Add Http Conn Count tracking. Move more panel phrases into the panel namespace. Use a string builder in hookgen. Use Countf() in a couple of places to eliminate boilerplate. Reduce prepared stmt boilerplate in forum store with a lambda. Reduce prepared stmt boilerplate in topic.go with a lambda. Reduce prepared stmt boilerplate in group.go with a lambda. Add TestSetCreatedAt method to *Topic. Add DateOlderThanQ method to *accDeleteBuilder and *accUpdateBuilder. Add Stmt method to *accUpdateBuilder and *AccSelectBuilder. Add AccBuilder interface. Shorten variable names. Shorten extractPerm name to ep. Add avatar_visibility setting stub. Implementation coming in a later commit. Don't set an IP for installer generated posts. Add counters_perf_tick_row hook. Add avatar_visibility phrase. Add avatar_visibility_label phrase. Rename forums_no_description to forums_no_desc. Rename panel.forums_create_description_label to panel.forums_create_desc_label. Rename panel.forums_create_description to panel.forums_create_desc. Rename panel_forum_description to panel.forum_desc. Rename panel_forum_description_placeholder to panel.forum_desc_placeholder. Add panel_debug_http_conns_label phrase. Add panel.forum_actions_head phrase. Add panel.forum_actions_create_head phrase. Add panel.forum_action_run_on_topic_creation phrase. Add panel.forum_action_run_days_after_topic_creation phrase. Add panel.forum_action_run_days_after_topic_last_reply phrase. Add panel.forum_action_action phrase. Add panel.forum_action_action_delete phrase. Add panel.forum_action_action_lock phrase. Add panel.forum_action_action_unlock phrase. Add panel.forum_action_action_move phrase. Add panel.forum_action_extra phrase. Add panel.forum_action_create_button phrase. You will need to run the patcher / updater for this commit.
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package counters
import (
c "github.com/Azareal/Gosora/common"
qgen "github.com/Azareal/Gosora/query_gen"
var PerfCounter *DefaultPerfCounter
type PerfCounterBucket struct {
low *MutexCounter64Bucket
high *MutexCounter64Bucket
avg *MutexCounter64Bucket
// TODO: Track perf on a per route basis
type DefaultPerfCounter struct {
buckets []*PerfCounterBucket
insert *sql.Stmt
func NewDefaultPerfCounter(acc *qgen.Accumulator) (*DefaultPerfCounter, error) {
co := &DefaultPerfCounter{
buckets: []*PerfCounterBucket{
low: &MutexCounter64Bucket{counter: math.MaxInt64},
high: &MutexCounter64Bucket{counter: 0},
avg: &MutexCounter64Bucket{counter: 0},
insert: acc.Insert("perfchunks").Columns("low,high,avg,createdAt").Fields("?,?,?,UTC_TIMESTAMP()").Prepare(),
return co, acc.FirstError()
func (co *DefaultPerfCounter) Tick() error {
getCounter := func(b *MutexCounter64Bucket) (c int64) {
c = b.counter
b.counter = 0
return c
var low int64
hTbl := c.GetHookTable()
for _, b := range co.buckets {
low, b.low.counter = b.low.counter, math.MaxInt64
if low == math.MaxInt64 {
low = 0
high := getCounter(b.high)
avg := getCounter(b.avg)
c.H_counters_perf_tick_row_hook(hTbl, low, high, avg)
e := co.insertChunk(low, high, avg) // TODO: Bulk insert for speed?
if e != nil {
return errors.Wrap(errors.WithStack(e), "perf counter")
return nil
func (co *DefaultPerfCounter) insertChunk(low, high, avg int64) error {
if low == 0 && high == 0 && avg == 0 {
return nil
c.DebugLogf("Inserting a pchunk with low %d, high %d, avg %d", low, high, avg)
_, e := co.insert.Exec(low, high, avg)
return e
func (co *DefaultPerfCounter) Push(dur time.Duration /*,_ bool*/) {
id := 0
b := co.buckets[id]
//c.DebugDetail("buckets[", id, "]: ", b)
micro := dur.Microseconds()
if micro >= math.MaxInt32 {
c.LogWarning(errors.New("dur should not be int32 max or higher"))
low := b.low
if micro < low.counter {
low.counter = micro
high := b.high
if micro > high.counter {
high.counter = micro
avg := b.avg
if micro != avg.counter {
if avg.counter == 0 {
avg.counter = micro
} else {
avg.counter = (micro + avg.counter) / 2