Azareal ffdc9e7705 Adminlogs: Custom pages, settings, word filters and backups.
WordFilters.Create now returns the ID.
Add the WordFilters.Get method.
Reduce the boilerplate in the backup page and page store.

Sanitise the names and titles in the Page Manager.

Add page_unknown phrase.
Add setting_unknown phrase.
Add panel_logs_administration_action_page_create phrase.
Add panel_logs_administration_action_page_delete phrase.
Add panel_logs_administration_action_page_edit phrase.
Add panel_logs_administration_action_setting_edit phrase.
Add panel_logs_administration_action_word_filter_create phrase.
Add panel_logs_administration_action_word_filter_delete phrase.
Add panel_logs_administration_action_word_filter_edit phrase.
Add panel_logs_administration_action_backup_download phrase.
2019-11-09 07:46:50 +10:00

176 lines
4.6 KiB

package common
import (
qgen "github.com/Azareal/Gosora/query_gen"
type CustomPageStmts struct {
update *sql.Stmt
create *sql.Stmt
var customPageStmts CustomPageStmts
func init() {
DbInits.Add(func(acc *qgen.Accumulator) error {
customPageStmts = CustomPageStmts{
update: acc.Update("pages").Set("name = ?, title = ?, body = ?, allowedGroups = ?, menuID = ?").Where("pid = ?").Prepare(),
create: acc.Insert("pages").Columns("name, title, body, allowedGroups, menuID").Fields("?,?,?,?,?").Prepare(),
return acc.FirstError()
type CustomPage struct {
ID int
Name string // TODO: Let admins put pages in "virtual subdirectories"
Title string
Body string
AllowedGroups []int
MenuID int
func BlankCustomPage() *CustomPage {
return new(CustomPage)
func (p *CustomPage) AddAllowedGroup(gid int) {
p.AllowedGroups = append(p.AllowedGroups, gid)
func (p *CustomPage) getRawAllowedGroups() (rawAllowedGroups string) {
for _, group := range p.AllowedGroups {
rawAllowedGroups += strconv.Itoa(group) + ","
if len(rawAllowedGroups) > 0 {
rawAllowedGroups = rawAllowedGroups[:len(rawAllowedGroups)-1]
return rawAllowedGroups
func (p *CustomPage) Commit() error {
_, err := customPageStmts.update.Exec(p.Name, p.Title, p.Body, p.getRawAllowedGroups(), p.MenuID, p.ID)
return err
func (p *CustomPage) Create() (int, error) {
res, err := customPageStmts.create.Exec(p.Name, p.Title, p.Body, p.getRawAllowedGroups(), p.MenuID)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
pid64, err := res.LastInsertId()
return int(pid64), err
var Pages PageStore
// Holds the custom pages, but doesn't include the template pages in /pages/ which are a lot more flexible yet harder to use and which are too risky security-wise to make editable in the Control Panel
type PageStore interface {
Count() (count int)
Get(id int) (*CustomPage, error)
GetByName(name string) (*CustomPage, error)
GetOffset(offset int, perPage int) (pages []*CustomPage, err error)
Reload(id int) error
Delete(id int) error
// TODO: Add a cache to this to save on the queries
type DefaultPageStore struct {
get *sql.Stmt
getByName *sql.Stmt
getOffset *sql.Stmt
count *sql.Stmt
delete *sql.Stmt
func NewDefaultPageStore(acc *qgen.Accumulator) (*DefaultPageStore, error) {
pa := "pages"
return &DefaultPageStore{
get: acc.Select(pa).Columns("name, title, body, allowedGroups, menuID").Where("pid = ?").Prepare(),
getByName: acc.Select(pa).Columns("pid, name, title, body, allowedGroups, menuID").Where("name = ?").Prepare(),
getOffset: acc.Select(pa).Columns("pid, name, title, body, allowedGroups, menuID").Orderby("pid DESC").Limit("?,?").Prepare(),
count: acc.Count(pa).Prepare(),
delete: acc.Delete(pa).Where("pid = ?").Prepare(),
}, acc.FirstError()
func (s *DefaultPageStore) Count() (count int) {
err := s.count.QueryRow().Scan(&count)
if err != nil {
return count
func (s *DefaultPageStore) parseAllowedGroups(raw string, page *CustomPage) error {
if raw == "" {
return nil
for _, sgroup := range strings.Split(raw, ",") {
group, err := strconv.Atoi(sgroup)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *DefaultPageStore) Get(id int) (*CustomPage, error) {
p := &CustomPage{ID: id}
rawAllowedGroups := ""
err := s.get.QueryRow(id).Scan(&p.Name, &p.Title, &p.Body, &rawAllowedGroups, &p.MenuID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return p, s.parseAllowedGroups(rawAllowedGroups, p)
func (s *DefaultPageStore) GetByName(name string) (*CustomPage, error) {
p := BlankCustomPage()
rawAllowedGroups := ""
err := s.getByName.QueryRow(name).Scan(&p.ID, &p.Name, &p.Title, &p.Body, &rawAllowedGroups, &p.MenuID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return p, s.parseAllowedGroups(rawAllowedGroups, p)
func (s *DefaultPageStore) GetOffset(offset int, perPage int) (pages []*CustomPage, err error) {
rows, err := s.getOffset.Query(offset, perPage)
if err != nil {
return pages, err
defer rows.Close()
for rows.Next() {
p := &CustomPage{ID: 0}
rawAllowedGroups := ""
err := rows.Scan(&p.ID, &p.Name, &p.Title, &p.Body, &rawAllowedGroups, &p.MenuID)
if err != nil {
return pages, err
err = s.parseAllowedGroups(rawAllowedGroups, p)
if err != nil {
return pages, err
pages = append(pages, p)
return pages, rows.Err()
// Always returns nil as there's currently no cache
func (s *DefaultPageStore) Reload(id int) error {
return nil
func (s *DefaultPageStore) Delete(id int) error {
_, err := s.delete.Exec(id)
return err