Trying to add support for Travis CI. Added the NullUserStore for tests. Moved more text out of the templates. Removed an unnecessary dependency for Cosora. Fixed a few more bugs in the MSSQL Adapter. Disabled upserts for now, as it isn't working on MySQL. Refactored the scheduled group logic to reduce the number of potential bugs and to stop using upserts. Fixed many bugs in the Markdown Plugin. Added the ability to escape Markdown. Fixed a number of tests, commented unneccesary ones, and added new ones to probe for new problems. Added the wink smiley. Cleaned up some of the JavaScript. Refactored the permissions logic to use transactions and avoid duplicating logic. Added the ChangeRank method to the Group struct. Added the ChangeGroup method to the User struct. Added the currently unused LogWarning function. Added the transaction versions of the builder methods. Better ones coming up soon! The IsBanned flag is always set to false on mod and admin groups now. Refactored the group creation logic to use transactions. Fixed a bug in the group creator where new groups aren't visible to Exists(). The installer now drops tables for MySQL Databases, if they already exist to make it easier for us to run automated tests. Added more ARIA Attributes.
720 lines
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720 lines
17 KiB
package main
import (
// TODO: Refactor the perms system
var permUpdateMutex sync.Mutex
var BlankPerms Perms
var BlankForumPerms ForumPerms
var GuestPerms Perms
var ReadForumPerms ForumPerms
var ReadReplyForumPerms ForumPerms
var ReadWriteForumPerms ForumPerms
var AllPerms Perms
var AllForumPerms ForumPerms
var AllPluginPerms = make(map[string]bool)
// ? - Can we avoid duplicating the items in this list in a bunch of places?
var LocalPermList = []string{
// ? - Can we avoid duplicating the items in this list in a bunch of places?
var GlobalPermList = []string{
// Permission Structure: ActionComponent[Subcomponent]Flag
type Perms struct {
// Global Permissions
BanUsers bool
ActivateUsers bool
EditUser bool
EditUserEmail bool
EditUserPassword bool
EditUserGroup bool
EditUserGroupSuperMod bool
EditUserGroupAdmin bool
EditGroup bool
EditGroupLocalPerms bool
EditGroupGlobalPerms bool
EditGroupSuperMod bool
EditGroupAdmin bool
ManageForums bool // This could be local, albeit limited for per-forum managers?
EditSettings bool
ManageThemes bool
ManagePlugins bool
ViewAdminLogs bool
ViewIPs bool
// Global non-staff permissions
UploadFiles bool
// TODO: Add a permission for enabling avatars
// Forum permissions
ViewTopic bool
LikeItem bool
CreateTopic bool
EditTopic bool
DeleteTopic bool
CreateReply bool
//CreateReplyToOwn bool
EditReply bool
//EditOwnReply bool
DeleteReply bool
PinTopic bool
CloseTopic bool
//CloseOwnTopic bool
//ExtData map[string]bool
/* Inherit from group permissions for ones we don't have */
type ForumPerms struct {
ViewTopic bool
LikeItem bool
CreateTopic bool
EditTopic bool
DeleteTopic bool
CreateReply bool
//CreateReplyToOwn bool
EditReply bool
//EditOwnReply bool
DeleteReply bool
PinTopic bool
CloseTopic bool
//CloseOwnTopic bool
Overrides bool
ExtData map[string]bool
func init() {
BlankPerms = Perms{
//ExtData: make(map[string]bool),
BlankForumPerms = ForumPerms{
ExtData: make(map[string]bool),
GuestPerms = Perms{
ViewTopic: true,
//ExtData: make(map[string]bool),
AllPerms = Perms{
BanUsers: true,
ActivateUsers: true,
EditUser: true,
EditUserEmail: true,
EditUserPassword: true,
EditUserGroup: true,
EditUserGroupSuperMod: true,
EditUserGroupAdmin: true,
EditGroup: true,
EditGroupLocalPerms: true,
EditGroupGlobalPerms: true,
EditGroupSuperMod: true,
EditGroupAdmin: true,
ManageForums: true,
EditSettings: true,
ManageThemes: true,
ManagePlugins: true,
ViewAdminLogs: true,
ViewIPs: true,
UploadFiles: true,
ViewTopic: true,
LikeItem: true,
CreateTopic: true,
EditTopic: true,
DeleteTopic: true,
CreateReply: true,
EditReply: true,
DeleteReply: true,
PinTopic: true,
CloseTopic: true,
//ExtData: make(map[string]bool),
AllForumPerms = ForumPerms{
ViewTopic: true,
LikeItem: true,
CreateTopic: true,
EditTopic: true,
DeleteTopic: true,
CreateReply: true,
EditReply: true,
DeleteReply: true,
PinTopic: true,
CloseTopic: true,
Overrides: true,
ExtData: make(map[string]bool),
ReadWriteForumPerms = ForumPerms{
