Add Http Conn Count tracking. Move more panel phrases into the panel namespace. Use a string builder in hookgen. Use Countf() in a couple of places to eliminate boilerplate. Reduce prepared stmt boilerplate in forum store with a lambda. Reduce prepared stmt boilerplate in topic.go with a lambda. Reduce prepared stmt boilerplate in group.go with a lambda. Add TestSetCreatedAt method to *Topic. Add DateOlderThanQ method to *accDeleteBuilder and *accUpdateBuilder. Add Stmt method to *accUpdateBuilder and *AccSelectBuilder. Add AccBuilder interface. Shorten variable names. Shorten extractPerm name to ep. Add avatar_visibility setting stub. Implementation coming in a later commit. Don't set an IP for installer generated posts. Add counters_perf_tick_row hook. Add avatar_visibility phrase. Add avatar_visibility_label phrase. Rename forums_no_description to forums_no_desc. Rename panel.forums_create_description_label to panel.forums_create_desc_label. Rename panel.forums_create_description to panel.forums_create_desc. Rename panel_forum_description to panel.forum_desc. Rename panel_forum_description_placeholder to panel.forum_desc_placeholder. Add panel_debug_http_conns_label phrase. Add panel.forum_actions_head phrase. Add panel.forum_actions_create_head phrase. Add panel.forum_action_run_on_topic_creation phrase. Add panel.forum_action_run_days_after_topic_creation phrase. Add panel.forum_action_run_days_after_topic_last_reply phrase. Add panel.forum_action_action phrase. Add panel.forum_action_action_delete phrase. Add panel.forum_action_action_lock phrase. Add panel.forum_action_action_unlock phrase. Add panel.forum_action_action_move phrase. Add panel.forum_action_extra phrase. Add panel.forum_action_create_button phrase. You will need to run the patcher / updater for this commit.
143 lines
4.3 KiB
143 lines
4.3 KiB
package panel
import (
c ""
qgen ""
func Debug(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user *c.User) c.RouteError {
basePage, ferr := buildBasePage(w, r, user, "debug", "debug")
if ferr != nil {
return ferr
goVersion := runtime.Version()
dbVersion := qgen.Builder.DbVersion()
upDur := time.Since(c.StartTime)
hours := int(upDur.Hours())
mins := int(upDur.Minutes())
secs := int(upDur.Seconds())
var uptime string
if hours > 24 {
days := hours / 24
hours -= days * 24
uptime += strconv.Itoa(days) + "d"
uptime += strconv.Itoa(hours) + "h"
} else if hours >= 1 {
mins -= hours * 60
uptime += strconv.Itoa(hours) + "h"
uptime += strconv.Itoa(mins) + "m"
} else if mins >= 1 {
secs -= mins * 60
uptime += strconv.Itoa(mins) + "m"
uptime += strconv.Itoa(secs) + "s"
dbStats := qgen.Builder.GetConn().Stats()
openConnCount := dbStats.OpenConnections
// Disk I/O?
// TODO: Fetch the adapter from Builder rather than getting it from a global?
goroutines := runtime.NumGoroutine()
cpus := runtime.NumCPU()
httpConns := c.ConnWatch.Count()
debugTasks := c.DebugPageTasks{c.ScheduledHalfSecondTaskCount(), c.ScheduledSecondTaskCount(), c.ScheduledFifteenMinuteTaskCount(), c.ScheduledHourTaskCount(), c.ShutdownTaskCount()}
var memStats runtime.MemStats
var tlen, ulen, rlen int
var tcap, ucap, rcap int
tc := c.Topics.GetCache()
if tc != nil {
tlen, tcap = tc.Length(), tc.GetCapacity()
uc := c.Users.GetCache()
if uc != nil {
ulen, ucap = uc.Length(), uc.GetCapacity()
rc := c.Rstore.GetCache()
if rc != nil {
rlen, rcap = rc.Length(), rc.GetCapacity()
topicListThawed := c.TopicListThaw.Thawed()
debugCache := c.DebugPageCache{tlen, ulen, rlen, tcap, ucap, rcap, topicListThawed}
var fErr error
count := func(tbl string) int {
if fErr != nil {
return 0
c, err := qgen.NewAcc().Count(tbl).Total()
fErr = err
return c
// TODO: Call Count on an attachment store
attachs := count("attachments")
// TODO: Implement a PollStore and call Count on that instead
polls := count("polls")
loginLogs := count("login_logs")
regLogs := count("registration_logs")
modLogs := count("moderation_logs")
adminLogs := count("administration_logs")
views := count("viewchunks")
viewsAgents := count("viewchunks_agents")
viewsForums := count("viewchunks_forums")
viewsLangs := count("viewchunks_langs")
viewsReferrers := count("viewchunks_referrers")
viewsSystems := count("viewchunks_systems")
postChunks := count("postchunks")
topicChunks := count("topicchunks")
if fErr != nil {
return c.InternalError(fErr, w, r)
debugDatabase := c.DebugPageDatabase{c.Topics.Count(), c.Users.Count(), c.Rstore.Count(), c.Prstore.Count(), c.Activity.Count(), c.Likes.Count(), attachs, polls, loginLogs, regLogs, modLogs, adminLogs, views, viewsAgents, viewsForums, viewsLangs, viewsReferrers, viewsSystems, postChunks, topicChunks}
dirSize := func(path string) int {
if fErr != nil {
return 0
c, err := c.DirSize(path)
fErr = err
return c
staticSize := dirSize("./public/")
attachSize := dirSize("./attachs/")
uploadsSize := dirSize("./uploads/")
logsSize := dirSize(c.Config.LogDir)
backupsSize := dirSize("./backups/")
if fErr != nil {
return c.InternalError(fErr, w, r)
// TODO: How can we measure this without freezing up the entire page?
//gitSize, _ := c.DirSize("./.git")
gitSize := 0
debugDisk := c.DebugPageDisk{staticSize, attachSize, uploadsSize, logsSize, backupsSize, gitSize}
pi := c.PanelDebugPage{basePage, goVersion, dbVersion, uptime, openConnCount, qgen.Builder.GetAdapter().GetName(), goroutines, cpus, httpConns, debugTasks, memStats, debugCache, debugDatabase, debugDisk}
return renderTemplate("panel", w, r, basePage.Header, c.Panel{basePage, "panel_dashboard_right", "debug_page", "panel_debug", pi})
func DebugTasks(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user *c.User) c.RouteError {
basePage, ferr := buildBasePage(w, r, user, "debug", "debug")
if ferr != nil {
return ferr
var debugTasks []c.PanelDebugTaskTask
pi := c.PanelDebugTaskPage{basePage, debugTasks}
return renderTemplate("panel", w, r, basePage.Header, c.Panel{basePage, "panel_dashboard_right", "debug_page", "panel_debug_task", pi})