The porting is still underway, part of it relies on functionality which hasn't be implemented in Gosora yet like sidebars and alerts. Restructured the BBCode parser plugin. Added the [code] tag to the BBCode parser. Disabled by default for now. Added a benchmark for comparing performance between when [code] is enabled and when it isn't. Tweaked the templates to make them more flexible, thus allowing a wider variety of themes. Images of the themes can now be found in the Theme Manager. There's an emoji on each theme row to show which themes are mobile friendly and which aren't. Fixed editing and deleting posts on Tempra Conflux. Moved a large portion of the inline CSS in the topic_alt template into the stylesheets.
288 lines
8.4 KiB
288 lines
8.4 KiB
/* Copyright Azareal 2016 - 2017 */
package main
//import "fmt"
import "log"
import "io"
import "os"
import "strings"
import "mime"
import "io/ioutil"
import "path/filepath"
import "encoding/json"
import "net/http"
var defaultTheme string
var themes map[string]Theme = make(map[string]Theme)
//var overriden_templates map[string]interface{} = make(map[string]interface{})
var overriden_templates map[string]bool = make(map[string]bool)
type Theme struct
Name string
FriendlyName string
Version string
Creator string
FullImage string
MobileFriendly bool
Settings map[string]ThemeSetting
Templates []TemplateMapping
// This variable should only be set and unset by the system, not the theme meta file
Active bool
type ThemeSetting struct
FriendlyName string
Options []string
type TemplateMapping struct
Name string
Source string
//When string
func init_themes() {
themeFiles, err := ioutil.ReadDir("./themes")
if err != nil {
for _, themeFile := range themeFiles {
if !themeFile.IsDir() {
themeName := themeFile.Name()
log.Print("Adding theme '" + themeName + "'")
themeFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile("./themes/" + themeName + "/theme.json")
if err != nil {
var theme Theme
err = json.Unmarshal(themeFile, &theme)
if err != nil {
theme.Active = false // Set this to false, just in case someone explicitly overrode this value in the JSON file
if theme.FullImage != "" {
log.Print("Adding theme image")
err = add_static_file("./themes/" + themeName + "/" + theme.FullImage, "./themes/" + themeName)
if err != nil {
themes[theme.Name] = theme
func add_theme_static_files(themeName string) {
err := filepath.Walk("./themes/" + themeName + "/public", func(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if f.IsDir() {
return nil
path = strings.Replace(path,"\\","/",-1)
log.Print("Attempting to add static file '" + path + "' for default theme '" + themeName + "'")
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return err
path = strings.TrimPrefix(path,"themes/" + themeName + "/public")
log.Print("Added the '" + path + "' static file for default theme " + themeName + ".")
static_files["/static" + path] = SFile{data,0,int64(len(data)),mime.TypeByExtension(filepath.Ext("/themes/" + themeName + "/public" + path)),f,f.ModTime().UTC().Format(http.TimeFormat)}
return nil
if err != nil {
func map_theme_templates(theme Theme) {
if theme.Templates != nil {
for _, themeTmpl := range theme.Templates {
if themeTmpl.Name == "" {
log.Fatal("Invalid destination template name")
if themeTmpl.Source == "" {
log.Fatal("Invalid source template name")
// `go generate` is one possibility for letting plugins inject custom page structs, but it would simply add another step of compilation. It might be simpler than the current build process from the perspective of the administrator?
dest_tmpl_ptr, ok := tmpl_ptr_map[themeTmpl.Name]
if !ok {
log.Fatal("The destination template doesn't exist!")
source_tmpl_ptr, ok := tmpl_ptr_map[themeTmpl.Source]
if !ok {
log.Fatal("The source template doesn't exist!")
