpl.Execute(&b, hookVars); e != nil {
err := writeFile("./common/gen_extend.go", b.String())
if err != nil {
func writeFile(name, body string) error {
f, e := os.Create(name)
if e != nil {
return e
if _, e = f.WriteString(body); e != nil {
return e
if e = f.Sync(); e != nil {
return e
return f.Close()