De-duped some of the logging code. Added per-route state to the not found errors. Exported debugDetail, debugDetailf, debugLog, and debugLogf. Tweaked the padding on Tempra Simple. Added panel submenus to Tempra Conflux. Added Chart CSS to Tempra Conflux. Fixed the padding and margins for the Control Panel in Cosora. Made Cosora's Control Panel a little more tablet friendly. Added the rowmsg CSS class to better style message rows. Removed the repetitive guard code for the pre-render hooks. Removed the repetitive guard code for the string-string hooks. We now capture views for routes.StaticFile Added the move action to the moderation logs. Added the viewchunks_forums table. Began work on Per-forum Views. I probably missed a few things in this changelog.
355 lines
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355 lines
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/* Under Heavy Construction */
package common
import (
var Groups GroupStore
// ? - We could fallback onto the database when an item can't be found in the cache?
type GroupStore interface {
LoadGroups() error
DirtyGet(id int) *Group
Get(id int) (*Group, error)
GetCopy(id int) (Group, error)
Exists(id int) bool
Create(name string, tag string, isAdmin bool, isMod bool, isBanned bool) (int, error)
GetAll() ([]*Group, error)
GetRange(lower int, higher int) ([]*Group, error)
Reload(id int) error // ? - Should we move this to GroupCache? It might require us to do some unnecessary casting though
GlobalCount() int
type GroupCache interface {
CacheSet(group *Group) error
Length() int
type MemoryGroupStore struct {
groups map[int]*Group // TODO: Use a sync.Map instead of a map?
groupCount int
getAll *sql.Stmt
get *sql.Stmt
count *sql.Stmt
userCount *sql.Stmt
func NewMemoryGroupStore() (*MemoryGroupStore, error) {
acc := qgen.Builder.Accumulator()
return &MemoryGroupStore{
groups: make(map[int]*Group),
groupCount: 0,
getAll: acc.Select("users_groups").Columns("gid, name, permissions, plugin_perms, is_mod, is_admin, is_banned, tag").Prepare(),
get: acc.Select("users_groups").Columns("name, permissions, plugin_perms, is_mod, is_admin, is_banned, tag").Where("gid = ?").Prepare(),
count: acc.Count("users_groups").Prepare(),
userCount: acc.Count("users").Where("group = ?").Prepare(),
}, acc.FirstError()
// TODO: Move this query from the global stmt store into this store
func (mgs *MemoryGroupStore) LoadGroups() error {
defer mgs.Unlock()
mgs.groups[0] = &Group{ID: 0, Name: "Unknown"}
rows, err := mgs.getAll.Query()
if err != nil {
return err
defer rows.Close()
i := 1
for ; rows.Next(); i++ {
group := &Group{ID: 0}
err := rows.Scan(&group.ID, &group.Name, &group.PermissionsText, &group.PluginPermsText, &group.IsMod, &group.IsAdmin, &group.IsBanned, &group.Tag)
if err != nil {
return err
err = mgs.initGroup(group)
if err != nil {
return err
mgs.groups[group.ID] = group
err = rows.Err()
if err != nil {
return err
mgs.groupCount = i
DebugLog("Binding the Not Loggedin Group")
GuestPerms = mgs.dirtyGetUnsafe(6).Perms
return nil
// TODO: Hit the database when the item isn't in memory
func (mgs *MemoryGroupStore) dirtyGetUnsafe(gid int) *Group {
group, ok := mgs.groups[gid]
if !ok {
return &blankGroup
return group
// TODO: Hit the database when the item isn't in memory
func (mgs *MemoryGroupStore) DirtyGet(gid int) *Group {
group, ok := mgs.groups[gid]
if !ok {
return &blankGroup
return group
// TODO: Hit the database when the item isn't in memory
func (mgs *MemoryGroupStore) Get(gid int) (*Group, error) {
group, ok := mgs.groups[gid]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrNoRows
return group, nil
// TODO: Hit the database when the item isn't in memory
func (mgs *MemoryGroupStore) GetCopy(gid int) (Group, error) {
group, ok := mgs.groups[gid]
if !ok {
return blankGroup, ErrNoRows
return *group, nil
func (mgs *MemoryGroupStore) Reload(id int) error {
var group = &Group{ID: id}
err := mgs.get.QueryRow(id).Scan(&group.Name, &group.PermissionsText, &group.PluginPermsText, &group.IsMod, &group.IsAdmin, &group.IsBanned, &group.Tag)
if err != nil {
return err
err = mgs.initGroup(group)
if err != nil {
err = RebuildGroupPermissions(id)
if err != nil {
return nil
func (mgs *MemoryGroupStore) initGroup(group *Group) error {
err := json.Unmarshal(group.PermissionsText, &group.Perms)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("group: %+v\n", group)
log.Print("bad group perms: ", group.PermissionsText)
return err
DebugLogf(group.Name+": %+v\n", group.Perms)
err = json.Unmarshal(group.PluginPermsText, &group.PluginPerms)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("group: %+v\n", group)
log.Print("bad group plugin perms: ", group.PluginPermsText)
return err
DebugLogf(group.Name+": %+v\n", group.PluginPerms)
//group.Perms.ExtData = make(map[string]bool)
// TODO: Can we optimise the bit where this cascades down to the user now?
