Improved the noavatar cacheability by constraining them in a range. Improved the noavatar cacheability by serving a small subset from Gosora. Improved the formatting of bytes in the memory analytics pane. Static resources with checksums will now have their caches expire in a week rather than a day. Tweaked the padding on the sub_heads on Nox. Moved a block of CSS out of a template and into panel.css in Tempra Simple and Shadow. Added the panel_themes_menus_items_suffix phrase. Added the DisableNoavatarRange config setting. Added the DisableDefaultNoavatar config setting.
157 lines
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157 lines
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package panel
import (
c ""
// TODO: Link the usernames for successful registrations to the profiles
func LogsRegs(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user c.User) c.RouteError {
basePage, ferr := buildBasePage(w, r, &user, "registration_logs", "logs")
if ferr != nil {
return ferr
logCount := c.RegLogs.GlobalCount()
page, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue("page"))
perPage := 10
offset, page, lastPage := c.PageOffset(logCount, page, perPage)
logs, err := c.RegLogs.GetOffset(offset, perPage)
if err != nil {
return c.InternalError(err, w, r)
var llist = make([]c.PageRegLogItem, len(logs))
for index, log := range logs {
llist[index] = c.PageRegLogItem{log, strings.Replace(strings.TrimSuffix(log.FailureReason, "|"), "|", " | ", -1)}
pageList := c.Paginate(logCount, perPage, 5)
pi := c.PanelRegLogsPage{basePage, llist, c.Paginator{pageList, page, lastPage}}
return renderTemplate("panel", w, r, basePage.Header, c.Panel{basePage,"","","panel_reglogs", pi})
// TODO: Log errors when something really screwy is going on?
// TODO: Base the slugs on the localised usernames?
func handleUnknownUser(user *c.User, err error) *c.User {
if err != nil {
return &c.User{Name: phrases.GetTmplPhrase("user_unknown"), Link: c.BuildProfileURL("unknown", 0)}
return user
func handleUnknownTopic(topic *c.Topic, err error) *c.Topic {
if err != nil {
return &c.Topic{Title: phrases.GetTmplPhrase("topic_unknown"), Link: c.BuildTopicURL("unknown", 0)}
return topic
// TODO: Move the log building logic into /common/ and it's own abstraction
func topicElementTypeAction(action string, elementType string, elementID int, actor *c.User, topic *c.Topic) (out string) {
if action == "delete" {
return phrases.GetTmplPhrasef("panel_logs_moderation_action_topic_delete", elementID, actor.Link, actor.Name)
var tbit string
aarr := strings.Split(action, "-")
switch aarr[0] {
case "lock","unlock","stick","unstick":
tbit = aarr[0]
case "move":
if len(aarr) == 2 {
fid, _ := strconv.Atoi(aarr[1])
forum, err := c.Forums.Get(fid)
if err == nil {
return phrases.GetTmplPhrasef("panel_logs_moderation_action_topic_move_dest", topic.Link, topic.Title, forum.Link, forum.Name, actor.Link, actor.Name)
tbit = "move"
return phrases.GetTmplPhrasef("panel_logs_moderation_action_topic_unknown", action, elementType, actor.Link, actor.Name)
if tbit != "" {
return phrases.GetTmplPhrasef("panel_logs_moderation_action_topic_"+tbit, topic.Link, topic.Title, actor.Link, actor.Name)
return fmt.Sprintf(out, topic.Link, topic.Title, actor.Link, actor.Name)
func modlogsElementType(action string, elementType string, elementID int, actor *c.User) (out string) {
switch elementType {
case "topic":
topic := handleUnknownTopic(c.Topics.Get(elementID))
out = topicElementTypeAction(action, elementType, elementID, actor, topic)
case "user":
targetUser := handleUnknownUser(c.Users.Get(elementID))
out = phrases.GetTmplPhrasef("panel_logs_moderation_action_user_"+action, targetUser.Link, targetUser.Name, actor.Link, actor.Name)
case "reply":
if action == "delete" {
topic := handleUnknownTopic(c.TopicByReplyID(elementID))
out = phrases.GetTmplPhrasef("panel_logs_moderation_action_reply_delete", topic.Link, topic.Title, actor.Link, actor.Name)
if out == "" {
out = phrases.GetTmplPhrasef("panel_logs_moderation_action_unknown", action, elementType, actor.Link, actor.Name)
return out
func LogsMod(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user c.User) c.RouteError {
basePage, ferr := buildBasePage(w, r, &user, "mod_logs", "logs")
if ferr != nil {
return ferr
logCount := c.ModLogs.GlobalCount()
page, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue("page"))
perPage := 10
offset, page, lastPage := c.PageOffset(logCount, page, perPage)
logs, err := c.ModLogs.GetOffset(offset, perPage)
if err != nil {
return c.InternalError(err, w, r)
var llist = make([]c.PageLogItem, len(logs))
for index, log := range logs {
actor := handleUnknownUser(c.Users.Get(log.ActorID))
action := modlogsElementType(log.Action, log.ElementType, log.ElementID, actor)
llist[index] = c.PageLogItem{Action: template.HTML(action), IPAddress: log.IPAddress, DoneAt: log.DoneAt}
pageList := c.Paginate(logCount, perPage, 5)
pi := c.PanelLogsPage{basePage, llist, c.Paginator{pageList, page, lastPage}}
return renderTemplate("panel", w, r, basePage.Header, c.Panel{basePage,"","","panel_modlogs", pi})
func LogsAdmin(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user c.User) c.RouteError {
basePage, ferr := buildBasePage(w, r, &user, "admin_logs", "logs")
if ferr != nil {
return ferr
logCount := c.ModLogs.GlobalCount()
page, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.FormValue("page"))
perPage := 10
offset, page, lastPage := c.PageOffset(logCount, page, perPage)
logs, err := c.AdminLogs.GetOffset(offset, perPage)
if err != nil {
return c.InternalError(err, w, r)
var llist = make([]c.PageLogItem, len(logs))
for index, log := range logs {
actor := handleUnknownUser(c.Users.Get(log.ActorID))
action := modlogsElementType(log.Action, log.ElementType, log.ElementID, actor)
llist[index] = c.PageLogItem{Action: template.HTML(action), IPAddress: log.IPAddress, DoneAt: log.DoneAt}
pageList := c.Paginate(logCount, perPage, 5)
pi := c.PanelLogsPage{basePage, llist, c.Paginator{pageList, page, lastPage}}
return renderTemplate("panel", w, r, basePage.Header, c.Panel{basePage,"","","panel_adminlogs", pi})