You can now switch between themes in the Control Panel. The Alternate Post Layout teased in various screenshots and bits of inaccessible code is now the Tempra Conflux theme, while the original post layout is the Tempa Simple theme. Dramatically increased the speed at which the static files are served. Added a benchmark for static files. Eliminated the name parameter in various custom page structs. Added the TopicsPage struct for the /topics/ route. Added the ForumPage struct for the /forum/{id} route. Added the ForumsPage struct for the /forums/ route. The static file route now serves 404s when a file doesn't exist instead of nearly crashing the server. Reduced the number of unnecessary allocations on some of the routes. Added gradients to Tempra Conflux. Added position: sticky; to the userinfo blocks in Tempra Conflux. Added a notice on the generated template files.
679 lines
18 KiB
679 lines
18 KiB
package main
import "log"
import "fmt"
import "strings"
import "strconv"
import "reflect"
import "path/filepath"
import "io/ioutil"
import "text/template/parse"
var ctemplates []string
var tmpl_ptr_map map[string]interface{} = make(map[string]interface{})
type VarItem struct
Name string
Destination string
Type string
type VarItemReflect struct
Name string
Destination string
Value reflect.Value
type CTemplateSet struct
tlist map[string]*parse.Tree
dir string
funcMap map[string]interface{}
importMap map[string]string
varList map[string]VarItem
localVars map[string]map[string]VarItemReflect
stats map[string]int
pVarList string
pVarPosition int
previousNode parse.NodeType
currentNode parse.NodeType
nextNode parse.NodeType
//tempVars map[string]string
doImports bool
expectsInt interface{}
func (c *CTemplateSet) compile_template(name string, dir string, expects string, expectsInt interface{}, varList map[string]VarItem) (out string) {
c.dir = dir
c.doImports = true
c.funcMap = make(map[string]interface{})
c.funcMap["and"] = "&&"
c.funcMap["not"] = "!"
c.funcMap["or"] = "||"
c.funcMap["eq"] = true
c.funcMap["ge"] = true
c.funcMap["gt"] = true
c.funcMap["le"] = true
c.funcMap["lt"] = true
c.funcMap["ne"] = true
c.importMap = make(map[string]string)
c.importMap["io"] = "io"
c.importMap["strconv"] = "strconv"
c.varList = varList
//c.pVarList = ""
//c.pVarPosition = 0
c.stats = make(map[string]int)
c.expectsInt = expectsInt
holdreflect := reflect.ValueOf(expectsInt)
res, err := ioutil.ReadFile(dir + name)
if err != nil {
content := string(res)
tree := parse.New(name, c.funcMap)
var treeSet map[string]*parse.Tree = make(map[string]*parse.Tree)
tree, err = tree.Parse(content,"{{","}}", treeSet, c.funcMap)
if err != nil {
if debug {
out = ""
fname := strings.TrimSuffix(name, filepath.Ext(name))
c.tlist = make(map[string]*parse.Tree)
c.tlist[fname] = tree
varholder := "tmpl_" + fname + "_vars"
if debug {
c.localVars = make(map[string]map[string]VarItemReflect)
c.localVars[fname] = make(map[string]VarItemReflect)
c.localVars[fname]["."] = VarItemReflect{".",varholder,holdreflect}
subtree := c.tlist[fname]
if debug {
treeLength := len(subtree.Root.Nodes)
for index, node := range subtree.Root.Nodes {
if debug {
fmt.Println("Node: " + node.String())
c.previousNode = c.currentNode
c.currentNode = node.Type()
if treeLength != (index + 1) {
c.nextNode = subtree.Root.Nodes[index + 1].Type()
out += c.compile_switch(varholder, holdreflect, fname, node)
var importList string
if c.doImports {
for _, item := range c.importMap {
importList += "import \"" + item + "\"\n"
var varString string
for _, varItem := range c.varList {
varString += "var " + varItem.Name + " " + varItem.Type + " = " + varItem.Destination + "\n"
fout := "/* This file was automatically generated by the software. Please don't edit it as your changes may be overwritten at any moment. */\n"
fout += "package main\n" + importList + c.pVarList + "\n"
fout += "func init() {\n\ttemplate_" + fname +"_handle = template_" + fname + "\n\t//o_template_" + fname +"_handle = template_" + fname + "\n\tctemplates = append(ctemplates,\"" + fname + "\")\n\ttmpl_ptr_map[\"" + fname + "\"] = &template_" + fname + "_handle\n\ttmpl_ptr_map[\"o_" + fname + "\"] = template_" + fname + "\n}\n\n"