ViewTopic: true,
LikeItem: true,
CreateTopic: true,
CreateReply: true,
Overrides: true,
ExtData: make(map[string]bool),
ReadReplyForumPerms = ForumPerms{
ViewTopic: true,
LikeItem: true,
CreateReply: true,
Overrides: true,
ExtData: make(map[string]bool),
ReadForumPerms = ForumPerms{
ViewTopic: true,
Overrides: true,
ExtData: make(map[string]bool),
guestUser.Perms = GuestPerms
if dev.DebugMode {
log.Printf("Guest Perms: %+v\n", GuestPerms)
log.Printf("All Perms: %+v\n", AllPerms)
func presetToPermmap(preset string) (out map[string]ForumPerms) {
out = make(map[string]ForumPerms)
switch preset {
case "all":
out["guests"] = ReadForumPerms
out["members"] = ReadWriteForumPerms
out["staff"] = AllForumPerms
out["admins"] = AllForumPerms
case "announce":
out["guests"] = ReadForumPerms
out["members"] = ReadReplyForumPerms
out["staff"] = AllForumPerms
out["admins"] = AllForumPerms
case "members":
out["guests"] = BlankForumPerms
out["members"] = ReadWriteForumPerms
out["staff"] = AllForumPerms
out["admins"] = AllForumPerms
case "staff":
out["guests"] = BlankForumPerms
out["members"] = BlankForumPerms
out["staff"] = ReadWriteForumPerms
out["admins"] = AllForumPerms
case "admins":
out["guests"] = BlankForumPerms
out["members"] = BlankForumPerms
out["staff"] = BlankForumPerms
out["admins"] = AllForumPerms
case "archive":
out["guests"] = ReadForumPerms
out["members"] = ReadForumPerms
out["staff"] = ReadForumPerms
out["admins"] = ReadForumPerms //CurateForumPerms. Delete / Edit but no create?
out["guests"] = BlankForumPerms
out["members"] = BlankForumPerms
out["staff"] = BlankForumPerms
out["admins"] = BlankForumPerms
return out
func permmapToQuery(permmap map[string]ForumPerms, fid int) error {
tx, err := db.Begin()
if err != nil {
return err
defer tx.Rollback()
deleteForumPermsByForumTx, err := qgen.Builder.SimpleDeleteTx(tx, "forums_permissions", "fid = ?")
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = deleteForumPermsByForumTx.Exec(fid)
if err != nil {
return err
perms, err := json.Marshal(permmap["admins"])
if err != nil {
return err
addForumPermsToForumAdminsTx, err := qgen.Builder.SimpleInsertSelectTx(tx,
qgen.DB_Insert{"forums_permissions", "gid, fid, preset, permissions", ""},
qgen.DB_Select{"users_groups", "gid, ? AS fid, ? AS preset, ? AS permissions", "is_admin = 1", "", ""},
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = addForumPermsToForumAdminsTx.Exec(fid, "", perms)
if err != nil {
return err
perms, err = json.Marshal(permmap["staff"])
if err != nil {
return err
addForumPermsToForumStaffTx, err := qgen.Builder.SimpleInsertSelectTx(tx,
qgen.DB_Insert{"forums_permissions", "gid, fid, preset, permissions", ""},
qgen.DB_Select{"users_groups", "gid, ? AS fid, ? AS preset, ? AS permissions", "is_admin = 0 AND is_mod = 1", "", ""},
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = addForumPermsToForumStaffTx.Exec(fid, "", perms)
if err != nil {
return err
perms, err = json.Marshal(permmap["members"])
if err != nil {
return err
addForumPermsToForumMembersTx, err := qgen.Builder.SimpleInsertSelectTx(tx,
qgen.DB_Insert{"forums_permissions", "gid, fid, preset, permissions", ""},
qgen.DB_Select{"users_groups", "gid, ? AS fid, ? AS preset, ? AS permissions", "is_admin = 0 AND is_mod = 0 AND is_banned = 0", "", ""},
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = addForumPermsToForumMembersTx.Exec(fid, "", perms)
if err != nil {
return err
// 6 is the ID of the Not Loggedin Group
// TODO: Use a shared variable rather than a literal for the group ID
err = replaceForumPermsForGroupTx(tx, 6, map[int]string{fid: ""}, map[int]ForumPerms{fid: permmap["guests"]})
if err != nil {
return err
err = tx.Commit()
if err != nil {
return err
defer permUpdateMutex.Unlock()
return rebuildForumPermissions(fid)
func replaceForumPermsForGroup(gid int, presetSet map[int]string, permSets map[int]ForumPerms) error {
tx, err := db.Begin()
if err != nil {
return err
defer tx.Rollback()
err = replaceForumPermsForGroupTx(tx, gid, presetSet, permSets)
if err != nil {
return err
return tx.Commit()
func replaceForumPermsForGroupTx(tx *sql.Tx, gid int, presetSets map[int]string, permSets map[int]ForumPerms) error {
deleteForumPermsForGroupTx, err := qgen.Builder.SimpleDeleteTx(tx, "forums_permissions", "gid = ? AND fid = ?")
