Azareal 0e5d0e649e Relative times are now shown for all the topics on /topics/ and /forum/
You can now see which forum the topics are in on the topic list.
Relative times are now calculated in real-time rather than once at start-up. I'm not sure how it ended up like that.
Fixed an issue with the lastReplyAt field not being populated for topics.
We now have relative times for weeks and months.
2017-02-06 04:52:19 +00:00

13 lines
1.0 KiB

{{template "header.html" . }}
<div class="rowblock">
<div class="rowitem rowhead"><a>Topic List</a></div>
<div class="rowblock">
{{range .ItemList}}<div class="rowitem passive" style="{{if .Avatar}}background-image: url({{.Avatar}});background-position: left;background-repeat: no-repeat;background-size: 64px;padding-left: 72px;{{end}}{{if .Sticky}}background-color: #FFFFCC;{{else if .Is_Closed}}background-color: #eaeaea;{{end}}">
<a href="/topic/{{.ID}}">{{.Title}}</a> {{if .ForumName}}<a href="/forum/{{.ParentID}}" style="font-size:12px;">{{.ForumName}}</a> {{end}}
{{if .Is_Closed}}<span class="username topic_status_e topic_status_closed" style="float: right;position:relative;top:-5px;margin-left:8px;" title="Status: Closed">&#x1F512;&#xFE0E</span>{{end}}
<a style="float: right;font-size:12px;">{{.LastReplyAt}}</a>
{{else}}<div class="rowitem passive">There aren't any topics yet.{{if .CurrentUser.Perms.CreateTopic}} <a href="/topics/create/">Start one?</a>{{end}}</div>{{end}}
{{template "footer.html" . }}