fout += "func template_" + fname + "(tmpl_" + fname + "_vars " + expects + ", w io.Writer) {\n" + varString + out + "}\n"
fout = strings.Replace(fout,`))
w.Write([]byte(`," + ",-1)
fout = strings.Replace(fout,"` + `","",-1)
for index, count := range c.stats {
fmt.Println(index + ": " + strconv.Itoa(count))
fmt.Println(" ")
if debug {
return fout
func (c *CTemplateSet) compile_switch(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, template_name string, node interface{}) (out string) {
switch node := node.(type) {
case *parse.ActionNode:
if debug {
fmt.Println("Action Node")
if node.Pipe == nil {
for _, cmd := range node.Pipe.Cmds {
out += c.compile_subswitch(varholder, holdreflect, template_name, cmd)
return out
case *parse.IfNode:
if debug {
fmt.Println("If Node: ")
var expr string
for _, cmd := range node.Pipe.Cmds {
if debug {
fmt.Println("If Node Bit: ")
expr += c.compile_varswitch(varholder, holdreflect, template_name, cmd)
c.previousNode = c.currentNode
c.currentNode = parse.NodeList
c.nextNode = -1
if node.ElseList == nil {
if debug {
fmt.Println("Branch 1")
return "if " + expr + " {\n" + c.compile_switch(varholder, holdreflect, template_name, node.List) + "}\n"
} else {
if debug {
fmt.Println("Branch 2")
return "if " + expr + " {\n" + c.compile_switch(varholder, holdreflect, template_name, node.List) + "} else {\n" + c.compile_switch(varholder, holdreflect, template_name, node.ElseList) + "}\n"
case *parse.ListNode:
if debug {
fmt.Println("List Node")
for _, subnode := range node.Nodes {
out += c.compile_switch(varholder, holdreflect, template_name, subnode)
return out
case *parse.RangeNode:
if debug {
fmt.Println("Range Node!")
var outVal reflect.Value
for _, cmd := range node.Pipe.Cmds {
if debug {
fmt.Println("Range Bit: ")
out, outVal = c.compile_reflectswitch(varholder, holdreflect, template_name, cmd)
if debug {
fmt.Println("Returned: ")
fmt.Println("Range Kind Switch!")
switch outVal.Kind() {
case reflect.Map:
var item reflect.Value
for _, key := range outVal.MapKeys() {
item = outVal.MapIndex(key)
if node.ElseList != nil {
out = "if len(" + out + ") != 0 {\nfor _, item := range " + out + " {\n" + c.compile_switch("item", item, template_name, node.List) + "}\n} else {\n" + c.compile_switch("item", item, template_name, node.ElseList) + "}\n"
} else {
out = "if len(" + out + ") != 0 {\nfor _, item := range " + out + " {\n" + c.compile_switch("item", item, template_name, node.List) + "}\n}"
case reflect.Slice:
item := outVal.Index(0)
out = "if len(" + out + ") != 0 {\nfor _, item := range " + out + " {\n" + c.compile_switch("item", item, template_name, node.List) + "}\n}"
case reflect.Invalid:
return ""
if node.ElseList != nil {
out += " else {\n" + c.compile_switch(varholder, holdreflect, template_name, node.ElseList) + "}\n"
} else {
out += "\n"
return out
case *parse.TemplateNode:
if debug {
fmt.Println("Template Node")
return c.compile_subtemplate(varholder, holdreflect, node)
case *parse.TextNode:
c.previousNode = c.currentNode
c.currentNode = node.Type()
c.nextNode = 0
return "w.Write([]byte(`" + string(node.Text) + "`))\n"
panic("Unknown Node in main switch")
return ""
func (c *CTemplateSet) compile_subswitch(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, template_name string, node *parse.CommandNode) (out string) {
firstWord := node.Args[0]
switch n := firstWord.(type) {
case *parse.FieldNode:
if debug {
fmt.Println("Field Node: ")
/* Use reflect to determine if the field is for a method, otherwise assume it's a variable. Coming Soon. */
cur := holdreflect
var varbit string
if cur.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
cur = cur.Elem()
varbit += ".(" + cur.Type().Name() + ")"
for _, id := range n.Ident {
if debug {
fmt.Println("Data Kind: ")
fmt.Println("Field Bit: ")
cur = cur.FieldByName(id)
if cur.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
cur = cur.Elem()
/*if cur.Kind() == reflect.String && cur.Type().Name() != "string" {
varbit = "string(" + varbit + "." + id + ")"*/
//if cur.Kind() == reflect.String && cur.Type().Name() != "string" {
if cur.Type().PkgPath() != "main" && cur.Type().PkgPath() != "" {
c.importMap["html/template"] = "html/template"
