Azareal 9f273a99f5 Trying to reduce the amount of UserCheck() boilerplate in the routes.
Reduced the amount of boilerplate in routes with renderTemplate()
Reduced the amount of boilerplate in routes with ParseSEOURL()
Removed some dated commented bits of code.
Used StashConfig in a few more places in the benchmarks to reduce the amount of boilerplate.

Renamed the pre_render_forum_list hook to pre_render_forums.
Renamed the pre_render_topic_list hook to pre_render_topics.
Renamed a few benchmark variables to simplify the code.
2018-11-12 19:23:36 +10:00

120 lines
4.0 KiB

package routes
import (
type ProfileStmts struct {
getReplies *sql.Stmt
var profileStmts ProfileStmts
// TODO: Move these DbInits into some sort of abstraction
func init() {
common.DbInits.Add(func(acc *qgen.Accumulator) error {
profileStmts = ProfileStmts{
getReplies: acc.SimpleLeftJoin("users_replies", "users", "users_replies.rid, users_replies.content, users_replies.createdBy, users_replies.createdAt, users_replies.lastEdit, users_replies.lastEditBy, users.avatar, users.name, users.group", "users_replies.createdBy = users.uid", "users_replies.uid = ?", "", ""),
return acc.FirstError()
// TODO: Remove the View part of the name?
func ViewProfile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, user common.User, header *common.Header) common.RouteError {
// TODO: Preload this?
header.AddSheet(header.Theme.Name + "/profile.css")
var err error
var replyCreatedAt time.Time
var replyContent, replyCreatedByName, replyRelativeCreatedAt, replyAvatar, replyMicroAvatar, replyTag, replyClassName string
var rid, replyCreatedBy, replyLastEdit, replyLastEditBy, replyLines, replyGroup int
var replyList []common.ReplyUser
// TODO: Do a 301 if it's the wrong username? Do a canonical too?
_, pid, err := ParseSEOURL(r.URL.Path[len("/user/"):])
if err != nil {
return common.LocalError("The provided UserID is not a valid number.", w, r, user)
var puser *common.User
if pid == user.ID {
user.IsMod = true
puser = &user
} else {
// Fetch the user data
// TODO: Add a shared function for checking for ErrNoRows and internal erroring if it's not that case?
puser, err = common.Users.Get(pid)
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
return common.NotFound(w, r, header)
} else if err != nil {
return common.InternalError(err, w, r)
header.Title = phrases.GetTitlePhrasef("profile", puser.Name)
header.Path = common.BuildProfileURL(common.NameToSlug(puser.Name), puser.ID)
// Get the replies..
rows, err := profileStmts.getReplies.Query(puser.ID)
if err != nil {
return common.InternalError(err, w, r)
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
err := rows.Scan(&rid, &replyContent, &replyCreatedBy, &replyCreatedAt, &replyLastEdit, &replyLastEditBy, &replyAvatar, &replyCreatedByName, &replyGroup)
if err != nil {
return common.InternalError(err, w, r)
group, err := common.Groups.Get(replyGroup)
if err != nil {
return common.InternalError(err, w, r)
replyLines = strings.Count(replyContent, "\n")
if group.IsMod {
replyClassName = common.Config.StaffCSS
} else {
replyClassName = ""
replyAvatar, replyMicroAvatar = common.BuildAvatar(replyCreatedBy, replyAvatar)
if group.Tag != "" {
replyTag = group.Tag
} else if puser.ID == replyCreatedBy {
replyTag = phrases.GetTmplPhrase("profile_owner_tag")
} else {
replyTag = ""
replyLiked := false
replyLikeCount := 0
replyRelativeCreatedAt = common.RelativeTime(replyCreatedAt)
// TODO: Add a hook here
replyList = append(replyList, common.ReplyUser{rid, puser.ID, replyContent, common.ParseMessage(replyContent, 0, ""), replyCreatedBy, common.BuildProfileURL(common.NameToSlug(replyCreatedByName), replyCreatedBy), replyCreatedByName, replyGroup, replyCreatedAt, replyRelativeCreatedAt, replyLastEdit, replyLastEditBy, replyAvatar, replyMicroAvatar, replyClassName, replyLines, replyTag, "", "", "", 0, "", replyLiked, replyLikeCount, "", ""})
err = rows.Err()
if err != nil {
return common.InternalError(err, w, r)
// Normalise the score so that the user sees their relative progress to the next level rather than showing them their total score
prevScore := common.GetLevelScore(puser.Level)
currentScore := puser.Score - prevScore
nextScore := common.GetLevelScore(puser.Level+1) - prevScore
ppage := common.ProfilePage{header, replyList, *puser, currentScore, nextScore}
return renderTemplate("profile", w, r, header, ppage)