if err != nil {
return err
addForumPermsToGroupTx, err := qgen.Builder.SimpleInsertTx(tx, "forums_permissions", "gid, fid, preset, permissions", "?,?,?,?")
if err != nil {
return err
for fid, permSet := range permSets {
permstr, err := json.Marshal(permSet)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = deleteForumPermsForGroupTx.Exec(gid, fid)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = addForumPermsToGroupTx.Exec(gid, fid, presetSets[fid], string(permstr))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// TODO: Need a more thread-safe way of doing this. Possibly with sync.Map?
func rebuildForumPermissions(fid int) error {
if dev.DebugMode {
log.Print("Loading the forum permissions")
fids, err := fstore.GetAllIDs()
if err != nil {
return err
rows, err := db.Query("select gid, permissions from forums_permissions where fid = ? order by gid asc", fid)
if err != nil {
return err
defer rows.Close()
if dev.DebugMode {
log.Print("Updating the forum permissions")
for rows.Next() {
var gid int
var perms []byte
var pperms ForumPerms
err := rows.Scan(&gid, &perms)
if err != nil {
return err
err = json.Unmarshal(perms, &pperms)
if err != nil {
return err
pperms.ExtData = make(map[string]bool)
pperms.Overrides = true
_, ok := forumPerms[gid]
if !ok {
forumPerms[gid] = make(map[int]ForumPerms)
forumPerms[gid][fid] = pperms
groups, err := gstore.GetAll()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, group := range groups {
if dev.DebugMode {
log.Print("Updating the forum permissions for Group #" + strconv.Itoa(group.ID))
group.Forums = []ForumPerms{BlankForumPerms}
group.CanSee = []int{}
for _, ffid := range fids {
forumPerm, ok := forumPerms[group.ID][ffid]
if ok {
//log.Print("Overriding permissions for forum #" + strconv.Itoa(fid))
group.Forums = append(group.Forums, forumPerm)
} else {
//log.Print("Inheriting from default for forum #" + strconv.Itoa(fid))
forumPerm = BlankForumPerms
group.Forums = append(group.Forums, forumPerm)
if forumPerm.Overrides {
if forumPerm.ViewTopic {
group.CanSee = append(group.CanSee, ffid)
} else if group.Perms.ViewTopic {
group.CanSee = append(group.CanSee, ffid)
if dev.SuperDebug {
log.Printf("group.CanSee %+v\n", group.CanSee)
log.Printf("group.Forums %+v\n", group.Forums)
log.Print("len(group.CanSee)", len(group.CanSee))
log.Print("len(group.Forums)", len(group.Forums)) // This counts blank aka 0
return nil
// ? - We could have buildForumPermissions and rebuildForumPermissions call a third function containing common logic?