varbit += "." + id + ".(" + strings.TrimPrefix(cur.Type().PkgPath(),"html/") + "." + cur.Type().Name() + ")"
} else {
varbit += "." + id + ".(" + cur.Type().Name() + ")"
} else {
varbit += "." + id
if debug {
fmt.Println("End Cycle")
out = c.compile_varsub(varholder + varbit, cur)
for _, varItem := range c.varList {
if strings.HasPrefix(out, varItem.Destination) {
out = strings.Replace(out, varItem.Destination, varItem.Name, 1)
return out
case *parse.DotNode:
if debug {
fmt.Println("Dot Node")
return c.compile_varsub(varholder, holdreflect)
case *parse.NilNode:
panic("Nil is not a command x.x")
case *parse.VariableNode:
if debug {
fmt.Println("Variable Node")
out, _ = c.compile_if_varsub(n.String(), varholder, template_name, holdreflect)
return "w.Write([]byte(" + out + "))\n"
case *parse.StringNode:
return n.Quoted
fmt.Println("Unknown Kind: ")
fmt.Println("Unknown Type: ")
panic("I don't know what node this is")
return ""
func (c *CTemplateSet) compile_varswitch(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, template_name string, node *parse.CommandNode) (out string) {
firstWord := node.Args[0]
switch n := firstWord.(type) {
case *parse.FieldNode:
if debug {
fmt.Println("Field Node: ")
for _, id := range n.Ident {
fmt.Println("Field Bit: ")
/* Use reflect to determine if the field is for a method, otherwise assume it's a variable. Coming Soon. */
return c.compile_boolsub(n.String(), varholder, template_name, holdreflect)
case *parse.ChainNode:
if debug {
fmt.Println("Chain Node: ")
case *parse.IdentifierNode:
if debug {
fmt.Println("Identifier Node: ")
return c.compile_identswitch(varholder, holdreflect, template_name, node)
case *parse.DotNode:
return varholder
case *parse.VariableNode:
if debug {
fmt.Println("Variable Node")
out, _ = c.compile_if_varsub(n.String(), varholder, template_name, holdreflect)
return out
case *parse.NilNode:
panic("Nil is not a command x.x")
case *parse.PipeNode:
if debug {
fmt.Println("Pipe Node!")
fmt.Println("Args: ")
out += c.compile_identswitch(varholder, holdreflect, template_name, node)
if debug {
fmt.Println("Out: ")
return out
fmt.Println("Unknown Kind: ")
fmt.Println("Unknown Type: ")
panic("I don't know what node this is! Grr...")
return ""
func (c *CTemplateSet) compile_identswitch(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, template_name string, node *parse.CommandNode) (out string) {
for pos, id := range node.Args {
if debug {
switch id.String() {
case "not":
out += "!"
case "or":
out += " || "
case "and":
out += " && "
case "le":
out += c.compile_if_varsub_n(node.Args[pos + 1].String(), varholder, template_name, holdreflect) + " <= " + c.compile_if_varsub_n(node.Args[pos + 2].String(), varholder, template_name, holdreflect)
break ArgLoop
if debug {
out += c.compile_if_varsub_n(id.String(), varholder, template_name, holdreflect)
return out
func (c *CTemplateSet) compile_reflectswitch(varholder string, holdreflect reflect.Value, template_name string, node *parse.CommandNode) (out string, outVal reflect.Value) {
firstWord := node.Args[0]
switch n := firstWord.(type) {
case *parse.FieldNode:
if debug {
fmt.Println("Field Node: ")
for _, id := range n.Ident {
fmt.Println("Field Bit: ")
/* Use reflect to determine if the field is for a method, otherwise assume it's a variable. Coming Soon. */
return c.compile_if_varsub(n.String(), varholder, template_name, holdreflect)
case *parse.ChainNode:
if debug {
fmt.Println("Chain Node: ")
return "", outVal
case *parse.DotNode:
return varholder, holdreflect
case *parse.NilNode:
panic("Nil is not a command x.x")
//panic("I don't know what node this is")
return "", outVal
func (c *CTemplateSet) compile_if_varsub_n(varname string, varholder string, template_name string, cur reflect.Value) (out string) {
out, _ = c.compile_if_varsub(varname, varholder, template_name, cur)
return out
func (c *CTemplateSet) compile_if_varsub(varname string, varholder string, template_name string, cur reflect.Value) (out string, val reflect.Value) {
if varname[0] != '.' && varname[0] != '$' {
return varname, cur
bits := strings.Split(varname,".")
if varname[0] == '$' {
var res VarItemReflect
if varname[1] == '.' {
res = c.localVars[template_name]["."]
