Fixed a bunch of forms which didn't have backgrounds in Nox's Control Panel. Fixed a bunch of double background buttons in Nox's Control Panel. You can no longer resize textareas horizontally on Nox. Fixed the profile comment input width on Nox. Fixed buttons appearing when they shouldn't in Nox's Control Panel. Improved the permissions styling in Nox's Control Panel. Fixed the styling on action posts for Nox. Fixed the padding on the powered by message on Nox. Added styling for .account_soon and .dash_security, I'm not quite happy with it and I might change more things up there. Tweaked a bit of permissions preset padding on Cosora. The edit_fields handler now uses CSS classes rather than inline CSS for hiding and showing elements. Experimented with position: sticky in Cosora. Experimented with the Control Panel Menu styling on Nox.
317 lines
6.4 KiB
317 lines
6.4 KiB
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/* TODO: Should we be using .formrows in #forum_quick_perms? Can we normalize it? Would this break the other themes? */
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.perm_preset_read_only:before {
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.perm_preset_can_post:before {
content: "{{index .Phrases "panel_perms_can_post" }}";
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content: "{{index .Phrases "panel_perms_can_moderate" }}";
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content: "{{index .Phrases "panel_perms_custom" }}";
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