func buildForumPermissions() error {
fids, err := fstore.GetAllIDs()
if err != nil {
return err
if dev.SuperDebug {
log.Print("fids: ", fids)
rows, err := getForumsPermissionsStmt.Query()
if err != nil {
return err
defer rows.Close()
if dev.DebugMode {
log.Print("Adding the forum permissions")
if dev.SuperDebug {
// Temporarily store the forum perms in a map before transferring it to a much faster and thread-safe slice
forumPerms = make(map[int]map[int]ForumPerms)
for rows.Next() {
var gid, fid int
var perms []byte
var pperms ForumPerms
err = rows.Scan(&gid, &fid, &perms)
if err != nil {
return err
if dev.SuperDebug {
log.Print("perms: ", string(perms))
err = json.Unmarshal(perms, &pperms)
if err != nil {
return err
pperms.ExtData = make(map[string]bool)
pperms.Overrides = true
_, ok := forumPerms[gid]
if !ok {
forumPerms[gid] = make(map[int]ForumPerms)
if dev.SuperDebug {
log.Print("gid: ", gid)
log.Print("fid: ", fid)
log.Printf("perms: %+v;", pperms)
forumPerms[gid][fid] = pperms
groups, err := gstore.GetAll()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, group := range groups {
if dev.DebugMode {
log.Print("Adding the forum permissions for Group #" + strconv.Itoa(group.ID) + " - " + group.Name)
group.Forums = []ForumPerms{BlankForumPerms}
group.CanSee = []int{}
for _, fid := range fids {
if dev.SuperDebug {
log.Printf("Forum #%+v\n", fid)
forumPerm, ok := forumPerms[group.ID][fid]
if ok {
// Override group perms
//log.Print("Overriding permissions for forum #" + strconv.Itoa(fid))
group.Forums = append(group.Forums, forumPerm)
} else {
// Inherit from Group
//log.Print("Inheriting from default for forum #" + strconv.Itoa(fid))
forumPerm = BlankForumPerms
group.Forums = append(group.Forums, forumPerm)
if forumPerm.Overrides {
if forumPerm.ViewTopic {
group.CanSee = append(group.CanSee, fid)
} else if group.Perms.ViewTopic {
group.CanSee = append(group.CanSee, fid)
if dev.SuperDebug {
log.Print("group.ID: ", group.ID)
log.Printf("forumPerm: %+v\n", forumPerm)
log.Print("group.CanSee: ", group.CanSee)
if dev.SuperDebug {
log.Printf("group.CanSee %+v\n", group.CanSee)
log.Printf("group.Forums %+v\n", group.Forums)
log.Print("len(group.CanSee)", len(group.CanSee))
log.Print("len(group.Forums)", len(group.Forums)) // This counts blank aka 0
return nil
func forumPermsToGroupForumPreset(fperms ForumPerms) string {
if !fperms.Overrides {
return "default"
if !fperms.ViewTopic {
return "no_access"
var canPost = (fperms.LikeItem && fperms.CreateTopic && fperms.CreateReply)
var canModerate = (canPost && fperms.EditTopic && fperms.DeleteTopic && fperms.EditReply && fperms.DeleteReply && fperms.PinTopic && fperms.CloseTopic)
if canModerate {
return "can_moderate"
if fperms.EditTopic || fperms.DeleteTopic || fperms.EditReply || fperms.DeleteReply || fperms.PinTopic || fperms.CloseTopic {
if !canPost {
return "custom"
return "quasi_mod"
if canPost {
return "can_post"
if fperms.ViewTopic && !fperms.LikeItem && !fperms.CreateTopic && !fperms.CreateReply {
return "read_only"
return "custom"
func groupForumPresetToForumPerms(preset string) (fperms ForumPerms, changed bool) {
switch preset {
case "read_only":
return ReadForumPerms, true
case "can_post":
return ReadWriteForumPerms, true
case "can_moderate":
return AllForumPerms, true
case "no_access":
return ForumPerms{Overrides: true, ExtData: make(map[string]bool)}, true
case "default":
return BlankForumPerms, true
//case "custom": return fperms, false
return fperms, false
func stripInvalidGroupForumPreset(preset string) string {
switch preset {
case "read_only", "can_post", "can_moderate", "no_access", "default", "custom":
return preset
return ""
func stripInvalidPreset(preset string) string {
switch preset {
case "all", "announce", "members", "staff", "admins", "archive", "custom":
return preset
return ""
// TODO: Move this into the phrase system?
func presetToLang(preset string) string {
switch preset {
case "all":
return "Public"
case "announce":
return "Announcements"
case "members":
return "Member Only"
case "staff":
return "Staff Only"
case "admins":
return "Admin Only"
case "archive":
return "Archive"
case "custom":
return "Custom"
return ""
// TODO: Is this racey?
func rebuildGroupPermissions(gid int) error {
var permstr []byte
log.Print("Reloading a group")
err := db.QueryRow("select permissions from users_groups where gid = ?", gid).Scan(&permstr)
if err != nil {
return err
tmpPerms := Perms{
//ExtData: make(map[string]bool),
err = json.Unmarshal(permstr, &tmpPerms)
if err != nil {
return err
group, err := gstore.Get(gid)
if err != nil {
return err
group.Perms = tmpPerms
return nil
func overridePerms(perms *Perms, status bool) {
if status {
*perms = AllPerms
} else {
*perms = BlankPerms
// TODO: We need a better way of overriding forum perms rather than setting them one by one
func overrideForumPerms(perms *Perms, status bool) {
perms.ViewTopic = status
perms.LikeItem = status
perms.CreateTopic = status
perms.EditTopic = status
perms.DeleteTopic = status
perms.CreateReply = status
perms.EditReply = status
perms.DeleteReply = status
perms.PinTopic = status
perms.CloseTopic = status
func registerPluginPerm(name string) {
AllPluginPerms[name] = true
func deregisterPluginPerm(name string) {
delete(AllPluginPerms, name)