} else {
res = c.localVars[template_name][strings.TrimPrefix(bits[0],"$")]
out += res.Destination
cur = res.Value
if cur.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
cur = cur.Elem()
} else {
if cur.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
cur = cur.Elem()
out += varholder + ".(" + cur.Type().Name() + ")"
} else {
out += varholder
bits[0] = strings.TrimPrefix(bits[0],"$")
if debug {
fmt.Println("Cur Kind: ")
fmt.Println("Cur Type: ")
for _, bit := range bits {
if debug {
fmt.Println("Variable Field!")
if bit == "" {
cur = cur.FieldByName(bit)
if cur.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
cur = cur.Elem()
out += "." + bit + ".(" + cur.Type().Name() + ")"
} else {
out += "." + bit
if debug {
fmt.Println("Data Kind: ")
fmt.Println("Data Type: ")
for _, varItem := range c.varList {
if strings.HasPrefix(out, varItem.Destination) {
out = strings.Replace(out, varItem.Destination, varItem.Name, 1)
_, ok := c.stats[out]
if ok {
} else {
c.stats[out] = 1
return out, cur
func (c *CTemplateSet) compile_boolsub(varname string, varholder string, template_name string, val reflect.Value) string {
out, val := c.compile_if_varsub(varname, varholder, template_name, val)
switch val.Kind() {
case reflect.Int:
out += " > 0"
case reflect.Bool:
// Do nothing
case reflect.String:
out += " != \"\""
case reflect.Int64:
out += " > 0"
panic("I don't know what this variable's type is o.o\n")
return out
func (c *CTemplateSet) compile_varsub(varname string, val reflect.Value) string {
for _, varItem := range c.varList {
if strings.HasPrefix(varname, varItem.Destination) {
varname = strings.Replace(varname, varItem.Destination, varItem.Name, 1)
_, ok := c.stats[varname]
if ok {
} else {
c.stats[varname] = 1
if val.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
val = val.Elem()
switch val.Kind() {
case reflect.Int:
return "w.Write([]byte(strconv.Itoa(" + varname + ")))\n"
case reflect.Bool:
return "if " + varname + " {\nw.Write([]byte(\"true\"))} else {\nw.Write([]byte(\"false\"))\n}\n"
case reflect.String:
if val.Type().Name() != "string" && !strings.HasPrefix(varname,"string(") {
return "w.Write([]byte(string(" + varname + ")))\n"
} else {
return "w.Write([]byte(" + varname + "))\n"
case reflect.Int64:
return "w.Write([]byte(strconv.FormatInt(" + varname + ", 10)))"
fmt.Println("Unknown Kind: ")
fmt.Println("Unknown Type: ")
panic("// I don't know what this variable's type is o.o\n")
func (c *CTemplateSet) compile_subtemplate(pvarholder string, pholdreflect reflect.Value, node *parse.TemplateNode) (out string) {
if debug {
fmt.Println("Template Node: " + node.Name)
fname := strings.TrimSuffix(node.Name, filepath.Ext(node.Name))
varholder := "tmpl_" + fname + "_vars"
var holdreflect reflect.Value
if node.Pipe != nil {
for _, cmd := range node.Pipe.Cmds {
firstWord := cmd.Args[0]
switch firstWord.(type) {
case *parse.DotNode:
varholder = pvarholder
holdreflect = pholdreflect
case *parse.NilNode:
panic("Nil is not a command x.x")
out = "var " + varholder + " := false\n"
out += c.compile_command(cmd)
res, err := ioutil.ReadFile(c.dir + node.Name)
if err != nil {
content := string(res)
tree := parse.New(node.Name, c.funcMap)
var treeSet map[string]*parse.Tree = make(map[string]*parse.Tree)
tree, err = tree.Parse(content,"{{","}}", treeSet, c.funcMap)
if err != nil {
c.tlist[fname] = tree
subtree := c.tlist[fname]
if debug {
c.localVars[fname] = make(map[string]VarItemReflect)
c.localVars[fname]["."] = VarItemReflect{".",varholder,holdreflect}
treeLength := len(subtree.Root.Nodes)
for index, node := range subtree.Root.Nodes {
if debug {
fmt.Println("Node: " + node.String())
c.previousNode = c.currentNode
c.currentNode = node.Type()
if treeLength != (index + 1) {
c.nextNode = subtree.Root.Nodes[index + 1].Type()
out += c.compile_switch(varholder, holdreflect, fname, node)
return out
func (c *CTemplateSet) compile_command(*parse.CommandNode) (out string) {
return ""
} |