switch d_tmpl_ptr := dest_tmpl_ptr.(type) {
case *func(TopicPage,io.Writer):
switch s_tmpl_ptr := source_tmpl_ptr.(type) {
case *func(TopicPage,io.Writer):
//overriden_templates[themeTmpl.Name] = d_tmpl_ptr
overriden_templates[themeTmpl.Name] = true
//log.Print("Topic Handle")
*d_tmpl_ptr = *s_tmpl_ptr
log.Fatal("The source and destination templates are incompatible")
case *func(TopicsPage,io.Writer):
switch s_tmpl_ptr := source_tmpl_ptr.(type) {
case *func(TopicsPage,io.Writer):
//overriden_templates[themeTmpl.Name] = d_tmpl_ptr
overriden_templates[themeTmpl.Name] = true
*d_tmpl_ptr = *s_tmpl_ptr
log.Fatal("The source and destination templates are incompatible")
case *func(ForumPage,io.Writer):
switch s_tmpl_ptr := source_tmpl_ptr.(type) {
case *func(ForumPage,io.Writer):
//overriden_templates[themeTmpl.Name] = d_tmpl_ptr
overriden_templates[themeTmpl.Name] = true
*d_tmpl_ptr = *s_tmpl_ptr
log.Fatal("The source and destination templates are incompatible")
case *func(ForumsPage,io.Writer):
switch s_tmpl_ptr := source_tmpl_ptr.(type) {
case *func(ForumsPage,io.Writer):
//overriden_templates[themeTmpl.Name] = d_tmpl_ptr
overriden_templates[themeTmpl.Name] = true
*d_tmpl_ptr = *s_tmpl_ptr
log.Fatal("The source and destination templates are incompatible")
case *func(ProfilePage,io.Writer):
switch s_tmpl_ptr := source_tmpl_ptr.(type) {
case *func(ProfilePage,io.Writer):
//overriden_templates[themeTmpl.Name] = d_tmpl_ptr
overriden_templates[themeTmpl.Name] = true
*d_tmpl_ptr = *s_tmpl_ptr
log.Fatal("The source and destination templates are incompatible")
case *func(Page,io.Writer):
switch s_tmpl_ptr := source_tmpl_ptr.(type) {
case *func(Page,io.Writer):
//overriden_templates[themeTmpl.Name] = d_tmpl_ptr
overriden_templates[themeTmpl.Name] = true
*d_tmpl_ptr = *s_tmpl_ptr
log.Fatal("The source and destination templates are incompatible")
log.Fatal("Unknown destination template type!")
func reset_template_overrides() {
log.Print("Resetting the template overrides")
for name, _ := range overriden_templates {
log.Print("Resetting '" + name + "' template override")
origin_pointer, ok := tmpl_ptr_map["o_" + name]
if !ok {
//log.Fatal("The origin template doesn't exist!")
log.Print("The origin template doesn't exist!")
dest_tmpl_ptr, ok := tmpl_ptr_map[name]
if !ok {
//log.Fatal("The destination template doesn't exist!")
log.Print("The destination template doesn't exist!")
// Not really a pointer, more of a function handle, an artifact from one of the earlier versions of themes.go
switch o_ptr := origin_pointer.(type) {
case func(TopicPage,io.Writer):
switch d_ptr := dest_tmpl_ptr.(type) {
case *func(TopicPage,io.Writer):
//log.Print("Topic Handle")
*d_ptr = o_ptr
log.Fatal("The origin and destination templates are incompatible")
case func(TopicsPage,io.Writer):
switch d_ptr := dest_tmpl_ptr.(type) {
case *func(TopicsPage,io.Writer):
*d_ptr = o_ptr
log.Fatal("The origin and destination templates are incompatible")
case func(ForumPage,io.Writer):
switch d_ptr := dest_tmpl_ptr.(type) {
case *func(ForumPage,io.Writer):
*d_ptr = o_ptr
log.Fatal("The origin and destination templates are incompatible")
case func(ForumsPage,io.Writer):
switch d_ptr := dest_tmpl_ptr.(type) {
case *func(ForumsPage,io.Writer):
*d_ptr = o_ptr
log.Fatal("The origin and destination templates are incompatible")
case func(ProfilePage,io.Writer):
switch d_ptr := dest_tmpl_ptr.(type) {
case *func(ProfilePage,io.Writer):
*d_ptr = o_ptr
log.Fatal("The origin and destination templates are incompatible")
log.Fatal("Unknown destination template type!")
log.Print("The template override was reset")
overriden_templates = make(map[string]bool)
log.Print("All of the template overrides have been reset")