if group.IsAdmin || group.IsMod {
group.IsBanned = false
err = mgs.userCount.QueryRow(group.ID).Scan(&group.UserCount)
if err != sql.ErrNoRows {
return err
return nil
func (mgs *MemoryGroupStore) CacheSet(group *Group) error {
mgs.groups[group.ID] = group
return nil
// TODO: Hit the database when the item isn't in memory
func (mgs *MemoryGroupStore) Exists(gid int) bool {
group, ok := mgs.groups[gid]
return ok && group.Name != ""
// ? Allow two groups with the same name?
// TODO: Refactor this
func (mgs *MemoryGroupStore) Create(name string, tag string, isAdmin bool, isMod bool, isBanned bool) (gid int, err error) {
var permstr = "{}"
tx, err := qgen.Builder.Begin()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
defer tx.Rollback()
insertTx, err := qgen.Builder.SimpleInsertTx(tx, "users_groups", "name, tag, is_admin, is_mod, is_banned, permissions, plugin_perms", "?,?,?,?,?,?,'{}'")
if err != nil {
return 0, err
res, err := insertTx.Exec(name, tag, isAdmin, isMod, isBanned, permstr)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
gid64, err := res.LastInsertId()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
gid = int(gid64)
var perms = BlankPerms
var blankForums []*ForumPerms
var blankIntList []int
var pluginPerms = make(map[string]bool)
var pluginPermsBytes = []byte("{}")
RunVhook("create_group_preappend", &pluginPerms, &pluginPermsBytes)
// Generate the forum permissions based on the presets...
fdata, err := Forums.GetAll()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
var presetSet = make(map[int]string)
var permSet = make(map[int]*ForumPerms)
for _, forum := range fdata {
var thePreset string
switch {
case isAdmin:
thePreset = "admins"
case isMod:
thePreset = "staff"
case isBanned:
thePreset = "banned"
thePreset = "members"
permmap := PresetToPermmap(forum.Preset)
permItem := permmap[thePreset]
permItem.Overrides = true
permSet[forum.ID] = permItem
presetSet[forum.ID] = forum.Preset
err = ReplaceForumPermsForGroupTx(tx, gid, presetSet, permSet)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
err = tx.Commit()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// TODO: Can we optimise the bit where this cascades down to the user now?
if isAdmin || isMod {
isBanned = false
mgs.groups[gid] = &Group{gid, name, isMod, isAdmin, isBanned, tag, perms, []byte(permstr), pluginPerms, pluginPermsBytes, blankForums, blankIntList, 0}
for _, forum := range fdata {
err = FPStore.Reload(forum.ID)
if err != nil {
return gid, err
return gid, nil
func (mgs *MemoryGroupStore) GetAll() (results []*Group, err error) {
var i int
results = make([]*Group, len(mgs.groups))
for _, group := range mgs.groups {
results[i] = group
return results, nil
func (mgs *MemoryGroupStore) GetAllMap() (map[int]*Group, error) {
defer mgs.RUnlock()
return mgs.groups, nil
// ? - Set the lower and higher numbers to 0 to remove the bounds
// TODO: Might be a little slow right now, maybe we can cache the groups in a slice or break the map up into chunks
func (mgs *MemoryGroupStore) GetRange(lower int, higher int) (groups []*Group, err error) {
if lower == 0 && higher == 0 {
return mgs.GetAll()
if lower == 0 {
if higher < 0 {
return nil, errors.New("higher may not be lower than 0")
} else if higher == 0 {
if lower < 0 {
return nil, errors.New("lower may not be lower than 0")
for gid, group := range mgs.groups {
if gid >= lower && (gid <= higher || higher == 0) {
groups = append(groups, group)
return groups, nil
func (mgs *MemoryGroupStore) Length() int {
defer mgs.RUnlock()
return mgs.groupCount
func (mgs *MemoryGroupStore) GlobalCount() (count int) {
err := mgs.count.QueryRow().Scan(&count)
if err != nil {
return count